虚拟币交易所平台,数字货币,NFT | 三名OpenAI高级研究人员辞职 稳定币缺乏确保稳定性的机制

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比特币买卖交易网报道,几位知情人士透露,受OpenAI首席执行官Sam Altman被解雇和总裁Greg Brockman突然辞职影响,OpenAI的三名高级研究人员辞职。知情人士表示,该公司研究总监Jakub Pachocki、评估AI潜在风险的团队负责人Aleksander Madry和在该初创公司工作了七年的研究员Szymon Sidor告诉同事,他们已经辞职。 这几人的离职表明,Altman被解雇令一些员工感到非常失望,并突显出该公司在人工智能“安全”实践方面长期存在的分歧。
















国家外汇管理局公众号发文《强监管 防风险 有力有效维护外汇市场健康秩序》,指出将严厉打击非法跨境金融活动,着力提升外汇监管质效,2017年以来共查处外汇违法违规案件超1.6万起,处罚没款近70亿元。国家外汇管理局还表示,针对重点领域加大监测力度,聚焦地下钱庄、出口骗税、虚拟货币等重点领域定期组织全系统集中分析,不定期组织跨部门联合研判,有效提升及时发现团伙式重大非法跨境金融活动的能力。始终保持对非法跨境资金活动的高压打击态势,做好行刑衔接,严肃查处跨境对敲、虚构交易、个人分拆、虚拟货币等违规跨境转移资金活动。


11月18日消息,阿根廷总统候选人Sergio Massa提议使用区块链进行国家财政监督,提议实施一个基于区块链的系统,以监控国家账户和国家预算的执行情况。Massa表示,该系统将有益于公民和国家,通过向公众提供这些数据,增加了支出和收入的透明度。



几位知情人士透露,受OpenAI首席执行官Sam Altman被解雇和总裁Greg Brockman突然辞职影响,OpenAI的三名高级研究人员辞职。知情人士表示,该公司研究总监Jakub Pachocki、评估AI潜在风险的团队负责人Aleksander Madry和在该初创公司工作了七年的研究员Szymon Sidor告诉同事,他们已经辞职。 这几人的离职表明,Altman被解雇令一些员工感到非常失望,并突显出该公司在人工智能“安全”实践方面长期存在的分歧。


针对OpenAI创始人Sam Altman被董事会罢免一事,Coinbase前首席技术官Balaji Srinivasan于社交媒体上评论表示,如果董事会可以这样对待Sam,他们也可以这样对待任何一名OpenAI客户,人工智能需要去中心化。

Cardano创始人邀请前OpenAI CEO Sam Altman构建去中心化大型语言模型

Cardano创始人Charles Hoskinson 已向刚刚被罢免CEO一职的OpenAI 首席执行官Sam Altman发出邀请,希望可以和他合作在Cardano区块链上构建去中心化大型语言模型。据悉去中心化大型语言模型的提议符合Cardano创建可持续和可扩展解决方案的精神,该模型代表了目前人工智能(AI)开发和利用方式的范式转变。此外,分析认为被OpenAI董事会解职之后,Sam Altman或将更多重心放在加密项目WorldCoin上。





2022年11月,萨尔瓦多总统Nayib Bukele宣布了一项国家级美元成本平均 (DCA) 计划,承诺每天购买1个比特币。根据Bukele的公开声明,该国已经拥有2,381枚比特币,平均价格约为44,300美元。当时的价格仅为19,000美元,该国持有的资产损失约6,000万美元。自那以后,Bukele一直对萨尔瓦多的购买行为保持沉默,而且由于没有公共政府记录,该国拥有的比特币的确切数量并不清楚。




Ripple首席技术官David Schwartz宣布XRP Ledger (XRPL) 进军现实世界资产代币化,Schwartz对将重点从XRP转移到XRPL底层技术表示满意,在承认XRP在交易和投资中的作用的同时,Schwartz强调了账本更有趣的技术方面。Schwartz还指出,XRPL在区块链领域的独特地位,它是第一个并非源自比特币技术的第一层区块链,自2010年代初期诞生以来,它一直保持着这一优势。



畅销书作家兼华尔街投资家Linda Jones预测Ripple将在明年启动IPO,Jones表示,明年5月15日左右将是一个理想的时间,如果这没有发生,那么他认为这可能要到2025年才会发生。


Yearn.Finance 的治理代币YFI继本月初上涨近170%后,11月18日短短5小时内暴跌超过43%,引发了人们对可能出现退出骗局的担忧。   据CoinMarketCap的数据,在价值急剧下跌期间,市值蒸发了超过3亿美元。截至撰写本文时,YFI代币的交易价格为9,069美元,而前一天为14,185美元。然而,该代币在过去30天里仍然上涨了83%。





Headline insider Three senior researchers resigned. Bitcoin Trading Network reported that several insiders revealed that three senior researchers who were affected by the dismissal of the CEO and the sudden resignation of the president resigned. The insider said that the research director of the company, the team leader who assessed the potential risks and the researcher who had worked in the startup for seven years told colleagues that they had resigned. The resignation of these people showed that some employees were very disappointed by the dismissal and highlighted the company's safety in artificial intelligence. Long-standing differences in practice Research on the lack of mechanism to ensure stability of stable currency Bitcoin Trading Network reported that a recent study by the Bank for International Settlements showed that stable currency seems to lack the basic mechanism that is crucial to ensure the stability of the money market compared with legal tender. This study holds that the model of allocating regulatory control rights to the central bank will be superior to private stable currency in terms of reliability and stability. This study compares the stable currency with the offshore dollar settlement mechanism from the perspective of currency. It reveals the loopholes in the stable currency settlement system. In mature markets such as European dollar and foreign exchange, when private bank credit is restricted, the central bank will intervene to maintain the parity market of global dollar settlement. As of press release, according to the data, the recent transaction price of the US dollar has risen and fallen in the day. The recent transaction price of the US dollar has risen and fallen in the day. The recent transaction price of the US dollar has risen and fallen in the day. Intra-day fluctuation policy Wang Jing, deputy director of the anti-money laundering bureau of the central bank, virtual assets aggravate the risk of money laundering crimes, and data resources of the financial system should be well supervised and utilized. Wang Jing, deputy director of the anti-money laundering bureau of the People's Bank of China, said at the 13th China anti-money laundering summit forum and the 3rd Lujiazui National Financial Security Summit yesterday that anti-money laundering is an important means to safeguard national security and financial security, and the anti-money laundering department can strengthen cooperation with tax authorities to jointly supervise and make good use of data resources of the financial system. At present, there are still many shortcomings in the anti-money laundering system of financial institutions, such as virtual assets, digital economy platform economy, etc., which have aggravated the gap between the scientific and technological level of money laundering and the digital level of the industry, highlighting that the State Administration of Foreign Exchange has severely cracked down on illegal cross-border financial activities and severely investigated and dealt with illegal cross-border transfer funds such as virtual currency. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange WeChat official account issued a document to strengthen supervision and prevent risks, effectively maintain the healthy order of the foreign exchange market, and pointed out that it will severely crack down on illegal cross-border financial activities and strive to improve it. Since the year of foreign exchange supervision, more than 10,000 cases of foreign exchange violations have been investigated and dealt with, with fines and fines of nearly 100 million yuan. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange also said that it will intensify monitoring in key areas, focusing on key areas such as underground banks exporting tax fraud virtual currency, and regularly organizing the whole system to conduct centralized analysis, irregularly organizing cross-departmental joint research and judgment, effectively improving the ability to detect major illegal cross-border financial activities in a timely manner, and always maintaining a high-pressure attack on illegal cross-border financial activities, doing a good job in linking execution and seriously investigating cross-border knocks. Fictitious trading, personal splitting of virtual currency and other illegal cross-border transfer of funds, Argentine presidential candidate proposes to use blockchain for national financial supervision. Argentine presidential candidate proposes to use blockchain for national financial supervision, and proposes to implement a blockchain-based system to monitor the implementation of national accounts and national budgets, indicating that the system will benefit the people and the country. By providing these data to the public, it has increased the transparency of expenditure and income. People familiar with the application of blockchain 3. A senior researcher resigned, and several people familiar with the matter revealed that three senior researchers resigned because of the dismissal of the CEO and the sudden resignation of the president. People familiar with the matter said that the research director of the company assessed the potential risks, the team leader and the researcher who had worked in the startup for seven years told colleagues that they had resigned. The resignation of these people showed that some employees were very disappointed and highlighted the company's long-standing differences in artificial intelligence security practices. Decentralization for the founder who was dismissed by the board of directors, the chief technology officer commented on social media beforehand that if the board of directors can treat any customer like this, artificial intelligence needs to be decentralized to build a decentralized large-scale language model before the invitation of the founder. The founder has sent an invitation to the CEO who has just been dismissed, hoping to cooperate with him to build a decentralized large-scale language model on the blockchain. It is reported that the proposal of decentralized large-scale language model conforms to The spirit of creating a sustainable and scalable solution, this model represents the paradigm shift of the current development and utilization of artificial intelligence. In addition, it is analyzed that after being dismissed by the board of directors, more emphasis will be placed on encryption projects. The research on stable currency lacks the mechanism to ensure stability. A recent study by the Bank for International Settlements shows that stable currency seems to lack the basic mechanism that is crucial to ensure the stability of the money market. The study believes that the regulatory control right is allocated to the central bank. The model will be superior to the private stable currency in terms of reliability and stability. This study compares the stable currency with the onshore offshore dollar settlement mechanism from the perspective of currency, revealing the loopholes in the stable currency settlement system. In mature markets such as European dollar and foreign exchange, when private bank credit is restricted, the central bank will intervene to maintain the parity of global dollar settlement. El Salvador's bitcoin holdings are still in a state of loss, but the losses are shrinking. President El Salvador announced a country in September. The family-level dollar cost average plan promises to buy 100 bitcoins every day. According to the public statement, the country already has 100 bitcoins, and the average price is about US dollars. At that time, the price was only US dollars, and the loss of assets held by the country was about US$ 10,000. Since then, it has been silent about the purchase behavior of El Salvador, and since there is no public government record of the exact number of bitcoins owned by the country, it is not clear that Abkhazia resumed its action to crack down on cryptocurrency mining. Since January, Russia has started to provide commercial electricity to Abkhazia. According to local media reports, in this context, Sukhumi has resumed the action of cracking down on cryptocurrency mining. Eshba, head of Beslan, the capital, stressed that the authorities will tighten the means of illegal mining of cryptocurrency assets, and the equipment will not only be confiscated, but also be disposed of immediately. Astamur Hagush, director of Sukhumi's internal affairs bureau, said that the inspection against mining has not stopped, and a total of apartments, families and basements have been inspected. The chief technology officer announced that he would enter the real world. The chief technology officer announced that he would enter the real world, and he was satisfied with shifting the focus from the underlying technology 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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