
币圈资讯 阅读:57 2024-04-26 04:50:10 评论:0



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Currently, Bitcoin has gone through its fourth halving, leading to another 50% reduction in its supply inflation and naturally increasing its deflationary nature. In this article, we will explore the evolution of the Bitcoin network in terms of price performance and its fundamental network indicators across eras.


  • 最近,比特币已经经历了自问世以来的第四次减半,而比特币供应的年化通胀率则再次降低了50%,这也意味着它在发行的稀缺性方面完全地超越了黄金。

  • 在衡量减半时期的比特币网络状况时,我们发现其多个重要指标的增长速度都有所放缓。但即便如此,其增长的趋势仍然不会停止,并且每一次都会创造出新的历史峰值。

  • 现货价格上涨和价格历史峰值被大幅突破提振了投资者的盈利能力,而这也反过来扭转了开采者收入较年初下降50%的不利情况。





  • 剩余待开采量的百分比等于新的区块补贴(3.125比特币/区块 vs 剩余3.125%)。

  • 剩余待开采量的50%(131.25万枚比特币)将在第四次减半和第五次减半之间被开采出来。









  • 红色:第二纪元(Epoch 2)价格表现:+5,315%,最大回撤为-85%

  • 蓝色:第三纪元(Epoch 3)价格表现:+1,336%,最大回撤为-83%

  • 绿色:第四纪元(Epoch 4)价格表现:+569%,最大回撤为-77%





  • 红色:第二纪元(Epoch 2)价格表现:+7,258%,最大回撤为-69.4%

  • 蓝色:第三纪元(Epoch 3)价格表现:+293%,最大回撤为-29.6%

  • 绿色:第四纪元(Epoch 4)价格表现:+266%,最大回撤为-45.6%



在2022年熊市期间,一个曾出现的广为流传的说法是不管比特币的价格如何下跌,它永远不会低于上一个周期的历史峰值(当时对应的历史峰值在2017年到达的2万美元)。但很遗憾,这条定律失效了,因为在 2022 年底广泛的去杠杆化过程中,比特币的价格相距2017年的周期高点下跌了25%以上。








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At present, Bitcoin has experienced its fourth halving, which leads to a decrease in its supply inflation and a natural increase in its deflation. In this paper, we will discuss the price performance of Bitcoin network and its inter-generational evolution in basic network indicators. Recently, Bitcoin has experienced its fourth halving since its inception, and the annualized inflation rate of Bitcoin supply has decreased again, which means that it completely surpasses gold in measuring the scarcity of Bitcoin in the halving period. In the network situation, we found that the growth rate of many important indicators has slowed down, but even so, its growth trend will not stop, and every time it will create a new historical peak. The spot price increase and the historical peak price have been greatly broken, which has boosted the profitability of investors, which in turn reversed the unfavorable situation that the income of miners has decreased compared with the beginning of the year. The deflationary supply is deterministic because of the ingenious algorithm called adaptive difficulty adjustment. The law will constantly adjust the difficulty of the bitcoin mining process, which makes the average interval between blocks of the bitcoin network maintained at about seconds no matter how much computing power the miners apply. Every time the bitcoin network goes through a block height for about a year, the predetermined circulation will be halved, resulting in a decrease in the amount of newly minted bitcoin. The fourth halving of bitcoin occurred last weekend, and the block subsidy dropped from each block to bitcoin, which means that the whole network can cast about one bitcoin every day. In the first four eras after the advent of Bitcoin, a total of 10 bitcoins were mined, which is equivalent to the preset total supply of 10,000 bitcoins in the whole network. Therefore, only 10 bitcoins remain to be discovered in the next year. Among them, a total of 10 bitcoins were issued between the third and fourth halving in the current era, which is interesting. Each halving represents a key point, and the percentage of the remaining amount to be mined is equal to 10,000 bitcoins in the new block subsidy bitcoin block. It will be mined between the fourth halving and the fifth halving. Due to the block subsidy, the height of each block will be halved once, and the inflation rate of bitcoin will be halved about every year. This makes the latest annualized inflation rate of bitcoin supply lower than the fourth halving in the previous period, which also marks an important milestone when people compare bitcoin and gold. In history, the steady-state issuance rate of bitcoin is lower than that of gold for the first time, which marks the title history of the most scarce assets. We have successfully completed the handover from gold to bitcoin and remain cautious. However, we must point out that we need to correctly look at the scale of this halving. When evaluating the relative impact of halving on market dynamics, we must see that the total amount of newly minted bitcoin after halving is still very small compared with the global trading volume in the bitcoin ecosystem. The total amount of minted bitcoin after halving now accounts for only a small part of the online transfer volume, spot trading volume and derivative volume we see today. At present, it is less than the total capital transferred and traded on any day, so the impact of halving bitcoin on the available transaction supply is weakening in each cycle, not only because the amount of bitcoin mined after halving is decreasing, but also because the scale of assets and ecosystems around it is still expanding. It is reasonable to expect that halving bitcoin is an important and well-known event, which will naturally lead to increased speculation about its impact on price trends and balance our period. It may be a more sensible market analysis strategy to look at the difference from historical precedents and create a relatively loose analysis boundary according to the past performance of Bitcoin. The price performance of Bitcoin in each halving period is very different. We think that the early halving period is very different from today. Past experience may not be very instructive to our current analysis and prediction, but as time goes by, we do see the diminishing returns and the weakening of the total retracement effect. This is the market scale. The natural result caused by the continuous expansion and the expansion of the scale of working capital required to promote the growth of the market scale is that the price performance of the second era in red is the biggest retracement in blue, the price performance of the third era is the biggest retracement in green, and the price performance of the quaternary yuan is the biggest retracement. Now let's evaluate the price performance of Bitcoin from the low point of the last cycle until it is halved. We notice that there are obvious similarities between the situation in and the current cycle, and they have all experienced an increase of about to about. However, it needs to be emphasized in particular. However, the current cycle is the only cycle in history in which the price breaks through the previous historical peak before the halving event. Our other perspective is to consider the market performance of Bitcoin within the day after each halving. Looking back at the history, we find that the impact of halving in the second era is much greater, but at the same time, we must consider that the dynamics and pattern of today's market have changed significantly compared with the period of, and we cannot simply equate the situation in these two different periods. Therefore, we find that the impact of halving events in the last two eras, the third era and the quaternary yuan, on the asset scale is richer and more understandable. The biggest retracement of the price in the red second era is blue, the biggest retracement of the price in the third era is green, and the biggest retracement of the price in the quaternary yuan is green. Although the overall trend of the market is very strong in the year after each halving event, there will still be some very large retracements in the process, and the maximum range is from zero to zero. During the bear market in, there was a widespread saying that no matter how the price of bitcoin fell, it would never be lower than the historical peak of the previous cycle, when the corresponding historical peak reached $10,000 in. Unfortunately, this law failed because the price of bitcoin fell from the cycle peak of, in the process of extensive deleveraging at the end of the year. The same similar saying has also been circulating recently, that is, the price of bitcoin could not be broken before halving. The historical peak of the current cycle, but this month, the law was also broken. The new historical peak we saw at that time was refreshed again. This incident stems from the unprecedented supply shortage in history. We mentioned this reason and the significantly increased demand interest brought by the newly listed spot in the previous article, but we must see that the price increase of Bitcoin has also had a significant impact on the unrealized profits held by investors. In the current bitcoin supply, the unrealized profits held by investors are the largest since the previous halving events. In other words, as of the date of halving, investors hold the largest. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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