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作者:xPanse World


链上 IP 协议 Story Protocol 将于 5 月 9 日启动首个黑客松 v1.0 Buildathon,持续至 5 月 26 日结束,包括三个赛道:创作者工具、AI 和 DeFi。

EigenLayer 拟于 5 月 10 日开启代币申领,第一季将根据 2024 年 3 月 15 日的质押活动快照,向用户发放 5% 的代币供应量。经过简单的 Sybil 过滤,所有 Season 1 用户将获得至少 110 枚 EIGEN(10 枚 EIGEN 的地板加上 100 枚 EIGEN)。

Jupiter LFG Launchpad 第二期项目 UpRock 拟于 5 月 12 日启动声望证明及 TGE 事件。路线图未来规划还包括:5 月 5 日推出评分系统、5 月 7 日调整每月固定供应量、5 月 9 日开启 GEO Coverage。

ZKM 宣布推出基于 zkVM 和去中心化排序器的创新技术来扩展比特币 L2,具有BTC原生资产的安全性并且 为所有 BTC 持有者和生态参与者提供可持续的模型并从中受益。

1、ZKM 项目介绍

ZKM 是一个基于零知识证明的网络,旨在统一区块链,在以太坊上创建一个结算层。该项目旨在提供更快、更便捷的资金提取,建立跨L2和Alt L1平台的标准化安全框架,并增强物联网设备和云计算系统的安全性和完整性。

ZKM 宣布推出基于 zkVM 和去中心化排序器的创新技术来扩展比特币 L2,具有BTC原生资产的安全性并且 为所有 BTC 持有者和生态参与者提供可持续的模型并从中受益。

ZKM 是基于零只是证明的网络,在比特币生态上也希望通过zk协议来开发构建在比特币生态上的2层协议项目,这对项目本身增添了多样化的功能性。

项目调研丨比特币2层协议新解决方案ZKM 新闻稿

ZKM 新闻稿

ZKM 项目被称为 "Metis 亲子项目",现详细介绍如下:

ZKM 推出比特币 2 层协议方案

ZKM 的比特币 L2 安全框架采用了 BTC 脚本验证的本机 BTC Multisig 脚本控制和分散的交易执行,同时引入了用于确保离链计算的“乐观挑战过程”。


与许多短期收益模型不同,ZKM Bitcoin L2 专注于长期、可持续的收入来源。原生 BTC 持有者可以保护去中心化序列网络,获得 gas 收入,并从专用采矿池中受益,该池由 40% 的 ZKM 未来代币供应组成,从而确保持续的回报和潜在的 MEV 机会。

ZKM Bitcoin L2 的用户还将受益于 Entangled Rollup 网络的更广泛功能,该网络原生地统一了跨区块链的分散流动性,并实现了链间价值的流畅转移,而无需依赖不便且可能不安全的第三方桥梁。


没有桥梁的多链互操作性 Entangled Rollup Network


Entangled Rollup 是一种架构设计,通过其对应的第 2 层之间的交互,连接了两个独立区块链。这些交互同步了网络之间的状态变化,实现了信息和价值的无缝交换。

Entangled Rollup 协议是去信任的,除了简化用户和开发者体验之外,它在解决流动性碎片化方面向前迈出了一步,作为多链世界的主要采用障碍。

通俗来讲,Entangled Rollup Network 可以让以太坊最终成为通用结算层的可交互操作性网络,类似于 Cosmos 的 IBC 中继器网络,可以实现全链复杂环境的资产跨链和通信能力。


``````html Entangled Rollup Network:基于 zkVM 的 Layer2 解决方案 | 新闻稿

Entangled Rollup Network:基于 zkVM 的 Layer2 解决方案

近日,有关 Entangled Rollup Network 的消息引起了行业的广泛关注。这一基于 zkVM 的模块化执行层设计,为异构链之间实现了新的「信任」模式。从更专业的角度来看,Entangled Rollup Network 不仅仅是一个「BTC layer2」,更是一个能够赋予 BTC 主链原生资产迁移能力的重要平台。

据悉,Entangled Rollup Network 通过一套可信且安全的 Peg-in 和 Peg-out 机制,为用户提供了安全跨链资产转移的功能,实现了资产的安全转移。

与 RGB 原生协议所依赖的向主网发布状态 Commitment 以及通过后续的状态承诺 Unlock 锁定资产类似,Entangled Rollup Network 也采取了类似的技术理念。不同之处在于,RGB 依赖于一个无中心组织的客户端 P2P 网络,而 Entangled Rollup Network 则需要通过一套质押且使用 zkVM 构建信任的中继器网络。

值得一提的是,Entangled Rollup Network 还定义了挑战机制为 OCP(Optimism Challenge Process)。任何用户和节点在任意时间点都可以向主网传入 Layer2 网络的交易数据状态片段来向主网脚本锁定的承诺发起挑战。若发现 Layer2 数据与主网承诺不一致,则挑战成功,节点质押在主网的资产将被罚没。这一举措有效地保证了去中心化 Sequencer 的不会主观作恶性。

【专题】ZKM 驱动比特币 Layer2 的独特之处

对于 ZKM 进军比特币赛道的动向,业内人士也颇感好奇。据悉,ZKM 一直以来的产品定位就是 Layer2 拓展网络,而此次进军比特币领域,则是顺应了行业发展的趋势。当前,以太坊生态上的 Layer2 项目纷纷推出自己的比特币 Layer2 解决方案,而ZKM也不甘落后,推出了独具特色的解决方案。

据了解,已经有超过 100 个 BTC L2 项目已经推出或即将推出。Entangled Rollup 框架和 zkVM 级别支持 BTC L2,因此 ZKM 可以提供本机安全性和可持续收益作为该网络的关键功能。


BTC L2 的安全保障有赖于两个关键因素。首先,L1 上的资产应由本机 BTC Multisig 脚本控制,只要至少有一个诚实方处于活动状态,即可阻止任何不诚实行为。其次,L2 交易的包含和最终确定应继承 BTC 的安全标准,这意味着排序器应该是去中心化的,L2 交易批次的执行应通过 BTC 脚本验证。

为了实现这些安全需求,ZKM 引入了乐观挑战过程机制(OCP)。当用户的资产存入 L2 时,它们会被锁定到预先签名的 n-of-n 多重签名脚本中,其中签名者可以是任何授权且中立的第三方或审计员。然后,多重签名的兑换脚本应在指定的挑战期后激活。然后,签名者提前向目标用户发送资产。


在众多比特币持有者中,持续稳定的收入远比短暂的积分或空投回报更受青睐。对于 ZKM BTC L2 来说,在框架中引入去中心化排序器来批量处理 L2 交易,提供了固有的本机安全性。因此,这些排序器节点(具有 BTC 白名单)应因其贡献而获得奖励是很自然的。

据了解,ZKM 将其生命周期代币供应量的 40% 保留给矿池,专门用于序列器节点挖矿、流动性质押挖矿和证明网络挖矿。这一举措旨在确保排序器节点不仅能够从其处理的每批次中```html

The author of the press release reported that the agreement on the content chain will start on March and the first hacking will last until the end of March, including three track creator tools and the token application to be opened on March. In the first season, the supply of tokens will be distributed to users according to the snapshot of the pledge activity on March, and all users will get at least one floor plus one second project, reputation certificate and event road map. The future planning also includes the launch of the scoring system on March and the adjustment of the monthly fixed supply on March. On October, it was announced that the innovative technology based on decentralized sorter was launched to expand the security of bitcoin with original assets and provide all holders and ecological participants with sustainable models to benefit from it. The project introduction is a network based on zero knowledge proof, which aims to unify blockchain and create a settlement layer on Ethereum. The project aims to provide faster and more convenient capital withdrawal, establish a standardized security framework across platforms and enhance the security of Internet of Things devices and cloud computing systems. And integrity announced the launch of innovative technologies based on decentralized sorter to expand the security of bitcoin with native assets and provide sustainable models for all holders and eco-participants to benefit from. It is a network based on zero and only proof. In bitcoin ecology, it is also hoped to develop layer protocol projects built on bitcoin ecology through agreements, which adds a variety of functional projects to the project itself. Research on bitcoin layer protocols, new solutions, press releases, and press releases are called. For the parent-child project, the following bitcoin security framework is introduced in detail: the local script control of script verification and decentralized transaction execution are adopted, and the optimistic challenge process for ensuring off-chain calculation is introduced. The framework is supported by the whole tangled summary framework, including universal and decentralized sequences, which not only ensures local security, but also provides sustainable returns without locking assets. Unlike many short-term income models, it focuses on long-term sustainable income sources. Holders can protect the income of decentralized serial network and benefit from the special mining pool, which is composed of the future token supply, so as to ensure continuous returns and potential opportunities. Users will also benefit from the wider functions of the network, which originally unifies the decentralized liquidity of cross-regional blockchain and realizes the smooth transfer of inter-chain value without relying on inconvenient and possibly unsafe third-party bridges. This infrastructure has created a truly interconnected blockchain environment, eliminating obstacles and being wider. The main obstacle to the widespread adoption of bitcoin-based technology is multi-chain interoperability without bridges. Traditionally, the interoperability in blockchains is realized through trusted bridges. This is a single centralized or partially decentralized intermediary used to verify and transmit cross-chain messages. It is an architectural design that connects two independent blockchains through the interactions between their corresponding layers. These interactions synchronize the state changes between networks and realize the seamless exchange of information and value. The protocol is untrusted except for simplifying users and opening. In addition to the experience of the sender, it has taken a step forward in solving the problem of liquidity fragmentation. As the main adoption obstacle in the multi-chain world, generally speaking, it can make Ethereum finally become an interoperable network of the general settlement layer. Similar to the repeater network, it can realize the cross-chain and communication ability of assets in the complex environment of the whole chain. Project research, new solutions based on Bitcoin layer protocols, solutions based on press releases, recently related news has attracted widespread attention in the industry. The blocking execution layer is designed to realize a new trust model between heterogeneous chains. From a more professional point of view, it is not only an important platform that can give the main chain the ability to migrate native assets. It is reported that a set of credible and secure sum mechanisms provide users with the function of safe cross-chain asset transfer, which realizes the safe transfer of assets. It is similar to the release of status to the main network and the locking of assets through subsequent status commitments. The difference is that similar technical concepts are adopted. Depending on a client network with no central organization, it needs to pass a set of pledge and use a repeater network to build trust. It is worth mentioning that a challenge mechanism is also defined, which can challenge the commitment of script locking of the main network by any user and node at any time. If the data is found to be inconsistent with the commitment of the main network, the assets pledged by the successful node in the main network will be confiscated, which effectively ensures that decentralization will not happen. The uniqueness of subjective vicious topic-driven bitcoin is also curious about the trend of entering the bitcoin track. It is reported that the product positioning has always been to expand the network, and this entry into the bitcoin field is in line with the trend of industry development. At present, the ecological projects of Ethereum have launched their own bitcoin solutions one after another, but they are not willing to lag behind and launched unique solutions. It is understood that more than 10 projects have been launched or will be launched soon, so the framework and level support can be. Providing local security and sustainable income as the key functions of the network depends on two key factors. Firstly, the assets should be controlled by local scripts, so long as at least one honest party is active, any dishonest behavior can be prevented. Secondly, the inclusion of transactions and the final determination of the security standards to be inherited mean that the sorter should be decentralized, and the execution of transaction batches should be verified by scripts. In order to achieve these security requirements, an optimistic challenge process machine has been introduced. When the user's assets are deposited, they will be locked into a pre-signed multi-signature script, in which the signer can be any authorized and neutral third party or auditor, and then the multi-signature exchange script should be activated after the specified challenge period, and then the signer will send the sustainable income of the assets to the target user in advance. The sustained and stable income among many bitcoin holders is far more popular than the short-term integral or airdrop return. For me, it is necessary to introduce a decentralized sorter into the framework to process the transactions in batches. Easy to provide inherent local security, so it is natural that these sorter nodes have a white list and should be rewarded for their contributions. It is understood that the reserve of their life-cycle token supply is reserved for the mining pool dedicated to the mining of sequencer nodes, liquidity pledge mining and network mining. This measure aims to ensure that sorter nodes can not only mine from each batch they process. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


一项新方案正为比特币带来全新面貌。该方案结合了多签脚本和乐观挑战过程机制,以确保高度安全性,同时通过引入去中心化排序器提高了交易效率。更为引人瞩目的是,ZKM不仅注重短期回报,更专注于长期可持续的收入来源。通过独特的收益模型和Entangled Rollup网络的结合,为比特币生态的发展开辟了新的道路。总体而言,ZKM显示出无限的潜力,并有望在未来成为比特币Layer2领域的领导者。




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