Renzo:以太坊再质押赛道 TVL达到30 亿美元

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1. 项目简介

Renzo是一个创新的restaking DeFi平台。作为EigenLayer 的 Liquid Restaking Token(LRT)生态项目,它成为了 EigenLayer 生态系统的入口,可确保主动验证服务(AVS),并提供比 ETH 押注更高的收益。

Renzo is an innovative restaking DeFi platform. As a Liquid Restaking Token (LRT) ecological project of EigenLayer, it has become the gateway to the EigenLayer ecosystem, ensuring Active Validation Services (AVS) and providing higher returns than ETH staking.

Renzo简化了以太坊的重新质押,且通过 Eigenlayer 确保 DeFi 投资的安全:通过启用 ETH 存款来铸造EZETH,使用主动验证服务(AVS)来保护使用以太坊第一层安全协议在 EigenLayer 上构建的应用程序。

Renzo simplifies the restaking of Ethereum, and ensures the safety of DeFi investment through Eigenlayer: by enabling ETH deposits to mint EZETH, and using Active Validation Services (AVS) to protect applications built using Ethereum's first-layer security protocol on EigenLayer.

Renzo 协议还提供了一种流畅的交互方式,使用户和 Eigenlayer 节点运营商之间的交互更为高效,这在以太坊生态系统中具有重要意义。如此一来,简化了 DeFi 固有的复杂性,实现了用户和 EigenLayer 节点运营商之间的无缝交互,从而提高了以太坊生态系统的效率。

The Renzo protocol also provides a smooth interaction method, making the interaction between users and Eigenlayer node operators more efficient, which is important in the Ethereum ecosystem. In this way, the inherent complexity of DeFi is simplified, achieving seamless interaction between users and EigenLayer node operators, thereby improving the efficiency of the Ethereum ecosystem.

除此之外,Renzo 不仅增加了 ETH 质押者的收益机会,还增强了以太坊区块链内服务的安全性和可靠性,这也标志着 DeFi 发展的重要一步。

In addition, Renzo not only increases the income opportunities of ETH stakers, but also enhances the security and reliability of services within the Ethereum blockchain, marking an important step in the development of DeFi.

简单来说,Renzo 的核心是推动以太坊上无需许可的创新的进步,努力在整个生态系统中实现可编程的信任获取。它经过���心设计,通过抽象复杂的细节并呈现用户友好的界面来促进 EigenLayer 的广泛采用,从而提高参与度和参与度。

In simple terms, the core of Renzo is to promote innovative progress on Ethereum without permission, and strive to achieve programmable trust acquisition throughout the ecosystem. It is carefully designed to promote the widespread adoption of EigenLayer by abstracting complex details and presenting user-friendly interfaces, thereby increasing engagement and participation.

  2. 项目运作

Renzo 协议通过一个结构良好的机制运行,利用 EigenLayer 框架简化以太坊上的重制过程。

The Renzo protocol operates through a well-structured mechanism, simplifying the restaking process on Ethereum using the EigenLayer framework.


Here is a brief explanation of how it works:

  1. 存款和铸币: 用户向 Renzo 存入 ETH 或 Liquid Staking Tokens (LST),然后 Renzo 会铸造等量的 ezETH(一种代表所抵押资产的流动衍生品)。

  2. Deposit and coinage: Users deposit ETH or Liquid Staking Tokens (LST) into Renzo, and then Renzo will mint an equal amount of ezETH (a derivative that represents the staked assets).

  3. 确保 AVS 安全: Renzo 可确保 EigenLayer 上的主动验证服务 (AVS),让用户可以将 ETH 注入并确保这些服务的安全,从而在传统入股奖励之外获得额外奖励。

  4. Ensure AVS security: Renzo ensures the security of Active Validation Services (AVS) on EigenLayer, allowing users to inject ETH and ensure the security of these services, thus obtaining additional rewards beyond the traditional stake rewards.

  5. 战略管理: 作为战略管理者,Renzo 通过选择 AVS 的最佳组合来优化重新定价过程,从而在最大限度降低风险的同时实现收益最大化。

  6. Strategic management: As a strategic manager, Renzo optimizes the restaking process by selecting the best combination of AVS, thereby maximizing returns while minimizing risks to the fullest extent.

  7. 收益生成: 该协议通过 ETH 验证器产生收益,随着 AVS 的上线,通过 Renzo 节点操作员插入这些服务来产生重定价收益。

  8. Earnings generation: The protocol generates income through ETH validators, and with the launch of AVS, it generates restaking income through Renzo node operators inserting these services.

  9. 奖励分配: 该协议捕获通过重新定价和确保 AVS 安全所产生的奖励,并将其反映在 ezETH 的价值中,为用户提供可获得奖励的代币。

  10. Reward distribution: The protocol captures rewards generated through restaking and ensuring the security of AVS, reflecting them in the value of ezETH, providing users with tokens that are eligible for rewards.

  11. 增强参与性: Renzo 引入了 ezPoints 和 EigenLayer Points,奖励用户的参与和对协议成功做出的贡献。

  12. Enhanced participation: Renzo introduces ezPoints and EigenLayer Points, rewarding users for their participation and contributions to the success of the protocol.

  13. 治理和决策: 治理机制,包括快照投票和最终的链上治理,为战略决策提供指导,如选择节点运营商支持的 AVS。

  14. Governance and decision-making: Governance mechanisms, including snapshot voting and final on-chain governance, guide strategic decision-making, such as choosing AVS supported by node operators.


Through this multi-faceted approach, the Renzo protocol provides Ethereum users with a dynamic, beneficial restaking ecosystem, enhancing income opportunities and network security.

  3. 核心机制

  3.1 EigenLayer 协议

EigenLayer 是 Renzo 协议的核心技术组件,它为以太坊网络提供了一种新的层次结构,使得资产质押和网络验证更加高效和灵活。EigenLayer 的设计目标是通过允许现有的以太坊验证者利用他们的质押资产来支持新的和创新的服务,从而增强以太坊生态系统的可扩展性和功能性。以下是 EigenLayer 在 Renzo 协议中的几个关键方面:

EigenLayer is the core technological component of the Renzo protocol, providing a new hierarchical structure for the Ethereum network, making asset staking and network validation more efficient and flexible. The design goal of EigenLayer is to enhance the scalability and functionality of the Ethereum ecosystem by allowing existing Ethereum validators to support new and innovative services using their staked assets. The following are several key aspects of EigenLayer in the Renzo protocol:

1. 层次化验证

EigenLayer 通过���建一个额外的验证层来工作,这个层是独立于主以太坊区块链的。在这一层中,验证者可以参与到更多的、不同类型的网络活动中,如特定的计算任务或新的共识机制。

2. 资源复用


3. 增强的网络功能

通过 EigenLayer,Renzo 协议增加了以太坊网络的功能,包括数据验证、交易执行、以及其他可能的服务,如云存储或复杂的数据处理任务。这些服务原本可能需要新的基础设施和额外的资源投入,现在可以通过已经存在的验证者资产来实现。

4. 奖励和激励

参与 EigenLayer 的验证者可以获得额外的奖励,这些奖励来源于他们在这一层提供的服务。这不仅提高了他们的总体收益,也促进了更多验证者的参与和网络的增长。

5. 安全性和去中心化

EigenLayer 的设计注重安全性和去中心化。尽管它在以太坊主链之上增加了新的层次,但仍然维持了网络的去中心化特性,并通过多重验证和安全协议确保了操作的安全性。

6. 社区驱动的治理

EigenLayer 和 Renzo 协议支持去中心化治理,社区成员可以通过投票影响关键决策,如新增服务、调整奖励机制等。这确保了协议的透明性和适应性,使其能够响应社区的需求和变化。

通过引入 EigenLayer,Renzo 协议提供了一种机制,使得以太坊网络不仅能够支持现有的质押和验证操作,还能扩展到更多的应用和服务,进一步增强以太坊作为全球领先智能合约平台的地位。这种技术创新对于推动以太坊网络的长期发展和去中心化金融(DeFi)的进步具有重要意义。

  3.2 以太币质押者

以太坊质押者是选择将其资产进行质押,以获取奖励并维护网络安全的 ETH 代币持有者。

These are users who choose to stake their assets to obtain rewards and maintain network security.


These users interact with smart contracts on the Ethereum network to support multiple networks using their assets. While they benefit from staked assets, they also face the risk of being slashed if they choose the wrong validator for staking.



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