探索比特币 Layer 2 欺诈还是新范式?

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作者:Duncan 来源:blocmates 翻译:善欧巴,虚拟币交易所平台,数字货币,NFT

尽管符文抢占了风头,比特币开发者们仍在埋头苦干 - 在世界上最受信赖的区块链上引入一个「科学怪人」。这些解决方案形式多样,您可能会误以为比特币 Layer-2 技术更多是风投支持的诡辩术 (Guǐ biàn shù - Gish gallop),而不是金融的终极疆域。

But despite the hype around DeFi, Bitcoin developers are still hard at work to introduce a "Frankenstein" on the world's most trusted blockchain. These solutions come in various forms, and you may be forgiven for thinking Bitcoin Layer-2 technologies are more of a venture capital-backed sophistry than the ultimate frontier of finance.


But dear readers, please note that the potential of Bitcoin goes far beyond what people imagine.


Bitcoin is layered like an onion.

就比特币而言,存在着 Layer-2 技术,这是一种新兴的叙事,承诺将比特币带到去中心化金融丰盛、高收益的应许之地。但是,就像洋葱一样,Layer-2 也有不同的种类,它们的处理方式至关重要。

For Bitcoin, there is Layer-2 technology, a new narrative promising to bring Bitcoin to the promised land of decentralized financial abundance and high yields. But, just like an onion, Layer-2 comes in different varieties, and how they are handled is crucial.


But what is substance, and what is hype? Will these fancy technologies bring new users or just create more hodlers?


在区块链开发中,当我们思考 Layer-2 时,我们想到的是扩展性:如何让比特币更快、更好、更强大?比特币本身有点慢,除了作为价值储存之外,它的基本用途是点对点的代币转移。当我们谈论 Layer-2 时,我们指的是以一种合理的方��并在可接受的时间内进行交易,例如在智能合约中使用比特币来完成一些有意义的操作。

When we think about Layer-2 in blockchain development, we think about scalability: how to make Bitcoin faster, better, and stronger? Bitcoin itself is a bit slow, and its primary use, apart from being a store of value, is peer-to-peer token transfers. When we talk about Layer-2, we mean making transactions in a reasonable way and in an acceptable time frame, such as using Bitcoin in smart contracts to perform meaningful operations.

这种支架已经在以太坊的 Layer-2 上存在,例如 Optimism 和 Arbitrum 会批量处理交易,然后将它们提交回主网络。比特币 Layer-2 开发人员巧妙地借鉴了这些概念,并以不同程度的复杂性实施它们。

These scaffolds already exist in Ethereum's Layer-2, for example, Optimism and Arbitrum process transactions in batches and then submit them back to the main network. Bitcoin Layer-2 developers have cleverly borrowed these concepts and implemented them with varying degrees of complexity.

从整体来看,概念上是一样的:比特币 Layer-2旨在让比特币更健壮地被使用。

Overall, the concept is the same: Bitcoin Layer-2 aims to make Bitcoin more robust in its use.

菜单:开发人员如何烹饪比特币 Layer-2

想想洋葱的不同烹饪方式。它可以作为配菜提升整道菜,也可以扮演关键角色,甚至是整道菜的主角。对于比特币 Layer-2,开发人员也在思考如何使用比特币。是保持简单,还是打造一个完全定制的解决方案?

Think of the different ways to cook an onion. It can be a side dish to enhance the main course, or it can play a key role, or even be the star of the dish. For Bitcoin Layer-2, developers are also thinking about how to use Bitcoin. Should it be kept simple, or should a completely customized solution be created?



在「简而言之」的部分,我将展示 Citrea。其他归为此类的解决方案包括 Stacks、Build on Bitcoin (BOB) 和 SatoshiVM。它们都专注于 Layer-2 的核心方面:区块空间可扩展性和智能合约使用。这听起来很复杂,但其实没有那么夸张。


In the "In Short" section, I will showcase Citrea. Other solutions in this category include Stacks, Build on Bitcoin (BOB), and SatoshiVM. They all focus on the core aspects of Layer-2: block space scalability and smart contract usage. It sounds complicated, but it's not that exaggerated.

Citrea 是一种零知识 (ZK) rollup,旨在扩展比特币的区块空间。作为 rollup,它继承了比特币的安全性,并批量处理交易,并在比特币上通过 BitVM 验证有效性证明。

Citrea is a form of zero-knowledge (ZK) rollup designed to scale Bitcoin's block space. As a rollup, it inherits Bitcoin's security and processes transactions in batches, and verifies validity proofs through BitVM on Bitcoin.

Citrea 还使用比特币和自身之间的一种双向锚机制,并且通过 BitVM 与以太坊虚拟机 (EVM) 兼容,这使得比特币可以离线处理 (图灵完备的) 智能合约。

Citrea also uses a bidirectional anchoring mechanism between Bitcoin and itself, and is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) through BitVM, allowing Bitcoin to off-chain process (Turing-complete) smart contracts.

重要的是要注意,Citrea 是一个 rollup,而不是侧链 - 就像大蒜和洋葱虽然同属一个家族,但完全不同一样。它旨在扩展区块空间,而不是交易吞吐量 - 也即是,专注于更有效地存储区块链信息,而不是 L2 上处理的交易数量。

It is important to note that Citrea is a rollup, not a sidechain - just as garlic and onions, while belonging to the same family, are completely different. It aims to scale block space, rather than transaction throughput - that is, it focuses on efficiently storing blockchain information, rather than the number of transactions processed on L2.

在 Citrea 的案例中,有效性证明被写入比特币,允许交易批量轻松汇总。一个重要区别是,这些铭文是乐观验证的 - 所有交易都被视为有效,除非另有证明,并且会使用防欺诈证明来质疑非法交易。

In the case of Citrea, validity proofs are written to Bitcoin, allowing transactions to be easily batched. A key difference is that these inscriptions are optimistically verified - all transactions are assumed to be valid unless proven otherwise, and anti-fraud proofs are used to challenge illicit transactions.

那么,ZK 技术在 Citrea 中扮演什么角色?首先,交易数据不会发布到比特币本身,只会发布铭文。这允许 Citrea 和其他使用类似范式的比特币 Layer-2 解决方案在用户隐私方面提供一些保障。

So, what role does ZK technology play in Citrea? First, transaction data is not published to Bitcoin itself, only inscribed. This allows Citrea and other Bitcoin Layer-2 solutions using similar paradigms to provide some privacy protection for users.

其次,它提供了一个信任最小化的桥梁,使 Citrea 和比特币之间可以双向锚定比特币,只有通过有效的 ZK 证明才能进行提款。Citrea 使用 ZK-STARK 证明(零知识简洁非交互知识论证)来利用轻客户端递归验证批量证明。

Second, it provides a trust-minimized bridge that allows Citrea to bidirectionally anchor Bitcoin, with withdrawals only possible through valid ZK proofs. Citrea uses ZK-STARK proofs (zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge) to leverage light client recursive verification of batch proofs.

现在,这听起来很像“洋葱的味道由硫代亚硫酸盐控制” - 这对普通用户来说听起来像是废话。其中包含了许多重要的技术细节,但在实践中,此解决方案的吸引力在于它的简单性。

Now, this sounds a lot like "the flavor of an onion is controlled by sulfite" - which may sound like gibberish to the average user. It contains many important technical details, but in practice, the appeal of this solution lies in its simplicity.

如果我们将 Citrea视为另一个类似 zkSync、Arbitrum 或 Optimism 的 rollup,那么所有听起来花哨的成分都更容易理解。当然,它们并不完全相同,尤其是���技术层面; 相反,它只是一个用于比较的松散类比。想象一下,在 Citrea 上使用原生比特币时,您无需信任第三方来托管您的比特币,而是可以控制其使用:您只需要信任开源代码即可。这是 Citrea 的一个强吸引力。

If we view Citrea as another rollup similar to zkSync, Arbitrum, or Optimism, then all the fancy-sounding ingredients are much easier to understand. Of course, they are not completely the same, especially at the technical level; instead, it is just a loose analogy for comparison. Imagine using native Bitcoin on Citrea, where you don't need to trust a third party to custody your Bitcoin, but can control its usage: you only need to trust open-source code. This is a strong appeal of Citrea.


一些团队在原生使用比特币方面采取了不同的方法。事实上,有很多解决方案依赖于使用 EVM 来促进其形式的 DeFi。Bison Labs 通过其 Bison 产品套件解决了这个问题,该套件包含 Bison Network、Bison OS 和 Bison Prover。

Some teams have taken a different approach to using Bitcoin natively. In fact, many solutions rely on using EVM to facilitate their form of DeFi. Bison Labs has addressed this issue through its Bison product suite, which includes Bison Network, Bison OS, and Bison Prover.

Bison 引用了自己的类比:Bison 之于比特币就像 Starknet 之于以太坊一样。与 Citrea(以及其他一些解决方案)类似,比特币网络铭文被用作 DA(数据可用性)层,这增强了数据的不可变性并允许更轻松地从链上获取数据。他们还为其 rollup 使用零知识可扩展透明知识论证 (ZK-STARK) 方法。

Bison uses its own analogy: Bison to Bitcoin is like Starknet to Ethereum. Similar to Citrea (and other solutions), Bitcoin network inscriptions are used as a DA (data availability) layer, enhancing data immutability and allowing for easier off-chain data retrieval. They also use a zero-knowledge scalable transparent knowledge proof (ZK-STARK) method for their rollup.

Bison Network 具有 rollup 和智能合约功能固有的组件。这些组件包括 L2 Dapp 逻辑、顺序器和代币合约以及桥接合约。从本质上讲,我们可以将 Bison 视为一种高级形式的“原生比特币 DeFi”,而不是利用 (或依赖) EVM 来处理这项工作。

Bison Network has components inherent to rollup and smart contract functionality. These components include L2 Dapp logic, sequencer and token contracts, and bridging contracts. Essentially, we can think of Bison as an advanced form of "native Bitcoin DeFi," rather than using (or relying on) EVM to handle the work.

���于这里的烹饪类比爱好者来说,Bison 建议在菜肴中加入生洋葱,而不是每次都用橄榄油将其炒香,“因为这样味道更好”。

For cooking analogy enthusiasts, Bison suggests adding raw onions to the dish, rather than sautéing them with olive oil every time, "because it tastes better."



Digital currency, the virtual currency exchange platform of Shanouba, although the runes have taken the lead, bitcoin developers are still working hard to introduce a Frankenstein in the world's most trusted blockchain. These solutions are in various forms. You may mistakenly think that bitcoin technology is more a sophistry supported by venture capital than the ultimate territory of finance, but dear readers, please note that the potential of bitcoin far exceeds people's imagination. Bitcoin is as hierarchical as an onion. As far as bitcoin is concerned. Technology This is a new narrative promise to bring Bitcoin to the promised land of decentralized finance with abundant and high returns, but just like onions, there are different types, and their handling methods are very important. But what is the essence, what is hype, will these fancy technologies bring new users or just create more people with money to rise? What is layered technology? When we think about blockchain development, we think about how scalability can make Bitcoin faster, better and stronger. Bitcoin itself is a bit slow. Besides being used as a store of value, its basic purpose is point-to-point token transfer. When we talk about it, we mean trading in a reasonable way and within an acceptable time, such as using bitcoin in smart contracts to complete some meaningful operations. This kind of scaffold already exists on the platform of Ethereum, for example, and will process transactions in batches and then submit them back to the main network. Bitcoin developers have skillfully borrowed these concepts and implemented them with varying degrees of complexity. The concept of bitcoin is the same. Bitcoin aims to make Bitcoin more robust. How do developers cook Bitcoin? Think about the different cooking methods of onions. It can be used as a side dish to enhance the whole dish, and it can also play a key role, even the protagonist of the whole dish. For bitcoin developers, they are also thinking about how to use Bitcoin to keep it simple or create a completely customized solution. In short, I will show other solutions that fall into this category, including those that are designed for them. The core aspect of note is the scalability of block space and the use of smart contracts. It sounds complicated, but it is not so exaggerated. It is a kind of zero knowledge. It aims to expand the block space of Bitcoin as it inherits the security of Bitcoin and processes transactions in batches. It also uses a two-way anchor mechanism between Bitcoin and itself and is compatible with Ethereum virtual machines. It is important to note that Bitcoin can process Turing's complete smart contracts offline. It is a chain rather than a side chain, just like garlic and onion belong to the same family, but they are completely different. It aims to expand the block space rather than the transaction throughput, that is, it focuses on storing the blockchain information more effectively rather than processing the number of transactions. In some cases, the validity certificate is written into bitcoin, allowing transactions to be easily summarized in batches. An important difference is that these inscriptions are optimistic. All transactions are considered valid unless otherwise proved and illegal transactions will be questioned by fraud proof. So what role does technology play in bitcoin? First, transaction data will not be published to bitcoin itself, but only inscriptions will be published, which allows users to provide some protection in terms of user privacy with other bitcoin solutions using similar paradigms. Secondly, it provides a bridge to minimize trust, so that bitcoin can be anchored in both directions. Only through effective proof can withdrawals be made. Proof of zero knowledge and concise non-interactive knowledge argument can be used to recursively verify batch proof with light clients. Now it sounds like this. Much like the taste of onion is controlled by thiosulfite, it sounds like nonsense to ordinary users, which contains many important technical details, but in practice, the attraction of this solution lies in its simplicity. If we regard it as another similar or, then all the components that sound fancy are easier to understand. Of course, they are not exactly the same, especially in the technical aspect. It is just a loose analogy for comparison. Imagine that you don't need to trust the first when using native bitcoin. The three parties can host your bitcoin, but can control its use. You just need to trust the open source code. This is a strong attraction. Some teams have adopted different methods in the native use of bitcoin. In fact, there are many solutions that rely on use to promote its form. This problem has been solved through its product suite, which contains and quotes its own analogy to bitcoin, just like it is to Ethereum, and is similar to other solutions. Text is used as the data availability layer, which enhances the immutability of data and allows data to be obtained from the chain more easily. They also use the zero-knowledge extensible transparent knowledge demonstration method for it, which has components inherent to the function of smart contracts. These components include logical sequencers, token contracts and bridge contracts. Essentially, we can treat this work as an advanced form of native bitcoin instead of using or relying on it. For cooking enthusiasts here, it is suggested to add raw onions to dishes instead of frying them with olive oil every time, because it tastes better. Other teams in the plate have adopted completely. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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