探索融合 社交金融SocialFi与游戏金融GameFi相遇的地方

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比特币减半事件发生了,并且在西贡的白宫举办的 Web3 鲸鱼峰会取得了巨大成功。有趣的是,市场对比特币减半并没有表现出明显的波动;此类反应通常需要时间才能显现。尽管有"加密世界永不停息"的说法,但周末的价格波动往往较为平静,因为交易者需要充分休息。

相比之下,由哨子和智慧AI联合举办的 Web3 鲸鱼峰会在整个周末都充满活力。支持者和关键意见领袖从全球各地汇聚而来,包括中国、美国,甚至保加利亚。峰会以分享深刻见解和引人入胜的现场表演为特色,使之成为一个充满丰富体验的日子。许多合作伙伴宣布了合作,为社交金融和视频金融行业带了充满前景的前景。活动在高潮中达到了顶峰,许多幸运的与会者带走了备受追捧的苹果产品和哨子项目代币。尽管智慧AI Meta 俱乐部团队被邀请作为特邀嘉宾,但我们受到了热情的拥抱,并被视为峰会的重要组成部分。哨子团队的款待给我们留下了深刻的印象,巩固了我们在社区中的友谊感。

圆桌讨论的重点摘录在各个项目领导者分享的众多见解中,特别引人注目的部分是由四位行业领袖组成的圆桌讨论:Jon,哨子的法律顾问;Bryan,KTRO 媒体的创始人;Justin,BSCS 发射台的首席运营官;以及 Aloysius,AI Meta 俱乐部的首席执行官。此圆桌由哨子代表克里斯蒂娜精心主持。


 Aloysius 通过深入探讨比特币的基本原理和减半的机制引发了对区块链的好奇心。他阐明了与传统金融不同之处,在传统金融中,减半意味着缩减和减少持有的股份数量,而比特币的减半并不会改变流通中的硬币数 量,而是影响每个成功验证的区块所产生的奖励。

从历史上看,每次减半都会在 3-6 个月的时间内引发显著的价格上涨。Aloysius 指出了推动这些价格上涨的根本因素:第一次减半受到了暗网丝绸之路的影响,第二次减半受到了通过以太坊智能合约进行 ICO 融资的影响,第三次减半受到了通过不可替代代币的数字艺术的出现的影响。他开玩笑地表示,第四次减半有可能 是由哨子带头的蓬勃发展的社交金融趋势推动的。


 许多内容创作者经常发现自己虽然制作了高质量的作品并生成了大量内容,但却得不到应有的回报。这种缺乏公平报酬往往会迅速使他们丧失斗志,导致创造力和生产力下降。社交金融的出现为创作者提供了各种赚 钱途径,确保了公正的补偿,并提供了坚持不懈直至获得认可的动力。

将人工智能整合到内容创作中,通常被称为人工智能生成的内容(AIGC),为创作者提供了以更低成本生产 引人入胜内容的机会。通过能够模拟场景和环境而无需实际存在,创作者可以在最小化成本并减轻与现场拍摄相关的风险的同时,高效生成引人入胜的内容。

社交金融与人工智能之间的这种协同作用有望加速内容创作,提升脚本质量,并提高整体内容标准。然而, 需要承认 AIGC 的缺点,包括缺乏事实核实和其风格的动态性。实施严格的 AIGC 核实流程变得至关重要, 因为它决定了生成内容的可靠性和可信度。在充分利用人工智能能力的同时确保内容真实性之间找到平衡将对最大化这种整合的好处至关重要。

GameFi 的现状如何?

首先必须澄清的是,GameFi   远未过时;在这个生态系统中,仍然有许多高质量的项目蓬勃发展和涌现。然而,GameFi 面临着挑战,这是由于低质量项目的泛滥,导致了对其真实性的误解。虽然许多人被通过游戏赚钱的想法所吸引,但关键是要理解 GameFi 中的“Fi”代表“金融”,包括了更广泛的生态系统,而不仅仅是简单的付费游戏赚取收益的动态。

代币化通常与 GameFi 相关联,但并不是每个项目的先决条件。举例来说,考虑某人在跳蚤市场购买一块石头,希望它的价值随着时间的推移而增值。然而,要使石头增值,首先必须得到市场的认可,具有实用或艺术价值,并经过认证。一些人错误地认为,仅仅持有代币而不积极参与将会带来利润,就像中彩票一样。不幸 的是,当这些期望未能实现时,就会产生幻灭感和被误导的感觉。

我们坚决反对这类投机企图,并优先与拥有综合生态系统的合法项目合作。过去的经验促使 GameFi 中的利益相关者保持审慎和理性,促进了行业的可持续增长,并引导参与者形成现实的期望和心态。

社交金融和游戏金融如何促进新 Web3 时代的出现?


在传统业务合作中,桥接软件巨头和社交媒体巨头等实体之间的鸿沟通常涉及复杂的所有权结构和战略联 盟。然而,这些合作伙伴关系可能会受到组织目标的差异和沟通障碍的阻碍。最直接的整合通常是通过投资和股份交换来实现的。

相比之下,Web3 合作的格局提供了一个独特的范式。社交金融和游戏金融生态系统可以无缝融合,共享利益相关者,如社区、广告商、后端合作伙伴和媒体合作伙伴。通过协同整合,这些生态系统可以释放超越个体努力的指数级价值。


我们所概述的仅仅触及了前方潜力的表面。这个轨迹无疑是前瞻性的,承诺着未来社交金融和游戏金融的融合将重塑 Web3 景观中的数字互动、参与和经济模型。

AMC 将如何继续茁壮成长并在这个领域提供支持?

作为 Web3 游戏管理的首选平台,AMC 将在促进游戏金融和社交金融融合方面发挥关键作用。我们强大的合同和全面的系统已经做好了在各个领域之间实现无缝整合的准备,无论是链上到链上、链下到链下还是任何组合。这种互操作性是通过标准化的游戏流程实现的,确保了流畅的通信和连接。

考虑到在 Web3 空间中,每个玩家或用户都由唯一的钱包地址标识,AMC 擅长建立跨平台连接。整合方法各不相同,可以是将账户用户名和拥有特定代币或 NFT 关联起来,也可以是与加密地址相关联。一旦激活了账户,合作伙伴平台就可以根据自己的需要定制奖励或整合的类型和级别。

目前,AMC 实现了游戏内资产的无缝接入和退出,提供了强大的 DAO 基础设施,并通过规定任务限制实现了精细化的奖励管理。此外,我们的团队正在积极开发额外的功能和功能,以持续增强我们的核心基础设施。


What happened over the weekend? The event of halving bitcoin took place and the whale summit held at the White House in Saigon was a great success. Interestingly, the market did not show obvious fluctuations in halving bitcoin. Such reactions usually take time to appear. Although there is a saying that the encrypted world will never stop, the price fluctuations on weekends are often calm because traders need adequate rest. In contrast, the whale summit jointly held by whistle and wisdom is full of energetic supporters and key points throughout the weekend. Opinion leaders gathered from all over the world, including China, the United States and even the Bulgarian summit, which was characterized by sharing profound insights and fascinating live performances, making it a day full of rich experiences. Many partners announced cooperation and brought promising prospects to the social finance and video finance industries. The event reached its climax, and many lucky participants took away the highly sought-after Apple products and whistle project tokens. Although the smart club team was invited as special guests, We were warmly embraced and regarded as an important part of the summit, and the hospitality of the whistle team left a deep impression on us, which consolidated our sense of friendship in the community. The highlights of the round-table discussion were extracted from the many opinions shared by the project leaders. The particularly striking part was the round-table discussion composed of four industry leaders, the legal adviser of the whistle, the founder of the media, the chief operating officer of the launch pad and the CEO of the club. The round table was carefully represented by Christina by the whistle. The host aroused the curiosity of blockchain by deeply discussing the basic principle of Bitcoin and the mechanism of halving it. He clarified the difference from traditional finance. In traditional finance, halving bitcoin means reducing and reducing the number of shares held, but halving bitcoin does not change the number of coins in circulation, but affects the rewards generated by each successfully verified block. Historically, every halving will trigger a significant price increase within a month, pointing out the fundamental factors that promote these price increases. The first halving was influenced by the dark silk road, the second halving was influenced by the financing through the smart contract of Ethereum, and the third halving was influenced by the emergence of digital art through irreplaceable tokens. He joked that the fourth halving may be driven by the booming social financial trend led by the whistle, and what impact may it bring with the integration with artificial intelligence? Many content creators often find that although they have produced high-quality works and generated a lot, Content is not rewarded as it should be, and this lack of fair remuneration often makes them lose their fighting spirit quickly, leading to the decline of creativity and productivity. The emergence of social finance provides creators with various ways to make money, ensures fair compensation and provides the motivation to persevere until they are recognized. Integrating artificial intelligence into content creation, which is often called artificial intelligence, provides creators with the opportunity to produce fascinating content at a lower cost by being able to simulate scenes and environments without. It needs to be practical that creators can efficiently generate fascinating content while minimizing the cost and reducing the risks related to live shooting. This synergy between social finance and artificial intelligence is expected to accelerate content creation, improve the quality of scripts and improve the overall content standards. However, the shortcomings that need to be acknowledged include the lack of fact verification and the dynamics of its style. It is very important to implement a strict verification process because it determines the reliability and credibility of generated content, and it is necessary to make full use of artificial intelligence. It is very important to find a balance between the authenticity of the content and the ability to maximize the benefits of this integration. First of all, it must be clarified that many high-quality projects are still flourishing and emerging in this ecosystem, but they are facing challenges. This is because the proliferation of low-quality projects has led to misunderstanding of their authenticity. Although many people are attracted by the idea of making money through games, the key is to understand that the representative finance in China includes a wider ecosystem. Just a simple paid game, the dynamic tokenization of earning income is usually associated with it, but it is not a prerequisite for every project. For example, consider that someone buys a stone in a flea market and hopes that its value will increase over time. However, in order to increase the value of the stone, it must first be recognized by the market as having practical or artistic value and certified. Some people mistakenly believe that just holding tokens without actively participating will bring profits, just like winning the lottery. Unfortunately, when these expectations fail, When it is realized, we will feel disillusioned and misled. We resolutely oppose such speculative attempts and give priority to cooperation with legal projects with integrated ecosystems. Past experience has prompted stakeholders in China to remain cautious and rational, promoted the sustainable growth of the industry and guided participants to form realistic expectations and mentality. How can social finance and game finance promote the emergence of a new era? The influence and coverage of social media and games undeniably represent the largest user group on the Internet. Indicators such as online advertising participation and financial transactions constantly put social media and games at the forefront of digital activities. Bridging the gap between software giants and social media giants in traditional business cooperation usually involves complex ownership structures and strategic alliances. However, these partnerships may be hindered by differences in organizational goals and communication barriers. The most direct integration is usually achieved through investment and share exchange. In contrast, the pattern of cooperation provides a unique paradigm. The ecosystem of social finance and game finance can be seamlessly integrated to share stakeholders, such as community advertisers, back-end partners and media partners. Through collaborative integration of these ecosystems, the exponential value beyond individual efforts can be released. In this integrated future, game key opinion leaders will not only rely on game sponsorship to earn income, but also use social media channels to promote it. This integration will simplify the game-to-income model and provide access through simplified processes. Asking about the opportunities of multiple platforms is like one-click deployment through various channels. The rewards are generally distributed. What we have outlined only touches the surface of the potential ahead. This trajectory is undoubtedly forward-looking. It promises that the integration of social finance and game finance will reshape the digital interactive participation and economic model in the landscape in the future, and how to continue to thrive and provide support in this field. As the preferred platform for game management, it will play a key role in promoting the integration of game finance and social finance. Our strong contracts and comprehensive systems are ready to achieve seamless integration in all fields, whether chain to chain. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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