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In the first place, it is clear that the digital money wallet is not a real wallet, that the currency is not in the wallet, but that it is on the chain (in essence a bunch of numbers) as described above, and that the wallet is simply an application that allows you to open an account, search the balance, and transfer. In fact, each currency, in theory, makes your own wallet. So, most wallets on the market are easier to use, aggregate, or safer.


's cold wallet is characterized by never touching the net and is essentially a private key storage tool.


In a digital currency scenario, users do not need to keep their token, they need to keep their passwords or keys, which is a private key, and the transfer needs to be signed with a private key. The anonymity of the digital currency, the loss of the private key, you can no longer prove that the account is yours, so keep the private key properly.


  冷钱包即让这串字符永不触网,黑客难以盗取。具体方式包括把密钥放到安卓系统里,搭载这个系统的手机无法联网;或者把密钥存在芯片里,那黑客要偷就得攻破芯片了。冷钱包包括国外的 Ledger Nano S、Keepkey、Trezor;国内的库神、Bepal、碧盾、SealBlock、Wookong、钱包大师等。转账的时候硬件需要配合电脑或手机等联网设备使用。

Cold wallets keep these characters off the net, and hackers can't steal them. This can be done by putting keys in Andre's system, with cell phones on the system not connected, or by keeping keys in the chip, so hackers have to break chips. Cold wallets include Ledger Nano S, Keepkey, Trezor from abroad; domestic vaults, Bepal, Beaguile, SealBlock, Wookong, wallet masters, etc.

  热钱包顾名思义就是私钥触网,常见的形态就是手机 APP 和电脑网页,整个开户、生成私钥和转账的过程联网,还经常需要输入私钥,大部分人当然是复制粘贴,可见一旦有人入侵了你的电脑是非常不安全。不过安全的话题我们在此不多聊,有兴趣的读者可以关注我们即将产出的研报。常见的热钱包有 imToken、Kcash、比特派、MetaMask、My Ether Wallet。

The hot wallets, by definition, are private key contacts, often in the form of mobile phones APPs and computer pages, connected to the entire process of opening accounts, generating private keys and transferring transfers, and often require private keys, most of which are copied and stickers, so it's very unsafe to see if someone's hacking your computer. But we don't talk about safety here, and interested readers can focus on what we're about to produce. The usual hot wallets are imToken, Kcash, Bits, Metamask, My Ether Wallet.


There is also a wallet, called the Host Wallet, which is simply an electronic wallet to keep your private key, and the user only needs an account name and a password, and the wallet's backstage is used to sign it. The advantage is that it's easy to operate, like the logic of the exchange wallet. These are currency letters, Cobo, the cellular chain, and so on.



How do you make money in a digital wallet?


After introducing the wallet, you may already have some ideas. The sad thing about digital money wallets is that they are not profitable and fees are paid to miners; and, with few digital moneys at present, not many people really think of them as “currency” or more as “assets. That is why the wallets were successful at the time of the exchange, and the wallets struggled on the edge of survival. For payment of treasures and micro-letters, it might be the income of one company alone.


The profit model that

  1、To B 输出安全解决方案或者卖硬件。

1, ToB exports security solutions or sells hardware.

  这两种本质上是一个事情:售卖安全解决方案。硬件钱包主要目标用户是追求安全的大户,说到极致就是 token fund、交易所、项目方、矿场等 B 端企业。给 B 端提供的不可能只是硬件,肯定是整套解决方案,不过这实在有点不性感,且网络效应低。本文重点讨论 to C 钱包的盈利模式。

Both are essentially a matter of selling safety solutions. The main users of hardware wallets are large households seeking safety, and the best is token fund, exchange, project, mine, etc. End B companies. The offer to end B cannot be just hardware, it must be a set of solutions, but it's a little less sexy and it's a low network effect. focuses on the profit model to C wallets.

  单纯靠卖硬件,在数字货币市场里能不能盈利就更难说了。如果把硬件钱包划分为消费电子产品,企业不达到一定销量规模或毛利率极难盈利。2012-2014 年,除苹果三星以外没有一家消费电子公司毛利率超 10%;2017 年第一、二季度,苹果分别占全球智能手机利润的 92% 和 83%,三星分别占 9% 和 12.9%,这意味着绝大多数厂商亏损。

It is even harder to say whether there is a profit in the digital money market simply by selling hardware. If divides hardware wallets into consumer electronics, it is extremely difficult for businesses not to achieve a certain volume of sales or a Maori rate. 2012-2014, no consumer electronics company other than Apple Star had a Māori rate of more than 10 per cent; in the first and second quarters of 2017, apples accounted for 92 per cent and 83 per cent of global smartphone profits, respectively, and Samstar accounted for 9 per cent and 12.9 per cent, respectively, which means that most producers lost.


The consumer hardware market is characterized by a high degree of homogenization of products, a price war inevitable, and a global profit margin-based product with only apples. Apples’ competitiveness lies in the closed ecology of their hardware and software.


So, while the core of the wallet is safe, it is clear that the wallets go further and further for profit and for the sake of user stickyness.


2 for sound financial management in financial operations.

  这跟支付宝上线余额宝是一个道理,切的是钱包用户的对应资产——短期内不准备流通的资产。比如 Kcash 接入了量化基金企业 Tokenmania 提供的“余币宝”产品;公信宝钱包布洛克城接入了余币宝、借贷理财平台 LendChain;上线类似服务的钱包还有小鲸库;Cobo 还有质押币种挖 PoS 币种的币生币服务;Qbao 也希望切入资产管理服务。

This makes sense to pay the balance on the line, cutting off the counterpart assets of wallet users – assets that are not ready for circulation in the short term. For example, Kcash has access to the “remorts” product provided by Tokenmania, a quantitative foundation; the public treasure wallet of Bullock City has access to treasures, lending platforms, Lend Chain; the online wallets of similar services and small whale banks; Cobo and the money-bearing services of pledge currency to dig up PS currencies; and Qbao also wants to cut into asset management services.

cobo 的增益板块cobo 的增益板块


This is a logical business, but now the bottleneck of expansion is the imperfect financial market for digital money, the limited strategic capacity of quantitative funds, and the absence of such large-capacity funds as the traditional financial markets’ monetary funds. So, such operations are in short supply, and each issue of property is taken by second.



3, Exchange for entry into financial operations + information on circumstances.


The asset attributes of the block chain mean that “money-holdings always have to be bought and sold”, so cutting the exchange seems to make sense, but it is worth discussing how this works and whether it succeeds.


For traditional French currency, it is used in wallets; for digital money, however, money in wallets is often “used” and often used in exchanges. So if wallets are to cut the exchange, they actually touch a market that is not their own.


Wallet and exchange technical barriers are not the same: the former are more secure, while the latter is key to the high co-match of liquidation. If wallets are to be traded on their own, the pattern is too heavy, combined with liquidity in the short term.

  假设钱包不需要自己做后端撮合和清算系统,只做前端运营,上面的问题可能就迎刃而解了。最近涌起的一股“开放交易所”风潮就在往这个方向发展,包括 Okex、币安和 DDex 都宣布了类似计划,对外开放自身的后端系统。Odaily星球日报最近接触到的 MasterDax,更是直接只提供后端交易所系统,形成 API 让前端 APP 快速接入;客户只需要在前端负责获客、运营和 KYC,不需要管后端技术。两者就有点像深交所与券商营业部的关系。如果发展起来,相当于“人人都能当交易所”,就像今天的“人人卖货”一样。

Assuming that wallets do not have to do their own back-end integration and liquidation systems, the problem may be solved by doing front-end operations. A recent wave of “open exchanges” has developed in this direction, including Okex, Coin and DDex, which have announced similar plans to open their own back-end systems to the outside world. The Odaily Daily Planet has recently come into contact with MasterDax, and more directly only provides back-end exchange systems, with API making APP fast access to front-end APPs; customers only need to be front-end recipients, operators and KYCs, without back-end technology.


The largest exchanges are now centered + front-and-back packages, and it is not easy to say whether the above-mentioned models work, but since the models are light, there is no harm in trying them.

  目前有内置交易所意向的钱包有 imtoken 和库神。今年 6 月,imToken 的 2.0 国际版中支持去中心化交易平台 Tokenlon,还上线了闪兑功能。至于 Okex 和币安的“开放交易计划”,据业内人士表示,还在申请者登记阶段,还未正式落地,且是否保留用户数据仍不得而知。

In June of this year, ImToken's 2.0 international edition supports decentralised trading platforms, Tokenlon, and has a flashback function. With regard to Okex and the Open Trading Scheme, according to industry sources, at the registration stage, the applicants are not officially settled, and it is still not known whether user data will be kept.


  4、广告,想成为区块链世界的流量入口,甚至是 App Store。

4, adverts, trying to be a flow entrance to the block chain world, even App Store.


In addition to the financial business, the wallet is also an accurate-guided flow scene, with airdrops and confectionery.

  区块链发展尚未成熟,最早的币圈应用都是交易所、钱包和社群,币圈用户都沉淀里面,新的 DApp 获客借助有先发优势的钱包,确实为精准。


  上述还是一个单纯导流式场景,现在有的钱包跟项目的合作并不止于“空投”和“送糖果”这一步,而是对接更多支付场景、直接跳到H5内运行,或者像支付宝和微信一样内置服务甚至运行小程序,那钱包会不会有点像一个 DApp Store 甚至是 DApp 的运行平台?

This is also a simple flow scene, where some wallets and projects are now working together not just on "aerial drops" and "sends candy" but on more payment scenes, jumps directly into H5, or, like payment treasures and micro-letters, in-house services or even small programs, does the wallet look a little like a Dapp Store or even a Dapp running platform?

  比如 imtoken 集成了智能合约交互、YeeCall 在建设 DApp Store、准备与游戏和电商对接支付网关;布洛克城上线游戏“万利马”和竞猜平台“预言家”;欧链的 EOS Pocket 就是一个 EOS 钱包+智能合约运行平台,希望满足 C 端用户便捷与低门槛使用智能合约的需求,平台本身可以推荐 DApp,用户也可以手动输入地址。

For example, Imtoken brings together smart contract interfaces, YeeCall in the building of DApp Street, preparing to pay for the games and electricians, the Brock City uplink game “Managna” and the Guessing Platform “Prophet”; EOS Pocket, in the European chain, is an EOS wallet + smart contract running platform that wants to meet the needs of C end-users for easy access to low-threshold smart contracts, and the platform itself can recommend DApp, and users can manually enter addresses.


  既然 DApp 从空投开始就在钱包上运行,该钱包很自然也支持项目方的 Token 管理。未来区块链应用足够广发、钱包支持的币种够多,这看起来就很像我们曾经专访神鱼时他说到的一个未来:

Now that DApp has been running on his wallet since the drop, it naturally supports the project's Token management. The future block chain should be wide enough to have enough currency to support it.


assumes that the future block chain is mature and that a person needs an encrypted wallet at birth. If a block is connected, each user needs a managed entrance. Each user may need a browser, a wallet that manages your private key wallet, your electronic pets, all the cases. The wallet is like the sum of your digital assets and all the digital information you have.


Speaking of which, the fish said, "Well, the wallet may be an entrance."


How's the entrance to the block chain world?


If the future builds a value Internet based on block chains, each person has his or her own digital assets, there may indeed be a place for you to agree to manage all your digital assets, even if it is simply a pleasure to satisfy the gratification of the gratification. In the current pattern of wallets, there is a real possibility that it will become such a strong-assembly platform , but whether it will be the future strong-flow entrance to the future block chain world , to say the same thing.


1, is the wallet a good flow entrance?


It is true that wallet flows are accurate when currency circle users settle in only a few applications, but the logic of the Internet suggests that wallets may face the dilemma of “tool products that are difficult to realize”.


From the commercial logic of the Internet, the best three features of the flow entrance are: HF (and the user stays long), needs (the basis for the large number of users), and the starting point for decision-making.


In terms of the need to “hope to see its assets at first glance”, it appears to be needed, but now that most ordinary users come into contact with the chain of blocks first contact the exchange, the money may be placed directly on the exchange.


Even if users put money in their wallets, it's not high frequency, and the money in their wallets is not moving, and it's running out of time. When measured at high frequency, it's more frequent than wallets, information, and community applications. In order to increase user activity, wallets have been tried, including communication, socialization, community, intelligence and content, and games. The effects are yet to be seen, but you can look at the payment treasures and try to socialize...

  (某些公开数据供参考:币安截至 6 月用户约 900 多万人、火币宣布注册用户 2000 万、区块链社交平台 YeeCall 表示注册用户数接近 4000 万、imtoken 月活 400 万。)

(Some publicly available data are available for information: about 9 million users as of June, 20 million registered users for the currency announcement, and 4 million registered users for the block chain social platform YeeCall.


2, is there only one entrance to the block chain world?

  如果未来用户接触 DApp 的流程,都如上设想的从钱包开始获取资产、接触 DApp,再到运行都在钱包上的话,无疑钱包很“入口”。可是参考现在的互联网,这可能是用户发现 DApp 的一种方式,但并不是全部。

If future users have access to the DApp process, they all get assets from the wallet, contact the DApp, and then run on the wallet, there is no doubt that the wallet is a “entry point”. But by referring to the current Internet, this may be a way for users to discover the DApp, but not all.

  即便是在未来,用户发现 DApp 和获取区块链,也很可能是在各种场景里而非在钱包里。跟互联网流量类似,现在的币圈流量分布在社群、内容、行情等不同的地方,这些都是流量入口;即便数字资产无处不在的世界到来,这个世界也并不脱离于移动互联网而存在,也就是说原来的互联网大流量平台甚至是大公司,都有可能分食掉现在区块链企业的流量。

Even in the future, users may find DApp and access to block chains in various settings rather than in wallets. Similar to Internet traffic, the current circulation of currency circles is spread across communities, content, behavior, etc., and these are traffic entrances; even when a world of digital assets becomes ubiquitous, the world does not exist independently of mobile Internet, which means that the former Internet bus platforms, even large companies, have the potential to separate the flow of the current chain.


At the end of the day, digital currency transactions are grey and the world of blocks is far away, and it is difficult for us to predict the future.


Maybe it's not the entrance to the future block chain world, but the size of the world.


After all, if the world does not come, the portal will no longer exist.



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