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In a world of digital money, there will be a spectacular event, the “50-per-cent” of Bitcoin. This four-year crypto-currency event, like the Olympics in the area of block chains, holds the hearts and minds of global investors.


1. 倒计时启动:随着2024年的钟声敲响,比特币减半的倒计时正式开启。每一个区块的生成,都仿佛是时间沙漏中的沙粒滑落,提醒着我们距离这场“数字黄金”的产量削减越来越近。据精确计算,预计在2024年某个特定时刻(具体日期需依据实际挖矿速度确定),比特币将迎来其历史上第三次减半。

Countdown starts: As the bell rings in 2024, the countdown of Bitcoin is officially opened. Each block is created as if it were a sand slide in the sandglass of time, reminding us that we are getting closer to a cut in the production of this “digital gold.” A precise calculation is that Bitcoin is expected to halve for the third time in its history at a certain point in 2024 (the exact date is to be determined by the actual pace of mining).

2. 减半瞬间:在那个历史性的瞬间,比特币区块奖励将由当前的6.25枚骤降至3.125枚。这一变化不仅将直接影响矿工的收益结构,更预示着新一阶段比特币稀缺性的提升,为市场注入新的价值预期。

2. Halve the moment: In that historic moment, the Bitcoin block incentive will be drastically reduced from the current 6.25 to 3.125. This change will not only directly affect the income structure of the miners, but will also portend a new phase of the increase in the scarcity of Bitcoin and inject new value expectations into the market.

3. 后减半时代:减半后,比特币网络将进入一个全新的供需平衡期。矿工、投资者、交易所等各利益相关方将围绕这一重大变动作出策略调整,市场波动性可能加剧,但长期来看,减半往往被视为推动比特币价格上行的重要催化剂。

3. After half: After half, the Bitcoin network will enter an entirely new period of balance between supply and demand. Various stakeholders, such as miners, investors, exchanges, etc., will adjust their strategies around this major change, and market volatility may increase, but in the long run, halving is often seen as an important catalyst for increasing Bitcoin prices.

1. 供应端重塑:减半直接导致比特币新增供应量减半,理论上将加剧比特币的稀缺性。历史上,前两次减半均伴随着比特币价格的显著上涨,市场普遍预期此次减半也将遵循类似规律。然而,市场并非简单线性关系,投资者需警惕过度乐观导致的价格泡沫。

1. Reshaping the supply end: Halving the additional supply of bitcoin directly would, in theory, increase the scarcity of bitcoin. Historically, the first two halves were accompanied by significant increases in bitcoin prices, and the market is generally expected to follow a similar pattern. However, markets are not simple linear, and investors need to be wary of price bubbles resulting from excessive optimism.

2. 矿业生态洗牌:减半将使矿工收益缩水,低效矿机面临淘汰,可能导致短期算力波动。同时,能源成本、矿机效率等因素将更加凸显,矿业竞争格局或将重塑。对于矿工而言,如何在减半前优化运营、降低成本、升级设备,成为生死攸关的问题。

2. Eco-mining shuffling: The reduction by half of the profits of miners and the phasing out of inefficient mining machines could lead to short-term fluctuations in arithmetic power. At the same time, factors such as energy costs, mine efficiency, etc., will become more pronounced, mining competition patterns may be reshaped. For miners, how to optimize operations, reduce costs and upgrade equipment before the reduction by half is a matter of life and death.

3. 投资者策略调整:面对减半带来的市场不确定性,投资者将重新审视风险偏好,调整投资组合。短期投机者可能会寻求利用减半前后市场波动套利,而长线投资者则可能视减半为逢低买入的机会,坚信比特币的长期价值储存属性。

3. Investor strategy adjustment: Faced with the market uncertainty of halving, investors will re-examine their risk preferences and adjust their portfolios. Short-term speculators may seek to take advantage of market volatility before and after halving, while long-line investors may see halving as a low-buying opportunity, firmly believing in the long-term value-storage attributes of Bitcoin.

1. 监管态度观察:全球各国对加密货币的监管态度各异,减半可能引发新一轮政策讨论。监管机构可能会密切关注减半后市场反应,评估是否需要加强监管以保护投资者,或调整现有法规以适应行业发展。投资者需关注政策风向,防范潜在的合规风险。

Regulatory attitude observations: Global regulatory approaches to cryptographic currencies vary, and a reduction by half may trigger a new round of policy discussions. Regulators may pay close attention to market responses after halving, assessing whether there is a need to strengthen regulation to protect investors or adapt existing regulations to industry developments. Investors need to focus on policy winds to protect against potential compliance risks.

2. 法规落地影响:近期,多国已出台或正在酝酿针对加密货币的法律法规。减半期间,这些法规的实施情况及后续调整,将直接影响市场的合规环境,从而左右投资者信心与市场走势。例如,税收政策、反洗钱规定等都可能在减半前后产生重要影响。

2. Impact of legislation: In the recent past, many countries have introduced or are in the process of developing laws and regulations against encrypted currencies. During the period of halving, the implementation and subsequent adaptation of these regulations will have a direct impact on the regulatory environment in the market, thus influencing investor confidence and market trends. For example, tax policies, anti-money-laundering provisions, etc., can have an important impact before and after halving the rate.

3. 行业合作与对话:面对减半可能引发的市场波动与监管挑战,行业内部有望加强合作,与监管机构展开对话,共同探寻在保障投资者权益、维护市场稳定的同时,推动加密货币行业健康发展的路径。此类合作与对话成果,将成为影响减半后市场格局的重要因素。

3. Industry cooperation and dialogue: Faced with the potential market volatility and regulatory challenges posed by halving the number of people in the sector, it is hoped that there will be greater intra-industry cooperation and dialogue with regulators to find ways to promote the healthy development of the crypto-currency sector while safeguarding investors'interests and maintaining market stability. The outcome of such cooperation and dialogue will be an important factor in influencing market patterns after halving.



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