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```html DeFi与DEX:构建开放、公平的金融世界




``````html DEX简介













一般来说,根据交易模式的不同,可以将DEX分为三种:一是基于 Orderbook 订单簿模式,托管及交易的匹配放在链下完成的,以此来解决链上交易速度慢,深度不足,滑点大、无常损失等问题,如Loopring(路印协议)、0x等采用的就是这种模式;二是基于 AMM 自动做市商模式,支持即时人机交易,任何人都可以当做市商,让交易深度大增,解决了链上交易的弊端,也是目前应用比较广的模式。三是点对池模式,如Kine Protocol等。

其中,AMM 自动做市商模式需要格外特别介绍,经过多年时间的发展演进,AMM自动做市商模式已被证明是最具影响力的DeFi创新之一。如果继续细分,AMM 自动做市商模式还可以分为恒定乘积做市商(CPMM)、恒定和做市商(CSMM)、恒定平均值做市商(CMMM)以及高级混合恒定函数做市商(CFMM),今天在这里我们不再深入展开,重点着眼于宏观层面的经济模型来讨论它的运转方式。

AMM 自动做市商模式从根本上改变了用户交易加密资产的方式,与传统的订单簿交易模式不同,AMM的交易双方都是和链上流动性资产池在进行交互。流动性池允许用户以完全去中心化和非托管的方式在链上的加密资产之间无缝切换。而流动性提供者,则通过交易费用赚取被动收入,其中交易费用则是基于其对资产池贡献的百分比进行计算。

二、Kine Protocol DEX

KineProtocol点对底池: 做市商无需做深度,做市商资金全部在流动性底池,提供无线深度,市场订单可与做市场在极低的划掉之下直接成交,同时做市商的成本较低。

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Kine Protocol交易平台的技术优势使其在去中心化交易所中独树一帜!

1.Kine Protocol交易平台的永续合约采用点对池的交易流动性机制,使得去中心化衍生品平台的流动性超越了中心化交易平台,为用户提供了更好的交易体验。

2.Kine Protocol交易平台的高性能预言机与流动性池相结合,让其在操作与杠杆倍数方面拥有与中心化交易所相媲美的优势。

3.Kine Protocol交易平台的交易引擎与清结算引擎分离,为用户提供了免gas fee和毫秒级成交的性能和低成本交易的优势,提高了交易效率。

4.Kine Protocol交易所的签名授权加密机制使其可以通过移动端app进行交互,提高了用户的便捷性。

Kine Protocol是以建立用户资产安全、交易流畅为理念,不断创新,不断沉淀,致力成为去中心化衍生品最权威交易平台之一。


With the construction of an open and fair financial world, it plays an important role in infrastructure and application in the field, and it has become a key driving force to promote the development of the whole ecosystem, which has laid the foundation for the vigorous development and provided users with a safe and transparent asset trading environment without trusting third parties. This paper will discuss the core role in the ecology and how they can jointly build a more open, fair and innovative financial world, which has become more important with the expanding role. They not only promote The free circulation of assets has also promoted a new wave of financial service innovation, providing unprecedented opportunities for individuals and institutions outside the traditional financial system. A brief introduction of what is decentralized exchange is a platform based on blockchain technology that allows users to exchange digital currency and other digital assets directly and safely without intermediaries. Unlike traditional centralized exchanges, they do not store users' private keys or personal information, but automatically execute transactions through smart contracts. The security risks faced by Yizhong have been better managed and controlled. Decentralization operation does not depend on any centrally controlled entity transaction, which directly occurs among users, improving the transparency and security of transactions. Users control assets, and users completely control their own cryptocurrencies and private keys. They do not need to store assets in exchanges, which reduces the risk of fund theft. Most of them do not require extensive authentication, and users can enjoy a higher degree of privacy. As long as they have global accessibility. Internet connection can be accessed by anyone without worrying about geographical location or account freezing. Innovative trading mechanisms often adopt innovative mechanisms such as automated market makers. Users can become liquidity providers to participate in the supply and demand of the market and get transaction fees as rewards. Although it provides many advantages, there are also some challenges, such as relatively low liquidity trading speed, which may not be as good as the differences in centralized exchanges and user experience. However, with the progress of technology and the maturity of cryptocurrency markets, It is becoming more and more popular, and it has made important contributions to the development of decentralized finance. Generally speaking, according to the different trading modes, it can be divided into three types: one is based on the order book mode, and the matching of transactions is done under the chain to solve the problems of slow transaction speed, insufficient depth, large slip point and unpredictable loss on the chain, such as the road printing protocol, etc. This mode is adopted. The other is based on the automatic market maker mode to support real-time man-machine transactions. Anyone can be a market maker to make the transaction deep. It solves the disadvantages of chain trading and is also a widely used model at present. The third is the point-to-pool model, among which the automatic market maker model needs special introduction. After years of development and evolution, the automatic market maker model has proved to be one of the most influential innovations. If we continue to subdivide the automatic market maker model, we can also divide it into constant product market makers, constant market makers, constant average market makers and advanced mixed constant function market makers. The automatic market maker model fundamentally changes the way users trade encrypted assets, which is different from the traditional order book trading model. Both parties are interacting with the liquid asset pool in the chain. The liquid pool allows users to switch seamlessly between the encrypted assets in the chain in a completely decentralized and unmanaged way, while the liquidity provider earns passive income through transaction fees, which are based on its contribution to the asset pool. The percentage of market makers in the pot is calculated at two points. Market makers in the pot don't need to make deep market makers' funds. All of them provide wireless deep market orders in the liquid pot, which can be directly traded with market makers at a very low cross-off. At the same time, the technical advantages of the market maker's trading platform make it unique in the decentralized exchange. The perpetual contract of the trading platform adopts the point-to-pool trading liquidity mechanism, which makes the liquidity of the decentralized derivatives platform surpass that of the centralized trading platform and provide users with better services. The combination of high-performance Oracle and liquidity pool of trading experience trading platform makes it have advantages comparable to centralized trading in terms of operation and leverage ratio. The separation of trading engine and clearing and settlement engine of trading platform provides users with the performance of avoiding millisecond-level transactions and the advantages of low-cost transactions, which improves the trading efficiency. The signature authorization encryption mechanism of the exchange enables it to interact through the mobile terminal, which improves the convenience of users. It is based on the concept of establishing safe and smooth trading of users' assets and strives to become one of the most authoritative trading platforms for decentralized derivatives. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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