超潜力 JAM 链何以超越中继链 引领 Polkadot 2.0 新航向?

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2024 年 4 月 18 日,Polkadot 创始人 Gavin Wood 在迪拜 Token 2049 活动上宣布了一项波卡生态的重大进展—— JAM 灰皮书发布!JAM 协议的诞生与发展开辟了波卡生态的另一种发展路径,它将替代当前中继链的技术角色,以模块化、简约化的技术设计助力波卡生态项目创新探索。

活动上,Web3 基金会专业人士还介绍 JAM 协议规范将于年底完成,由 Fellowship  负责开发、部署,并争取完成 3 个独立规范实例的开发,并为参与此项工作的团队分配 1,000W DOT。活动结束后, Gavin Wood 更是通过 X 平台表达对 JAM 未来发展的期许,认为这是指引 Polkadot 生态的重要技术风向,代表了 Polkadot 的未来。

看到这里,对 Polkadot 生态感兴趣的开发者或许对 JAM 协议充满好奇,这样一个去中心化网络究竟是何方神圣?

它能够带来哪些项目创新和 Web3 发展新机遇?就在一个多月前的 3 月 12 日曼谷 sub0 会议上,Gavin Wood 首次与大家分享了 JAM 架构。今天就让我们深入了解 JAM 的技术优势与应用潜力,共同展望 JAM 赋能波卡生态发展的新趋势。

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无状态的去中心化网络 JAM

JAM 是 Join-Accumulate Machine 的缩写,代表了继承中继链的前瞻性设计。作为 Polkadot 生态的新网络,JAM 是一种全新运算基础设施,支持多核计算功能、智能合约构建等技术业务。JAM 协议早期未完善版本首先在Polkadot Fellowship RFC-31 中提出,当时被称为“Core JAM”, Core JAM 以服务主张核心的收集/细化/连接/累积计算模型而得名,在此后的升级迭代中,新的 JAM RFC 草稿出现并形成。


颠覆 Core JAM 的技术路线

与前续技术升级路线不同,JAM 将作为全面的单一升级引入,这背后有两个重要的推动因素:

  • 统一升级会限制升级后操作,这对于迭代方法来说是一个挑战;

  • 单一升级能缓解数周/月内定期发生的持续小升级和重大变更;

据悉,JAM 也创新融合了 Polkadot 和以太坊要素,提供了全局单例无需许可的对象环境与安全边带计算方案,实现可扩展节点网络上的并行处理;此外还支持现有基于 Substrate 的平行链服务,允许开发者使用 Substrate 着手项目开部署,支持多客户端、多语言的信息交互与传递,通过链上去中心化治理维系稳定的社区运行状态。


JAM 的优越特征

值得一提的是,JAM 协议为了让自身变得更加通用和开放,其能够将数据输出集成至共享状态,为数据汇总提供必要的支持设备;除此以外,JAM 通过无交易操作区别于智能合约链的常见功能,基于执行引擎技术能够兼容处理 Rollups 而不进行复杂计算,所有操作无需许可但又保障安全、可靠,这也恰好凸显了 JAM 的无需信任特征。

在这样一个多核计算机的网络上,JAM 的所有工作事项都会被打包成工作包等代运算,经过细化(Refine)、累积(Accumulate)、传输(On Transfer)完成一系列项目执行流程,进一步提高运算效率。


JAM 协议的突破

事实上,在上述提到的细化(Refine)、累积(Accumulate)、传输(On Transfer)过程中,蕴藏着 JAM 协议的技术巧思与创新突破。在 JAM 进行项目执行时,三个环节“各司其职”形成平稳、流畅的运作体系:

  • Refine 是执行大部分无状态计算的函数,它定义了特定服务的汇总转换;

  • Accumulate 函数获取输出数据并将其折叠到服务整体状态中;

  • OnTransfer 处理来自其他项目服务的数据信息;


在 JAM 的 Refine 处理阶段,每个时隙最多可以接受 15MB 的数据并持续 6 秒。因 Refine 最多生成 90 KB 数据体量而需要大量的数据压缩工作流。Refine 能够支持执行 6 秒的 PVM Gas(相当于中继链的完整区块周期),与 PVF 前两秒所受限制相比,这种延长执行时间是通过安全计量和 PVM 固有优势来实现的。作为工作执行任务的处理主力, Refine 基本上是无状态操作的任务。


Accumulate 函数负责将 Refine 函数生成的输出整合到链状态中,可以接受来自 Refine 的多个输出数据,且所有输出数据均源自同一服务。每个输出 Accumulate 函数的执行时间都比 Refine 短得多,通常为 10 毫秒左右。

与 Refine 不同,Accumulate 不仅有状态,并允许其访问 JAM 链,能够从任何服务读取数据、写入数据键值存储、转移资金;此外,Accumulate 函数还可以创建新服务、升级代码、请求原像,完成创建子实例或虚拟机,自定义内存和堆栈配置,灵活地在相应技术框架内执行项目计算。

传输(On Transfer)

JAM 链网络中的 On Transfer 能够修改服务状态,并支持检查其他服务和更改自身状态,以异步支持方式促进服务通信,当消息和代币一起被发送时,传输服务功能会同时接收并处理它们(如需返回路径,则发送服务必须发起另一次传输或接收服务来修改当前传输状态)。

Accumulate 和 On Transfer 都被设计为并行执行,允许不同服务项目累积和传输同时发生,理论上二级核心项目可用于执行某些 Accumulate 流程,并为其提供更多可利用的 Gas 空间。


JAM 何以超越中继链?

上文提及 JAM 是一个继承中继链的前瞻性设计,事实上这并不是空穴来风。JAM 和中继链间的重要结构区别就在于功能固定程度:

——Polkadot 中继链由不同组件构成,JAM 则重构了这种技术架构,通过陈列基础组件让开发者搭建各种各样的技术服务,包括通用 DA 服务等,而不仅仅满足于平行链开发。

虽然中继链在升级中修复了某些技术功能元素,例如用于定义协议的语言(WASM),但 JAM 在这方面走得更快、更稳,比如 JAM 规定了用于编码区块和去中心化方案的类型。通过服务模型设计,JAM 继承了中继链 WebAssembly 元协议所实现的灵活度。

在这个模型中,可升级性属性转移到技术服务上,使生态链摆脱升级负担,这源于 JAM 固定参数提供了优化潜力。通过清楚地了解 JAM 链必须执行的具体任务以及设置固定参数的能力,网络拓扑和时序等领域的优化执行事项变得更具可行性。而在中继链中,每次升级都可能进行频繁更改,这让技术优化变得更加复杂。

尽管存在这些结构差异,JAM 仍然保留了应用程序级功能的灵活性,包括核心时间销售、质押和治理,所有这些流程都会在应用服务中进行有序化管理;此外 JAM 将通过代币余额与服务关联引入全新概念,为经济模型调整提供机会,而这在中继链的升级过程中是不容易实现的。

然而,JAM 协议的技术与应用优势远不止于此:

  • 它更广泛地利用底层共识机制,以灵活自由的方法实施更具创新性的解决方案;

  • 它支持混合资源消耗模型,通过服务和资源需求配对,优化验证者资源利用率来降低成本;

  • 它引入重大增强功能,提供简化基准测试工作并减轻未来基准测试要求的压力;

  • 它保留与现有设置的兼容性,引入协议、多实例、多分片智能合约概念,管理和执行平行链间的特定交互协议;

相信更多技术优势,当你决定踏入波卡生态,着手 JAM 协议开发探索时会有更多深刻、有趣的创新体验。

当 Polkadot 2.0 底层共识逐步形成,JAM 链就是 Polkadot 2.0 中引入的突破性新范式,并有潜力成为 Polkadot 2.0 的基础,为更多区块链提供多核计算和支持,包括更多智能合约、ZK-rollups 等,为用户带来更高效安全的 Web3 技术解决方案,让我们拭目以待!

The founder announced a significant progress of Boca Eco-project in Dubai on April, and the birth and development of the Grey Book release agreement opened up another development path of Boca Eco-project. It will replace the technical role of the current relay chain and help Boca Eco-project to innovate and explore with modular and simplified technical design. Foundation professionals also introduced that the protocol specifications will be completed by the end of the year, and the development of independent specifications will be completed, and work will be assigned to the teams involved in this work. After the event, I expressed my expectation for the future development through the platform, thinking that this is an important technical wind direction to guide the ecology. The developers who are interested in ecology may be curious about the agreement. Who is this decentralized network and what new opportunities it can bring for project innovation and development? I shared the architecture for the first time with you at the Bangkok meeting on March, more than a month ago. Today, let us deeply understand the technical advantages and application potential, and look forward to empowering Boca together. The new trend of ecological development Click to view the Grey Book Stateless Decentralized Network. The abbreviation Yes stands for the forward-looking design of inheriting the relay chain. As an ecological new network, it is a brand-new computing infrastructure that supports multi-core computing functions, intelligent contract construction and other technologies. The early imperfect version of the business agreement was first put forward in the book, which was named after the collection, refinement, connection and cumulative computing model with service proposition as the core. In the subsequent upgrade iteration, a brand-new draft appeared and formed a single upgrade subversion technology. The technical route is different from the previous technical upgrade route, which will be introduced as a comprehensive single upgrade. There are two important driving factors behind this. The unified upgrade will limit the operation after the upgrade, which is a challenge for the iterative method. The single upgrade can alleviate the continuous small upgrades and major changes that occur regularly in several Zhou Yue. It is reported that it has also been innovatively integrated with the Ethereum element, providing a global singleton object environment and a secure sideband computing scheme to realize parallel processing on the scalable node network. In addition, it also supports the present. The parallel chain service based on allows developers to start projects, deploy and support multi-client and multi-language information interaction and transmission, and maintain a stable community operation state through decentralized governance through the chain. It is worth mentioning that in order to make itself more universal and open, the protocol can integrate data output into a shared state and provide necessary support for data aggregation. Besides, the common functions of the intelligent contract chain are based on the non-transaction operation. The execution engine technology can be compatible with processing without complicated calculation, and all operations are safe and reliable without permission, which just highlights the feature of no trust. In such a multi-core computer network, all work items will be packaged into work packages and equivalent operations will be refined and accumulated to complete a series of project execution processes, further improving the operation efficiency and revealing the breakthrough of the operation process protocol. In fact, there are technical ingenuity of the protocol in the above-mentioned refinement and accumulation transmission process. With the breakthrough of innovation, the three links perform their respective functions in project execution to form a smooth and smooth operation system, which is a function to perform most stateless calculations. It defines the summary conversion function of a specific service to obtain the output data and fold it into the overall state of the service to process the data information from other project services. It refines the maximum acceptable data in each time slot in the processing stage and lasts for seconds. Because the maximum data volume is generated, a large number of data compression workflows can support the execution of seconds. When the complete block cycle of the relay chain is compared with the limit of the first two seconds, this extended execution time is realized by safety measurement and inherent advantages. As the main processing force of the work execution task, the task accumulation function is basically stateless, which is responsible for integrating the output generated by the function into the chain state, and can accept multiple output data from, and all the output data are from the same service. The execution time of each output function is much shorter than that, usually about milliseconds, which is different from the state. Allow its access chain to read data from any service, write data into data key value storage and transfer funds. In addition, the function can also create new service upgrade code, request the original image to be completed, create sub-instances or virtual machines, customize memory and stack configuration, flexibly execute projects within the corresponding technical framework, calculate the service status in the transmission chain network, and support checking other services and changing their own status to promote service communication in an asynchronous support way. When messages and tokens are sent together, the transmission service function will be the same. When receiving and processing them, the sending service must initiate another transmission or receiving service to modify the current transmission state and both are designed to be executed in parallel. Theoretically, secondary core projects can be used to execute some processes and provide them with more available spatial structure differences. Why do they surpass the relay chain? The above-mentioned is a forward-looking design that inherits the relay chain. In fact, this is not an important structural area between unfounded and relay chains. The difference lies in the fixed degree of function. The relay chain is composed of different components, which reconstructs this technical architecture. By displaying the basic components, developers can build various technical services, including general services, not just satisfied with parallel chain development. Although the relay chain has repaired some technical functional elements in the upgrade, such as the language used to define the protocol, it has gone faster and more stable in this respect, such as specifying the types of coding blocks and decentralization schemes, and inheriting the relay chain element association through service model design. In this model, the scalability attribute is transferred to the technical service, which makes the ecological chain get rid of the burden of upgrading. This stems from the fact that fixed parameters provide the optimization potential. By clearly understanding the specific tasks that the chain must perform and the ability to set fixed parameters, the optimization implementation in the fields of network topology and timing becomes more feasible, and every upgrade in the relay chain may be frequently changed, which makes the technical optimization more complicated. Despite these structural differences, it still retains the application. With the flexibility of program-level functions, including core time sales pledge and governance, all these processes will be managed in an orderly manner in application services. In addition, a new concept will be introduced through the correlation between token balance and service, which is not easy to realize in the upgrade process of relay chain. However, the technical and application advantages of the protocol go far beyond this. It makes more extensive use of the underlying consensus mechanism to implement more innovative solutions in a flexible and free way. It supports the mixed resource consumption model, optimizes the verifier's resource utilization rate through the matching of service and resource requirements, and reduces the cost. It introduces significant enhancements. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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