Permit:一个平平无奇的签名 如何骗走你的资产?

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作者:OneKey 中文 来源:X,@OneKeyCN


如果你点头了,那可能你的安全意识停留在了 21 年前。

从 Scam Sniffer 公布的 24 年 3 月钓鱼报告*来看,90% 的被钓鱼资产为 ERC-20 代币。而这其中主要的钓鱼方式就是 Permit / Permit2 钓鱼签名。

仅仅是今年 3 月中旬,就有 4 笔价值平均资产约 $2M 的被盗交易,其中 3 笔都是被 Permit 钓鱼签名盗走的 Pendle PT 本金代币。



一句话说明白 Permit / Permit2

为了节约时间,OneKey 在这里不会讲太多 EIP-2612 引入 Permit 或者 Uniswap 推出 Permit2 的加密「课本知识」。(可能你光看这句话就开始头疼了)


你可以直接粗暴理解为 —— 现在不少的 ERC-20 代币授权将通过一个「中介」来管理。

在以前,你的代币额度,是一个个授权(Approve)给每个 dApp 合约的。而每一次授权,都需要花费 Gas。

而现在,通过 Permit / Permit2 技术(已经有相当数量的 dApp 采用),你只需要把代币授权给 Permit / Permit2 这个「中介」。

集成了这个技术的 dApp 都可以请求用这个授权额度——只需要简单签个名就能授权给它们(甚至是批量的),不需要一次又一次花费 Gas 授权。



其危险之处就在于,上一轮牛市,加密用户们已经养成了「登入 Dapp 需要签名进行连接」的操作习惯,并且默认普通签名就是安全的、毫无防备之心。



攻击者只需要部署一个钓鱼合约,向你获取一个 Permit 授权签名,即可随后提交一个盗走你资产的交易(甚至可以等过几天你忘记了这件事再提交)。并且, Permit2 还可以让黑客批量获取你的全部已授权代币的权限。

例如最近 SlowMist 创始人余弦分享的这个案例(,某用户在质押期间被签名钓鱼了相关代币的授权,而自己一无所知(也没有注意检查),黑客在其提出代币到自己钱包的时候,立刻盗走了资产,损失惨重。

从伪装手段上看,似乎钓鱼也变得更简单了一些。他们完全可以做一个「空投检查」网站,让你「连接钱包」查看空投。或者是,做一个工具网站让你登陆,以满足你在某些热点事件/项目中的需求。花样无穷无尽。而使用过程中,你很可能就被诱导做了 Permit / Permit2 类型的签名。

展望未来,随着以太坊推进账户抽象(EIP-3074 正式纳入下次 Pectra 硬分叉升级),你甚至还可以直接授权整个地址控制权限给一个合约,让合约地址直接操作用户的钱包地址。这也一样会在便利的同时引入新的钓鱼风险。



关于 Permit / Permit2 钓鱼的预防方法,已经有无数的推文、文章写过。在这里我们也是不厌其烦地再次总结——这很值得。





大家常用的小狐狸是可以识别出 Permit/ Permit2 签名的,如果你交互的 dAPP 弹出了这个类型的签名,那最好再三确认你是否要授权相关的代币。如果只是普通的签署消息,是不可能弹出特别类型的签名的。

除了 Permit 类之外,还有 increaseAllowance、多 dApp 组合操作甚至是 0x 开头的完全无可读性的各种签名,都有可能危害到你的资产安全。









如果不是高强度使用,在第一次授权 Permit / Permit2 代币额度的时候,建议选择按需授权。也就是使用多少授权多少,而不是默认的最大(无限)额度。

已经授权了 Permit / Permit2 无限额度的,也是有后悔药可以吃。你可以在 http://Revoke.Cash 中检查自己的代币授权风险敞口——你会明确地看到某个代币授权给 Permit / Permit2 多少额度。


要注意的是,Permit 类型的签名是一种离线签名,在被使用之前,链上是没有痕迹的(黑客通常会在服务器上储存这些偷来的签名)。



如果你不幸中招了,最好及时寻求专业安全团队如 SlowMist 的帮助,及时转移资产和亡羊补牢,把损失最小化。甚至是使用一些技术手段抢救资产。

值得注意的是,这些签名钓鱼已经趋向于专业化、产业化,分工分赃明确。如果资产已经被专业的 Drainer 黑客团队转移并洗钱,很大的概率是拿不回来的!所以还得是防患于未然,不让他们有任何可趁之机。

Do you still think that as long as I don't initiate the transaction, I will not lose my assets if I sign my name and log on to the website? If you nod, your safety awareness may have stayed at the point of view of the victims that the fished assets were tokens years ago, and the main fishing method was fishing signature, which was only a stolen transaction with an average asset value in the middle of this year, in which all the pens were principal tokens stolen by fishing signature. It's a horror movie. One day, I suddenly found that the assets were removed and checked, thinking that the private key had been stolen. Finally, I found that there was a casual offline signature, but all this could have been avoided. It is clear that in order to save time, I won't talk too much about the knowledge of encrypted textbooks introduced or introduced here. Maybe you will start to have a headache just by reading this sentence. You just need to realize that the times have changed and the signature with heavy eyes is not simple. You can directly and rudely understand that there are many token authorizations now. It will be managed through an intermediary. In the past, your token quota was authorized to each contract one by one, and each authorization cost. Now, there are a considerable number of applications through technology. You only need to authorize tokens to this intermediary, and anyone who integrates this technology can request to authorize them even in batches by simply signing this authorization quota, without spending a double-edged sword again and again. Although this type of signature upgrade brings to cross-application operations, In order to facilitate and save costs, there are various benefits, but there are also some hidden dangers. The danger lies in the fact that in the last round of bull market encryption, users have developed the operating habit of signing to connect, and the default common signature is safe and unguarded. I don't know that the new version of the signature will be caught if you don't pay attention to distinguish between blind signatures, which poses new challenges to users' security awareness and various infrastructures such as wallets. For hackers, it is better to use the knife to kill people. The attacker only needs to deploy a phishing contract to obtain an authorization signature from you, and then submit a transaction to steal your assets. You can even wait for a few days before submitting it, and you can also allow hackers to obtain the rights of all your authorized tokens in batches. For example, in this case recently shared by founder Cosine, a user was signed and fished the authorization of the relevant tokens during the pledge period, but he didn't know anything about it and didn't pay attention to checking the hacker's position when he proposed the tokens to his wallet. It seems that fishing has become easier from the perspective of camouflage means. They can completely make an airdrop inspection website for you to connect your wallet to check airdrops or make a tool website for you to log in to meet your needs in some hot events. There are endless varieties, and during the use, you are likely to be induced to make a type of signature and look forward to the future. With the promotion of account abstraction in Ethereum, you can even directly authorize the whole. Giving the address control authority to a contract allows the contract address to directly operate the user's wallet address, which will also introduce new fishing risks at the same time. Of course, this is another story. How to prevent this type of fishing? Are there any regrets? There have been countless tweets about the prevention methods of fishing, and we have taken the trouble to sum up again. It is worthwhile not to blindly sign, just like a legally binding contract in the real world. No one will give his signature at will to identify disguised fishing. Fish website belongs to the basic operation of encryption and security, and the login request of strange local dog website is the same. Be careful that hackers will try their best to disguise the intention of buttons to trick you into signing. Everyone's commonly used foxes can recognize the signature. If you pop up this type of signature interactively, it's best to confirm whether you want to authorize the relevant tokens again and again. If it's just an ordinary signing message, it's impossible to pop up a special type of signature. Besides classes, there are many combination operations, even the beginning is completely unreadable. All kinds of signatures may endanger the safety of your assets. In short, if you don't know the contents and consequences of the pop-up signature, you must be cautious, especially if there are many assets in your wallet. Wet and dry are often separated and you often walk by the river. Where are your wet shoes? If you really want to have high-risk behaviors frequently, do a good job of isolating assets. A small wallet that is often used for interaction does not store a lot of assets. It is definitely not an appropriate metaphor when you go out shopping at will. I will take my belongings with me. I will only put a little money in my wallet, and I will change my assets every once in a while, and I will cancel my authorization and signature to reduce my risk exposure as much as possible. For wallets that store a lot of assets, I don't want to connect to websites at will or simply put them in my hardware wallet and turn them out for interaction when necessary. This is also a cliche way to prevent phishing. If it is not used intensively, I suggest choosing it when I authorize the token amount for the first time. Choose on-demand authorization, that is, how much authorization is used instead of the default maximum unlimited amount. If you have authorized an unlimited amount, you can also take regret medicine. You can check your risk exposure of token authorization in, and you will clearly see how much a token is authorized. The tool also supports canceling signatures. You can also find signatures in it to cancel. Before hackers activate related signatures and steal your assets, it should be noted that the type of signature is an offline signature, and there is no one on the chain before it is used. Hackers with traces usually store these stolen signatures on the server. It is a good habit to use tools to check the authorization and signature regularly. Conclusion If you are unlucky, you'd better seek the help of a professional security team in time, transfer the assets in time and make up for the loss, and even use some technical means to save the assets. It is worth noting that these signature phishing has tended to be specialized and industrialized, and it is clear that if the assets have been transferred and laundered by a professional hacker team, there is a high probability that they will not be able to get them back, so it is necessary to prevent them from taking any opportunities. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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