模块化 vs. 单体化架构已死

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作者:Avi Zurlo

编译:Block unicorn














批评者认为,这种方法趋向于集中化:如果依靠增加单个节点的计算能力来扩展,则不可避免地会遇到底层硬件的物理```html 水平 vs. 垂直扩展:区块链技术的新趋势






重新定义对话:水平 vs. 垂直扩展

在深入探讨水平 vs. 垂直扩展框架之前,重要的是要承认它的起源可以追溯到 20 世纪 70 年代,当时分布式计算研究为水平扩展概念奠定了基础。如今,所有的扩展技术都可以归类为水平或垂直扩展。



一个典型的例子是 EVMSVM

EVM 按顺序执行事务,而 SVM 则是并行执行事务。通过利用更多的 CPU 核心,SVM 每秒可处理更多事务,这为区块链技术的性能提升提供了新的思路。需要注意的是,这种垂直扩展类型是 Eclipse L2 背后的基础。






``````html 水平扩展与垂直扩展的区块链技术革新


近期,=nil; 基金会发布了一项重要技术进展,旨在推动以太坊网络的可扩展性和性能。这一技术称为 zkSharding,是去年11月推出的一项可验证的分片架构,为以太坊 Layer 2(L2)网络奠定了基础。


  • 首先,=nil;作为一个模块化区块链,充分利用了以太坊强大的共识机制和数据可用性,将任务分配到多个全节点上。

  • 其次,=nil;作为一个分片区块链,将部分状态分布在众多全节点上。




例如,一种选择是对模块化堆栈进行垂直扩展。其中一种常见方法是实现并行虚拟机,从而提高执行吞吐量。正如之前所述,Eclipse 正在利用 SVM 和其他 Rollups(如 Starknet)实现 BlockSTM,以实现并行化处理。



换句话说,许多机器可以并行运行相同类型的任务。这正是以太坊和 Celestia 希望通过 Danksharding 和数据分片实现的目标。但分片不仅局限于数据可用性层,还可以与执行相结合,如 =nil; L2 所示。



在 =nil; 基金会,我们正在系统地朝着这个最终状态设计迈进。=nil; 的 L2 通过利用模块化、水平可扩展的架构(zkSharding)和垂直扩展的验证器实现(分片内并行化),采取了一条积极的扩展路线图。

因此,=nil; 的设计可以在不牺牲状态、流动性或用户碎片化的情况下实现全球规模。

近日,针对水平扩展和 zkSharding 的讨论日益热烈。如果您对这些话题感兴趣,不妨前往=nil;基金会的 Discord 和 X,与我们一同探讨。


Comparison between horizontal expansion and vertical expansion of blockchain scalability In recent years, with the rise of technology, the scalability of blockchain has been focused on the dispute between modularity and singleness. This binary opposition was originally a useful thinking mode to infer the scalability of blockchain, but now it can't meet our needs. So what alternatives are there? This paper will discuss horizontal expansion and vertical expansion as the basic framework of blockchain scalability and explain the adoption of horizontal expansion. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of vertical expansion modularity and singleness First, let's define a modular chain, which decomposes the core functions of a blockchain into different layers and integrates all core functions into a single interconnected layer. We can regard a layer as a machine singleness chain with one node to perform all tasks, while a modular chain has multiple full nodes to perform different tasks. For example, there are usually two running nodes, one for execution and the other for settlement of data availability. Taifang full node may use three running nodes, one for execution, one for settlement, and one for standby data availability. Full-node modularization distributes the tasks of blockchain to at least two full nodes. In this way, modular chain can use the computing power of multiple computers to build each block. Modularization is a form of horizontal expansion, which is very useful for thinking about the scalability of blockchain. On the other hand, most single camps choose. Choose the faster network protocol and more powerful hardware to expand the parallel virtual machine data pipeline through software optimization, and try to extract the maximum computing power from a whole node. This is a form of vertical expansion. Critics believe that this method tends to be centralized. If it relies on increasing the computing power of a single node to expand, it will inevitably encounter the new trend of physical horizontal and vertical expansion of the underlying hardware. Recently, the development trend of blockchain technology has been launched. There has been an interesting discussion. From the technical realization point of view, both the monomer chain and the modular chain have shown infinite possibilities in terms of expansion technology. Both of them can expand horizontally and or vertically, which has injected new vitality into their future development blueprint. The debate on modularity and singleness has always revolved around the framework of horizontal and vertical expansion. From a strict technical point of view, modularity tends to expand horizontally while singleness tends to expand vertically. However, with the modular chain, The successful introduction of additional expansion advantages is no longer limited to more modularity. Now, the focus has turned to how to make full use of horizontal or vertical expansion technology and use horizontal and vertical thinking models. We can easily infer that the trade-offs made by each chain in this process provide a clearer road map for future development, redefine the horizontal and vertical expansion of dialogue, and it is important to admit that its origin can be traced back to the 1990 s when distributed computing was studied as water. The concept of flat expansion has laid the foundation. Now all expansion technologies can be classified as horizontal or vertical expansion. Vertical expansion has become an effective way to improve the system performance by increasing the hardware utilization rate or hardware requirements of each node. In the blockchain field, this is usually achieved by software optimization such as parallel virtual machines. A typical example is to execute transactions in sequence, while parallel execution can handle more transactions per second by using more cores, which improves the performance of blockchain technology. L provides a new idea. It should be noted that this type of vertical expansion is the basis behind it. However, in terms of trade-off, vertical expansion is limited by available hardware, and tends to be centralized because of the increase in hardware requirements, and the scalability is poor compared with horizontal expansion. Schematic diagram of vertical expansion and horizontal expansion increase the number of accessible machines in the system by distributing the workload to multiple nodes. As mentioned above, the modular chain is essentially to distribute tasks to multiple machines. In addition, the chain can usually Realize a greater degree of horizontal expansion through fragmentation and other technologies. Schematic diagram of horizontal expansion Blockchain technical innovation of horizontal expansion and vertical expansion Recently, the Foundation released an important technical progress to promote the scalability and performance of the Ethereum network. This technology is called a verifiable fragmentation architecture launched last month, which laid the foundation for the Ethereum network. The core design idea is to divide the overall state of the Ethereum into multiple fragments. Fragments are run by the decentralization committee, which is responsible for building blocks and managing cross-fragment transactions. In addition, the validity certificate generated by each fragment will be sent to the main fragment for aggregation, and then published and verified on the Ethereum network. This architecture has the ability of horizontal expansion in two ways: first, as a modular blockchain, it makes full use of Ethereum's powerful consensus mechanism and data availability, and distributes tasks to multiple nodes; second, as a fragmented blockchain, it distributes some states in. The combination of these two technologies on many nodes effectively reduces the burden of a single machine and improves the scalability of the whole network. However, horizontal expansion also faces some trade-offs, which are mainly reflected in the complexity of the network and consensus, and the asynchronous communication between machines or segments, which pursues the ultimate goal of Ethernet scalability. Horizontal expansion and vertical expansion are not limited to modular or single architecture. The comparison between horizontal and vertical expansion provides us with more space to explore new solutions, so that modules can be Blockchain is more scalable. For example, one option is to vertically expand the modular stack. One common method is to implement parallel virtual machines to improve the execution throughput. As mentioned earlier, it is being used and implemented to achieve parallelization. However, vertical expansion is always limited by the physical limits of a single machine. We cannot break these physical limits. One solution may be to achieve horizontal expansion through fragmentation. The current modular design has just touched the potential of horizontal expansion. Fragmentation We can use the computing power of any number of machines instead of just sharing tasks with one machine. In other words, many machines can run the same type of tasks in parallel, which is exactly what Ethereum hopes to achieve through data fragmentation. However, fragmentation is not limited to the data availability layer, but it can also be combined with execution. As shown, if the horizontal expansion realized by modular stack is combined with the horizontal expansion provided by fragmentation, we will get a substantial increase in available computing power. However, we can do better. The ultimate goal of blockchain scalability will be to integrate horizontal and vertical expansion to produce parallel virtual expansion. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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