Web3 安全入门避坑指南|假钱包与私钥助记词泄露风险

币圈资讯 阅读:37 2024-05-17 19:54:39 评论:0



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APP下载   官网地址




由于很多手机不支持Google Play Store或者因为网络问题,很多人会从其他途径下载钱包,比如:


一些用户会通过第三方下载站如apkcombo、apkpure等下载钱包,这些站点往往标榜自己的App是从Google Play Store镜像下载的,但是其真实安全性如何呢?慢雾安全团队曾对Web3假钱包第三方源进行过调查分析,结果显示第三方下载站apkcombo提供的钱包版本实际上并不存在。一旦用户在开始界面创建钱包或导入钱包助记词,假钱包就会将助记词等信息发送到钓鱼网站的服务端。











首先,用户需要特别提醒的是,官方应用商城里的应用不一定安全,一些不法分子通过购买关键词排名引流等方式诱导用户下载欺诈 App,请广大读者注意甄别。

为了避免下载到假钱包,用户可选择官网下载的方式。找到真官网的能力不仅在下载钱包时会用到,用户后续参与 Web3 项目时也会用到,因此我们建议用户在下载前确认链接的准确性,并将链接保存到书签以减少进入假官网的概率。

另外,用户可以通过官方应用商城如 Apple Store,Google Play Store 等下载钱包,在下载前,一定要先查看应用开发者信息,确保其与官方公布的开发者身份一致,还可以参考应用评分、下载量等信息。



找真官网的能力不仅在下载钱包时会用到,用户后续参与 Web3 项目时也会用到,所以我们在这里讲下如何找到正确的官网。



看到这里的部分读者或许会想,那该如何验证自己下载到的钱包是不是真钱包呢?用户可以做文件一致性校验,这个操作是通过比较文件的哈希值来确定文件是否在传输或存储过程中发生了更改。用户只需要将之前下载到的 apk 文件拖入文件哈希验证工具中,这个工具就会使用哈希函数(如 MD5、SHA-256 等)生成文件的哈希值,如果这个值与官方给出的哈希值匹配,则是真钱包;如果不匹配,则是假钱包。如果用户验证出自己的钱包是假的话该怎么做呢?

1. 及时停止使用假钱包

2. 向官方进行举报


用户可以通过官方应用商城如 Apple Store,Google Play Store 等下载钱包,但是在下载前,一定要先查看应用开发者信息,确保其与官方公布的开发者身份一致,还可以参考应用评分、下载量等信息。



2. 如果私钥/助记词已经导入到了假钱包,意味着私钥/助记词已经泄露,请到官网下载正版钱包并导入私钥/助记词,新建一个地址来快速转移可转移的资产。

3. 如果您的加密货币不幸被盗,我们将免费提供案件评估的社区协助服务,仅需要您按照分类指引(资金被盗/遭遇诈骗/遭遇勒索)提交表单即可。同时,您提交的黑客地址也将同步至 InMist 威胁情报合作网络进行风控。(注:中文表单提交至 https://aml.slowmist.com/cn/recovery-funds.html,英文表单提交至 https://aml.slowmist.com/recovery-funds.html




(https://www.kaspersky ``` 硬件钱包供应链攻击风险与防范指南


Where to download fake wallets in the second phase of security introduction? Wallets play a vital role in the world. It is not only a storage tool for digital assets, but also a necessary tool for users to conduct transactions and access. In the last issue of the security introduction pit avoidance guide, we mainly introduced the classification of wallets and listed common risk points to help readers form a basic concept of wallet security. With the popularization of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, black products are also eyeing users' funds according to the stolen form received by the slow fog security team. We can see that many users were stolen because they downloaded and bought fake wallets. Therefore, in this issue, we will discuss why they downloaded and bought fake wallets and the risk of leakage of private key mnemonics. We will also provide a series of security suggestions to help users ensure the safe download of funds to fake wallets. Because many mobile phones do not support it or because of network problems, many people will download wallets from other channels, such as third-party download stations. Some users will download wallets through third-party download stations, etc. These sites often advertise themselves as. Downloaded from the mirror, but what is its real security? The slow fog security team conducted an investigation and analysis on the third-party sources of fake wallets. The results show that the wallet version provided by the third-party download station does not actually exist. Once the user creates the wallet or imports the wallet mnemonic in the initial interface, the fake wallet will send the mnemonic and other information to the server search engine of the phishing website, and the result ranking of the search engine can be bought, which also leads to the situation that the fake official website ranks higher than the real official website. It is not recommended that users directly search for wallets through search engines and then click on the top-ranked links to download wallets, so it is very likely that they will enter a fake official website and then download to a fake wallet. It is difficult for users to judge whether this is a fake website only by the website's display page without knowing what the official website website is, because the fake website made by scammers is very similar to the real official website, so it is not recommended that users click on the links shared by other users on Twitter or other platforms. In the dark forest, it is necessary to keep zero trust in your relatives and friends, but the wallet they downloaded may be fake, but it has not been stolen for the time being, so if you download the wallet through the QR code link they shared, it may also be downloaded to a fake wallet. The slow fog security team received many stolen forms of killing pig plates. The routine of scammers is to gain the trust of the victims first, and then guide them to participate in cryptocurrency investment. The final result of sharing the download link of fake wallet is that the victim has been cheated and lost money. Therefore, users should be vigilant against netizens, especially when the other party pulls you to invest or sends you an unknown link. We found some fake official groups by searching for famous wallets. Liars will claim that the group is the official channel of a wallet and even remind users to identify the only official official website link in the group. However, these links are fake press releases. How to avoid downloading fake money? The following are some suggestions for cryptocurrency lovers. How to avoid downloading fake wallets has become an important issue. At present, some fake wallets have appeared in the market, which has brought losses to users. Here are some ways to avoid downloading fake wallets. First of all, users need to pay special attention to the fact that the applications in the official application mall are not necessarily safe. Some lawless elements induce users to download fraud by purchasing keywords, ranking and draining. Please pay attention to screening in order to avoid downloading fake wallets. Wallet users can choose the way of downloading in official website to find the real official website, which will be used not only when downloading wallets, but also when users participate in subsequent projects. Therefore, we suggest that users confirm the accuracy of the link before downloading and save the link to bookmarks to reduce the probability of entering the fake official website. In addition, users can download wallets through the official application mall, etc. Before downloading, they must first check the information of application developers to ensure that they are consistent with the officially announced developer identity, and also refer to the application to score the download volume. For the downloaded wallet, users can check the consistency of files by comparing the hash values of files to determine whether the files have changed during transmission or storage. If users verify that their wallets are fake, they are advised to stop using them immediately and report to the authorities in time. official website's ability to download and find the real official website will be used not only when downloading wallets, but also when users participate in subsequent projects. So we will talk about how to find the correct official website here, so what can users do? Avoid downloading to a fake wallet? Official version verification Some readers who see this may wonder how to verify whether the wallet they downloaded is a real wallet. Users can do file consistency verification. This operation is to determine whether the file has changed during transmission or storage by comparing the hash value of the file. Users only need to drag the previously downloaded file into the file hash verification tool, which will use hash functions to generate the hash value of the file. If this value is the same as that of the official, If the hash value given by Fang matches the real wallet, if it doesn't, it is a fake wallet. If the user verifies that his wallet is fake, what should he do? Stop using the fake wallet in time and report it to the official. Users of the application mall can download the wallet through the official application mall, but before downloading, they must first check the information of the application developer to ensure that it is consistent with the official developer identity. You can also refer to the information such as the application score and download volume. First, if they just download the fake wallet, they must confirm the scope of leakage. If the private key mnemonic has been imported into the fake wallet, it means that the private key mnemonic has been leaked. Please download the genuine wallet in official website and import the private key mnemonic to create an address to quickly transfer the transferable assets. If your cryptocurrency is unfortunately stolen, we will provide community assistance service for case evaluation for free. You only need to submit the form according to the classification guidelines. That is, at the same time, the hacker address you submitted will also be synchronized to the threat intelligence cooperation network for risk control. Note that the Chinese form is submitted to the English form until the fake hardware wallet is purchased. The above situation is why the fake hardware wallet is downloaded and the solutions. Let's talk about why some users choose to buy the hardware wallet online. However, the hardware wallet of this unofficial authorized store has great security risks, because it is uncertain whether the internal components have been tampered with before the wallet reaches the users. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台









通过上述内容,大家应该学会怎么下载或购买到真钱包了,那么如何保管好私钥/助记词又是一个问题。私钥/助记词是恢复钱包和控制资产的唯一凭证。私钥是由字母和数字组成的 64 位长度的十六进制字符串,助记词则一般由 12 个单词组成。慢雾安全团队在此提醒,如果私钥/助记词泄露,钱包资产就极有可能被盗,我们来看几个导致私钥/助记词泄露的常见原因:







本期文章主要讲解了下载/购买钱包时的风险,找到真官网和验证钱包真伪的方法,以及私钥/助记词的泄露风险。希望本期内容可以帮助大家走稳进入黑暗森林的第一步,下期我们将讲解使用钱包时的风险,如被钓鱼、签名、授权风险,欢迎追更。(Ps. 本文提到的品牌及图片,仅作辅助读者理解之用,不构成推荐与担保)。


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