Celestia 掀起 “模块化” 热潮:Polkadot 是模块化区块链吗?

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Celestia 的上线引起了行业的大量关注,也带动了 “模块化区块链” 的热潮。最近,NEAR 区块链也宣布将推出 NEAR DA 数据可用性层,进军模块化区块链领域。

那么最近兴起的 “模块化区块链” 究竟是什么?Polkadot 是模块化区块链吗?两者有什么区别?

Celestia 等 “模块化区块链” 是什么?

这里我们讨论的 “模块化区块链”,是指 Celestia、Avail、EigenDA 等,以太坊生态语境下的模块化区块链。

与 “模块化区块链” 对应的概念是 “单体区块链”。


  • 执行:支持交易的执行并实现与智能合约的部署和交互。

  • 数据可用性:保证交易数据的可用性。

  • 共识:准许交易的内容和顺序。

  • 结算:用于完成交易、解决争议、验证证明以及在不同执行层之间进行桥接。





例如 ZK Rollup、Optimistic Rollup 等是将执行层外包,而 Celestia 和 Avail 等则是将数据可用性(DA)层外包。

除了外部的解决方案以外,以太坊自身其实也在通过 Proto-Danksharding 技术(EIP-4844)来寻求提高可扩展性。

总结一下,在以太坊生态的语境中,“模块化区块链” 是一种为了提高以太坊可扩展性而诞生的技术方案。它将区块链的执行层、数据可用性层等分离,构成不同的 “模块”。

Polkadot 是模块化区块链吗?

我们在 Polkadot 中也经常听到 “模块化区块链” 的概念,但这和上面所说的模块化不太一样。

Polkadot 是一个异构的多链系统,由一条中继链和多条异构平行链组成。中继链负责维持整个网络的共识和安全,而平行链可以专注于各自的应用和性能。平行链之间可以通过 XCM 实现跨链的数据传输和互操作。

Polkadot 架构,来源:mercuryo

因此,Polkadot 可以实现水平的可扩展性,即随着平行链的增加,网络的吞吐量也会增加。正在开发的异步支持技术,可以进一步提高可扩展性,让波卡的平行链出块时间可以达到 6 秒,可以支持上千条平行链。

也就是说,波卡通过多链(或者叫分片)的架构,已经很大程度上解决了可扩展性的瓶颈,这也是为什么我们在 Polkadot 生态中很少讨论 Rollup、DA 层等提高可扩展性的方案的原因。




中继链负责安全和共识,每条平行链可以专注于构建自己擅长的方面,例如 KILT 平行链专注于身份,HydraDX 平行链专注于 DEX,每个平行链其实都是一个模块。生态中的平行链可以通过发送跨链消息(XCM)来与其他平行链交互,去使用其他平行链(模块)提供的功能。

波卡还在进行 “最小化中继” 的计划,将中继链的部分功能剥离,下放到多条 “系统平行链” 中,从而给中继链减负,让中继链能够更好地专注于共识和安全性。目前,波卡已经将资产、链上集体的功能放到系统平行链上,未来还将把治理、质押、转账等功能也放到系统平行链中。在这里,每条系统平行链就是一个区块链中的 “模块”,最小化中继就是通过模块化来提高波卡区块链的可扩展性。


Polkadot 的 Substrate 框架,是一个用于开发区块链的模块化开源框架,它提供了高度灵活和可定制的模块,让开发者可以根据自己的需求设计区块链的运行逻辑。

Substrate 中的模块叫做 Pallet,它们是一些预定义的功能模块。所以,Substrate 就像一个 “区块链乐高”,让开发者就可以利用现有的模块,快速搭建一条符合自身需求的区块链,大大降低了区块链的开发门槛。开发者也可以开发自己的 Pallet,方便其他链快速集成。

下图列出了 Substrate 框架包含的一些 Pallet:

Substrate Pallets(模块),来源:Substrate 文档

还有更多的 Pallet 提供了各种丰富的功能,而且 Pallet 的数量也在不断增加,可以在此查看最新的 Pallet:https://docs.substrate.io/reference/frame-pallets/。

最近,Parity 将 Substrate 和 Polkadot、Cumulus 代码库进行了合并,组成了 Polkadot SDK。Polkadot SDK 是一种用于开发 Polkadot 网络的区块链软件开发工具包,它可以让开发者轻松地创建自己的平行链,从而实现区块链的创新和定制。

那么 Polkadot 可能推出 DA 层吗?

理论上说,Polkadot 也可以把数据可用性解耦出来,作为 DA 层来单独提供,从而扩展更大的市场。不过这需要 Polkadot 的社区和开发者共同讨论和决定,在波卡论坛中一些社区成员已经对此进行了热烈的讨论:


另外,也可以利用 Polkadot SDK 的模块化开发优势,来开发一条数据可用性区块链。实际上,已经有人在这样做了。Polygon 的数据可用性区块链 Avail 项目就是使用 Polkadot 的 Substrate 框架开发的,并且使用了与 Polkadot 相同的 GRANDMA + BABE 共识。



在以太坊生态中,模块化区块链主要是针对以太坊的可扩展性问题而提出的,例如 Celestia、Avail 等。

在 Polkadot 生态中,模块化区块链则是波卡的本质特征,波卡通过多链的架构,以及模块化的开发框架 Substrate,实现了区块链的创新和定制。

The launch of the author has aroused a lot of attention in the industry and also led to the upsurge of modular blockchain. Recently, blockchain has also announced that it will launch a data availability layer to enter the field of modular blockchain. So what is the modular blockchain that has recently emerged? What is the difference between the two? What is the modular blockchain? The modular blockchain we are discussing here refers to the modular blockchain in the ecological context of Isoethereum, and the concept corresponding to the modular blockchain is a single blockchain blockchain. The core responsibilities are generally divided into four parts: execution, supporting the execution of transactions, and realizing the deployment and interaction with smart contracts, ensuring the availability of data, and agreeing on the availability of transaction data. The content and sequence of transactions are allowed to be settled for completing transaction settlement, dispute verification and certification, and bridging between different execution layers. These responsibilities are all completed by one chain. For example, Bitcoin Ethereum is the representative of single blockchain, but this brings a problem that the scalability is poor and the cost is high. The transaction flow on the monomer chain comes from the concept of modular blockchain, and its core idea is to separate different responsibilities and outsource them to special independent layer modules, so that the scalability of the main chain is higher and the cost is lower. The comparative sources between monomer blockchain and modular blockchain are, for example, outsourcing the execution layer and so on, while outsourcing the data availability layer. In addition to external solutions, Ethereum itself is actually seeking to improve its scalability through technology. In the context of Taifang Ecology, modular blockchain is a technical scheme born to improve the scalability of Ethereum. It separates the implementation layer and data availability layer of blockchain into different modules. Is it a modular blockchain? We often hear the concept of modular blockchain in our school, but this is not the same as the modularization mentioned above. It is a heterogeneous multi-chain system, which is composed of a relay chain and a number of heterogeneous parallel chains. The relay chain is responsible for maintaining the consensus and security of the whole network, while the parallel chain can. Focusing on their respective applications and performance, parallel chains can achieve horizontal scalability by realizing cross-chain data transmission and interoperation architecture sources, that is, with the increase of parallel chains, the throughput of the network will also increase, and the asynchronous support technology being developed can further improve the scalability, so that the parallel chain block time of Boca can reach seconds, and it can support thousands of parallel chains, that is to say, the architecture of Boca cartoon with too many chains or fragmentation has largely solved the bottle of scalability. This is also the reason why we rarely discuss the scheme of improving scalability such as layers in the ecology, but Boca is indeed the pioneer of modular blockchain. Boca's architecture is modular. From the above description, it is not difficult to see that Boca's architecture itself embodies modular ideas. The relay chain is responsible for security and consensus. Each parallel chain can focus on building what it is good at, such as parallel chains focusing on identity. Focusing on each parallel chain is actually parallel in a modular ecology. Chains can interact with other parallel chains by sending cross-chain messages to use the functions provided by other parallel chain modules. Boca is still planning to minimize the relay, stripping some functions of the relay chain into multiple system parallel chains, thus reducing the burden on the relay chain and enabling the relay chain to better focus on consensus and security. At present, Boca has put the collective functions of the asset chain into the system parallel chain, and will also put the functions such as governance pledge transfer into the system parallel chain in the future. Parallel chain is a module in a blockchain. Minimizing relay is to improve the scalability of Boca blockchain through modularization. The framework of modular blockchain development framework is a modular open source framework for developing blockchain. It provides highly flexible and customizable modules for developers to design the modules in the operational logic of blockchain according to their own needs. They are called some predefined functional modules, so just like a blockchain Lego, developers can make use of existing ones. Modules quickly build a blockchain that meets their own needs, which greatly reduces the development threshold of blockchain. Developers can also develop their own convenience. Other chains can be quickly integrated. The following figure lists some module source documents contained in the framework, and more provide various rich functions, and the number is increasing. You can view the latest one here. It has recently been merged with the code base to form a blockchain software development kit for developing networks, which can be easily created by developers. In theory, it is also possible to decouple the data availability as a layer and provide it separately to expand the larger market, but this requires the community and developers to discuss and decide together. In Boca Forum, some community members have had a heated discussion about this. In addition, we can take advantage of the modular development to develop a data availability blockchain, which has actually been done by people. Blockchain project is developed by using the same framework, and the same consensus is used to summarize that modular blockchain is a technical scheme to separate different responsibilities of blockchain and hand them over to special independent modules. It is an important direction of blockchain technology evolution. In the ecology of Ethereum, modular blockchain is mainly put forward to solve the scalability problem of Ethereum. For example, in the ecology, modular blockchain is the essential feature of Boca. The architecture and modular development framework realize the innovation and customization of blockchain. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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