SBF 对于 FTX 的偿付能力是否得到证实了?

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作者:Daniel Kuhn 来源:coindesk 翻译:善欧巴,金色财经

破产的加密货币交易所 FTX 据称已追回的资金远超所需,足以让受害者(SBF 的诈骗行为)恢复损失,这一消息包含在周二宣布的最新破产计划中。

客户将获得相当于其在 2022 年 11 月崩盘时持有该交易所加密资产价值 1.18 倍的赔偿,外加利息。

在破产的世界里,债权人通常只能拿到微薄的偿还,而这起事件的结果却截然不同,这引起了一个尖锐的问题:SBF 一直都是正确的吗?


例如,彭博社的 Matt Levine 在最近一期《金钱玩意儿》通讯中直言不讳地指出:“FTX 是……流动性不足但资产充足的吗?” 从某种意义上说,这是一种非常简单直接的方式来陈述 SBF 的观点,他因史上最大规模的金融诈骗之一而被判处 25 年监禁,并且多年来一直坚持这一点。

简而言之,在 2022 年 11 月 11 日 FTX 破产前夕,SBF 疯狂地试图通过向几乎所有他能找到的人筹集资金来弥补其公司资产负债表中的一个巨大漏洞。据报道,这包括硅谷风投、沙特阿拉伯富豪,甚至 SBF 的死对头、币安前 CEO 赵长鹏(在审查了 FTX 的财务状况后,他放弃了一笔握手达成的收购协议,反而加速了交易所的挤兑潮)。

他试图筹集这笔资金的原因有 1) 因为 SBF 和他的核心圈子已经痛苦地意识到,他们需要满足所有客户取款的资金存在缺口(据报道,向潜在投资者展示的资产负债表显示,该交易所只有 9 亿美元的流动资产),2) 因为他认为(这一点有争议)——或者他说他认为——实际上资金确实充足,只是流动性不足。例如:

“FTX 没事。资产没事,” 在 FTX 联合创始人 Gary Wang 在赵长鹏宣布将出售币安的 FTT 持仓后,客户提款开始增加时,Bankman-Fried 在 11 月 7 日臭名昭著地发推文称。

从臭名昭著的“媒体巡演”开始到审判结束,SBF 一直将 FTX 的突然崩溃归因于会计错误——具体来说是一个“令人困惑的内部账户”,该账户让他误以为 FTX 的财务状况更加稳健。另外,正如迈克尔·刘易斯在其歌颂 SBF 的著作《无限接近》中提到的,SBF 私下估计自己的身价超过 1000 亿美元,但这发生在 FTT、SOL 和其他“Sam 概念币”价格暴跌之前。

正是这种坚称自己本可以挽救 FTX 的说法,以及拒绝对自己的罪行承担责任的态度,才导致了他的重刑判决。“在我 30 年的职业生涯中,我从未见过如此的表演,”法官刘易斯·卡普兰在宣判辩护词期间形容 SBF 的回避和无悔时说道。

但无论一个人写多少 Substack 文章或创建多少电子表格,只要他们的想法是错误的,那么它就永远不会变成事实。 正在监督破产程序的现任 FTX CEO John J. Ray III 表示,在过去 17 个月中,该公司能够追回 14.5 亿至 16.

``` ```html

The news that Shanouba Golden Finance's bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange is said to have recovered far more funds than needed to restore the losses of the victims' fraud is included in the latest bankruptcy plan announced on Tuesday, in which customers will receive compensation equivalent to twice the value of the cryptocurrency assets they held in the exchange at the time of the collapse in January, plus interest. In a bankrupt world, creditors usually get only meager repayment, but the result of this incident is quite different, which has always caused a sharp problem. Are they all correct? For example, Bloomberg bluntly pointed out in the latest issue of the newsletter "Money Thing" that it is illiquid but has sufficient assets. In a sense, this is a very simple and direct way to state the view. He was sentenced to years in prison for one of the largest financial frauds in history and has been insisting on this for many years. In short, he frantically tried to make up for his company's balance sheet by raising funds from almost everyone he could find on the eve of bankruptcy. It is reported that this includes a huge loophole in Silicon Valley venture capitalist, Saudi Arabia's richest man and even his sworn enemy, Qian Qian Zhao Changpeng. After reviewing the financial situation, he gave up a handshake and reached an acquisition agreement, which accelerated the run on the exchange. The reason why he tried to raise this fund is because his inner circle has painfully realized that there is a gap in the funds they need to meet all customers' withdrawals. It is reported that the balance sheet displayed to potential investors shows that the exchange has only $100 million. Current assets because he thinks this is controversial, or he said that he thinks that the funds are actually sufficient, but the liquidity is not enough, for example, the assets are fine. When the co-founder started to increase the customer's withdrawal after Zhao Changpeng announced that he would sell the position of Bi 'an, he famously tweeted that the sudden collapse from the beginning of the notorious media tour to the end of the trial was attributed to accounting errors, specifically to a confusing internal account, which made his mistaken financial situation even worse. In addition, as Michael Lewis mentioned in his eulogy book Infinitely Close, he privately estimated his worth to be more than 100 million dollars, but this happened before the price of other concept currencies plummeted. It was this statement that he insisted that he could have saved and his attitude of refusing to take responsibility for his crimes that led to his heavy sentence. In my career in 2000, I have never seen such a performance judge, Lewis Kaplan, who described avoidance and regret during the judgment of defense, said, but no matter what, How many articles individuals write or how many spreadsheets they create, as long as their ideas are wrong, it will never become a fact. The incumbent who is supervising the bankruptcy proceedings said that the company could recover 100 million yuan in the past month. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

据报道,价值高达 30 亿美元的资产近日被确认追回,这些资产原先并未包含在 FTX 交易所的资产负债表中。

尽管最终证实这一点可能需要一些目前尚未公开的文件,包括 FTX 在崩盘前和现在的财务报表,但很可能这次追回的资产主要受益于加密资产价格的上涨。尽管 JJR 聘请的昂贵律师团队可能付出了很多努力从“数十个私人实体”追回资金,但这不太可能达到数十亿甚至数百亿的规模。

例如,Anthropic 是 SBF 在人工智能领域的一次幸运投资,为公司带来了 8.84 亿美元的回报——这笔意外之财可能是 FTX 进行的非加密资产销售中最大的一笔。FTX 还以大约 1.99 亿美元的价格出售了 38 处巴哈马房产,并成功追回了近 26 亿美元的现金。

相比之下,FTX 最近以大幅折扣的价格出售了价值 19 亿美元的 SOL,并且显然仍持有价值 75 亿美元的锁定代币。这些代币在 FTX 崩盘时价值不到 5 亿美元。总而言之,FTX 通过出售代币筹集了大约 50 亿美元,预计在未来几个月再筹集 44 亿美元。

在业内人士看来,这似乎意味着 FTX 在崩盘时实际上并不具备偿付能力,只有 SBF 能够快速抛售所有财产、股权投资和加密货币的情况下,才有可能偿还缺失的 80 亿美元客户资金。然而,由于随后的牛市,FTX 才变得具有偿付能力。

客户将获得等额的赔偿,但不是以加密资产的形式,因为加密资产仍然存在缺口。赔偿将以 2022 年 11 月其账户美元价值的形式发放。市场反弹幅度足以弥补整体缺口。

但 SBF 表示,他没有几个月的时间来等待加密货币是否会从灰烬中崛起,他认为 FTX 流动性不足的说法显然是荒谬的。



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