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作者:Haotian,独立研究员 来源:X

如何理解Runes的创新价值以及潜在后续市场影响? 在我看来,Runes是基于 Ordinals协议的一套FT代币发行标准,会成为BTC网络后续构建庞大生态的资产发行基础。如果把减半前BRC20、ARC20、SRC20等标准乱飞的阶段视为“乱纪元”,Runes标准将会推动一个BTC生态发展的“恒纪元”诞生?接下来,谈谈我的理解:





3)如大家所见,此种群雄逐鹿分天下的乱纪元持续了很长时间,Ordinals创始人@rodarmor Casey提出了Runes新标准意欲解决这一乱象,创新点有二:



OP_RETURN相当于以太坊layer2上应用的Blob空间,可以有效记录数据但并不会被全节点执行操作,通过OP_RETURN的标记,Ordinals协议可以根据UTXO的转移动向来管理和记账,可很好实现资产拆分以及避免资产丢失问题。如何实现资产拆分呢?举例说明,若Alice有10枚Rune代币,现在要向Bob发送2枚 Rune代币:









但,这绝不是完全取代,如果你关注ARC20,仍然不排除后续其有惊艳发展的可能性。在我看来,Ordinals可以被视为索引器,也可以被视为一个layer2索引链,某种程度上和具备同构绑定特性的CKB链 @NervosNetwork 属于同级别竞争。Ordinals协议的共识虽然很强大,但也不可能阻止和它并立的其他协议的诞生和发展壮大。(若仍然基于Ordinals却还试图甩开Runes搞“标准”差异化创新,还是省省吧。


有人说,它改变了Fair Mint的基本面,错,这样由项目方驱动,有公开透明分发机制、有后续赋能发展潜力、有社区持续壮大基础的代币发行标准才是“健康态”的。如果一个资产发行只能Fomo一波,让一波人实现暴富而产生不了任何后续想象空间,其意义也非常有限。



只有Runes标准的资产发行造富拉新效应和后续BTC layer2链在生态运营层面持续产生联动,才是BTC生态大爆发的开始。

In my opinion, a set of token issuance standards based on the agreement will become the asset issuance foundation for the subsequent construction of a huge ecology of the network. If we regard the flying stage of the standards before halving as a chaotic era standard, it will promote the birth of a constant era of ecological development. Next, let's talk about my understanding that it is a protocol for issuing and transferring various encrypted assets based on the network through off-chain indexing, which is initially more suitable. The emergence of the "T" asset standard made up for its shortcomings in the management of homogeneous token assets, and really helped it become a derivative encryption asset issuance and management agreement. A series of derivative innovation standards all made a fuss about the script space in the middle, and realized the goal of issuing homogeneous assets as the first token standard by putting data in isolated witnesses and realizing asset management through the joint management of subsequent and other multiple indexers. Derived and improved token standards realize the transfer management of derivative inscription assets based on the transfer characteristics of the chain itself, which reduces the dependence on multiple indexers, and directly embeds the original data into the transaction in the form of stamp codes, so that asset issuance and management can be realized without relying on the three-way indexer. Although the above three types of token issuance standards have their own advantages and disadvantages, they will cause the collection to expand and cause a lot of dust in the market mood, which will harm the network in the long run because of the simplicity and excavation of their dyed currency transfer models. The mining paradigm is deeply loved by the technical community, but its dependence on isolated witness for data storage is not perfect. The subsequent token splitting also encounters some troubles. Although it can not rely on indexers, the problem that its own data is stored to create dust on the network has not been solved. As you can see, this chaotic era of competing for the world has lasted for a long time. The founder proposed a new standard to solve this chaos. There are two innovations: the introduction of bitcoin script opcodes to mark and store any non-payment related data sources. The problem of dust is solved on the whole, and the asset transfer characteristics of the equal dominant model are adopted. Users can realize the transfer and management of the inscription-derived assets through transfer, which is equivalent to the space applied in the Ethereum, which can effectively record data but will not be executed by all nodes. The adopted marking protocol can be managed and accounted according to the transfer trend, which can well realize the asset split and avoid the problem of asset loss. For example, if there is a token, it is necessary to send it to the chain to initiate it. Conventional transactions are transferred and the designated address is the receiving address. The wallet or asset management platform will follow up and initiate a transaction and mark it to the remaining change address inscription transfer. In fact, there is a transaction where the assets are burned. This is the reason why if the user does not specify the change address, the default assets will disappear and be transferred to the miners. The index data of the agreement found that the request for transferring the gold was recorded, and the address was given to the new address to complete the asset splitting and transfer management. It is not difficult to see that the standard adopted many advantages and solved fundamentally. In order to solve the problem of inflation, the key is that the standard cooperation agreement can be realized and the asset issuance can be unified, which further consolidates the foundation of the agreement. The popular understanding standard is actually a set of token standards attached to the agreement, and its sum and combination will export a healthy and basic asset issuance and management method to the market, abandoning the defect of over-reliance on indexers and giving full play to its transfer ability to assist labeling, thus realizing a kind of asset issuance method close to the original one. All other standards have other advantages. There is no defect that the standard can't solve. Unless you have to be serious about whether the agreement is credible or not, it must be the perfect issuing paradigm and combination of the current derivative assets, which will have an impact on other token issuing standards in the short term. After all, its comprehensive consensus, technical advantages and long-term stability all have advantages. Other standards will be directly sucked by blood and attract a lot of attention and fans, but this is by no means a complete replacement. If you pay attention to it, you still don't rule out the possibility of amazing development in the future. In my opinion, it can be regarded as an index. The device can also be regarded as an index chain, which belongs to the same level of competition agreement as the chain with isomorphic binding characteristics to some extent. Although it is very strong, it is impossible to prevent the birth and development of other protocols that stand side by side with it. If it is still based on it, it is still trying to get rid of the standard differentiation innovation or save the emergence of standards. We are surprised to find that the market gameplay has changed, such as sky-high miners' fees and mechanisms, and so on, which makes the whole derivative asset market issue more like the early market. Some people say that the fundamentals it has changed are wrong, so that it is driven by the project side, with an open and transparent distribution mechanism, with the potential for subsequent empowerment and the foundation for continuous growth of the community. The standard of token issuance is healthy. If an asset issuance can only make a wave of people rich, it will not create any room for subsequent imagination, and its significance is very limited. Just as I said at the beginning, I hope that the emergence of the standard will open a constant era of development for ecological development. At present, I hope that it will start well and be used as a symbol. A mainstream asset issuance paradigm can really speed up the ecology from the stage of speculative asset issuance paradigm to a stage of empowering ecological development. Only when the new effect of standard asset issuance and the follow-up chain continue to produce linkage at the ecological operation level can the ecological explosion begin. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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