ETF 之后什么才能将加密金融体系带向真正的大规模应用?

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X,2024年5月7日 - Generative Ventures合伙人Will Wang今日指出,如果以太坊和其他公链生态不积极作为,那么这轮牛市将只是比特币牛市。他强调,资产价格的回升不取决于所谓Web3的互联网应用发展,而是取决于信用的重塑。因此ETF的通过重新给了主流资产以认可。

这位合伙人表示,第一波的所谓Mass Adoption将是通过具有合格投资门槛的银行和券商账户投资ETF,而不是之前Web3时代所期待的第三代互联网那样,或者大规模用户通过更简单的钱包体验来获得加密资产。他指出,ETF只是加密资产作为一种金融资产的Mass Adoption的第一步。

对于加密区块链在全球金融行业中的应用场景,Will Wang认为,除了已为人熟知的赛道,还有一个更值得期待的方向,那就是解决金融体系底层的三个“不公平”:利率差、税率差和信息差。






因为现金依赖,无法获得基础利率的产品;稳定币发行商的巨额利润也间接呼吁创新和竞争,其中也包括监管对于将生息现金证券化的担忧。然而,若没有链上的余额宝,就不会有规模化的用户将现金放在链上或用于小额支付;传统的余额宝已经证明了这是一种拥有上亿用户的资产方式 = 具有大规模采用潜力。

什么能够实现一定的税收公平?我们的答案是“零税率福利彩票”,或者说“链上完全透明的奖池结算系统”;如何做到一个极致透明、极致公开、极致回报率、极致参与率的随机性游戏产品的结算系统?开奖和中奖都在链上实现,并且实现真正的小额投注,将 gas fee 的摩擦降到最低?甚至,所产生的社会福利金是否可以由一个真正的 DAO 公开投票和治理,决定款项的捐助对象和金额?这是一个全球合法市场规模达到 3000-5000 亿美元的领域 = 具有大规模采用潜力。

什么能够实现一定的信息公平?我们的答案是“可信任的 AI 驱动的信息服务”;这一想法还处于比较初步的阶段,但我们相信,AI 与加密学的结合,绝对不会止步于将当前 AI 中最热门的领域在加密社区中“meme”一遍。新一代的 AI 能够实现“规模化的个性化服务”,那么在金融领域原本无法规模化的个性服务,是否有可能被 AI 解决?同时,AI 也代表着某种可以不经过人为操纵或私心的可能性,能够更加公允地提供建议,并且在帮助客户审视某些结构化产品中明显的风险收益不对称方面,应该能够起到显著作用。除了银行和支付网络这两项商业模式之外,全球前十大金融上市公司中,信息服务也占据一席之地,蕴藏着巨大的机遇 = 具有大规模采用潜力。





a16z Chris Dixon 提出的 Read Write Own 思路中的 Own,在我们看来,仍然是精英主义的思维,它或许只是对于互联网有产者的一种技术主权,但它无法真正提出如何构建一个帕累托改进的金融系统。否则,更强的所有权可能导致更严重的不公平,从而也就无法实现广泛参与;尽管这个行业中令人兴奋的各种赌局让人趋之若鹜,但我们也清楚地看到,这无法代表最广大人民的利益,那么又何谈所谓的大规模采用呢?

因此,我们希望在 Read Write Own 之后加上第四个词:Fair!实际上,这根本不是我们的发明,而是一个在这个行业被广泛认可的意识形态,并且类似于 fair launch 之类的词汇已经成为共识的一部分。FairFi,走向更为普世与公平的金融体系,真正服务全球亿万用户的金融改进。本文写于香港和迪拜之间,在这两个最金融化的城市,提出关于公平的命题,是希望本行业能够长期形成的态势,是良币驱逐劣币,而非相反。




Today, the partner pointed out that if Ethereum and other public chain ecosystems do not act actively, this bull market will only be a bitcoin bull market. He stressed that the recovery of asset prices depends not on the development of so-called Internet applications, but on the reshaping of credit, so the mainstream assets are recognized again. The partner said that the first wave of so-called investment will be through banks and brokerage accounts with qualified investment thresholds, rather than the third-generation Internet as expected in previous times or on a large scale. Users get encrypted assets through a simpler wallet experience. He pointed out that it is only the first step of encrypted assets as a financial asset. For the application scenario of encrypted blockchain in the global financial industry, there is a more anticipated direction besides the well-known track, that is, to solve the three unfair interest rate differentials, tax rate differentials and information differentials at the bottom of the financial system. He explained that the interest rate differential refers to the fact that the rich are more likely to obtain high-interest financial products than the poor. This structural existence is essentially due to. Because the scale effect has not been realized technically, the difference in tax rate means that the poor are more vulnerable to tax exploitation than the rich. The average return ratio of traditional legal and government-issued lottery tickets exists, while the proportion of poor people buying lottery tickets is much higher than that of the rich. The information difference means that the rich are more likely to obtain effective financial information services than the poor. The information-intensive industry itself has structural problems. He called on entrepreneurs and financial institutions to actively seek solutions and put forward three corresponding solutions. He pointed out that technology and innovation may solve or at least alleviate these problems, because cash dependence can't get the basic interest rate. The huge profits of stable currency issuers also indirectly call for innovation and competition, including the concern of regulators about securitization of interest-bearing cash. However, without the balance treasure on the chain, there will be no large-scale users to put cash on the chain or use it for micropayment. The traditional balance treasure has proved that it is an asset with hundreds of millions of users. The way has the potential of large-scale adoption. What can achieve a certain tax fairness? Our answer is how to achieve a zero-tax welfare lottery or a completely transparent prize pool settlement system in the chain. How to achieve an extremely transparent settlement system for random game products with extremely open returns and extremely high participation rate? Lottery and winning prizes are all realized in the chain, and real small bets are realized to minimize friction. Even whether the social welfare funds generated can be decided by a real public vote and governance. This is a global legal market with a scale of US$ 100 million, which has the potential for large-scale adoption. What can achieve a certain degree of information fairness? The idea that our answer is a trustworthy and driven information service is still in the initial stage, but we believe that the combination with cryptography will never stop at the current hottest field in the encryption community. A new generation of personalized services that can achieve scale can not be scaled up in the financial field. Whether personalized service can be solved at the same time represents a possibility that it can provide advice more fairly without human manipulation or selfishness, and it should be able to play a significant role in helping customers examine the obvious asymmetry of risk and return in some structured products. In addition to the two business models of banking and payment network, information services also occupy a place in the top ten financial listed companies in the world, which has great opportunities and potential for large-scale adoption to answer these three questions. Can it bring more users in the chain if they hold cash in the chain? If there are no opaque games, lottery tickets and financial products and services that I don't understand, the idea put forward is still elitist in our view. It may be just a kind of technical sovereignty for internet owners, but it can't really put forward how to build a Pareto improved financial system, otherwise stronger ownership may lead to more serious unfairness, and thus it will not be widely realized. Although people are eager to participate in all kinds of exciting gambling in this industry, we also clearly see that this can't represent the interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, so what about the so-called large-scale adoption? Therefore, we hope to add a fourth word after it. In fact, this is not our invention at all, but an ideology widely recognized in this industry, and words like this have become part of the consensus, moving towards a more universal and fair financial system that truly serves hundreds of millions of users around the world. This paper is written between Hong Kong and Dubai, the two most financial cities, and puts forward the proposition of fairness, hoping that the industry will form a long-term situation in which good money drives out bad money, not the opposite. What is the right to freedom and choice? What is a better choice for financial freedom than traditional finance? 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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