
币圈资讯 阅读:51 2024-04-26 05:20:05 评论:0



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Currently, Bitcoin has experienced its fourth halving, leading to a 50% reduction in its supply inflation and a natural increase in its deflationary nature. In this article, we will explore the evolution of Bitcoin's network in terms of price performance and its fundamental network indicators.


  • 最近,比特币已经经历了自问世以来的第四次减半,而比特币供应的年化通胀率则再次降低了50%,这也意味着它在发行的稀缺性方面完全地超越了黄金。

  • 在衡量减半时期的比特币网络状况时,我们发现其多个重要指标的增长速度都有所放缓。但即便如此,其增长的趋势仍然不会停止,并且每一次都会创造出新的历史峰值。

  • 现货价格上涨和价格历史峰值被大幅突破提振了投资者的盈利能力,而这也反过来扭转了开采者收入较年初下降50%的不利情况。


  • Recently, Bitcoin has undergone its fourth halving since its inception, resulting in a 50% reduction in the annualized inflation rate of Bitcoin supply, indicating that it has completely surpassed gold in terms of scarcity.

  • When measuring the state of the Bitcoin network during the halving period, we found that the growth rate of several important indicators has slowed. However, despite this, the trend of growth will not stop and will create new historical peaks each time.

  • The rise in spot prices and the substantial breakthrough of price historical highs have boosted investors' profit capabilities, which in turn has reversed the unfavorable situation of a 50% decline in miner income from the beginning of the year.




Due to the clever algorithm called "adaptive difficulty adjustment," the Bitcoin supply curve is deterministic. This algorithm continuously adjusts the difficulty of the Bitcoin mining process, maintaining an average block interval of about 600 seconds (10 minutes) regardless of the magnitude of the mining equipment used.

Every 210,000 block heights (approximately 4 years), the Bitcoin network experiences a scheduled halving of the issuance, resulting in a 50% reduction in the newly minted Bitcoin. The fourth halving of Bitcoin took place last weekend, reducing the block subsidy from 6.25 bitcoins per block to 3.125 bitcoins, meaning that approximately 450 bitcoins can be minted daily across the network (based on the 144 blocks already mined).


  • 剩余待开采量的百分比等于新的区块补贴(3.125比特币/区块 vs 剩余3.125%)。

  • 剩余待开采量的50%(131.25万枚比特币)将在第四次减半和第五次减半之间被开采出来。

In the first four epochs after the launch of Bitcoin, a total of 19,687,500 bitcoins have been mined, which accounts for 93.75% of the predetermined total supply of 21 million bitcoins. Therefore, only 1,312,500 bitcoins remain to be mined in the next 126 years, with 656,600 bitcoins being issued in the current epoch (between the third and fourth halvings) - representing 3.125% of the total supply. Interestingly, each halving represents a key point:

  • The percentage of remaining to be mined equals the new block subsidy (3.125 bitcoins/block vs remaining 3.125%).

  • 50% of the remaining to be mined (1.3125 million bitcoins) will be mined between the fourth and fifth halvings.



As the block subsidy halves every 210,000 block heights, the inflation rate of Bitcoin also halves approximately every 4 years. This results in the latest annualized inflation rate for Bitcoin supply being 0.85%, lower than the previous period's 1.7%.

The fourth halving also marks an important milestone when comparing Bitcoin to gold as a general equivalent. Historically, Bitcoin's steady-state issuance rate (0.83%) is lower than gold's (~2.3%) for the first time, signifying the historic transition of the title of "most scarce asset" from gold to Bitcoin.



Because of the cunning algorithm named "adaptive difficulty adjustment," the Bitcoin supply curve is deterministic. This algorithm continuously adjusts the difficulty of the Bitcoin mining process, maintaining an average block interval of about 600 seconds (10 minutes) regardless of the magnitude of the mining equipment used.

Given that the block subsidy halves every 210,000 block heights, the inflation rate of Bitcoin also halves approximately every 4 years. This results in the latest annualized inflation rate for Bitcoin supply being 0.85%, lower than the previous period's 1.7%.

The fourth halving also marks an important milestone when comparing Bitcoin to gold as a general equivalent. Historically, Bitcoin's steady-state issuance rate (0.83%) is lower than gold's (~2.3%) for the first time, signifying the historic transition of the title of "most scarce asset" from gold to Bitcoin.


However, it is important to note that we need to take a correct view of the scale of this halving. When assessing the relative impact of the halving on market dynamics, we must see that the total amount of newly minted bitcoins after the halving is still very small compared to the global trading volume within the Bitcoin ecosystem. Currently, the total amount of bitcoins minted after the halving accounts for only a small fraction of the on-chain transfer volume, spot trading volume, and derivative volume we see today, equivalent to less than 0.1% of the total capital transferred and traded on any given day.


Therefore, the impact of Bitcoin halving on the available trading supply is weakening in each cycle, not only because the number of bitcoins mined after the halving is continuously decreasing, but also because the scale of assets and ecosystems surrounding it continues to expand.




  • 红色:第二纪元(Epoch 2)价格表现:+5,315%,最大回撤为-85%

  • 蓝色:第三纪元(Epoch 3)价格表现:+1,336%,最大回撤为-83%

  • 绿色:第四纪元(Epoch 4)价格表现:+569%,最大回撤为-77%

We need to take a balanced approach to our expectations, creating a relatively liberal analytical boundary based on the differences between our expectations and historical precedents, and a history of Bitcoin performance.

The price performance of Bitcoin during each halving period varies greatly. We believe that the early halving periods are very different from today, and past experiences may not have much guidance for our current analysis and predictions. However, over time, we have indeed seen diminishing returns and a weakening total drawdown effect, a natural result of the expansion of market capital and the expansion of the flow of capital required to drive market size growth.

  • 红色:第二纪元(Epoch 2)价格表现:+5,315%,最大回撤为-85%

  • 蓝色:第三纪元(Epoch 3)价格表现:+1,336%,最大回撤为-83%

  • 绿色:第四纪元(Epoch 4)价格表现:+569%,最大回撤为-77%



Our evaluation of Bitcoin's price performance from the previous cycle low to the halving shows that the situations in 2015 and 2018 are noticeably similar to the current cycle, all experiencing growth of approximately 200% to 300%.. However, it is particularly important to note that the current cycle is the only one in history to declare a breakthrough in the previous historical price peak before the halving event.


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