Bitget研究院:Solana Dex交易量超越以太坊 Notcoin盘前市场价格持续上涨

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```html 市场动态


  • 引起关注的领域包括:Ton 生态代币、DeFi 领域;

  • 备受用户关注的币种和话题有:UXUY、Space Nation;

  • 潜在的空投机会包括:Grass、Movement;

截至数据统计时间:2024年5月10日 4:00 (UTC+0)


随着加密货币市场持续下行,比特币本周跌破61,000美元,但周五开始止跌回升,截至5月10日 UTC 4:00,比特币价格已反弹至62,800美元以上。




1) Ton 生态代币异动(TON、FISH、GRAM、NOT)

主要原因:Binance推出的新币挖矿项目第54期,使用BNB、FDUSD挖矿Notcoin (NOT),Ton生态有短期利好消息。



  • NOT后市表现:随着NOT上线币安的利好消息刺激,盘前交易价格大幅上涨,24小时涨幅达68%。

``````html 新闻稿


今日数字货币市场表现活跃,行业领军企业 Bitget 宣布将于今日启动 notcoin 盘前市场,为用户提供提前埋伏的机会,期待着市场开启时的精彩表现。

1)重要动态:Pantera 对 Ton 生态的支持

近期,Pantera Capital 创始人 Dan Morehead 在社交媒体上表示,该基金最近对 Telegram 的 TON 区块链项目进行了历史上规模最大的一笔投资,引起了 Ton 生态的广泛关注。如果该项目能够及时完成融资并推出产品,将有助于加速 Ton 生态的繁荣发展。

2)板块异动:DeFi 市场(VRTX、LBR)

此次市场异动的主要原因之一是 Vertex Edge 推出了新的费用结构,并将增加 $VRTX 的质押奖励,以赚取跨链费用。由于 VRTX 收益的大幅提高,代币价格迎来利好消息刺激上涨。与此同时,LBR 在巨鲸抛售代币后,代币价格开始修复,链上价格也随之上涨。

近 24 小时的涨幅为:VRTX 65.51%、LBR 30.61%。


  • DeFi 项目较为依赖链上交易热度,行情上涨或波动率较高时,交易量和交易者均会增加;相反,行情下跌时交易量可能减少。DeFi 项目代币价格也会受到项目业务总量减少的影响。

  • DeFi 领域不断涌现新项目,但其估值较高,市场接盘资金可能有限。投资者应密切关注当前竞争格局,选择锁定龙头项目,避免投资已发币或发展停滞的项目。

3)后续关注重点:SocialFi 领域

Base 在 SocialFi 领域取得巨大成功,多个顶级基于加密货币的社交应用建立在其上。据统计,46% 的 SocialFi 相关交易发生在 Base 链上。同时,Friend 和 Degen 等 socialfi 项目也带来了丰厚的回报。DEGEN 发币三个月内市值突破 10 亿美元,成为了造富的新神话。


  • Friend:Friend.

``` 科技新闻稿

去中心化社交平台 Tech 正式发布

Coinbase 推出的二层网络 Base 链上的新一代社交平台 Tech 正式问世。该平台与 Twitter 强强联手,以用户的 Web2 身份为基础,旨在实现用户的去中心化社交和潜在盈利。在 Tech 平台上,每个用户都具备代币化的可能性,其影响力将由市场直接定价。目前,项目已成功发币,每日交易额突破 2100 万美元。

Degen 项目登陆 Farcaster 平台

Farcaster 上的 Degen 频道正式上线,为用户提供了使用 Degen 打赏优质内容创作者的功能。Farcaster 是一个去中心化社交协议,其总收入已突破 120 万美元,用户数量超过 30 万。Degen 项目与 Farcaster 相辅相成,成为 Base 链上备受瞩目的项目之一。


1)热门 Dapp:UXUY 完成 700 万美元 Pre-A 轮融资

Binance Labs 孵化的下一代去中心化多链交易平台 UXUY 近日宣布完成 700 万美元 Pre-A 轮融资。此次融资由 Binance Labs、JDI Ventures、NGC Ventures、Metalpha、GSR 等机构参与投资,总融资金额已超过 1000 万美元。新一轮融资将用于比特币生态基础设施的建设,旨在促进资产的高效、低成本交易。

2)Twitter:Space Nation 开发商 Roland Emmerich 打造 AAA 太空史诗游戏

Bitget研究院:Solana Dex交易量超越以太坊,Notcoin盘前市场价格持续上涨

Space Nation 是 AAA 太空史诗主题的 Web3 MMORPG 的开发商。该项目由资深暴雪游戏制作人、经验丰富的 MMORPG 开发者以及好莱坞著名制片人和奥斯卡获奖导演 Roland Emmerich 共同打造。Space Nation Inc. 得到了合作伙伴和风投机构的大力支持,共计 5000 万美元的资金已被投入游戏的开发。昨日,OKX Web3 与 Space Nation 推出限量版合作飞船 NFT「白令 X- 开拓者版」,限量 1155 艘,拥有来自 OKX 的独特设计元素,引起社区高度关注。

3)Google Search  地区:Notcoin(NOT)引起全球热议

Bitget研究院:Solana Dex交易量超越以太坊,Notcoin盘前市场价格持续上涨

全球范围内,基于 Telegram 的游戏 Notcoin 正在引起广泛关注。用户通过点击硬币图像即可赚取游戏内代币,类似“Tap to Earn”的概念。在 TGE 前,项目方以“代金券”形式代表游戏中的 Notcoin 货币,可在 TGE 后兑换为 $NOT。项目方还设有自己的盘前交易市场。

```html NOT代币持有人数达64万 用户

NOT代币持有人数达64万 用户

Market dynamics Recently, a number of new currencies and hot topics have emerged in the market, and perhaps they will soon become the next opportunity to get rich by investing. The areas of concern include the currencies and topics that have attracted much attention from users in the field of ecological tokens, and there are potential airdrop opportunities, including the market overview as of the date of statistics. As the cryptocurrency market continued to decline, Bitcoin fell below the US dollar this week, but began to stop falling and rebound on Friday. According to data, the price of Bitcoin rebounded above the US dollar as of the date of September. The transaction volume of Bitcoin exceeded the transaction volume of the Ethereum chain by US$ 100 million. The net inflow of Bitcoin yesterday was US$ 100,000, and the net outflow of BlackRock was US$ 100,000, which was different from the previous one. Except for the gray scale, other stocks kept a net inflow this week, and the impact of gray scale outflow also decreased with the decline of management scale. The main reason for the change of eco-tokens was that the new coin mining project launched in the first phase had short-term positive news, and the price of tokens increased respectively. Factors affecting the rising market outlook: Market outlook performance stimulated by the good news of online currency security, the pre-market transaction price rose sharply, and the hourly increase reached a press release. Today, the market in digital currency is active, and industry leaders announced that they will provide users with an opportunity to ambush in advance before the start of the market today. Looking forward to the wonderful performance when the market opens, the important dynamics support the ecology. Recently, the founder said on social media that the fund has recently scaled up the blockchain project in history. The biggest investment has aroused widespread concern of ecology. If the project can complete financing and launch products in time, it will help accelerate the prosperity and development of ecology. One of the main reasons for the market change is the introduction of a new fee structure and the increase of pledge rewards to earn cross-chain fees. Due to the substantial increase in income, the token price ushered in good news to stimulate the rise. At the same time, after the whale sold the token, the token price began to repair, and the price on the chain also rose for nearly an hour. For the influencing factors of the future market trend, the project is more dependent on the trading heat in the chain. When the market goes up or the volatility is high, the trading volume and traders will increase. On the contrary, when the market goes down, the trading volume may decrease, and the price of the project token will also be affected by the decrease of the total business volume of the project. New projects are constantly emerging in the field, but their valuation is high, and the market takeover funds may be limited. Investors should pay close attention to the current competitive pattern, choose the leading projects and avoid investing in the key areas that have been issued or whose development is stagnant. It has achieved great success in the field, and many top-level social applications based on cryptocurrency have been built on it. According to statistics, related transactions have taken place in the chain, and the projects such as peace have also brought rich returns. Within three months of issuing money, the market value has exceeded 100 million dollars, which has become a new myth of making wealth. The list of specific projects is as follows. The list of other projects can be supplemented by scientific and technological press releases according to the actual situation. The decentralized social platform has been officially released, and a new generation of social platform on the second-tier network chain has officially come out. This platform has joined hands with powerful users. On the platform, every user has the possibility of token, and its influence will be directly priced by the market. At present, the project has successfully issued coins, and the daily transaction volume has exceeded $10,000. The channel on the landing platform has been officially launched, providing users with the function of rewarding high-quality content creators. It is a decentralized social agreement, and its total income has exceeded $10,000. The projects and complementary projects have become the focus of attention in the chain. The next-generation decentralized multi-chain trading platform, one of the projects, which is popular among users, has recently announced the completion of the $10,000 round of financing. The total amount of financing has exceeded $10,000, and the new round of financing will be used for the construction of bitcoin ecological infrastructure, aiming at promoting the efficient and low-cost trading of assets. The developer will build a space epic game research institute, and the transaction volume will surpass the pre-market price of Ethereum. The project is a developer with the theme of space epic. Created by experienced blizzard game producers and experienced developers, as well as famous Hollywood producers and Oscar-winning directors, it has been strongly supported by partners and venture capital institutions. A total of 10,000 US dollars has been invested in the development of the game. Yesterday, with the launch of the limited edition cooperative spacecraft Bering Pioneer Edition, the unique design elements from the limited edition have aroused great concern in the community, causing global hot discussion in the region. The transaction volume of the research institute surpassed that of Ethereum, and the market price continued to rise worldwide. The game is attracting widespread attention. Users can earn tokens in the game by clicking on the coin image. Similar concepts, the former project side represents the currency in the game in the form of vouchers, which can be exchanged for the project side later. The project side also has its own pre-market trading market, and the number of token holders reaches 10,000 users. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

据数据显示,io/notcoin 已经吸引了64万用户持有NOT代币。目前该代币已确认上线币安Launchpool和OKX。


1. 亚洲地区昨日的热搜焦点主要集中在RWA Crypto:

RWA赛道目前主要涵盖美国债券产品等,随着美联储持续释放维持高利率的信号,市场普遍看好RWA资产并认为它们能够对冲当前风险市场的资产类型。近日,HashKey Group加入了香港金管局Ensemble项目架构工作小组,将在虚拟资产托管、交易、数字支付、STO技术解决方案以及RWA资产代币化等方面提供全面的Web3新金融基础设施支持。在亚太地区受到一定关注。

2. 非洲、独联体国家以及英文地区没有明显的热点:




Grass是Wynd Network推出的旗舰产品,它允许用户通过出售未使用的网络资源来获利。对于个人而言,它将呈现为一个网络扩展,用户下载、保留并遗忘。它将在幕后完成工作,帮助他人获取公共网络数据,以换取协议原生Token的支付。Grass专注于将公共网络数据转化为人工智能数据集,从而使开源人工智能项目更容易访问公共网络数据。

Wynd Network已完成350万美元的种子轮融资,由Polychain Capital和Tribe Capital领投,Bitscale、Big Brain、Advisors Anonymous、Typhon V、Mozaik等公司参与投资。Wynd的总融资额达到450万美元。



区块链开发团队Movement Labs成立于2022年,此前于2023年9月完成了340万美元的种子轮融资。除了旗舰产品Movement L2外,Movement Labs还将推出Move Stack,这是一个兼容Optimism、Polygon和Arbitrum等Rollup框架的执行层框架。

近日,Movement Labs完成了3800万美元的A轮融资,由Polychain Capital领投,Hack VC、Foresight Ventures、Placeholder等多家知名机构参与投资。

具体参与方式:进入Movement zealy任务界面(注意:社交任务有时间期限以及不断上线的任务),可以进行DEX交互,随意进行几笔测试交互,等待官网后续动作。



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