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Ethscriptions Facet 不仅仅是铭文革命,更将是整个以太坊生态的一场革命。

所有铭文项目,我最看好facet的源于铭文、高于铭文。因为目前生态形成的基础是因为有智能合约,各种代币有关联性。现在Facet笨蛋合约,也可以让以太坊铭文代币建立关联、可组合,这是形成生态系统的关键。不是无数个毫无关联的代币系统(即使有的概念上令人心动,比如POW),那是一盘散沙。Ethscription facet的gas 有可以降低到像Arbitrum Nitro的程度,对于其他L2在这一点上完全是降维打击,因为这是在以太坊主网上实现的。


Facet 进入倒计时,11月30号启动。我的判断,Facet启动以后,很快就会出现原生的超级土狗(当然第一个原生代币有一定意义,另外还会有其他资本情绪催生出来的大狗、金狗),市值会大于现在我们看到的正处于火热当中的各种铭文代币。通常往往新网络启动,会有超级土狗在上面诞生。之后几个月时间,就会诞生出各种创新的项目,也会有顶级DeFi部署其上。生态逐渐形成。明年下半年,会成为新牛市的主流基础设施,再到以后,以太坊主网90%以上的DeFi项目都会建立在Facet上。



ethscription facet的gas还可以降低到比以前想象到的更低,甚至有可能达到像智能链、Arbitrum的程度。如果做到像其他rollup L2那样批量交易一次上链,对于其他L2在这一点上完全是降维打击。其他L2就退缩到只有吸引游戏之类的应用了,根本无法吸引DeFi应用。果然打败康师傅的不是统一,而是美团。

Ethscriptions Facet 最大价值的应用还将是DeFi,会有顶级DeFi项目入驻,而不应该是GameFi,GameFi还是去以太坊L2,或许各种以太坊L2以后吸引项目方和用户的就是GameFi,因为DeFi更注重去中心化安全性,GameFi更注重TPS。其上也会诞生其他类型无数创新的项目。



越是用旧模式的代币分发越可能存在问题,世界是向前走的,现在如果还要相信私募代投那就危险了。实际上加密货币的每一轮牛市本质是代币分发范式的进化。2013年比特、莱特、狗狗 。2017年ICO,牛逼的公链概念币层出不穷 。2020年Defi之夏,狗狗SHIB ,Gamefi ,算法稳定币是Defi里最疯狂的,左脚踩右脚螺旋式上升 。2021年NFT之夏 。2023年 比特币铭文、以太坊铭文,各种铭文代币 。

Bankless说本轮牛市缺乏内生动力:“2024年的牛市目前似乎有望成为现货ETF批准的牛市?因为外部资本有能力购买BTC和ETH?”。其实就是在2019年的年底,也没有人预测到2020会爆发出DeFi之夏。所以现在看2024年牛市会出现什么内生动力还是为时太早。我相信明年到了比特币减半之后,还是会爆发出现在我们无法想象的新范式革命,有可能是ethscription facet带来的新范式,比特币RGB也有可能出现大规模应用。



加密领域有个特点,就是市场自动奖励原创。模仿的永远是追随,是仿盘。不像互联网,互联网因为有墙保护,或者有巨额风险投资铸就的壁垒,仿盘项目也可以做的很大,甚至超过原创 比如QQ,比如淘宝。加密领域不一样,完全全球市场,信息几乎瞬间到达全世界,全世界所有的人自由博弈,不用说技术壁垒(比如L2),就是有时资金也无法铸造高墙壁垒,大的小的同台竞技,这里是赤裸裸的新鱼吃旧鱼,快鱼吃慢鱼。





UniSat Wallet 宣布推出开发者服务(Developer Service)。任何一个项目,看其未来前景,就是看能否形成开发者社区,能否聚集顶级开发者。目前比特币铭文,最大的开发者社区可能在Bitmap。以太坊铭文,ethscription Facet 一定能形成大规模开发者社区,并且有大量顶级开发者。现在一切都是刚刚开始,未来无法预测。


前几天那个做跨链互操作的就没理解到这一点,虽然他宣布的想法很好,要为ethscription facet建设服务设施,但他没有理解到新范式下要有新的方法,他自行发行并事先打了很多scop,这就还是以前的预留套路,如果他自己不部署任何代币,自然有社区的人自发的疯狂的打他们项目名代币,然后他再以这个火爆的同名代币作为自己项目代币,将会受到社区追捧,而且随着他以后产品建设,持续追捧,币价越高他的产品流量越高,通过其他方法也能获得现金流。


发现一个事,铭文热开始从BRC20转向BTC NFT了,另外也在向闪电网络和其他链溢出。这是正常的热点轮动,后面也会轮动到传统的智能合约项目,以及其他公链平台币。创新是任何热点的发动机,而资金流入越来越大,直到溢出到其他加密领域,从新锐到平庸,完成一个热度的周期,无论大周期还是小周期。


今天看到消息,OpenAI 宣布领导层换届,创始人山姆·奥特曼离开公司。有人说奥特曼带领团队开发出了具有自主意识的人工智能,在未来的某一天人工智能觉醒要毁灭人类,未来的人坐时光机穿越到今天,通过说服董事会成功逆转了这种历史。





It is not only the inscription revolution, but also the revolution of the whole ecology of Ethereum. I am most optimistic about all the inscription projects because the inscription is higher than the inscription, because the foundation of the current ecological formation is that there are smart contracts, and all kinds of tokens are related. Now stupid contracts can also make Ethereum inscription tokens related and combinable. This is the key to forming an ecosystem, not countless unrelated token systems, even if some concepts are exciting, such as it is fragmented, which can be reduced to the level of image. He is a complete blow to the dimensionality reduction at this point, because it is difficult to form the bitcoin ecology realized on the main network of Ethereum. Now, it is just that coins can be issued at will on the chain, but there is no smart contract function to form an ecology. It is estimated that after two bulls and bears, it will never even form an ecology. The coins on the chain without smart contract function will always be, that is, there is no correlation between tokens, because smart contracts are the basis for the ecological formation on the chain, and soon after my judgment is started. There will be a native super local dog. Of course, the first native token has certain significance. In addition, there will be other big dogs born out of capital emotions. The market value of the golden dog will be greater than the various inscription tokens that we are seeing now. Usually, new networks will start, and a super local dog will be born on it. After a few months, various innovative projects will be born, and top-level deployment will be carried out on it. The ecology will gradually form, and it will become the mainstream infrastructure of the new bull market in the second half of next year, and then the main network of Ethereum. The above projects will be based on the transaction cost and transaction value, which is not a concept. The cost is reduced to complete the value transaction, and now it can be decentralized after the completion of the index chain. However, the assets in the main network of Ethereum are different from other inscriptions in higher dimensions, which may change the ecology of Ethereum, and the driving force of this evolution will not be because the gods do not support it, and it will not be produced because Musk does not shout orders. This kind of evolutionary power comes from the law of nature, that is, the ecology should naturally and spontaneously evolve to lower cost and higher efficiency. This is the principle of physical firstness, which has nothing to do with celebrities and cattle. It can be reduced to a lower level than previously thought, and it may even reach the level of intelligent chain. If you do batch trading like others, it will completely reduce the dimension for others at this point, and others will shrink back to attracting applications such as games, which can not attract applications at all. It is not unified to defeat Master Kong. However, the most valuable application of Meituan will be that there will be top-level projects settled in, instead of going to Ethereum. Perhaps all kinds of Ethereum attract the project and users because they pay more attention to decentralization and security, and countless other innovative projects will also be born on it. Basically, we can judge whether an encrypted project can succeed in the future from the very beginning, for example, if we see how much a project is financed, most projects that are unlikely to succeed in the future will not start like this. For example, there are naturally seed users at the beginning, and the seed users have strong recognition and no initial external investment. There is also one that is most afraid of being founded by investors, that is, they started their own business in an original investment institution. Basically, this ending has been seen since the beginning. Of course, the financing mentioned here is the kind that has not been operated yet, and the seed users have not yet produced products. Most of the projects I have predicted are successful. Some of them have a market value of 10 billion later, for example, players who have played for a long time before issuing coins know that this will be popular. Later, the market value will exceed 10 billion US dollars, and now they have gone through the early difficult process and are about to start a new voyage unless the founding team suddenly has unpredictable events. In addition, even if they issue project tokens again, it will be many years later, which can be used for reference. If they have not issued coins yet, they will maintain the first position in this field because of the creation tokens. The more secret punk and boring ape use the old model to distribute tokens, the more likely there will be problems. The world is moving forward. Now, if we still believe in private placement, it will be dangerous. In fact, the essence of every bull market of cryptocurrency is the evolution of token distribution paradigm. Bitlet Dog Year is the year of awesome public chain concept. In summer, dog algorithm is the craziest in the world. In summer, bitcoin inscriptions and inscriptions in Ethereum say that this bull market lacks endogenous factors. At present, the bull market in the year of power seems to be expected to become a spot-approved bull market, because external capital has the ability to buy it, and in fact, no one predicted that summer would break out at the end of 2008, so it is still too early to see what endogenous power will emerge in the bull market in 2008. I believe that next year, after bitcoin is halved, there will still be a new paradigm revolution that we can't imagine now, which may bring about a new paradigm, and Bitcoin may also be widely used. In fact, it is the essence of every round of bull market that encrypts money. It is the evolution of token distribution paradigm. Only a newer paradigm can lead the way. This direction is fair governance. Minimizing non-governance is the most ideal. Historically, the emergence of Bitcoin is to break through the core of the traditional bitcoin imitation. Later, the emergence of Litecoin in the Ethereum suddenly stimulated the traditional financing model. Many projects often involve a large scale of funds. This is the second bull market, so many countries banned it, and most of them disappeared and returned to the fair distribution of the third cow. The emergence of liquidity mining in the market has led to the rise of decentralized applications and the rise of large funds into the new paradigm of asset issuance. It is a bull market engine, and then it has stimulated large-scale funds to enter a large number of new paradigm projects. The bull market with new paradigm siphoning the old paradigm will surely see the new paradigm revolution of asset issuance and the new paradigm siphoning the old paradigm funds on a large scale in the next year and the year after, but before this happens, no one can imagine what it is. One feature of the encryption field is that the market automatically rewards originality. Imitation is always follow-up, unlike the Internet, which is not like the barriers created by wall protection or huge venture capital. Imitation projects can also be done greatly or even exceed originality. For example, Taobao encryption field is different. Complete global market information almost instantly reaches the whole world, and all people in the world can play freely. Needless to say, technical barriers, for example, even sometimes funds can't cast high walls and barriers. Here are naked new fish, eat old fish, eat fast fish and eat slow fish. Recently, there have been heated discussions about God's articles, and God himself has published suggestions and ideas. However, it is 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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