LD Capital:探析dappOS 意图中心基建的蓬勃发展

币圈资讯 阅读:59 2024-04-26 23:07:34 评论:0



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Author: Alfred, Duoduo


自Paradigm 在 2023 年6月1日发布的《 Intent-Based Architectures and Their Risks 》对意图概念进行了解释后,“以意图为中心”(Intent-Centric)便成为Web3的重要概念和发展方向。

Since Paradigm's release of "Intent-Based Architectures and Their Risks" on June 1, 2023, the concept of "Intent-Centric" has become an important concept and development direction for Web3.


在Paradigm 的定义中,“意图是一套经过签名的声明性约束,它允许用户将交易创建给第三方外包,但不放弃对交易方的完全控制”。简单来讲,意图是以目标为结果导向,弱化或忽略实现过程,比如我想要D,并愿意付出A为成本,而不需要进行A-B-C-D的过程操作,中间环节外包给第三方。抽象来讲,以意图为中心的是声明式范式,而Web3在此前的交易或操作大多是命令式范式。

In Paradigm's definition, "Intent is a set of signed declarative constraints that allow users to create transactions for outsourcing to third parties without giving up complete control over the transaction party". Simply put, the intent is result-oriented, weakening or ignoring the implementation process. For example, I want D and I'm willing to pay A as a cost, without the need to go through the A-B-C-D process, with the intermediate link outsourced to a third party. In abstract terms, intent-centric is a declarative paradigm, while Web3's previous transactions or operations were mostly imperative.


计算机的早期发展,是从命令式范式的时代开始的,这需要用户通过命令行来进行交互与操作,对计算机的使用提出了很高的专业要求,限制了大规模应用和科技的发展。然而,随着Windows 95的发布,图形用户界面与浏览器被引入到计算机操作系统,大大降低了使用者门槛,将计算机的用户从不足5万发展至数以亿记。这一变革时刻被称作互联网的“1995时刻”,它标志着用户界面的根本变革,使得普通人也能轻松接入和使用互联网。

Similarly, with the development and maturation of Web2, many intent-centric products have become a common thing for users, such as when ordering a Didi ride, the user's intent is "from point A to point B", while the matching of drivers, route optimization, fee settlement, and sharing of information are all implemented by the platform. However, in current Web3, users still face complexity in interactive operations, such as the series of operational steps involved in purchasing an NFT. With an intent-centric product, user operations will be greatly simplified.

In the world of Web3, by introducing more intuitive and user-friendly interfaces and operation processes, we can expect a breakthrough similar to the "1995 moment of the Internet", which will push billions of new users to easily access and use Web3, further promoting large-scale technology adoption and industry development. This transformation will greatly promote the popularization and development of the Web3 ecosystem, making blockchain technology more accessible for everyday use by ordinary users, thereby achieving widespread acceptance and application of the technology.











dappOS is an intent execution network that creates a two-way market to transform intent into on-chain results: on the supply side, service providers stake collateral and choose to run one or more execution services. On the demand side, it enables developers to find solutions that meet user intent.

2、dappOS底层机制:乐观最小化质押OMS(Optimistic Minimum Stake)

在网络底层机制方面,dappOS引入了乐观最小质押OMS(Optimistic Minimum Staking),OMS要求每项任务都与预定义的价值和失败时的潜在补偿相关联,允许在验证结果之前执行任务。如果任务失败,网络通过共识过程对责任服务提供商进行惩罚,确保要么用户提交的任务执行成功,要么用户得到预先规定的补偿,这显著提高了网络的效率和通用性。

In terms of the network's underlying mechanism, dappOS introduces Optimistic Minimum Stake (OMS), which requires that each task be associated with a predefined value and potential compensation in case of failure, allowing tasks to be executed before results are verified. If a task fails, the network punishes the responsible service provider through the consensus process, ensuring that either the user's submitted task is successful or the user receives the predetermined compensation, significantly improving the network's efficiency and versatility.

dappOS的OMS和EigenLayer的AVS在技术结构上有一定相似性,dappOS的Service provider类似于Eigenlayer里的Operator。主要的区别是Eigenlayer主要侧重通用场景,比如DA、预言机、ZK处理器等;dappOS更多面向的意图中心任务相关场景,规定了每个intent都有一个确定的清算价值,这样只要stake超过清算价值系统就是安全且高效的。

dappOS's OMS and EigenLayer's AVS have some technical similarities in their structure. The service provider in dappOS is similar to the operator in Eigenlayer. The main difference is that Eigenlayer focuses more on general scenarios, such as DA, oracle, ZK processor, etc., while dappOS is more focused on intent-centric task-related scenarios, specifying a predetermined liquidation value for each intent, so that the system is secure and efficient as long as the stake exceeds the liquidation value.

3. dappOS的应用场景


















In the second half of 2023, the dappOS ecosystem has accelerated its development. Because intent-centric interaction is more user-friendly, integrating dappOS intent infrastructure can often bring significant growth to projects. Therefore, many leading and emerging projects have partnered with dappOS, such as Manta, GMX, BENQI, KiloEx, etc.


For example, on April 16, 2024, after integrating dappOS, KiloEx saw a 217% increase in trading volume and a 3000% increase in DAU within a week.


dappOS的融资阵容优秀,获得了包括Polychain、Binance Labs、红杉、IDG、Hashkey等一线投资机构的支持。A轮领投机构Polychain在本轮周期中投资表现强劲,对再质押龙头EigenLayer、模块化龙头Celestia进行了投资。Dappos则是其在意图赛道布局的项目。

dappOS has excellent funding support, receiving backing from top-tier investment institutions including Polychain, Binance Labs, Sequoia, IDG, Hashkey, etc. Polychain, the leading investor in the A-round, has shown strong investment performance in this round, investing in leading re-staking project EigenLayer and modularization leader Celestia. Dappos is its project in the intent track layout.



The author explains the concept of intention published on January, and the definition of intention becomes an important concept and development direction. In the definition of intention, intention is a set of signed declarative constraints, which allows users to create transactions to a third party without giving up full control of the trading party. Simply put, intention is goal-oriented, weakening or ignoring the realization process, such as the intermediate link of process operation that I want and am willing to pay as the cost. In the abstract, the intention-centered paradigm is outsourced to a third party, but at the moment when the previous transactions or operations were mostly imperative paradigm, the early development of computers began from the era of imperative paradigm, which required users to interact and operate through the command line, and put forward high professional requirements for the use of computers, which limited the development of large-scale applications and technology. However, with the release of graphical user interfaces and browsers, the computer operating system has been introduced. It has greatly lowered the threshold for users, and developed the number of computer users from less than 10,000 to hundreds of millions. This moment of change is called the moment of the Internet. It marks the fundamental change of the user interface, enabling ordinary people to easily access and use the Internet to realize the main points of intentions, focusing on results rather than process intentions. The project should allow users to clarify the intentions of transactions and operations through statements rather than specific implementation steps, and provide a mechanism to allow users to entrust the implementation of intentions to. Whether the system intelligent contract or the third-party service provider executes it automatically or manually, the execution process should conform to the user's original intention and can provide enough flexibility and optimization space under appropriate circumstances. The result can be verified in the world of blockchain. One is to ensure that the result of the transaction or operation is verifiable and traceable, so that the user and interested parties can clearly understand and verify the implementation of the intention, and the final result is in line with the user's expectation. Two fundamental overviews are introduced. An intention execution network creates a two-way market, which transforms intentions into chain results. On the supply side, the service provider pledges collateral and chooses to run one or more execution services. On the demand side, it enables developers to find solutions that meet users' intentions. The underlying mechanism of optimistic minimum pledge introduces optimistic minimum pledge in the underlying mechanism of the network. Each task is required to be associated with predefined value and potential compensation when it fails. It is allowed to perform tasks before verifying the results. If the tasks fail, The network punishes the responsible service provider through the consensus process to ensure that either the task submitted by the user is successfully executed or the user is compensated in advance, which significantly improves the efficiency and universality of the network. The main difference is that it mainly focuses on general scenarios, such as Oracle processor and other more oriented intentions. The task-related scenarios stipulate that each has a certain liquidation value, so as to surpass the liquidation value system. It is a safe and efficient application scenario. At present, there are many application scenarios, such as the following: the unified account has compatible intentions, and the unified account of the network is similar to the centralized transaction, in which the assets can be used in any integrated chain and most mainstream tokens can be used to pay the fees, that is, when the user's assets are distributed in various blockchain, the user can still control the accounts on different chains at the same time by signing, and the unified account realizes flexible external exchange. Interactive mode Any application that can interact with an externally owned account can also interact with each other through a unified account using a highly extensible execution interface and custom service logic. Intentional assets launched will open up the seamless use of different forms of assets in different scenarios. For example, the intended assets issued as US dollar stable coins can be used as needed by users and automatically earn income when they are idle in the account. This kind of assets solves the problem of stable currency assets. Big scene problems and make new users don't need to know the difference between homogeneous assets. Simply put, the intention asset can become the balance treasure in China. It will further improve the use efficiency of digital assets and reduce the use threshold. The intention execution network of real-time contract interaction provides an excellent execution framework for real-time and interaction, which allows users to realize the initial state to the final state through a simple signature. The traditional realization process of seamless conversion of many intentions will include many chain operations such as cross-chain asset conversion authorization contracts. These operations are essentially means rather than users' purposes, and the real-time interactive execution framework allows users to directly realize their purposes without caring about these intermediate operations and signing them once, thus optimizing the user experience. In addition, the real-time interaction provided by the mechanism design can ensure that all operations meet the decentralization and safety standards of blockchain in the whole process, and it is also true. This method of simplifying complex blockchain operation from the user's intention not only greatly improves the convenience of users, but also promotes the advantages of wider application and development of blockchain technology. The innovative underlying mechanism design, as the infrastructure of the intentional track, is specially designed for the intentional scene. This mechanism not only ensures the safety of users, but also greatly improves the execution efficiency of intentional tasks, which can be said to be of equal importance to the intentional track. The underlying mechanism makes it possible to occupy the core ecological position of the infrastructure of the intentional track, with rich application scenarios and first-Mover advantage. At present, there have been many application scenarios, including real-time interaction of intentional assets with unified accounts, which are rare in the intentional track that is still in the potential explosion period. Compared with many other infrastructure projects of the intentional track that are still in the concept and development stage, these application scenarios can enable many current projects to be carried out. Cooperation is the first step to expand one's own ecological network and iterate to form the first-Mover advantage, which becomes the leader in the infrastructure of Intention Track. Third, ecological development has been accelerated since the second half of last year. Because the interaction centered on intention is easier for users to get started, the integration of Intention Infrastructure can often bring considerable growth to the project. Therefore, many head projects and emerging projects have cooperated with each other, such as, for example, after the integration of the year, the transaction volume increased within one week. Fourth, the financing lineup of financing information has won the support of first-line investment institutions including Sequoia. The investment performance of the leading investment institutions in 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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