链互操作性三巨头数据对比 谁最具潜力?

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作者:日月小楚 来源:X,@riyuexiaochu

在跨链领域,有三家颇具实力的公司,它们分别是 Wormhole、Axelar 和 LayerZero。目前,Wormhole 和 Axelar 已经上线运行,而 LayerZero 还未发行代币。今天,我们将从数据的角度对这三家公司进行分析,看看谁更具发展潜力。

1 支持的公链


Axelar 支持了 66 条公链,

Wormhole 支持了 30 多条公链,

LayerZero 支持了 50 多条公链。

从支持的公链数量来看,Axelar 遥遥领先。而在具体支持的公链中,各有特色。Axelar 着重支持 EVM 系列和 Cosmos 系列,因为其基于 Cosmos 框架开发,所以支持了众多 Cosmos 系列公链,如 Celestia、Dymension 和 Fetch.AI 等。

Wormhole 支持的公链除了 EVM 系列和 Cosmos 系列,还包括 Move 框架的 Aptos/Sui、Polkadot 和 Solana。

而 LayerZero 主要支持 EVM 系列,并开始尝试其他系列,如 Aptos 跨链桥,以及与比特币生态相关的 Merlin 跨链桥。

2 跨链信息传递

Axelar 的跨链信息传递 Top3 公链为 Polygon、BNB Chain 和 Arbitrum

Wormhole 的 Top3 公链为 Arbitrum、Solana 和 BNB Chain

LayerZero 的 Top3 公链为 Polygon、BNB Chain 和 Arbitrum

在跨链信息传递方面,我们发现 Axelar 与 LayerZero 的 Top3 公链完全一致,而 Wormhole 最大的特点在于 Solana。



1 跨链信息对比

根据最新数据显示,三大跨链项目的数据信息呈现出不同的特点。Wormhole 平均每日跨链信息达 4 千条,而 Axelar 提供的是月度信息,计算每日跨链达 5600 条,而 LayerZero 每日跨链信息量高达 27 万条。

虽然 LayerZero 的跨链信息量是其他两者的数十倍,但值得注意的是,其主要贡献可能来自于撸毛党的交互。LayerZero 是唯一一个没有发行代币的项目,因此其真实用户数量尚不可知。然而,从趋势变化来看,LayerZero 今年的跨链信息数量较去年有所下降,仅占去年最高峰的 50%。

相比之下,Axelar 的数据表现稳步增长,这是因为 Axelar 已经上线一年,不存在撸毛空投的情况。

自去年 9 月至今年三月,Axelar 的月跨链信息从 5.9 万条增加至 17 万条。这一数据反映了 Axelar 提供的相对真实的跨链数据,也突显了在行情繁荣时跨链需求的同步增长。

2 融资和市值

从融资角度来看,三大跨链项目均得到顶级投资机构的支持。LayerZero 获得了 A16Z 领投,以及红杉、Coinbase 等一流风投的投资。Axelar 则有 Dragonfly、Polychain、Binance Labs 的支持。而 Wormhole 则得到了 Coinbase、Multicoin Capital 等投资机构的青睐。

就估值而言,LayerZero 估值最高,达到了 30 亿美元。Wormhole 也享有非常高的估值,达到了 25 亿美元,其现在的全面发行价值为 107 亿美元,利润率为 4 倍。相较之下,Axelar 的估值最低,且其现在的全面发行价值与融资估值基本相当。

3 总结

从涉及的公链数量来看,Axelar 拥有最多的 66 条公链,而 Wormhole 最少仅有三十多条。三大跨链项目在公链发展方面各有优势和发展方向。Axelar 的优势主要在于 Cosmos 系列,大部分模块化公链现在都基于 Cosmos 进行开发,包括基础设施 Celestia、Dymension,未来可能会带来巨大的增量。Wormhole 主打 Solana,同时也支持 Move 框架的 Aptos/Sui、Polkadot。而 LayerZero 的重心在于 Layer2,目前正积极尝试在 Aptos、BTC Layer2 上进行。

从跨链信息来看,LayerZero 的数量是其他两者的数十倍,然而去除撸毛党后真实留存用户尚不可知。剩下的 Axelar 数据高于 Wormhole。根据以往数据显示,只有 Axelar 在过去一年中保持稳步增长。

从币价潜力来看,我认为 Axelar 更值得关注。Wormhole 的各项数据都稍逊于 Axelar,但其全面发行价值却是 Axelar 的 10 倍左右。而 LayerZero 的真实数据尚不可知,但其融资估值已高达 30 亿美元,上市后可能将达到 100 亿美元,也是 Axelar 的 10 倍。


Comparison of the data of the three giants of cross-chain agreement by Sun Moon Xiaochu There are three powerful companies in the cross-chain field, which are currently and have been put into operation but have not yet issued tokens. Today, we will analyze these three companies from the data point of view to see who has more development potential. As a public chain supported by cross-chain agreement, it is a key indicator. According to official data, it shows that it supports multiple public chains and supports multiple public chains, which is far from the number of public chains supported. First, the specific supported public chains have their own characteristics, focusing on supporting series and series. Because of its framework-based development, it supports many series of public chains, such as sum and so on. In addition to series and series, the supported public chains also include sum of frames, but mainly support series. We began to try other series, such as cross-chain bridge and cross-chain information transmission related to bitcoin ecology. In terms of cross-chain information transmission, the public chain is sum and the public chain is sum, which is the largest. According to the latest data, the data information of the three major cross-chain projects shows different characteristics, with an average of 1,000 cross-chain information per day, while the monthly information is calculated and the daily cross-chain information is as high as 10,000. Although the cross-chain information is dozens of times that of the other two, it is worth noting that its main contribution may come from the interaction of Mao Party, which is the only project that has not issued tokens. Therefore, the number of its real users is still unknown. However, from the trend change, the number of cross-chain information this year has decreased compared with last year, which only accounts for the highest peak of last year. In contrast, the data performance has increased steadily. This is because there has been no air drop for one year. From last month to March this year, the monthly cross-chain information has increased from 10,000 to 10,000. This data reflects the relatively real cross-chain data provided, and also highlights the synchronous growth of cross-chain demand and market value in the booming market. From the financing point of view, Look, the three major cross-chain projects have been supported by top investment institutions, led by leading investors and first-class venture capitalists such as Sequoia, while others have been favored by other investment institutions. In terms of valuation, the highest valuation has reached $ billion, and it has also enjoyed a very high valuation, reaching $ billion. Its current comprehensive issuance value is twice the profit margin of $ billion, compared with the lowest valuation, and its current comprehensive issuance value is basically the same as the financing valuation. Summary: From the number of public chains involved, it has the most public companies. There are at least more than 30 cross-chain projects, each of which has its own advantages and development direction. The main advantage lies in the fact that most of the series of modular public chains are now based on development, including infrastructure, which may bring huge incremental mainstays in the future and also support the framework. The focus is that the number of cross-chain information is dozens of times that of the other two. However, it is not known that the remaining data is higher than that in the past after the removal of the Mao Party. The data shows that only in the past year, it has maintained steady growth. From the perspective of currency price potential, I think all the data that are more worthy of attention are slightly inferior, but its comprehensive issuance value is about times, while the real data is unknown, but its financing valuation has reached $ billion, and it may reach $ billion after listing. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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