BounceBit:跨链流动自由质押 构建比特币新生态

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  1. 项目简介

BounceBit是一个构建在比特币生态上的再质押项目,其目标是通过创建一个全新的生态系统——BounceBit Chain,让BTC能够产生有机的质押奖励。



  2. 运行核心机制

  2.1 重新质押机制



2.1.1 基本概念


2.1.2 步骤和流程

  1. 转换为BBTC:用户首先将他们持有的比特币转换为BBTC。这一过程通过BounceBit的跨链桥或者直接在其平台上完成。转换后的BBTC代表了用户在原链上比特币的价值。

  2. 质押BBTC:一旦比特币被转换成BBTC,用户便可以将其质押在BounceBit平台上。通过质押BBTC,用户参与到平台的安全保障中,帮助维护网络的稳定并验证交易。

  3. 获得奖励:参与质押的用户可以获得奖励,这些奖励可以是BBTC或平台的另一种原生代币BB。这些奖励来源于网络交易费、新区块的产生奖励或其他经济活动。

  2.2 双代币系统


2.2.1 BB代币

BB是BounceBit的原生治理代币 主要用途

  • 网络治理:BB代币持有者可以参与到平台的治理决策中,包括提议和投票。这种治理模型使得社区成员能够直接影响平台的发展方向和关键参数的调整。

  • 质押奖励:BB代币可以被质押在网络中以支持其运作,质押者可以获得交易费用和其他激励作为回报。

  • 安全保障:通过质押BB代币,用户帮助维护网络的安全性,防止双重支付和其他类型的攻击。

BB代币的设计旨在激励持有者积极参与平台的维护和治理,从而确保网络的健康发展和长期成功。 代币分配


  • 质押奖励:35%,用于奖励为BounceBit网络提供质押服务的用户。

  • 市场:3%,用于激励流动性提供商为BounceBit交易对提供流动性。

  • Binance Megadrop:8%,用于通过Binance Launchpad向公众空投BB代币。

  • 测试网激励:4%,用于奖励测试网参与者。

  • 顾问:5%,用于奖励BounceBit项目的顾问。

  • 团队:10%,用于奖励BounceBit项目的团队成员。

  • BounceClub和生态储备:14%,用于支持BounceBit生态系统的开发和增长。

  • 投资者:21%,用于奖励早期投资者。 BounceBit代币释放时间表


2.2.2 BBTC代币


  • 增加比特币的流动性和可用性:用户可以将自己的比特币转换为BBTC,然后在BounceBit平台上使用,参与各种质押和投资机会,比如DeFi项目。

  • 跨链功能:BBTC可以在不同的区块链之间自由转移,使得比特币能够在更广泛的区块链生态系统中流通和使用。

  • 参与质押和获得收益:通过将比特币转换为BBTC,用户不仅保持了比特币的价值,同时也能通过质押BBTC获得额外的收益。


2.2.3 双代币共识机制


  • 验证者需要质押BB或BBTC来参与网络的共识过程。

  • 这种双代币的设计增强了网络的安全性,因为它要求参与者在两种代币中至少持有一种,从而增加了对网络攻击的经济成本。

  2.3 DeFi & CeFi集成



2.3.1 DeFi集成

1. 智能合约平台:


2. 流动性协议:


3. 代币化资产:

The project introduction is a re-pledge project based on bitcoin ecology. Its goal is to make the core innovation that can generate organic pledge rewards come from the re-pledge mechanism by creating a brand-new ecosystem. This new concept is the key to promote the project. A series of infrastructures will be built to explore the use of re-pledge in various bitcoin types. These infrastructures can be side-chain prediction machines, bridges virtual machine data availability layers and other forms. The goal is to share security through re-pledge and aggregation. Redefining the role of bitcoin in the blockchain ecosystem by integrating bitcoin into a first-tier network of proof storage not only expands the practicability of the world's first cryptocurrency, but also creates a token economy model that promises scalability, security and inclusiveness. One of the core innovations of the re-pledge mechanism is that users can convert their bitcoins into and pledge them on the platform to win prizes. This mechanism not only improves the liquidity of bitcoin, but also increases its application in the ecosystem. The following is a detailed introduction of the re-pledge mechanism. The re-pledge mechanism is based on transforming traditional cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin into a new form that can be used on the platform, which is usually called this transformation, so that bitcoin that originally did not have the pledge function can participate in the pledge and consensus process, thus adding additional benefits while maintaining its value. The steps and processes are transformed into users first. The bitcoin held by users is converted into a cross-chain bridge through this process, or the value pledge of bitcoin on the original chain after the conversion is directly completed on its platform. Once the bitcoin is converted into a user, it can be pledged on the platform. Through the pledge, users can participate in the security of the platform to help maintain the stability of the network and verify the transaction. Users who participate in the pledge can get rewards. These rewards can be another native token of the platform. These rewards come from online transactions. The generation of incentives or other economic activities in Feixin block The dual token system is a key design feature. Through this system platform, network security can be effectively enhanced, a flexible pledge mechanism can be provided and users can participate in its governance structure. This system includes two kinds of tokens with different functions, and the following is a detailed introduction of these two kinds of tokens and how they operate on the platform. Tokens are the main uses of network governance tokens, and token holders can participate in the platform. Governance decision-making includes proposal and voting, which enables community members to directly influence the development direction of the platform and the adjustment of key parameters. Pledged reward tokens can be pledged in the network to support its operation, and the pledgee can get transaction fees and other incentives in return for security guarantee. By pledging token users, they can help maintain the security of the network and prevent double payment and other types of attacks. The design of tokens aims to encourage holders to actively participate in the maintenance and governance of the platform, thus ensuring the network. The healthy development and long-term success of the network, the total supply of tokens is 100 million, and its distribution is as follows: pledge reward is used to reward users who provide pledge services for the network, market is used to encourage liquidity providers to provide liquidity for trading pairs, test network is used to encourage participants in the test network to reward consultants for rewarding projects, team members and ecological reserves are used to support the development and growth of ecosystems, and investors are used to reward. The timetable for the release of early investors' tokens will be gradually unlocked within four years. The specific timetable is as follows: the token is a token linked to the value of bitcoin, which is mainly used to realize the wider application of bitcoin on the platform. Its main features and uses include increasing the liquidity and availability of bitcoin. Users can convert their own bitcoins into various pledge and investment opportunities on the platform, such as the cross-chain function of projects, which can be freely transferred between different blockchains, so that bitcoin can be enabled. In a wider blockchain ecosystem, the circulation and use of participating in the pledge and obtaining benefits not only maintains the value of Bitcoin but also obtains additional benefits through pledge by converting Bitcoin into users. The design is to solve the problem of low liquidity and less application scenarios of Bitcoin in the original chain. Bitcoin can participate in various blockchain activities more flexibly. The dual token system of the dual token consensus mechanism not only provides diversified economic incentives, but also passes a unique one. The double token consensus mechanism is used to maintain the security and stability of the network. Under this mechanism, the verifier needs to pledge or participate in the network consensus process. This double token design enhances the security of the network because it requires participants to hold at least one of the two tokens, thus increasing the economic cost of cyber attacks. Decentralized financial integration and centralized financial integration are one of the core features of the platform, and it is committed to building a bridge to seamlessly combine the traditional financial world with blockchain technology. Success not only provides users with a wider choice of financial tools and services, but also enhances the liquidity and accessibility of funds. The following is a detailed introduction on how to realize and integrate. The integrated smart contract platform is built on the basis of compatible Ethernet virtual machines, enabling it to execute smart contracts. This feature allows developers to deploy and run various decentralized applications on the platform, including lending platforms, automated market makers and other financial protocols. Liquidity protocols are made by providing built-in liquidity protocols. Users can pledge and borrow their encrypted assets. These agreements usually take the form of liquidity pool, and users can deposit their encrypted assets in the pool in exchange for transaction cost sharing or other forms of income token assets. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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