晚间必读5篇 | Memecoin再迎爆发

币圈资讯 阅读:63 2024-04-24 23:18:26 评论:0



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1. Arthur Hayes: Printing money will accelerate. How will the cryptocurrency market go? 阿瑟·海耶斯:印钞将加速,加密货币市场会如何发展?

Some of you think you are now the masters of the universe, because you bought Solana for less than $10 and sold it for $200. Others did the smart thing, selling fiat for crypto during the bear market from 2021 to 2023, but reducing their positions as prices soared in the first quarter of this year. If you trade shitcoins for Bitcoin, you get a pass. Bitcoin is the hardest money ever created. 你们中的一些人认为自己现在是宇宙的主人,因为你以低于 10 美元的价格购买了 Solana,并以 200 美元的价格出售了它。其他人则做了聪明的事,在 2021 年至 2023 年的熊市期间出售法币换取加密货币,但随着今年第一季度价格飙升而减仓。 如果你用垃圾币换取比特币,你就会获得通行证。比特币是有史以来最难创造的货币。Read more 阅读更多

2. Bankless: Inventory of the hottest AI opportunities in the cryptocurrency field Bankless:盘点加密货币领域最热门的人工智能机会

Now people unanimously believe that cryptocurrency x AI will become one of the hottest topics of this cycle. You can see this happening—early investors in some AI tokens have seen their bets pay off handsomely. 现在人们一致认为,加密货币 x 人工智能将成为本周期最热门的话题之一。 你可以看到这种情况已经发生了——一些人工智能代币的早期投资者已经看到他们的赌注获得了巨大的回报。Read more 阅读更多

3. How to get rich in a bull market? 6 thoughts on the cryptocurrency market 牛市如何暴富?关于加密市场的6点思考

Although the bull market is generally rising, speculation is still centered around sectors. And if a coin skyrockets, it will drive speculation in its sector. There are opportunities everywhere in a bull market, but if you are greedy and want to catch everything, it will definitely not be good in the end. 相反,只要抓住一个板块的主升浪,足够让你赚的盆满钵满。如果运气好,抓住板块轮动抓住2波的主升浪,那就赚钱了无法想象的财富。 Read more 阅读更多

4. Counting 5 visible changes in the cryptocurrency industry 细数加密行业5个肉眼可见的变化

In the past, most people could only speculate and hold coins at the second level. Now, about 1/5 of users have shifted to arbitrage and getting coins through the semi-first market. This group of people has a characteristic, that is, they are relatively resistant to buying coins on the second market—they can trade, they can stake, they can donate, they can pledge, but they just won't buy. As this proportion increases, it means that there are fewer people buying coins on the second market and more people unloading at low cost. 以前大家只能在二级接盘各自持币炒作,而现在应该有1/5的用户已经转变为通过半一级市场的套利跟撸毛进行拿币。这群人有个特点,对二级市场买币是比较排斥的,可以撸,可以打(铭文),可以捐(meme),可以质押,但就是不买。这个比例对应增加的话,等于二级市场少了很多买币的人,而多了很多低成本要卸货的人。Read more 阅读更多

5. Memecoin breaks out again. Is this the start of a major rebound in this bull market? Memecoin再迎爆发,是本轮牛市大反弹的开始吗?

Memecoins are booming again, with BONK rising by about 60% in the past 7 days, PEPE rising by about 50%, and POPCAT (the tokenized version of an OG Internet meme) rising by about 300%. Is this the first major driver of the next major rebound in this industry? Memecoins 再次爆发,过去 7 天 BONK 上涨约 60%,PEPE 上涨约 50%,POPCAT(OG 互联网 meme 的代币化版本)上涨约 300%。 这是该行业下一次重大反弹的第一个重大推动力吗?Read more 阅读更多

Arthur Hayes printing money will accelerate how the cryptocurrency market will develop. Some of you think that you are now the masters of the universe because you bought it for less than US dollars and sold it for US dollars. Others did the smart thing of selling legal tender for cryptocurrency during the bear market from to, but reduced their positions as the price soared in the first quarter of this year. If you exchange junk money for bitcoin, you will get a pass. Bitcoin is the most difficult currency to create in history. Read more inventory. Now people agree that cryptocurrency artificial intelligence will be one of the hottest topics in this cycle. You can see that this situation has already happened. Some early investors of artificial intelligence tokens have seen their bets get huge returns. Read more about how the bull market gets rich. On the contrary, just catch the main rising wave of a plate and make you earn a lot of money. If you are lucky, catch the plate rotation and catch the main wave. Rising waves will make money. Read more about the unimaginable wealth. Read more about the visible changes in the encryption industry. In the past, everyone could only hold their own coins for speculation in the secondary market. Now some users should have changed to arbitrage and arbitrage in the semi-primary market. This group of people has a characteristic that they are relatively exclusive to buying coins in the secondary market. They can sign inscriptions, donate and pledge, but if they don't buy this proportion, it means that there are many fewer people buying coins in the secondary market and many more people are low. People who were going to unload the goods read more and welcome the outbreak again. Is it the beginning of this bull market in Big bounce? Is it the first major driving force for the next major rebound in the industry? Read more. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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