美SEC起诉比特币矿商Geosyn 指控其创始人欺诈560万美元

币圈资讯 阅读:54 2024-04-26 23:10:19 评论:0



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作者:Jesse Coghlan,CoinTelegraph;编译:陶朱,虚拟币交易所平台,数字货币,NFT

The author compiles digital currency, the platform of Taozhu Virtual Coin Exchange. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

美国证券监管机构对 Geosyn Mining 及其联合创始人提起诉讼,指控他们谎报其运营的加密采矿设备数量,同时将客户资金用于个人开支,从而诈骗投资者 560 万美元。

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has filed a lawsuit against Geosyn Mining and its co-founders, alleging they misrepresented the number of crypto mining rigs they were operating and used client funds for personal expenses, defrauding investors of $5.6 million.

美国证券交易委员会 4 月 24 日在德克萨斯州沃思堡联邦法院提起诉讼,声称 Geosyn、其首席执行官 Caleb Joseph Ward 和前运营首席执行官 Jeremy George McNutt 在 2021 年 11 月至 2022 年 12 月期间通过以证券形式出售的服务协议欺骗了约 64 名投资者。

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filed the lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas on April 24, alleging that Geosyn, its CEO Caleb Joseph Ward, and former Chief Operating Officer Jeremy George McNutt defrauded around 64 investors through the sale of service agreements in the form of securities from November 2021 to December 2022.

美国证券交易委员会声称,代表客户收取费用购买和运行加密矿机的协议"错误地声称"Geosyn 与电力供应商签订了廉价能源合同,但实际上,成本"比费率高出 40-50%"。

The SEC claims that the agreements to purchase and operate crypto mining rigs on behalf of clients "falsely claimed" that Geosyn had secured low-cost power contracts with electricity providers, when in fact the costs were "40-50% higher than the advertised rates".

美国证券交易委员会声称,Ward 和 McNutt 还就 Geosyn 的运营向投资者撒了谎。 该公司声称,Geosyn 签订了购买服务协议,购买了 1,400 台矿机,但其中的 400 台其实没有被购买,并且"从未将大部分购买的矿机上线"。

The SEC claims that Ward and McNutt also lied to investors about Geosyn's operations. The company claimed that Geosyn had entered into service agreements to purchase 1,400 mining rigs, but 400 of them were never actually bought, and "the majority of the rigs they claimed to have purchased were never brought online".

诉讼称,Geosyn 的协议告诉投资者他们可以选择开采哪种加密货币,但该公司拒绝开采比特币以外的任何加密货币的请求。

The lawsuit alleges that Geosyn's agreements told investors they could choose which crypto currency to mine, but the company refused any requests to mine anything other than Bitcoin.


2022 年,Ward(左)和McNutt (右)在 Geosyn 位于德克萨斯州斯普林敦的工厂。资料来源:Geosyn Mining

In 2022, Ward (left) and McNutt (right) at Geosyn's facility in Springtown, Texas. Source: Geosyn Mining


The SEC states that the company made payments of Bitcoin to investors, making them "believe their mining rigs were operating and profitable, when in fact they were not", and created "false documents" with "fabricated mining production rates and profits".

美国证券交易委员会称,该公司通过开采 BTC 赚取了 32 万美元,但向投资者提供了约 354,500 美元。 监管机构表示,为了弥补差额,McNutt 购买了比特币并将其发送给 Ward,然后转交给投资者。

The SEC states that the company earned $320,000 through BTC mining, but provided investors with around $354,500. The regulator says that to cover the shortfall, McNutt purchased Bitcoin and sent it to Ward, who then forwarded it to investors.

SEC 还声称,Ward 和 McNutt 挪用了约 120 万美元的投资者资金用于个人用途,例如餐饮、夜总会、度假、枪支、手表和法律费用,其中McNutt 据称在一场价值 2 万美元的"拉斯维加斯夜总会婚礼"中使用了该公司的信用卡。 此外还包括Ward 的庆祝活动以及价值 49,000 美元的家庭迪士尼世界之旅。

The SEC also alleges that Ward and McNutt misappropriated around $1.2 million of investor funds for personal expenses such as dining, nightclubs, vacations, firearms, watches, and legal fees, including McNutt allegedly using the company's credit card for a $20,000 "Las Vegas nightclub wedding". This also includes Ward's celebrations and a $49,000 family trip to Disney World.


重点摘录了 SEC 与涉嫌醉酒驾驶事件相关的声明。 资料来源:美国证券交易委员会

Excerpt from the SEC's statement regarding the alleged drunk driving incident. Source: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

到 2022 年底,新的投资者资金枯竭,Geosyn 银行存款不足 1,900 美元——SEC 表示,"由于没有被告向投资者吹捧的有利电力合同,它无法盈利"。

By the end of 2022, new investor funds had dried up, and Geosyn had less than $1,900 in its bank account - the SEC states that "without the favorable power contracts the defendants touted to investors, it was unable to be profitable".

它补充说,McNutt 于 2022 年 10 月离开并放弃了所有权。 美国证券交易委员会表示,Ward 据称联系当局举报McNutt 贪污,"但没有透露他自己的挪用资金情况"。

It adds that McNutt departed and relinquished ownership in October 2022. The SEC states that Ward allegedly contacted authorities to report McNutt's misappropriation, "but did not disclose his own misuse of funds".

据美国证券交易委员会称,由于 Geosyn 陷入"严峻的财务困境",Ward在 2023 年初向投资者发送了欠款比特币的"欠条"票据,并于同年 6 月表示将申请破产,但这从未发生过。

According to the SEC, due to Geosyn being in "dire financial straits", Ward sent "IOU" notes for Bitcoin owed to investors in early 2023, and stated in June of that year that the company would file for bankruptcy, but this never occurred.


The regulator is seeking permanent injunctions, disgorgement of the alleged misappropriated funds, and civil penalties against the three individuals.

未能立即联系到 Geosyn、Ward 和 McNutt 置评。

Geosyn, Ward, and McNutt could not be immediately reached for comment.


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