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作者:NFTScan 来源:medium 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

自 Ordinals 协议推出以来,已有迹象表明资金和热情将蔓延到比特币 NFT 领域。随着比特币的持续升值和市场的广泛接受,比特币网络上的NFT生态逐渐蓬勃发展。使用 Ordinals 免费铸造的第一批 10K Bitcoin Punks 甚至在不到一天的时间内就被售空。今年是NFT生态的蓬勃发展,随着加密市场的狂热不断升温,从基础设施的不断完善到创新项目的不断涌现,以及用户群体的逐步扩大,比特币NFT生态正展现出强大的生命力。

Data shows that in the past 7 days, Bitcoin's on-chain NFT trading volume ranks first, followed closely by Ethereum and Solana, and Bitcoin NFT prices are generally on the rise. With the push of the Runes protocol, the base price of Runestone has risen to 0.084 BTC (about 5912 US dollars), with a market value of 660 million US dollars, surpassing BAYC to become the second largest project in the NFT market, despite its different positioning.


About Runestone

Runestone is undoubtedly a shining star. It is an experimental project initiated by @ord_io founder Leonidas. The airdrop completed in mid-March resulted in amazing results. The initiative aims to incentivize and reward early supporters who have contributed to the Ordinals ecosystem. Runestone has over 110,000 unique parental inscriptions, exploring not only digital art, but also reflecting various aspects of the burgeoning NFT ecosystem on the Bitcoin network.

Runestone also has significant differences from traditional NFTs. Unlike the common total supply of 10,000 in NFT projects, its supply is ten times that. The snapshot of Runestone was taken at block height 826,600, which marks the first anniversary of ordinal birth.

On March 9th, Runestone #63140674 was sold for 8 BTC, approximately equivalent to 556,000 US dollars. Runestone is one of the largest Bitcoin ordinal inscriptions ever, with a file size of 3,967,899 bytes (3.967 MB). It is one of only seven ordinal inscriptions that are over 400,000 bytes (400 KB), and it was mined in block 832,947, creating the largest block record in Bitcoin history

The proceeds from this auction, together with the Bitcoin donations raised through Twitter, will be used to pay for the mining fees of the Runestone airdrop program, making it one of the largest airdrop projects in Ordinals history. This move not only demonstrates the support and commitment of the community to the Runestones project, but also increases the anticipation for the entire Bitcoin community and the upcoming Runes protocol.


Runes Protocol

Runes is a new protocol launched by Ordinals founder Casey for issuing fungible tokens. It first appeared in Casey's blog and is expected to be released at the beginning of the Bitcoin halving, at Bitcoin block height 840,000.

Ordinals has incorporated Runes into the Bitcoin ecosystem, creating a centralized currency issuance mechanism in the form of BRC-20 for indexing characters. However, this mechanism has put immense pressure on the Ordinals protocol, originally developed for NFT applications. Despite being decentralized, even founder Casey has been unable to make BRC-20 disappear. Casey has expressed dissatisfaction with BRC-20 multiple times, stating that it occupies a large amount of rune digits and Bitcoin storage space, without bringing much positive value to the ecosystem.

As a solution, Casey has proposed a new protocol called Runes. The main purpose of the Runes protocol is to define a way to exchange symbolized assets on the Bitcoin network. It uses runes as the unit of symbolized assets, utilizes UTXO to represent rune balances, and transfers protocol messages through transaction outputs in a specific format and rules, including transfer and issuance operations.

Although the official Runes protocol has not been released, many projects related to the Runes protocol have already started to heat up in the market. Strictly speaking, there are currently no real Runes runes, but many projects are using the form of Bitcoin NFT for release. The most notable project recently related to the Rune protocol is probably the Runestone project.


Innovation and Vision of Runestone

The Runestone project embodies the innovative spirit of blockchain technology while adhering to the principles of fairness, transparency, and decentralization. Its distribution mechanism provides unique rewards and incentives for participants in the Ordinals protocol, providing a valuable example for the entire cryptocurrency community. In this way, Runestone not only establishes a healthy incentive system for the Ordinals protocol ecosystem, but also demonstrates how blockchain technology can promote fairness, transparency, and decentralization.

In addition, the large file size of runes allows them to carry more complex content. Compared to traditional NFTs, runes can contain more data and information, making them an ideal medium for digital art and cultural expression. Leonidas also emphasizes that the goal of Runestone is very simple: to create a world-class memecoin on the Bitcoin chain, and points out that many people mistakenly view Runestone solely as an NFT collection.

It is important to note that the goal of Runestone is to redefine the standard NFT framework. By supporting open-source algorithms, community-driven projects, fair airdrops, and rewarding early supporters, Runestone aims to disrupt the traditional NFT market and establish a more fair and open ecosystem. As part of the Ordinals ecosystem, Runestone is committed to promoting broader participation and innovation.

Runestone adopts open-source algorithms, making it easy for project verification and further development by the community. Open-source algorithms mean that the project's code and technical details are publicly visible, allowing anyone to view, review, and make improvements.

Runestone emphasizes returning control and ownership to the community, ensuring fair participation. Through community-driven means, the development and decision-making of the project are no longer controlled by a single entity, but rather by community members who actively participate and make decisions.

Runestone utilizes fair airdrops, ensuring equal distribution of tokens and providing credit and incentives for early supporters. Fair airdrops ensure that every Bitcoin holder has the opportunity to receive Rune tokens, rather than being limited to a few holders.

Each runestone is associated with an important moment in Bitcoin's history, and the larger data capacity allows for more complex multimedia content. By linking it to Bitcoin's history, runes add more historical significance and cultural value, attracting a wider range of users. In addition, the larger data capacity provides more creative space and possibilities for artists and creators, enriching the content and experience of NFTs.

Compared to other public chains such as Ethereum, the Bitcoin network has long been seen as the "old guard" of the crypto network. However, with the emergence of innovations such as the Ordinals protocol, the Bitcoin network is gradually shaking off this stereotype and reshaping its position in the field of digital asset issuance. The continuous growth of the Runestone market value has sparked speculation as to whether it will become the next hidden gem and whether Bitcoin network NFT assets will become a new industry consensus for asset issuance. Only time will tell.

Since the launch of the agreement, there have been signs that funds and enthusiasm will spread to the field of bitcoin. With the continuous appreciation of bitcoin and the wide acceptance of the market, the ecology on the bitcoin network is gradually booming, and the first batch of free casting is sold out even in less than a day. This year, the ecology is booming. With the continuous improvement of the encryption market, the continuous emergence of innovative projects and the gradual expansion of the user community, the bitcoin ecology is showing strong vitality. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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