特朗普概念的Meme币价格暴涨 新的Web3叙事在圈内唱响?

币圈资讯 阅读:30 2024-05-16 02:04:16 评论:0



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```html 特朗普引发加密货币市场热议








与此同时,拜登政府继续对加密货币行业进行紧密监管。美国证券交易委员会(SEC)主席Gary Gensler积极推动对该行业的法律诉讼,而拜登则公开反对众议院试图废除加密货币会计规则的尝试。这种规则,根据批评者的说法,已经限制了行业的发展。特朗普在晚宴上对此进行了犀利的抨击,将民主党描述为加密货币的敌人,并自我定位为该行业的“唯一希望”。






在2023年4月,特朗普团队推出了第二系列NFT,保持了同样的定价策略。这批NFT在发行后仅5小时内便迅速售空,销售额达460万美元。最近,第三系列“Mugshot Edition”推出,提供了10万张NFT,其中9.9万张对外销售。购买者不仅能够获得独特的数字卡片,还有机会获得与特朗普共进晚餐的资格,展现了其NFT项目的独特市场定位。







其他相关数字资产也体现了相似的市场反应。例如,Doland Tremp (TREMP) 币从0.38美元涨至0.652美元,记录了69.85%的增长。甚至拜登主题的Meme币Boden也在特朗普的评论影响下,经历了25%的涨幅。

在NFT领域,特朗普数字交易卡的表现尤为突出。根据NFT Floor的数据,这些在Polygon上铸造的交易卡的地板价从5月9日的211.56美元激增至465.7美元,涨幅超过120%。同一时间内,其交易量从13,658 MATIC爆增至65,749 MATIC,增幅达到475.46%;销售数量也从65次上升至138次,增长213。

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Trump triggered a hot discussion in the cryptocurrency market. Recently, Trump's name has frequently become the focus in the cryptocurrency market. It is reported that Trump's comments not only triggered a shock in the cryptocurrency market, but also directly affected the price of Trump-themed coins, which soared, and its hourly trading volume reached $100 million, making it the number one currency in the market value, and even the top one in the ranking. Trump's supporters were not excited about his openness to cryptodonation in a dinner question and answer session. A video of Trump's participation in the conference has been circulated wildly in the encryption circle. In the video, he expressed his support for the development of cryptocurrency and called on his supporters to vote for him. This remark not only excited Trump's supporters, but also brought new hope for the future of cryptocurrency. On the day of the month, the price of cryptocurrency continued to rise to the dollar hour, which not only made investors shine at the moment, but also made the cryptocurrency market become the focus of people's hot discussion again. This market is full of variables. Pu's every move has attracted much attention. His support has brought new impetus to the cryptocurrency market, and at the same time triggered people's hot discussion and thinking about the future trend of the market. He firmly captured the important ticket warehouse neglected by Biden for the cryptoasset platform Trump. In a recent dinner event, Donald Trump successfully attracted a special voter group that Joe Biden's government failed to cover. Although he is not an expert in cryptocurrency policy, Trump still showed remarkable achievements in this field. His attitude and actions clearly positioned him as a defender of cryptocurrency. At the dinner of Haihu Manor, Trump declared his support for cryptocurrency and promised that his campaign would accept cryptocurrency donations. This statement was clearly aimed at the position of the Democratic Party and President Joe Biden. In addition, he also discussed the topic of the central bank digital currency and the government blockchain, although these two are usually unpopular with the cryptocurrency community. Trump said that despite his support for cryptocurrency, He thinks cryptocurrency is a form of currency and expresses his support for its future. At the same time, Biden's government continues to closely supervise the cryptocurrency industry. The chairman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission actively promotes legal proceedings against the industry, while Biden publicly opposes the attempt of the House of Representatives to abolish the cryptocurrency accounting rules, which have restricted the development of the industry according to critics. Trump made a sharp attack on it at the dinner and described the Democratic Party as cryptocurrency. The enemy of money and positioning itself as the only hope of the industry, this dinner is not just an ordinary social gathering, but Trump uses his influence and cryptocurrency as a medium to win over voters who have been ignored by Biden's government. By showing his support and commitment to this special group, Trump not only seeks advantages in political competition, but also tries to mobilize a large number of cryptocurrency holders and supporters who may have a significant impact on the election results. It is becoming more and more important to cryptocurrency. Against the background of social and economic phenomena, this strategy may bring him a lot of campaign advantages. The sales strategy and design connotation show a high level of secret help to Trump's election. Trump's project triggered a hot discussion in the market. Recently, Trump's team once again launched a project that attracted much attention, which attracted widespread attention in the market. In June, Trump's team launched the second series to maintain the same. The pricing strategy of this batch sold out quickly within hours after its release, with sales reaching $10,000. Recently, the third series has provided $10,000, of which, 10,000 were sold to the outside world. Buyers can not only get unique digital cards, but also get the opportunity to have dinner with Trump, which shows the unique market positioning of their projects. It is particularly worth mentioning that buying a certain number of tickets, for example, spending $ to buy tickets, can get the opportunity to attend Trump dinner. For higher-level supporters, they can pay nearly. Ten thousand dollars to buy a ticket can not only attend cocktail parties, but also get limited edition bitcoin inscription digital trading cards and dinner tickets. These tickets allow buyers to have dinner with Trump at the table, which shows the high-end positioning of this marketing strategy. These images are rich and varied, from Trump's police detention photos to cartoon images wearing cowboy hats. Nevertheless, the official stressed that these digital trading cards have nothing to do with politics and no campaign activities, and they are positioned as collectibles and souvenirs. In the encryption circle, Trump's series of actions not only deepened his connection with the encryption world, but also caused the related currency value to soar, which showed his influence in this field and the sensitive reaction of the market. Through these measures, Trump not only left a deep impression on the cryptocurrency market, but also reflected his acceptance and utilization of emerging technologies. No matter how the market changes, Trump's projects are promoting the popularity of digital assets, and at the same time triggered the possibility of sustainable development of its series in the market. It has become a general trend that assets and politics are highly bound. Trump is only the initiator of the trend. With Trump's active participation and clear position, the cryptocurrency market and the performance of related currencies have shown significant dynamic changes. According to the data, Trump-related currencies have experienced significant value increases in a short period of time, which not only reflects the immediate response of the market, but also shows the enhancement of Trump's influence in this field. Other related digital assets also show similar market reactions, such as the rise of currencies from the US dollar. Even Biden-themed coins have experienced an increase under the influence of Trump's comments. In the field, the performance of Trump digital trading cards is particularly prominent. According to the data, the floor price of these trading cards cast in the world has soared from the US dollar on March to the US dollar, and its trading volume has increased from explosion to increase, and the sales volume has also increased from time to time. Trump's cryptocurrency strategy has made remarkable progress, won the support of certain voters and also increased. The secret market has injected new vitality, and the market has responded positively. This strategy not only regards cryptocurrency as an asset, but also serves as a tool to expand political influence and attract young votes. It is worth noting that the importance of political power is increasingly prominent in the cryptocurrency industry. More and more politicians are directly involved in the cryptocurrency issue, which indicates that there will be more adjustments and optimizations in future policies and market norms. The participation of politicians may not only promote the development of laws and regulations, but also bring new opportunities for the popularization and acceptance of cryptocurrency. However, investors and market participants also need to be sensitive to political trends and be prepared. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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