新闻周刊丨富达递交现货以太坊ETF申请 三名OpenAI高级研究人员辞职

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比特币买卖交易网报道,几位知情人士透露,受OpenAI首席执行官Sam Altman被解雇和总裁Greg Brockman突然辞职影响,OpenAI的三名高级研究人员辞职。知情人士表示,该公司研究总监Jakub Pachocki、评估AI潜在风险的团队负责人Aleksander Madry和在该初创公司工作了七年的研究员Szymon Sidor告诉同事,他们已经辞职。 这几人的离职表明,Altman被解雇令一些员工感到非常失望,并突显出该公司在人工智能“安全”实践方面长期存在的分歧。




彭博分析师James Seyffart在X平台表示,富达递交现货以太坊ETF的19b-4文件,加入了现货以太坊ETF竞赛,成为现货以太坊的第七个申请者。 富达在文件中称:“现货ETH ETP的批准将代表着保护美国投资者在加密资产领域的重大胜利。”


美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 在周四向旧金山联邦法院提交的一份文件中表示,埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 应该就其以440亿美元收购社交媒体巨头 Twitter(现称为X)的调查中作证。 




国家外汇管理局公众号发文《强监管 防风险 有力有效维护外汇市场健康秩序》,指出将严厉打击非法跨境金融活动,着力提升外汇监管质效,2017年以来共查处外汇违法违规案件超1.6万起,处罚没款近70亿元。国家外汇管理局还表示,针对重点领域加大监测力度,聚焦地下钱庄、出口骗税、虚拟货币等重点领域定期组织全系统集中分析,不定期组织跨部门联合研判,有效提升及时发现团伙式重大非法跨境金融活动的能力。始终保持对非法跨境资金活动的高压打击态势,做好行刑衔接,严肃查处跨境对敲、虚构交易、个人分拆、虚拟货币等违规跨境转移资金活动。


11月18日消息,阿根廷总统候选人Sergio Massa提议使用区块链进行国家财政监督,提议实施一个基于区块链的系统,以监控国家账户和国家预算的执行情况。Massa表示,该系统将有益于公民和国家,通过向公众提供这些数据,增加了支出和收入的透明度。



▌SEC将Global X现货比特币ETF的决议推迟至明年二月

根据一份新的监管文件,美国证券交易委员会推迟了对Global X现货比特币ETF申请的决定,该机构对Global X尝试采取行动的最后期限是11月21日,由于这一延迟,新的截止日期移至明年二月。本周仍等待SEC采取行动的现货ETF申请来自基金巨头富兰克林邓普顿(Franklin Templeton) 。


美国曼哈顿地区法官Lewis Kaplan驳回了Dfinity对加密分析平台Arkham Intelligence和纽约时报的诽谤指控。Arkham Intelligence发布了一份2021年关于Dfinity ICP代币价格急剧下跌的报告,纽约时报发表了一篇文章讲述了Arkham的调查结果。 

Kaplan裁定,Dfinity指控Arkham的诽谤性主张--Dfinity 内部人士在小投资者无法获得其代币的情况下通过在加密交易所抛售而获得了数十亿美元--是一种观点,而不是可采取行动的诽谤性声明,Kaplan同样认为纽约时报不能对Arkham结论的报道负责,特别是因为它的报道包括Dfinity对Arkham理论的反驳。



SEC 表示,2023财年是SEC与加密资产证券相关的执法工作又一个富有成果和影响力的一年。在2023财年,该部门建议采取执法行动,解决加密资产证券领域一系列涉嫌不当行为,包括价值数十亿美元的加密欺诈计划、未经注册的加密资产产品、平台和中介机构以及非法名人兜售。



国际清算银行(BIS)的一份报告发现,隐私应该被视为CBDC设计的关键组成部分。BIS的报告询问了3,500人,了解他们对CBDC作为支付手段的使用会如何根据隐私级别而变化,报告发现,在购买隐私敏感产品时,隐私使参与者使用CBDC的意愿提高了60%。 报告称:“我们的研究结果表明,只要CBDC的设计能够提供足够的匿名性并保护隐私,同时满足AML反洗钱和/或CFT打击恐怖主义融资法规,它就更有可能取代私营部门提供的现有支付工具,包括商业银行的活期存款”。

Coinbase Commerce推出新的开源链上支付协议,现支持以太坊、Polygon和Base

Coinbase宣布开发了一种新的开源“链上支付协议”来改进其商业应用程序接口Coinbase Commerce。该协议目前支持以太坊、Polygon和Base区块链生态系统,计划很快支持更多网络。该协议提供即时结算、低费用和广泛的资产支持,以改善商家及其客户的支付体验。 

据悉,Coinbase Commerce是Coinbase于2018年年初推出的一款针对在线商家的支付应用,可以让商家轻易的接受加密货币付款。Coinbase今日表示,迄今为止,全球数千家商家已通过Commerce平台收到了数十亿美元的链上支付。

Fhenix发布完全同态加密(FHE) Rollups白皮书

Fhenix发布了其完全同态加密(FHE:Fully Homomorphic Encryption) Rollups白皮书,FHE是一种用于执行任意机密智能合约的更具可扩展性的技术,可以增强以太坊和类似网络上的隐私性。这些Rollups可以实现安全的链上交易和私有应用程序,让开发人员能够构建机密的第2层网络,同时保持与以太坊的兼容性。  

Fhenix创始人Guy Zyskind表示:“我们将拥有规范的Fhenix L2主网,而且我们正在努力成为加密的Rollups堆栈,构建者可以用它来创建自己的网络”。 


LayerZero已在Manta Pacific上线

LayerZero宣布已在Manta Pacific上线。Manta Network是EVM原生零知识 (ZK) 应用程序的模块化执行层,通过利用单独的数据可用性层和Caldera的OP堆栈来实现可扩展性,开发人员可以利用LayerZero实现Manta Pacific与数十个具有LayerZero端点(如以太坊、Avalanche、BNB Chain 和 Optimism)的网络之间的互操作性。

Quantoz Payments在Algorand上推出受监管且可编程的EURD

数字货币和金融技术领域的先驱Quantoz Payments宣布已获得荷兰中央银行监管下的电子货币机构 (EMI) 许可,并获准发行Algorand 网络上第一个受监管和可编程的欧元法定货币EURD。 预计到今年年底,欧洲经济区内的所有企业和消费者都可以使用EURD和电子货币服务,无论他们是否拥有传统银行账户。

Golden Weekly is a weekly summary column of blockchain industry launched by Bitcoin Trading Network, which covers a week's key news, mining information projects, dynamic technology progress and other industry trends. This article is one of the news weekly to show you the headlines of blockchain industry events this week. Informed people resigned three senior researchers. Bitcoin Trading Network reported that several informed people revealed that three senior researchers who were affected by the dismissal of the CEO and the sudden resignation of the president resigned. Informed people said that the company. The head of the research director's team who assessed the potential risks and the researcher who worked in the startup for seven years told colleagues that they had resigned. The resignation of these people showed that some employees were very disappointed by the dismissal and highlighted the long-standing differences in the company's artificial intelligence security practice. In one year, the United States announced on Tuesday that it had prosecuted a number of Wall Street brokers and cryptocurrency industry giants in the fiscal year from January to September. The penalty-related institutions, which have generated a total fine of about US$ 100 million, are also required to refund the losses to investors, which is the second highest total fine in their history. It is said that the cases it focuses on are related to the security of digital currency assets network and the behavior of Wall Street brokers' employees using unapproved communication platforms to conduct business. Fidelity submitted the spot Ethereum application. Bloomberg analysts said on the platform that Fidelity submitted the documents of the spot Ethereum and joined the spot Ethereum competition to become the seventh spot Ethereum. Fidelity, an applicant, said in a document that the approval of spot will represent a major victory in protecting American investors in the field of encrypted assets, and asked Musk to testify in his investigation of $100 million acquisition. The US Securities and Exchange Commission said in a document submitted to the federal court in San Francisco on Thursday that Elon Musk should testify in his investigation of $100 million acquisition of social media giant, which is now called. Last month, he said that he was investigating Musk's stock purchase in 2008 and his statement related to the acquisition. Musk refused to participate in the investigation and interview in January. In the latest document, the agency said that it has the right to seek testimony and document policies when conducting investigations. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange severely cracked down on illegal cross-border financial activities and severely investigated and dealt with illegal cross-border transfer of funds such as virtual currency. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange WeChat official account issued a document to strengthen supervision and prevent risks, effectively maintain the healthy order of the foreign exchange market, and pointed out that it will severely crack down on illegal cross-border financial activities and strive to improve the quality and effectiveness of foreign exchange supervision. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange also said that it will intensify monitoring in key areas, focusing on key areas such as underground money houses exporting tax fraud and virtual currency, and regularly organize the whole system to conduct centralized analysis, and irregularly organize inter-departmental joint research and judgment to effectively improve the ability to detect major illegal cross-border financial activities in a timely manner, and always maintain a high-pressure attack on illegal cross-border financial activities, do a good job in the connection of execution, and seriously investigate and deal with cross-border violations such as knocking on fictitious transactions and splitting virtual currency by individuals. Argentine presidential candidate proposes to use blockchain for national financial supervision. Argentine presidential candidate proposes to use blockchain for national financial supervision, and proposes to implement a blockchain-based system to monitor the implementation of national accounts and national budgets, saying that the system will benefit the people and the country by providing these data to the public, increasing the transparency of expenditure and income, and delaying the resolution on Franklin Templeton's spot bitcoin. Templeton's Spot Bitcoin Resolution Up to now, all the deadlines for making a decision on spot bitcoin have been moved to 2008, and the decision on spot bitcoin has been postponed to February next year. According to a new regulatory document, the US Securities and Exchange Commission has postponed the decision on the application for spot bitcoin. The deadline for the agency to try to take action is March. Due to this delay, the new deadline has been moved to February next year. The spot application that is still waiting for action this week comes from fund giant Franklin Templeton. The US judge dismissed the libel charges against the new york Times. The US Manhattan district judge dismissed the libel charges against the encryption analysis platform and the new york Times, and published a report on the sharp drop in token prices in 2000. The new york Times published an article about the results of the investigation and ruled that the alleged libel claims that insiders obtained billions of dollars by selling their tokens on the encryption exchange when small investors could not get them. It is an opinion rather than an actionable libel statement. It is also believed that the new york Times cannot be responsible for the report of the conclusion, especially because its report includes the refutation of the theory. The fiscal year was fruitful and influential in the encryption-related allegations. The United States announced the results of the fiscal year's law enforcement. The Committee initiated a law enforcement action and obtained $ billion in financial non-collection, the second highest amount in the history of the institution, and distributed nearly $ billion to the injured investors, indicating that the fiscal year was another fruitful and influential year in the law enforcement work related to encrypted asset securities. In the fiscal year, the department proposed to take law enforcement actions to solve a series of suspected misconduct in the field of encrypted assets and securities, including multi-billion-dollar encrypted fraud schemes, unregistered encrypted assets product platforms and intermediaries, and illegal celebrities peddling blockchain applications. Privacy should be regarded as a key component of design. A report by the Bank for International Settlements found that privacy should be regarded as a key component of design. The report asked people how they would use it as a means of payment. According to the report on the change of privacy level, it is found that privacy increases the willingness of participants to use privacy-sensitive products. The report says that our research results show that as long as the design can provide enough anonymity and protect privacy while meeting the anti-money laundering and/or anti-terrorism financing regulations, it is more likely to replace the existing payment tools provided by the private sector, including the demand deposits of commercial banks, launch a new open source payment protocol, now support Ethereum and announce the development of a new open source chain. Payment protocol to improve its business application interface. The protocol currently supports Ethereum and blockchain ecosystem, and plans to support more networks soon. The protocol provides real-time settlement, low cost and extensive asset support to improve the payment experience of merchants and their customers. It is reported that a payment application for online merchants was launched at the beginning of the year, which allows merchants to easily accept payment in encrypted currency. Today, it is said that thousands of merchants around the world have received billions of dollars in online payment through the platform, and released a white paper on full homomorphic encryption, which is a kind of intelligent homomorphic encryption for executing arbitrary secrets. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

ENS推出EVM网关,已支持OP Goerli

Web3域名服务ENS宣布推出EVM网关,EVM网关是一个开源存储库,其中包括通用CCIP-Read网关框架和Solidity库,允许L1智能合约高效、安全地从其他EVM链 (L2) 获取和验证状态。开发人员可以操作自己的网关或使用现有的网关,另外,更改目标(想要读取的 L2)就像交换验证者合约地址一样简单。目前该网关已在OP Goerli上可用,即将上线OP主网。



Swap功能将补充其平台上的现有产品。其中包括双重投资功能,该功能为用户提供了通过各种加密货币赚取高达220%的年利率 (APR) 的机会,包括BTC、ETH、MATIC、AVAX、ARB、PEPE 和 USDC、USDT、DAI等稳定币。


1inch投资基金5小时前以5.064美元回购420,828 UNI

据Spot On Chain监测,在1inch价格下跌后,1inch投资基金在约5小时前迅速使用上次销售中的213.1万USDC以5.064美元的较低平均价格回购了420,828UNI。实现利润只有约2万美元。 昨日报道,被标记为1inch Investment Fund的地址(0x225d)将其持有的全部416,924枚UNI兑换为213万枚USDC,每枚售出均价为5.11美元。


纽约资产管理公司WisdomTree昨天向美国证券交易委员会提交了修订版的现货比特币交易所交易基金申请。该公司管理着近970亿美元的资产,在报告中指出,Coinbase将成为该产品的托管人。作为托管人,Coinbase将负责存储支持该基金股票的数字货币。监控共享是指共享交易、清算活动和客户身份信息以降低市场操纵风险的活动。 SEC必须在1月15日之前批准或拒绝WisdomTree的比特币信托。

育碧的区块链游戏Champions Tactics将推出免费NFT

游戏巨头育碧宣布,它将为一系列与Champions Tactics: Grimoria Chronicles相关的个人资料图片(PFP)建立一个免费的NFT铸币厂,Champions Tactics是一款即将推出的游戏,将构建在以游戏为中心的Oasys区块链上。用户只需支付以太坊网络Gas费即可铸造NFT。总共将铸造9,999个 Warlords NFT,其中8,000个通过铸币厂提供,另外1,000个提供给Oasys社区,999个由育碧保留用于未来营销和赠品。





彭博分析师James Seyffart在X平台表示,我们即将迎来3个现货Bitcoin ETF申请的截止日期(11月21日Global X 、11月17日Hashdex和Franklin),我们很有可能会看到美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的延迟命令,但延迟不会改变我们的观点,而且19b-4在2024年1月10日之前获得批准的可能性为90%。











“新美联储通讯社”Nick Timiraos通过联合撰文称,美国通胀放缓的趋势延续到了10月份,美联储可能已完成了本轮加息周期。 Timiraos称,10月的就业报告和通胀报告强烈暗示,美联储本轮最后一次加息发生在7月。下次联储会议辩论焦点可能不是是否还要加息,而是是否以及如何修改会后声明中的指引,以反映近期通胀的进展以及进一步加息前景的日益暗淡。如果美联储下个月保持利率不变,预计将把目前的加息暂停期延长至6个月左右。



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