10 分钟快速入门 RGB++ 协议及其玩法

币圈资讯 阅读:72 2024-05-01 06:11:59 评论:0



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经过不到一个月的时间,自从4月初部署至比特币主网以来,通过RGB++协议发行的加密资产已经超过300种。首个RGB++资产SEAL的持币地址数量已达16850,累计交易额超过180 BTC。





RGB++协议与RGB协议完全不同。RGB++协议的作者是Cipher,他同时也是CKB的联合创始人,而RGB协议目前主要由Maxim Orlovsky博士主导。









  1. 了解RGB++协议的基本概念和原理。
  2. 选择适合的钱包、浏览器、DEX、Launchpad等基础设施,并学会使用```html

    3、Leap 操作是啥?它是跨链桥吗?

    Leap 操作并不是跨链桥。当 RGB++ 资产从比特币区块链 Leap 到 CKB 区块链,或者反向操作时,并不涉及任何跨链桥或引入外部信任假设。

    一般的跨链桥,是通过将加密资产发送到一个多签钱包或合约,然后在另一条链上发放相应的资产凭证。然而,这种方法存在偏向中心化的缺陷,用户需要信任跨链桥的运营方不会出现问题。一旦跨链桥遭受黑客攻击,用户的资产可能会受损。例如,2021年7月,跨链资产桥项目ChainSwap遭到攻击,损失近800万美元;2022年1月,Qubit Finance跨链桥遭到黑客攻击,损失超过8000万美元;2022年2月,Wormhole被黑客攻击,损失超过3.2亿美元。

    Leap 是一种点对点的资产转移方式,从一条区块链到另一条区块链,这种方式更加安全,也更加去中心化。

    RGB++ 的生态和玩法

    RGB++ 的生态

    RGB++ 协议于4月初部署到比特币主网,目前已经实现了协议本身所要涵盖的核心功能,包括 fungible、non-fungible 资产的发行、转让,还有 leap 操作,SDK 等。

    RGB++ 的生态发展也开始初具规模:

    • 钱包:JoyID、REI Wallet(插件钱包)等

    • DEX:HueHub、Omiga、JoyID 内置的 DEX 等,还有即将上线的 AMM DEX

    • Launchpad:HueHub

    • DID:.bit

    • DeFi:Stable++(稳定币协议)

    • 知名项目:Nervape、SEAL 等

    • 其他:Haste(RGB++ 资产管理工具)、Metaforo(支持 RGB++ 协议的投票治理工具)等

    RGB++ 的玩法

    1、如何发行 RGB++ 资产?


    打开HueHub网站(https://huehub.xyz),连接钱包(UniSat、OKX或JoyID),确保钱包中有足够的BTC,然后点击“Issue a RGB++ token”,填写RGB++资产的代币名称、符号、总供应量、每次 mint 的数量以及几个比特币区块后开始 mint等信息,填写完成后提交并支付BTC手续费即可,操作简单便捷。

    RGB++ 资产的常见问题解答

    1、我如何发行 RGB++ 资产?

    要发行 RGB++ 资产,你可以使用HueHub平台的发行工具,链接你的钱包并按照指示完成发行。


    2、如何 mint 他人发行的 RGB++ 资产?


    第二种方法是打开HueHub的Fair Mint页面(https://huehub.xyz/fair-mint),连接钱包,找到你想要mint的资产,点击旁边的mint按钮进行铸造。


    如果你想在比特币一层上交易RGB++资产,可以直接使用HueHub的Marketplace。买的话就在Market中点击「Buy Now」,卖的话就选择「List for sale」。



    JoyID钱包已经支持了RGB++资产的Leap功能。登录JoyID后,切换至Bitcoin网络,然后点开你的RGB++资产(比如SEAL),在发送界面选择「Bitcoin L2(CKB)」并输入CKB地址、数量,选择矿工费,最后点击「Send」并进行签名确认。视频教程如下:



    CKB 链上的 RGB++ 资产 Leap 操作相关注意事项

    近日,CKB 链上的 RGB++ 资产 Leap 操作备受关注,为了帮助用户更好地进行这一操作,我们整理了一些注意事项。

    4、如何将 CCT 资产 Leap 到 CKB 链上?

    首先,用户需要通过 Leap UI 或 CKB Explorer (https://explorer.nervos.org/) 连接 Leap 服务。具体步骤可参考 https://twitter.com/joy_protocol/status/1780505146067448176

    需要特别说明的是,为了保证安全性(防止区块重组),整个 Leap 的过程需要等待大约 1 小时。完成 Leap 后,RGB++ 资产就在 CKB 区块链上了,就可以使用 JoyID 钱包内置的 DEX 或者 Omiga 的 Marketplace 进行交易了。

    5、如何将 CKB 链上的 RGB++ 资产 Leap 到比特币链上?

    JoyID 钱包目前的版本还未支持该功能,需要再等待一段时间,预计 5 月底之前会上线。

    另外,目前并不建议大家使用社区成员做的一些工具来进行 Leap 操作,因为容易发生资产被烧掉的事情(将在下文具体介绍)。


    1、在铸造 RGB++ 资产或者转账 BTC 时,为什么 mempool 中没有显示?


    另一个原因是交易手续费设置得太低了。挖矿节点会按交易的手续费从高到低排队,优先打包那些手续费高的,如果手续费太低,过了一定时间,比如三天,还没有轮到它的话,挖矿节点一般会把这样的低手续费交易从自己的内存池里删除掉。任何节点删了你的交易,它们并不会通知你的钱包,交易也不会被退回,你的钱包也不可能自动显示你发送交易之前的余额。如果是这种情况,只能使用一些矿池推出的 “交易加速处理服务”,需要额外支付费用。

    2、为什么 RGB++ 资产会被烧掉?

    通过 RGB++ 协议发行的资产,它 “寄生” 或者说 “绑定” 在比特币的 UTXO 中,更具体地说,是绑定在大小为 546 聪的 UTXO 中。如果这个 UTXO 被花费了,那对应的 RGB++ 资产也会被花费掉。

    那怎么避免绑定了 RGB++ 资产的 UTXO 被用户误花费掉呢?JoyID 钱包设置了一个阈值,目前这个阈值是 1200 聪,低于这个阈值的 UTXO 不会被当作矿工费或者是普通的 BTC 转账而花费掉。当然,不同的钱包设置的阈值不一样,因此为了避免被误花费掉,建议大家使用 JoyID 钱包来存储和收发 RGB++ 资产。

    前文有提到,目前并不建议大家使用社区成员做的一些工具来将资产从 CKB 链上 Leap 到比特币链上,这是因为有些工具在绑定比特币 UTXO 的时候并没有遵循 RGB++ 的标准 —— 绑定到 546 聪的 UTXO 上,如果他们把资产绑定到了超过 1200 聪的 UTXO 上,那用户在使用 JoyID 钱包发送 BTC 交易时,钱包就很容易会把这个 UTXO当作矿工费或者是普通的 UTXO花费掉。

    3、既然 JoyID 钱包在 RGB++ 生态中扮演了那么重要的角色,那我应该如何提高钱包的安全性呢?

    JoyID 钱包目前的版本还不支持助记词备份,所以为了防止误删钱包或者误删 Passkey,建议大家一定要做账户升级,升级后可以关联多个不同品牌的设备。

    登录 JoyID 钱包后,在设置中,选择「Security」,点击「Trusted Devices」旁边的「+」号,点击「Upgrade」,然后支付 150 CKB或其他数量的其他代币,即可完成账户升级。升级完成后,点击「Trusted Devices」旁边的「+」号,就可以添加不同品牌的设备了,比如苹果手机创建的 JoyID 钱包可以添加安卓手机作为备用登录设备。


    After less than a month, since it was deployed to Bitcoin's main network at the beginning of the month, the encrypted assets issued through the agreement have exceeded three kinds, and the number of the first asset's currency-holding address has exceeded the cumulative transaction amount. In addition, the ecological development has begun to take shape, and the necessary infrastructure such as wallet browser asset manager has been initially established. However, many people still lack understanding of the agreement and its gameplay, but they don't know where to start. Therefore, this article will be divided into three parts. The first part will be easy to understand. The second part will introduce the related knowledge of the protocol, and the third part will contain answers to frequently asked questions to help readers get started quickly and master the basic knowledge of the protocol. What's the difference between the protocol and the protocol recently launched? What's the difference between the protocol and the protocol? The author of the protocol is completely different from the protocol, and the protocol is currently dominated by doctors, which means that you can use the protocol in. After issuing encrypted assets on the safest bitcoin blockchain with the strongest consensus, you can transfer them to others. The receiver does not need to verify them by itself, because the assets issued through the agreement will generate corresponding shadow assets on the blockchain. Taking the analogy of flesh and shadow, the transfer of assets on the bitcoin blockchain is equivalent to the physical transfer, and the corresponding shadow assets will also move accordingly and be verified by the miners in the blockchain. Therefore, we can believe that as long as the movement of shadow assets is the correct physical assets, The transfer of production will also be correct. Of course, you can also choose not to trust the miners to verify the correctness of the physical transfer. The agreements and similar agreements are all bitcoin first-tier asset distribution agreements, but there is not much competition at present, because the whole market is small, and the most important thing is to jointly expand the cake. At present, there is still a lack of programmability. If cooperation will bring a win-win effect, it can bring more attention to the transaction congestion and expensive fees on the bitcoin chain. What solution is being cast? When assets are cast, transactions will be generated on the bitcoin blockchain and the blockchain at the same time. Transactions on the bitcoin chain are used to form assets, while transactions on the physical chain are used to generate corresponding shadows. Therefore, during the casting process, users need to pay more fees because part of the fees are used to purchase and generate corresponding shadow assets. After the asset casting is completed, if users feel that the bitcoin chain is congested and the fees are too high, they can put the physical body of assets on the blockchain, so that the physical body and shadows will all be evenly distributed on the chain. The block time is about seconds, and the handling fee is also very low. A miner's fee can usually be paid for multiple transfers, so the assets on the chain can enjoy the high-speed performance, and even return to the bitcoin chain after completing thousands of transfers on the Internet. In addition, the blockchain is Turing-complete and can build various types and applications, so the assets on the chain can also participate in these applications, so as to realize more benefits and wider application scenarios. How to start participating in the agreement? You can follow the following steps. Solve the basic concept and principle of the protocol, choose the appropriate infrastructure such as wallet browser and learn how to use it. Is it a cross-chain bridge? Operation is not a cross-chain bridge. When assets are operated from bitcoin blockchain to blockchain or vice versa, it does not involve any cross-chain bridge or introduce external trust. It is assumed that the general cross-chain bridge is to send encrypted assets to a multi-signed wallet or contract and then issue corresponding asset certificates on another chain. However, this method has the defect of centralization, and users need it. There will be no problem in trusting the operator of the cross-chain bridge. Once the cross-chain bridge is hacked, the user's assets may be damaged. For example, the cross-chain asset bridge project was attacked in October and lost nearly 10,000 US dollars. The cross-chain bridge was hacked in October and lost more than 10,000 US dollars. It is a peer-to-peer asset transfer method from one blockchain to another. This way is safer and more decentralized. The ecological protocol of ecology and gameplay was deployed to Bitcoin owners at the beginning of the month. At present, the network has realized the core functions of the agreement itself, including the issuance and transfer of assets, the ecological development of operations, etc., and has begun to take shape. There are also other asset management tools such as the stable currency agreement and well-known projects that will be launched soon. How to issue assets? At present, you can directly open the website to connect to the wallet by issuing assets or ensure that there are enough in the wallet, and then click to fill in the token name symbol of the asset. The quantity of each supply and several bitcoin blocks will start after filling in the information. After submitting and paying the handling fee, you can operate simple and convenient assets. Answers to frequently asked questions about how to issue assets. You can use the platform's issuing tools to link your wallet and follow the instructions to complete the issuance. You can also choose the official website you open and use their issuing tools to complete the issuance of assets. How to issue assets issued by others? If there is a special website for assets issued by others, you can directly type it. Open the corresponding website and follow the instructions to complete the casting. The second method is to open the page and connect the wallet to find the assets you want. Click the button next to it to cast how to trade assets. If you want to trade assets on the first floor of Bitcoin, you can use them directly. If you want to trade assets on the second floor of Bitcoin, you can choose. At present, there are multiple options, one is to use the built-in wallet, and the other is to use the order book mode. At the same time, members of the community team are also doing something based on it. It is expected that in the near future, how to transfer assets on the bitcoin chain to the chain will be introduced. The wallet has already supported the function of assets. After logging in, switch to the network and then click on your assets. For example, in the sending interface, select and enter the address number, select the miner's fee, and finally click and sign for confirmation. The video tutorial is as follows: How to use the wallet to cross the chain when encountering a problem. Matters needing attention related to asset operation on the press release chain have been closely related recently. Note: In order to help users better carry out this operation, we have sorted out some precautions on how to put assets on the chain. First, users need to pass or connect services. The specific steps can be referred to. What needs special explanation is that in order to ensure security and prevent the whole process of block reorganization, it takes about hours to complete, and then assets can be traded in the blockchain. How to put assets on the chain into bitcoin chain? The current version of wallet does not support this function yet. It is expected that it will be online before the end of the month. In addition, it is not recommended to use some tools made by community members at present. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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