美司法部欲加重刑期至3年 赵长鹏161封支持信曝光

币圈资讯 阅读:57 2024-04-26 05:20:53 评论:0



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Following last year's costly settlement with the United States, Zhao Changpeng (hereinafter referred to as "CZ") has once again found himself at the center of the storm.


It was thought that after paying a staggering $4.3 billion fine and a $175 million bail last year, the once triumphant CZ had bought his freedom at a great cost. However, the tough stance of the Department of Justice has made the original sentencing issue even more complex.

此前,根据认罪协议与联邦指导方针,CZ可能将面临12-18个月的刑期,美国缓刑部门则建议CZ应入狱五个月。但在Arthur Hayes的前科之鉴下,多数行业人士均认为居家监禁会成为最终结果。

Previously, according to the plea agreement and federal guidelines, CZ could have faced a 12-18 month sentence, while the U.S. probation department recommended that CZ serve five months in prison. However, given Arthur Hayes's prior record, most industry professionals believe that home confinement will be the ultimate result.


However, according to court documents, federal prosecutors believe that the case involves large amounts of money laundering, and that CZ failed to implement effective anti-money laundering plans at Binance. Illegal actors used the Binance exchange in various ways, including operating mixed services that obscure the origin and ownership of cryptocurrency; illegally profiting from ransomware attacks; and transferring proceeds from darknet market transactions, exchange hacks, and various internet-related scams. CZ was aware of Binance's disregard for the law and tacitly allowed it, so he should be sentenced to three years in prison and fined $50 million. Prosecutors emphasized that CZ and Binance have put U.S. customers, the U.S. financial system, and U.S. national security at risk.


This decision is not without basis, as the U.S. has always maintained strict control over CZ, keeping him within U.S. borders and expressing a high level of distrust. Not only does CZ have to notify the pretrial service department before traveling between states within the U.S., he also has to surrender his Canadian passport to a third-party custodian under the supervision of his lawyer, as well as turn over "all other valid and expired passports and travel documents." Without court permission, he cannot "apply for new passports or travel documents from any country."

无独有偶,3月28日,SBF案也落下帷幕。美国地区法官Lewis A. Kaplan在曼哈顿联邦法院最终宣判,SBF因FTX交易所涉嫌串谋诈骗、串谋洗钱等七项罪名,被判处25年监禁,并没收超过110亿美元的资产。

Similarly, on March 28th, the SBF case came to a close. U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan in the Manhattan federal court ultimately sentenced SBF to 25 years in prison and seized over $11 billion in assets for conspiracy to commit fraud and money laundering at FTX exchange.


The original sentence of 110 years was reduced to 25 years, while CZ, who has made significant contributions to the industry and has been instrumental in the FTX incident and has always maintained a cooperative attitude, faces an increased sentence. This has caused dissatisfaction among many industry professionals, and some have even called it a form of bullying on X platform.


Of course, even if federal prosecutors appeal and make recommendations, it is actually the prosecutor's viewpoint, and the sentencing only represents the upper limit. CZ, as the defendant, will not simply give in, and both sides are still in negotiation, with the final outcome awaiting further trial. CZ's defense attorney bluntly stated that CZ should not be sentenced to prison, but to probation, arguing that he has already accepted criminal responsibility by coming to the U.S. from Dubai to stand trial, and that CZ himself did not engage in money laundering, fraud, or theft, and stated that CZ intends to donate 90% to 99% of his wealth to charity. In addition, the charge of violating U.S. sanctions laws is extremely tenuous, as the random, automatic trading between U.S. users and trading partners from sanctioned countries accounts for only a very small portion of Binance's total trading volume (0.00041%).


In the publicly available court documents, 161 letters of support for CZ written by his friends, family, business partners, and Binance clients have sparked heated discussion within the industry. The letters, written from different perspectives and identities, all indicate a core desire for lenient treatment by the judge.


Letter link: https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/68025988/81/2/united-states-v-zhao/

其中,CZ 的姐姐,前摩根董事总经理 Jessica Zhao 表示,尽管她的弟弟犯了错,但他生活中努力为他人带来帮助,她提到相比FTX ,CZ确保了币安从未滥用任何客户资金。CZ的孩子,正在美国大学就读的瑞秋和瑞安希望法官不应仅通过这一事件来定义赵长鹏的人格,即使是前妻Yang Weiqing ,也在信中对CZ对家庭的呵护与社会责任感予以了高度肯定。

Among them, CZ's sister, former Morgan Stanley managing director Jessica Zhao, stated that while her brother made mistakes, he has strived to help others in his life, and she mentioned that compared to FTX, CZ ensured that Binance had never misused any client funds. CZ's children, Rachel and Ryan, who are attending university in the U.S., hope that the judge will not define Zhao Changpeng's character solely through this incident, and even his former wife, Yang Weiqing, expressed highly affirmative views of CZ's care for his family and sense of social responsibility in her letter.

最具有话题度的无疑是币安的联合创始人,也是CZ三个孩子母亲——何一的信。在信中,何一情感丰富、言辞真诚,表示“如果将加密货币行业比作荒野西部,那么 CZ 就是这片荒野的守护者。对 CZ 来说,无论贫穷或者富贵,他都在认认真真对待慈善,承担社会责任,因为他善良并且有着人道主义精神。”她强调,是责任感让CZ选择面对庭审,但他绝对不应该和那些邪恶的杀人、抢劫、欺诈的人视作同类。

Perhaps the most noteworthy letter is from He Yi, co-founder of Binance and mother of CZ's three children. In the letter, He Yi expressed rich emotions and sincere words, stating, "If the cryptocurrency industry is compared to the wild west, then CZ is the guardian of this vast wilderness. For CZ, regardless of poverty or wealth, he takes charity and social responsibility seriously because he is kind and has a humanitarian spirit." She emphasized that it is a sense of responsibility that led CZ to face the trial, but he should not be classified in the same category as those evil people who murder, rob, and deceive.

在情感角度之外,也有众多专业人士提出了合理的建议。例如前华盛顿监狱监狱长 Robert Palmquist就在信件中表示,如果 CZ 被判入狱,他极有可能在FDC SeaTac 服刑。Palmquist 从2003年至2009年担任该设施的监狱长,他描述这所监狱自然光线不足,因囚犯数量有限,该监狱人手不足。Palmquist 称,如果 CZ 被监禁,其巨额的财富和作为公众人物的身份将使他的身心健康面临威胁,包括但不限于盗窃和勒索。据悉,FDC Seatac 监狱共有794名囚犯。

In addition to emotional perspectives, there have also been many professionals offering reasonable suggestions. For example, former Washington state prison warden Robert Palmquist stated in his letter that if CZ were sentenced to prison, he would likely serve his sentence at FDC SeaTac. Palmquist served as warden of the facility from 2003 to 2009, and described the prison as lacking natural light due to its limited number of inmates and understaffing. Palmquist stated that if CZ were imprisoned, his large wealth and public figure status would threaten his mental and physical health, including but not limited to theft and extortion. It is reported that FDC SeaTac prison has a total of 794 inmates.


Currently, the $50 million fine has been agreed upon by the prosecutors and CZ, but discussions surrounding the sentence are still ongoing. The trial, originally scheduled for the end of February, has been postponed to April 30th after agreement from both sides, to be held at the Western District Federal Court in Seattle.


Looking at the entire event, whether CZ is innocent or not, there are a thousand Hamlets for a thousand people. But it is clear that it is under CZ's leadership that Binance has risen to become the world's largest and most prominent exchange, adding a brilliant stroke to the cryptocurrency world for the Chinese community. In the process, Binance has certainly run in the gray area, but as industry volume gradually increases, this gray area becomes more transparent, and the naked industry surfaces. This is also why the U.S. SEC can continuously sue major cryptocurrency companies today, as it is difficult for companies that have made their way through the wild west to be

After the sky-high settlement with the United States last year, Zhao Changpeng came to the forefront again. I thought that after paying a fine of up to $100 million and bail of $100 million, I had the freedom that money was hard to buy, but the tough attitude of the Ministry of Justice made the original sentence problem more complicated. Previously, according to the plea agreement and federal guidelines, I might face a sentence of three months. The probation department in the United States suggested that I should be imprisoned for five months, but in the light of my previous criminal record, most people in the industry thought that home imprisonment would become. The final result, however, according to the court documents, the federal prosecutor believes that the case involves a huge amount of money laundering and fails to implement an effective anti-money laundering plan in the currency security. Illegal actors use the currency security exchange in various ways, including operating a mixed service to hide the source and ownership of encrypted currency, trading illegal gains from ransomware attacks, and transferring dark net gains. Hacking attacks on market trading exchanges and various Internet-related frauds are all tacit acquiescence, so they should know that the currency security ignores the law. The aggravated punishment was sentenced to three years imprisonment and a fine of $10,000. The prosecutor stressed that Hebian put American customers, the US financial system and US national security at risk. This decision is not groundless. The US side has always been very strict in its control and has always expressed its high distrust of it. It not only requires that the pretrial service department be informed before traveling between States in the United States, but also that he must hand in all Canadian passports to a third-party custodian under the supervision of lawyers. With other valid and expired passports and travel documents, he can't apply for a new passport or travel document from any country without the permission of the court. Occasionally, the case of April also came to an end. In Manhattan Federal Court, a US district judge finally sentenced the exchange to seven counts, including conspiracy to defraud, conspiracy to launder money, and sentenced it to years in prison and confiscated assets exceeding US$ 100 million. It was originally expected that the sentence of years would be shortened to years, which contributed greatly to the industry. However, the sentence that has always been cooperative will be imposed. This has also aroused the dissatisfaction of many people in the industry, and some people even call it a kind of bullying on the platform. Of course, even if the federal prosecutor's complaints and suggestions are actually the views of the US prosecutors and plaintiffs, sentencing only represents the upper limit, and the defendants will not give in easily. The two sides are still in the game, and the final result is yet to be heard. The defense lawyer bluntly said that he should not be sentenced to prison but should be sentenced to probation, arguing that he had already taken on the criminal responsibility and came to the United States for trial from Dubai, and he did not participate in money laundering. Fraud and theft indicate that the wealth they intend to donate is devoted to charity. In addition, for violating the US sanctions law, a random automatic transaction between American users and counterparties in sanctioned countries only accounts for a small part of the total transaction volume of Currency Security. This accusation is deliberately far-fetched, and friends, partners and currency security customers in the open court documents have written a letter of support, which has also caused heated discussion in the circle. The letter has been restored from different identities and angles, indicating that they hope that the judge will be lenient. Among them, the elder sister, former managing director Morgan, said that although her younger brother made mistakes, he tried to help others in his life. She mentioned that Rachel and Ryan, who are studying in American universities, hope that the judge should not define Zhao Changpeng's personality only through this incident. Even his ex-wife highly affirmed his care for the family and his sense of social responsibility in his letter. The most topical one is undoubtedly the co-founder of Qian 'an. He Yi, a mother of three children, said sincerely that if cryptocurrency industry is compared to the wild west, it is the guardian of this wilderness. For me, no matter whether he is poor or rich, he is taking charity seriously and taking social responsibility. Because he is kind and has a humanitarian spirit, she emphasizes the sense of responsibility, which makes him choose to face the trial, but he should never be regarded as the same as those evil people who commit murder, robbery and fraud. There are also many professionals outside the emotional point of view. For example, the former warden of Washington Prison said in his letter that if he is sentenced to prison, he is likely to serve his sentence as the warden of the facility from to. He described that the natural light in the prison is insufficient because of the limited number of prisoners, and that if he is imprisoned, his huge wealth and his status as a public figure will pose a threat to his physical and mental health, including but not limited to theft and extortion. It is reported that there are a total of 10,000 prisoners in the prison, and the current fine of 10,000 US dollars has been agreed by the prosecution and the party. However, the trial scheduled for the end of the month is still under discussion. After the hearing agreed by both parties, it was postponed to the federal district court in the west of Seattle on May. Looking at whether the whole incident is innocent or not, there are 1000 Hamlets, but it is really under the leadership of the company that it can rise to become the world's largest exchange that stands at the forefront, making Chinese people add another color to the encrypted world. In the meantime, it is true that the company is running in a gray area, and when the volume of the industry is gradually rising. The industry of naked swimming, which has gradually become transparent, has also surfaced, which is why the United States can continue to sue major encryption companies nowadays. After all, it is hard to say that enterprises that have crossed the wild west and come to the stage can achieve full compliance, especially since the whole world has not yet put forward complete regulatory rules that are fully suitable for the encryption industry. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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