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作者:Qiao Wang,AllianceDAO创始人 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

我经常从创始人和风险投资家那里听到这样的问题:“在为 AllianceDAO 筛选团队时,你们使用什么选择标准?” 所以我决定把我的想法写下来。


我并不妄想我知道这个问题的完美答案,但经过近 3 年时间和我们加速的 200 家初创公司之后,一些模式开始出现。


我将从为潜在申请人提供一个可操作的阿尔法开始。我们申请表上最重要的问题之一是“您对您的用户有什么独特的见解?” 据我所知,拥有深刻的洞察力是区分优秀加密创始人和糟糕创始人的关键区别之一。然而,很少有申请人能够对这个问题给出深思熟虑的答案。

对用户的深刻洞察通常是一个可以围绕其构建整个业务的想法。例如,Tensor (ALL7) 最初的见解是,尽管 Opensea 和 Magic Eden 占据主导地位,但仍有一个重要的用户群体没有得到他们的服务,那就是专业 NFT 交易者。这些专业交易者需要不同的工具,例如扫地或高级分析。这与可替代代币的世界没有太大不同,在可替代代币的世界中,专业交易者需要 Perps 等工具或新的 ERC20 狙击手等工具。Tensor 的整个产品愿景就是为这些专业交易者提供服务。

但伟大的洞察力并不一定就是这样。这也可能是一个意想不到的观察结果,让我们(面试官)感叹“哇,我以前没有想到过这一点,但这很有意义。” 一个例子是,StepN (ALL7) 的成员在采访中告诉我们“很多人花钱去健身房不是因为他们需要教练或设备,而是因为他们需要真正的参与来让他们负起责任” 。事实上,我们每年都会筛选数千份申请,几乎没有什么新事物是我们没听说过的。能够教给我们一些新的东西告诉我们,创始人有能力独立思考,而不是在阅读了互联网上风险投资公司的一些“为什么 Web3 很重要”文章后就加入了加密货币的行列。

有时,伟大的洞察力是彻头彻尾的逆向思维。当 Ostium (ALL9) 第一次见到我们时,他们向我们推销“商品 RWA”。“RWA”作为一个类别在当时还算不上什么——没有任何代币化的国库券项目有任何真正的吸引力——更不用说“商品 RWA”了。所以我反驳说“加密货币领域没有人关心黄金和石油。它们是婴儿潮一代的资产类别。” Kaledora 反驳道,“r/wallstreetbet 对瘦肉猪和橙汁非常着迷,因为它们非常具有模因性,而零售业却没有一种简单的方法来利用它们进行杠杆交易。” 我不知道将大宗商品放到链上是否会产生巨大影响,但我喜欢这种逆向观察。


首先,我要引用 Tensor 的 Ilja 的话:“如果你没有逆向思维,你就没有一家初创公司。” 不仅仅是投资者必须进行逆势押注。创始人也必须如此。事实上,上一次最终成功的加密初创公司从一开始就没有争议是什么时候?还记得有多少人对 Solana 不屑一顾吗?还记得围绕 Uniswap 的 CLOB 与 AMM 争论吗?几乎按照定义,创建一家初创公司就是发现一个没有人知道或很少有人同意的秘密。否则该公司可能已经存在了。

富有洞察力所概括的第二个品质是创始人实际上在他们的领域花费了很长时间,而在他们的领域花费了很长时间表明坚持不懈,真正的热情,或两者兼而有之。我之前写过相关文章,但我发现加密货币新手通常需要至少 1 到 2 年的时间才能形成真正的见解。但为什么要花这么长时间呢?嗯,我怀疑这是因为加密货币是如此违反直觉,并且与大多数创始人来自的 Web2 或 TradFi 如此不同。很多时候,创始人在不到一两年的时间里,就在那个关键时刻之前,就放弃了加密货币。这引出了我的下一点。



现在需要明确的是,相关性为 0 并不意味着精英资历可以预测失败。一点也不。这只是意味着在最高层面上,它不再是成功的独立预测因素。但为什么会这样呢?

其中一些创始人从小就被教导说,你必须每周增长 5%,否则你就会失败。但事实是,加密产品的增长轨迹很少是一帆风顺的。相反,大多数产品,从像 Coinbase 这样的中心化产品到像以太坊这样的协议,都是呈阶梯式增长的。这主要是由于大市场的周期性。因此,这些创始人放弃得太快,而且几乎总是在增长停滞时的熊市中。

另一个原因是许多来自精英背景的创始人出于错误的原因进入加密货币领域。他们之所以来到加密货币领域,是因为他们在 Twitter 上关注的影响者对 Web3 在牛市顶峰时如何成为互联网的未来做出了夸张的断言,并陷入了认为价格上涨在经验上证实了这些断言的陷阱。如果您是下层阶级移民,而您只想通过 HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu 赚改变生活的钱或给家人汇款,那么这些说法听起来很荒谬。现在,我确实认为 Web3 将成为互联网的重要组成部分,但在开始创业之前,你必须能够从基本原理出发推理为什么会出现这种情况,并让自己沉浸在现有的加密产品中,以便充分理解加密货币的力量。

精英 Web2 或 TradFi 资深人士因错误原因进入加密领域的直接后果是,他们往往迷恋“去中心化 Uber”等拟物化想法。我知道这个词现在被过度使用,以至于变得令人讨厌,但显然仅仅因为某些东西在 Web2 或 TradFi 中有效并不意味着它也能在区块链上工作。当我面试申请人时,我经常问自己或他们“他们的产品带来了哪些新颖、奇怪甚至可能有争议的消费者行为”。不需要天才就能意识到去中心化往往会使用户体验变得更糟,但如果产品能够实现消费者以前从未体验过的新颖行为,那么这可能是可以接受的。如果它不能实现新的行为,那么它只是在与用户体验较差的 Web2 或 TradFi 现有企业竞争。

我们的申请表上有一个问题我非常关注:“你为什么选择从事这个想法?” 解决你自己的问题或你朋友的问题可能是一个很好的答案。有趣的是,这个答案很多来自新兴市场的创始人或 DeFi degens,他们都与我所认为的“精英”相反。例如,Felipe 建造了 Kravata (ALL12),因为他自己需要在拉美有一个法定出口匝道用于汇款。Jackson 建立了 Thunder (ALL12),因为他非常讨厌模仿新的 ERC20 和 Friendtech 密钥是多么困难。

关键是,如果加密货币确实是地球上 80 亿人的长期平等力量,那么从逻辑上讲,它也必须成为加密货币创始人的平等力量。也就是说,来自非特权背景的创始人应该与精英人士一样有可能取得成功。这是因为他们天生就了解同样没有特权的用户。

由于这些原因,我们很少关心精英资格。我们确实做到了。大约 2/3 的录取申请者并非来自热情的介绍或推荐。他们在网络上是完全陌生的人,在申请和面试时花了很多心思。许多风险投资人会认为,热情的介绍是必要的,因为通过网络进入风险投资社区的能力是你的第一个考验:如果你连热情的介绍都得不到,你就无法获得用户。我很同情这个观点,但我也相信,对于世界各地的那些出生在与精英风险投资家相差不到一两度的弱势企业家来说,更好地利用他们的时间是与用户建立联系,而不是建立关系网与风险投资。



在我们的申请表上,我们要求申请人描述一个非凡毅力的例子。但平心而论,仅凭这个问题或在面试过程中,很难准确判断创始人到底有多坚持。但偶尔,他们也会告诉我们一些令人惊讶的事情。我们的一位校友(出于隐私原因匿名)告诉我“我所有来自(顶尖大学)的同学都在人工智能领域取得了巨大的成就。如果他们能做到,我也能做到。” 我从他/她身上感受到了温暖。


但也有可能的是,在加密货币领域,毅力比其他行业更重要。举出另一个每四年经历一次完整的繁荣和萧条周期的行业。或者是 SEC 主席将消灭作为个人使命的另一个行业。或者另一个行业,所有主角在不到一年的时间内就入狱了。每当我看到“过去 24 小时内我老了 3 岁”或“我熬过了 2022 年 11 月 20 日的熊市”之类的推文时,我都会笑。这不是一个适合胆小的人的行业。

人为地提高毅力的一种简单但不容易的方法是找到一位您熟悉的联合创始人,最好是您过去共事过的人。我们还在申请表上询问申请人如何认识联合创始人。拥有联合创始人的目的不仅仅是为了补充彼此的技能,更是为了在困难时期为彼此提供心理支持。问题是,与你在会议上刚认识的人一起工作很少有效果,它确实需要是你已经与之建立信任关系的人。所以很多创始团队在熊市中解体。他们声称这是由于愿景的差异,但仔细检查后发现,实际上是由于缺乏信任。如果你找不到你信任的人,你最好单独行动(并可能利用 AllianceDAO 等创始人社区来获得同行支持)。


沃伦·巴菲特说得最好:“我寻找三种品质:正直、智慧和活力。如果你没有第一个,另外两个就会杀了你。” 事实上,去年入狱的所有主角都有最后两个,但没有第一个。我认为“诚信”这个词不需要任何进一步的解释。



I often hear this question from founders and venture capitalists, so I decided to write down my thoughts, but when writing this article, I realized that this is not just what we are looking for in the team applying for our project, but what we need to be an excellent cryptocurrency founder. The difference between what we are looking for and what we need is that the former is just a hypothesis. The latter is based on empirical evidence. I don't want to know the perfect answer to this question. However, after the recent years and our accelerated start-up, some models have begun to show insight. I will start with providing an operational alpha for potential applicants. One of the most important questions on our application form is what unique insights you have about your users. As far as I know, having profound insight is one of the key differences between a good encryption founder and a bad founder. However, there are few applications. People can give a thoughtful answer to this question, and a deep insight into users is usually an idea around which the whole business can be built. For example, the initial opinion is that despite the dominant position, there is still an important user group that has not been served by them, that is, professional traders need different tools, such as sweeping the floor or advanced analysis, which is not much different from the world of alternative tokens, in which professional traders need tools or new ones. The whole product vision of snipers and other tools is to provide services for these professional traders, but great insight is not necessarily the case. This may also be an unexpected observation that makes our interviewer sigh. Wow, I didn't think of this before, but it is very meaningful. An example is that members told us in the interview that many people spend money on going to the gym not because they need coaches or equipment, but because they need real participation to make them take responsibility. In fact, every year we. Will screen thousands of applications, there is almost nothing new that we have never heard of, and it can teach us something new, telling us that the founders have the ability to think independently instead of joining the ranks of cryptocurrencies after reading some articles on why it is important for venture capital companies on the Internet. Sometimes great insight is downright reverse thinking. When they first met us, they sold us goods as a category, which was nothing at that time without any token. Treasury bills have any real attraction, not to mention commodities, so I retort that no one cares about gold and oil in the cryptocurrency field. They are asset classes of baby boomers. I retort that I am fascinated by lean pigs and orange juice because they are very memetic, but the retail industry does not have a simple way to leverage them. I don't know if putting commodities on the chain will have a huge impact, but I like this reverse observation. Now you may say that these opinions seem to be. It doesn't matter, and it may even be proved to be completely wrong. It is true, but insight itself can't make the founder succeed. On the contrary, insight contains two crucial qualities. First of all, if you don't have reverse thinking, you won't have a startup. Not only investors must make a contrarian bet, but the founder must do the same. In fact, a successful encryption startup has not been controversial from the beginning. When do you remember how many people disdain it? Do you remember the controversy surrounding it? Creating a startup almost by definition is to discover a secret that no one knows or few people agree with, otherwise the company may already exist insightful. The second quality summarized is that the founders actually spent a long time in their field and spent a long time in their field to show perseverance and real enthusiasm or both. I have written relevant articles before, but I found that cryptocurrency novices usually need at least. It will take years to form a real opinion, but why does it take so long? Well, I suspect that this is because cryptocurrency is so counterintuitive and different from most founders. Many times, founders gave up cryptocurrency before that critical moment in less than a year or two, which leads to my next point: elite schools or elite companies. I want to pull a statistical nerd here. If you sample all founders of cryptocurrency industry, You will find that there is undoubtedly a correlation between attending an elite school or working in an elite company in Silicon Valley and their future success, but if you look at the front sub-sample, that is, the entry threshold, the correlation is basically when I look at the most successful companies and the most successful companies we have hatched. Generally speaking, successful cryptocurrency companies rarely come from elite backgrounds. Now it needs to be clear that the correlation does not mean that elite qualifications can predict failure, which only means at the highest level. In fact, it is no longer an independent predictor of success, but why is this so? Some of its founders were taught from an early age that you must grow every week or you will fail, but the fact is that the growth track of encryption products is rarely smooth. On the contrary, most products grow in a step-by-step manner from centralized products like this to agreements like Ethereum, mainly because of the periodicity of the big market, so these founders give up too fast and are almost always in a bear market when growth is stagnant. The reason is that many founders from elite backgrounds entered the cryptocurrency field for the wrong reasons. They came to the cryptocurrency field because the influencers they paid attention to in the world made exaggerated assertions about how to become the future of the Internet at the peak of the bull market, and fell into the trap of thinking that rising prices confirmed these assertions empirically. If you are a low-class immigrant and you just want to earn money to change your life or send money to your family, then these statements sound ridiculous. Now I do. I think it will become an important part of the internet, but before starting a business, you must be able to reason from the basic principles why this happens and immerse yourself in the existing encryption products in order to fully understand the power of cryptocurrency. The direct result of elite or senior people entering the encryption field for the wrong reasons is that they are often obsessed with the idea of decentralization and other quasi-materialization. I know that this word is now overused and becomes annoying, but obviously just because something is effective in or does not mean that it can also work in the blockchain. When I interview applicants, I often ask myself or them their own. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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