DFG对于Bitcoin Asia的回顾与洞察:基建是比特币生态先要解决的痛点

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Bitcoin Asia大会探讨比特币生态发展 - 个人见解

作者: James Wo, Digital Finance Group创始人兼CEO

2024年5月9日,Bitcoin Asia大会在香港首次举行,意义重大。此前的比特币会议主要在欧美举办,首次落地亚洲标志着亚洲Web3行业迈向新高度。亚洲市场的蓬勃发展对于比特币生态的繁荣至关重要,包括亚洲的开发者和项目方。这也是Bitcoin conference选择香港作为首站的原因所在。会上讨论最多的话题是比特币生态的宏观状况以及Layer 2技术的当前和未来发展,围绕比特币的金融属性和交易进行。参会人员超过1500人,各界嘉宾云集,共同探讨比特币生态发展。






Layer 2兴起

Layer 2项目凸显为大会一个重要主题,展示了如何通过在比特币协议之上建立新层来解决网络的扩展性问题。其中最受关注的两个项目是Merlin Chain和Dovi。Merlin Chain通过其MERL代币,提供了治理功能,并在生态系统中发挥着关键作用。Dovi则是一个社区驱动的比特币Layer 2解决方案,整合了EVM,提供一个可扩展、高效和安全的智能合约平台。尽管Layer 2技术潜力巨大,但在当前阶段仍需更多的技术创新和市场验证。






与一些比特币大户的交流中,我们发现他们大致可分为两种思维模式:一种是较为保守的,倾向于长期持有比特币以享受其跟随时间增值的好处,增加被动收益,与时间做朋友;另一种则更愿意积极投资于支持比特币基础设施和新项目,以促进生态的活跃发展。在与一位比特币持有大户的交谈中,他提到了Babylon这个项目。他表示如果Babylon真的能实现它的技术目标,他或许会将保守的态度改变为更激进一些的态度,毕竟DeFi Summer让他赚了不少钱,且像Lido这样的固定收益也是老牌投资者很喜欢的资产增值方式。

然而,也许他并不知道已经有一个名叫ZKM(zkm.io)的项目,已经在不增加额外安全假设的情况下实现了原生资产的共享。它结合了零知识证明(ZKP)和MIPS架构,实现了在保护隐私的同时进行高效计算的目标。其Entangled Rollup可以在无需额外共识假设的情况下,验证并传递不同区块链的共识。通过他们的zkVM集成的区块链可以互相操作,本地流动性可以在不同的生态系统中流动。

Bitcoin Asia前的Forked活动

在Bitcoin Asia前的Forked活动中,DePIN和AI依旧是热门话题。Forked是一个非比特币生态的活动,与其他周边活动关注比特币生态的不同,Forked活动的参与者基本都是欧美的人。他们并没有亚洲人那么关注比特币生态,而是持续的在探讨DePIN和AI在后续Web3发展中的可能性,这些讨论展示了不同的市场对这些领域的高度关注和投资热情。尤其是从参与人数来看,比其他关注比特币生态的周边活动人数要多很多。




The founder and author of the conference to discuss the development of bitcoin ecology held the conference in Hong Kong for the first time on January, which was of great significance. The previous bitcoin conference was mainly held in Europe and the United States, and it landed in Asia for the first time, marking that the Asian industry has reached a new height. The vigorous development of the Asian market is very important for the prosperity of bitcoin ecology, including Asian developers and project parties, which is why Hong Kong was chosen as the first stop. The most discussed topics at the conference were the macro-level of bitcoin ecology and the current and future of technology. Developing around the financial attributes and transactions of Bitcoin, more than people attended the meeting, and guests from all walks of life gathered to discuss the ecological development of Bitcoin. The following are my key insights and personal thoughts on the key topics of the conference. The conference focused on optimizing trading strategies and improving new tools and platforms for trading efficiency, especially those technical solutions to expand security and smart contracts around the core pain points of Bitcoin network. Infrastructure construction challenges are caused by many entrepreneurial projects in the current bitcoin ecosystem. Efforts should be made to build infrastructure, improve transaction speed, ensure transaction security and expand the network. Despite the financial and technical challenges, these projects are crucial to the long-term sustainable development of Bitcoin network. The participation of many wallet exhibitors in the exhibition area also highlights the staged difference between Bitcoin ecology and Ethereum ecology, and infrastructure is needed to achieve real development. The emerging projects are highlighted as an important theme of the conference, showing how to solve the network expansion by establishing a new layer on the Bitcoin protocol. Two of the most concerned projects are the integration of a community-driven bitcoin solution that provides governance function through its tokens and plays a key role in the ecosystem, and provides an extensible, efficient and safe intelligent contract platform. Although the technical potential is huge, more technological innovation and market verification are still needed at the current stage. In contrast, the technical projects focused on the whole chain have mature solutions, such as the project has been launched and the exchange has provided cross-chain. Interoperability solves the problem of blockchain island. Review of cryptocurrency ecological activity week. In the recent Bitcoin ecological activity week, we witnessed innovative projects and exchange of ideas from all over the world. These activities provided a platform for exchange and sharing, which promoted the progress and development of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. In communication with Bitcoin holders, we found that they can be roughly divided into two modes of thinking: one is more conservative and tends to hold for a long time. Bitcoin makes friends with time by enjoying the benefits of its appreciation with time, and the other is more willing to actively invest in supporting bitcoin infrastructure and new projects to promote the active development of ecology. In a conversation with a big bitcoin holder, he mentioned this project, and he said that if he can really achieve its technical goals, he might change his conservative attitude to a more radical attitude. After all, he has made a lot of money and fixed income like this is also very popular among established investors. However, perhaps he doesn't know that there is a project named "The Sharing of Native Assets" without additional security assumptions. It combines zero-knowledge proof and architecture to achieve the goal of efficient computing while protecting privacy. It can verify and convey the consensus of different blockchains without additional consensus assumptions. Through their integrated blockchains, they can interoperate and local liquidity can flow in different ecosystems. The previous activity and still a hot topic is a non-bitcoin ecological activity and other peripheral activities. The participants of different activities concerned about bitcoin ecology are basically Europeans and Americans. They are not as concerned about bitcoin ecology as Asians, but continue to explore and explore the possibility of subsequent development. These discussions show that different markets are highly concerned about these fields and enthusiastic about investment, especially in terms of the number of participants, which is much larger than that of other peripheral activities concerned about bitcoin ecology. Conclusion: We are grateful for our invitation, and we also participated in this Hong Kong activity week as our own partners, and we also felt the prosperity of bitcoin ecology. The listing of bitcoin in many places is undoubtedly beneficial to the entire encryption industry. In the next days, we will see more new technologies, generate and the birth of good projects. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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