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作者:Martin Hiesboeck,Uphold研究主管 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

如果你拥有任何加密货币,你可能对某些词语比其他词更感兴趣,比如“互操作性”、“月球登陆”或“采纳”。采纳传统上意味着主流公司、金融机构和基础网络切换到熟悉的某个加密项目。加密爱好者们对市面上的每个代币都进行了“深入挖掘”,试图评估哪个区块链将成为何种用途的首选。希德拉理事会凭借其令人印象深刻的阵容,可能让人相信 HBAR 是每个主要美国公司的首选区块链。


我们真正看到的是区块链的采用,而不是对加密货币的接受。有三个例子:FedNow、德意志银行和摩根大通。当美国想要改进其银行间支付系统时,它推出了FedNow——一个封闭的系统,完全违背了公共区块链技术的原则。尽管它本身并不是一个区块链,但有传言称它很快将与坚守阵地的ramps和其他基于区块链的组件建立严格保密的链接。当金融巨头摩根大通加入区块链竞争时,它没有采用任何现有的加密项目,而是构建了自己的Onyx系统,并推出了摩根大通币用于批发支付:看不到瑞波、恒星或任何其他基于支付的加密货币。尽管已经在以太坊上推出了一个产品,并于十月的最后一周宣布计划为银行转账构建自己的区块链。汇丰银行推出了黄金的“数字孪生体”,不是在现有的区块链上,而是在其自己内部开发的平台上。当传统金融公司谈论“加密货币”时,他们指的是(暂时)吸引人的加密资产,可以添加到投资组合中。然而,由研究机构 AlpineBlock 在2022年3月非正式进行的对德国DAX公司的调查显示,80%的公司对“以自己的方式”使用区块链感兴趣,而只有12%对“加密货币”感兴趣。随着区块链开发者变得越来越丰富(优秀的仍然难以找到),公司意识到区块链的主要优势可能不在于使用现有系统,尤其不是在使用公共的无许可系统,而是建立自己的系统或与侧链一起使用,而不是“采纳”别人的解决方案。

真正的故事不是关于加密货币的接受,而是关于区块链的采用,是一场技术上的深刻变革,一个新资产类别的诞生。然而,这并不是加密社区所理解的采纳。即使是以太坊,作为最大的区块链之一,对于现代形式的(去中心化)金融对机构而言也是最有吸引力的之一,它并没有在持有和抵押ETH的人之外取得太多的吸引力。我敢打赌你无法列举出三个已确认的现有前100家公司项目使用公共区块链项目进行任何事情。公司不仅对“无许可”和“公共”等词语不信任,而且他们确实很少有必要使用这样的项目。虽然硬核的加密爱好者们仍在“不断建设”以改变世界,但他们可能会被加密以外的区块链开发超越。例如,有关带有现金流预测的链无关金融工具的测试,例如 Nucleus Finance。流通的一个以太坊提案认为未来将是“不与特定区块链绑定但与一切都可以互操作的数字资产”。这也是 Chainlink ($LINK) 最近变得如此受欢迎的原因:它是去中心化系统的互操作性解决方案,其 CCIP 对任何人都是可访问的。如果你可以拥有自己的去中心化节点解决方案,为什么要支付Oracle或Quant的费用呢?

实际上,许多加密项目正在努力寻找真正的用例。比如,多年来寻求更快的“最终性时间”的 Algorand 很少与现实世界合作。Solana 在 NFT 狂潮过去后也没有。技术的采用,是的;加密的采用,不是。因为加密与犯罪、恶意意图和可疑的行为有关,涉及数十亿美元的持续侵害、系统故障、项目所有者之间的公开争吵,以及只有初始持有者受益的欺诈性代币经济。这不是公司感到舒适的世界。这其中的逻辑结果是一个选择性的股票选择时代,而不是更广泛市场的时代。下一次牛市不会使所有船都上涨:如果你的区块链项目没有真正的用例,你将无法成为下一次牛市的一部分。安全性、隐私性和真正的用例采用将成为主要主题,一旦除去模因币的噪音。

我们已经简要提到过,但互操作性也将是即将到来的牛市的一个关键词。有几种方法:Chainlink 的 DeFi 方法、Quant 的守门员、完全 DeFi 的 Axelar,以及几个使代币完全链无关的项目。这在 NFT 中更为重要,NFT 将在未来的周期中发挥重要作用,但不是以你所知道的形式:以太坊上的 ERC721 代币,带有像素化图像的吸烟森林生物。事实上,我们在 Uphold 预测,在七年内,现有市值前200的加密项目中仅有 20% 将会存在。许多将会慢慢且尴尬地消亡。本周,波卡点裁员了其员工的 20%,因为使用平行链的项目在规模、重要性和盈利能力上都在减小。(如果它们是好的,它们很快就会自己出发,比如 Bittensor TAO)。互操作性、链独立性、帐户抽象以及当然是人工智能将是下一个牛市的主要话题,而不是比特币的减半、下一个模因币或你最喜欢的项目的速度或吞吐量。随着区块链进入主流,加密将慢慢改变。一些不好的东西将会(理所当然地)被丢弃,而其他一些则会超越预期而取得成功。差异化将在于有用性。加密的未来是关于区块链采用,而不是特定的加密货币。像摩根大通和德意志银行这样的大公司正在建立自己的区块链系统,回避现有的加密项目。公司更注重安全性和隐私,而不是与加密有关的公共区块链。预计将出现选择性的加密市场,只有少数几个项目会蓬勃发展。互操作性、安全性和真实用例将成为主导因素,而模因币将逐渐消失。区块链进入主流标志着一个重要的转变,实用性将成为游戏规则。

If you have any cryptocurrency, you may be more interested in some words than others, such as interoperability, landing on the moon or adoption. Traditionally, it means that mainstream companies, financial institutions and basic networks switch to a familiar encryption project. Encryption enthusiasts have made in-depth exploration of every token on the market, trying to evaluate which blockchain will become the first choice for what purpose. Shidla Council relies on its impressive array. It may make people believe that it is the preferred blockchain of every major American company, but in fact it is far from the case. What we really see is the adoption of blockchain rather than the acceptance of cryptocurrency. There are three examples: Deutsche Bank and JPMorgan Chase. When the United States wanted to improve its inter-bank payment system, it launched a closed system, which completely violated the principle of public blockchain technology. Although it is not a blockchain itself, there are rumors that it will soon stand firm with other blockchain-based ones. Components establish strictly confidential links. When financial giant JPMorgan Chase joined the blockchain competition, it did not adopt any existing encryption project, but built its own system and introduced JPMorgan Chase currency for wholesale payment. Although it has launched a product on Ethereum and announced plans to build its own blockchain for bank transfer in the last week of October, HSBC has launched a digital twin of gold instead of the existing one. On the blockchain, but on the platform developed by itself, when traditional financial companies talk about cryptocurrency, they mean that temporarily attractive cryptoassets can be added to the portfolio. However, an informal survey of German companies conducted by research institutions in June shows that companies are interested in using blockchain in their own way, but only interested in cryptocurrency. As blockchain developers become more and more rich and excellent, it is still difficult to find companies that realize that the main advantages of blockchain may be. It's not about using the existing system, especially the public unlicensed system, but building your own system or using it with the side chain instead of adopting other people's solutions. The real story is not about the acceptance of cryptocurrency, but about the adoption of blockchain, which is a profound change in technology and the birth of a new asset class. However, this is not the adoption understood by the encryption community. Even as one of the largest blockchain, Ethereum is also a modern form of decentralized finance for institutions. It's one of the most attractive, and it doesn't gain much attraction outside the holders and mortgagors. I bet you can't list three confirmed existing former company projects that use public blockchain projects to do anything. Companies not only don't trust the words unlicensed and public, but they really rarely need to use such projects. Although hardcore encryption enthusiasts are still building to change the world, they may be surpassed by blockchain development outside encryption, such as related belts. The test of chain-independent financial instruments with cash flow prediction, such as an Ethereum proposal in circulation, thinks that the future will be a digital asset that is not bound to a specific blockchain but can interoperate with everything, which is why it has become so popular recently. It is an interoperability solution for decentralized systems, which is accessible to anyone. If you can have your own decentralized node solution, why should you pay or pay? In fact, many encryption projects are trying to find the real one. Use cases, such as seeking faster final time for many years, rarely cooperate with the real world, and there is no technology adoption after the frenzy. Yes, encryption is not adopted because it is related to criminal malicious intentions and suspicious behavior, involving billions of dollars of continuous infringement system failures, public quarrels between project owners and fraudulent token economy that only the initial holders benefit. This is not a world that companies feel comfortable in, and the logical result is an era of selective stock selection instead of. It is the era of a wider market, and the next bull market will not make all ships rise. If your blockchain project has no real use case, you will not be able to become a part of the next bull market. Security, privacy and real use case adoption will become the main theme. Once the noise of meme currency is removed, we have briefly mentioned it, but interoperability will also be a key word of the upcoming bull market. There are several ways to keep the goalkeeper completely and several projects that make the token completely unrelated, which is even more important in the middle. To play an important role in the future cycle, but not in the form you know, the tokens on the Ethereum are smoking forest creatures with pixelated images. In fact, we predict that in seven years, only many encryption projects before the current market value will die slowly and awkwardly. This week, Boca Point laid off its employees because the projects using parallel chains are decreasing in scale, importance and profitability. If they are good, they will soon start on their own, such as interoperability chain independence. The abstract account and, of course, artificial intelligence will be the main topic of the next bull market, not the halving of bitcoin. The speed or throughput of the next meme or your favorite project will slowly change as the blockchain enters the mainstream encryption. Some bad things will naturally be discarded, while others will exceed expectations and succeed. The future of useful encryption will be about the adoption of blockchain rather than specific cryptocurrencies like JPMorgan Chase and Deutsche Bank. Some large companies are building their own blockchain systems, avoiding existing encryption projects. Companies pay more attention to security and privacy rather than public blockchain related to encryption. It is expected that there will be a selective encryption market, and only a few projects will flourish. Interoperability, security and real use cases will become the dominant factors, while memes will gradually disappear. Blockchain entering the mainstream marks an important change, and practicality will become the rules of the game. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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