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作者:Jeff John Roberts,财富杂志;编译:Luffy,Foresight News

4 月 15 日,一个沉睡了 14 年的比特币钱包苏醒。钱包所有者向 Coinbase 发送了 50 枚比特币,从这些曾经一文不值的比特币中获利超过 300 万美元。这样的交易不常见,但也并非独一无二。几乎每周都会有早期比特币钱包苏醒,这引发了一个问题:还有多少推测中已经丢失的比特币可以重新流通。《财富》和 Chainalysis 的一项新调查提供了一些见解。


图表显示 2018 年以来丢失的比特币数量变化

如上图所示,数十万「丢失」的比特币(Chainalysis 将其定义为自 2014 年以来一直未动的比特币)在过去几年中重新流通。该图显示了四种不同规模的钱包中比特币总量的净变化,包括持有少于 50 枚比特币的钱包和持有 1,000 枚或更多比特币的钱包。其中,「少于 50 枚」类别占旧比特币钱包的绝大多数,如下图所示。



两张图都表明,包含 50 枚比特币的旧钱包数量不成比例。这反映了这样一个事实:在比特币早期,区块奖励是 50 个。(此后,一系列「减半」事件导致奖励减少到 25、12.5、6.25 枚,就在上周,奖励减少到 3.25 枚比特币)。

现在,每天开采的比特币数量还不到最早时候的 10%,早期钱包(其中许多钱包里藏有巨额财富)可能会引起更大的兴趣。

1210 亿美元

那些对加密货币只是偶尔感兴趣的人可能会惊讶地发现,大约有 175 万个比特币钱包在十年或更长时间以来一直处于完全沉睡状态,其中许多钱包里有大量资金。截至 3 月中旬,这些钱包(不包括与比特币创始人中本聪相关的约 30,000 个钱包)包含 1,798,681 枚比特币,如今价值约 1210 亿美元。

这 180 万枚「丢失」的比特币约占比特币总供应量 2100 万枚(其中 93% 已经被开采)的 8.5%。在大多数情况下,不可能确切知道某个钱包的去向,但可以肯定的是,很多钱包中比特币确实永远丢失了。在比特币的早期,这种加密货币几乎一文不值,直到 2011 年比特币的价格才突破 1 美元大关。因此许多收到比特币的人可能已经完全忘记了它,或者没有费心去保存打开钱包所需的私钥。在 2012 年之前,像 Coinbase 这样为用户保管私钥的公司还不存在,因此丢失钥匙的情况尤其常见。

但并非所有闲置钱包都已丢失或被遗弃。比特币以其庞大的「HODLers」而闻名,这些「HODLers」发誓永远不会出售其储备(或至少会长期持有)。正是这些人(用加密货币术语来说,他们拥有「钻石手」)管理着自 2018 年以来活跃的少数钱包。

那么他们为什么要抛售呢?Chainalysis 对新活跃钱包的分析发现,比特币价格变化与特定一周的钱包活动之间存在统计上显著的相关性。然而,大多数时候,钱包活动的增加似乎与明显的外部事件无关。

总体而言,旧钱包的激活速度似乎可以预测。例如,3 月 25 日当周,出现了一个典型模式,172 个长期闲置的钱包开始活跃起来,其中 169 个钱包中的比特币少于 50 枚,还有一个钱包中的比特币超过 1,000 枚。许多比特币持有者拥有不止一个钱包,尤其是那些在 2014 年之前就已拥有钱包的人,因此当周激活钱包的人数可能远低于 172 人。

变数:中本聪的 110 万比特币

Chainalysis 的调查数据表明,旧钱包将继续以稳定但缓慢的速度被唤醒,直到丢失的比特币数量基本稳定下来:大概在 150 万左右。

不过,我们可以想象,未来钱包觉醒的速度会加快。也就是说,当 2014 年之前的 HODLers 变老并将长期持有的比特币遗赠给他们的孩子,而他们的孩子又会出售这些比特币时,这种情况可能会发生。然而,这样的事件仍需数十年时间,因为大多数早期的比特币持有者都只有 20 多岁或 30 多岁。

最后,上述「丢失」的比特币数量不包括中本聪控制的钱包,根据 Chainalysis 的估计,中本聪拥有约 110 万枚比特币。《财富》杂志最近发布的一份关于中本聪财富(价值约 750 亿美元)的报告发现,大多数长期关注加密货币的人认为,这位比特币创造者早已成为神话,他们极有可能永远不会动用自己的钱包。

如果真是这样,那么目前丢失的比特币总数约为 290 万枚,占总供应量的近 14%。从长远来看,最好的结果是这些比特币成为永远找不到的失落宝藏。

Author: Jeff John Roberts, Fortune Magazine; Compiled by Luffy, Foresight News

On April 15th, a Bitcoin wallet that had been dormant for 14 years woke up. The wallet owner sent 50 Bitcoins to Coinbase, profiting over $3 million from these once worthless Bitcoins. Such transactions are not common, but they are also not unique. Almost every week, early Bitcoin wallets wake up, which raises the question of how many speculated lost Bitcoins can be circulated again. A new survey by Fortune and Chainalysis provides some insights

The chart shows the change in the number of lost Bitcoins since 2018

As shown in the above figure, hundreds of thousands of "lost" bitcoins (defined by Chainalysis as bitcoins that have remained untouched since 2014) have been circulating again in the past few years. This graph shows the net change in the total amount of Bitcoin in four different sized wallets, including wallets holding less than 50 Bitcoins and wallets holding 1000 or more Bitcoins. Among them, the category of "less than 50" accounts for the vast majority of old Bitcoin wallets, as shown in the following figure

The chart displays the details of the lost Bitcoin walletBoth figures indicate that the number of old wallets containing 50 Bitcoins is disproportionate. This reflects the fact that in the early days of Bitcoin, block rewards were 50. Subsequently, a series of "halving" events led to a reduction in rewards to 25, 12.5, 6.25, and just last week, the rewards were reduced to 3.25 bitcoins

Nowadays, the amount of Bitcoin mined per day is less than 10% of the earliest times, and early wallets (many of which contain huge wealth) may attract even greater interest$121 billionThose who are only occasionally interested in cryptocurrency may be surprised to find that approximately 1.75 million Bitcoin wallets have been completely dormant for a decade or more, many of which have large amounts of funds in them. As of mid March, these wallets (excluding approximately 30000 wallets related to Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto) contain 1798681 Bitcoins, now worth approximately $121 billionThese 1.8 million "lost" bitcoins account for approximately 8.5% of the total supply of 21 million bitcoins (93% of which have already been mined). In most cases, it is impossible to know the exact whereabouts of a wallet, but it is certain that many wallets have lost Bitcoin forever. In the early days of Bitcoin, this cryptocurrency was almost worthless until its price broke through the $1 mark in 2011. Therefore, many people who receive Bitcoin may have completely forgotten it or have not bothered to save the private key required to open their wallets. Before 2012, companies like Coinbase that kept private keys for users did not exist, so losing keys was particularly commonHowever, not all idle wallets have been lost or abandoned. Bitcoin is known for its massive "HODLers", which vow never to sell their reserves (or at least hold them for the long term). It is these people (who, in cryptocurrency terms, have "diamond hands") who manage the few active wallets since 2018So why did they sell? Chainalysis's analysis of newly active wallets found a statistically significant correlation between changes in Bitcoin prices and wallet activity for a specific week. However, most of the time, the increase in wallet activity seems unrelated to obvious external eventsOverall, the activation speed of old wallets seems to be predictable. For example, during the week of March 25th, a typical pattern emerged where 172 long idle wallets became active, with 169 wallets containing less than 50 bitcoins and one wallet containing over 1000 bitcoins. Many Bitcoin holders have more than one wallet, especially those who already had one before 2014, so the number of people activating wallets that week may be much lower than 172

Variable: Satoshi Nakamoto's 1.1 million bitcoins

Chainalysis's survey data shows that old wallets will continue to be awakened at a stable but slow rate until the number of lost bitcoins stabilizes: around 1.5 millionHowever, we can imagine that the speed of wallet awakening will accelerate in the future. That is to say, this situation may occur when HODLers before 2014 age and pass on their long-term Bitcoin holdings to their children, who then sell these Bitcoins. However, such an event will still take decades, as most early Bitcoin holders were only in their twenties or thirtiesFinally, the number of "lost" bitcoins mentioned above does not include wallets controlled by Satoshi Nakamoto. According to Chainalysis's estimate, Satoshi Nakamoto owns approximately 1.1 million bitcoins. A recent report by Fortune magazine on Satoshi Nakamoto's wealth (worth approximately $75 billion) found that most long-term cryptocurrency enthusiasts believe that this Bitcoin creator has become a myth and they are highly likely to never use their walletsIf that's the case, then the total number of lost Bitcoins is approximately 2.9 million, accounting for nearly 14% of the total supply. In the long run, the best outcome is that these Bitcoins become lost treasures that will never be found



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