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作者 来源:X(原推特)@SulaXyz

元宇宙是一个永恒的空间,而 Autonomous worlds 是完整地包含了叙事和 Nomos 的世界。

随着 Lootverse 生态的卷土重来,Autonomous worlds 的概念在 Mud 的加持下开始越来越多的出现在大众视野。一方面,持怀疑态度的人可能会认为这只是元宇宙的新瓶装旧酒,另一方面,我们却感受到了 AW 原生社区十分强劲的驱动力和活力,而更多的人选择了观望。此文将从人类社会的发展逻辑来探讨 AW 的文化根源,以及为何我们认为 AW 是元宇宙不可避免的进化方向。


回到 2021 年,元宇宙,曾经吸引了整个世界的想象力。

当时的我们正陷入疫情肆掠的物理世界,元宇宙借助虚拟现实技术和硬件的增强,承诺将人们从中拯救出来,由于一缕清新空气,将我们带入一个明亮、未来感十足的数字世界。麦肯锡公司估计到 2030 年1,其价值将达到 5 万亿美元。Facebook 甚至将自己重新定位为 Meta,并将其股票代码从 FB 改为 META。在 2021 年 10 月 28 日的创始人信中2,CEO 马克·扎克伯格将元宇宙定义为:


他将「存在」孤立出来,作为元宇宙的定义特征。在元宇宙中,人们将能够通过他们的数字化身与彼此连接。他设想了一个未来,在这个未来,物理事物 - 电视、办公室、游戏等 - 将被全息图取代。人类将不再受到物理空间的限制。他自豪地宣布:

从现在开始,我们将以元宇宙为先,而不是以 Facebook 为先。


随着 COVID-19 大流行渐渐隐退,人们重新回到了现实的怀抱,在餐馆大快朵颐、穿越人潮熙攘回归办公室、体育赛场上挥汗如雨、忙着航班拜访客户,当然还有下班时的交通拥堵。那段封锁的岁月在记忆中逐渐褪去,虽然 Zoom 会议依旧萦绕,但华尔街的银行家们依然更倾心于午餐时光,而不只是在屏幕上和虚拟偶像们互动。


大部分的年轻人在 Facebook、twitter、Ins 上注册, 在线上交友、直播和视频软件上贡献了大量的时间和注意力,甚至社交关系。虽然 Decentraland 只有大约 38 名3活跃的日常用户,但 Roblox、Minecraft 和 Fortnite 充满了年轻人和活跃的社区。






社会现实必须有意义,这意味着它需要整理和解释我们的经验,以便更好地组织社区内的关系和互动。这个过程被称为「Nomos」,它是一种对社会现实的认知和组织方式。通过 Nomos,人们可以建立社会规范、文化价值和社交关系,从而塑造社区的结构和行为。

Nomos 的概念由社会学家彼得·伯杰(Peter Berger)引入,他以他在 20 世纪 60 年代关于宗教社会学的开创性著作《神圣的天篷》而闻名:

如果提出社会建构的世界首先是一种经验的排序,那么这个观点现在可能更容易理解。对个体的离散经验和意义施加了有意义的秩序,或者称之为 Nomos。说社会是一个创造世界的事业,实际上就是在说它是一种排序或 Nomos 化4的活动。

也就是构建一个世界就意味着创造一个 Nomos。 仅有空间基础设施、数字化身和漂亮的图片并不足以构建 Nomos。元宇宙只是一个空间,它并不构成一个世界。问题不在于他们不想互动,而是因为没有潜在的秩序和规则,就没有社交的支点,没有 Nomos 的世界,人们不会留下。

在人类历史的黎明时期,古代人民根据他们对自然(即宇宙)的理解来构建他们的 Nomos。换句话说,Nomos 是根据宇宙的秩序来制定的,它在社会中被视为自然秩序的一部分,具有合法性。

Nomos 和宇宙似乎是相辅相成的。在古代社会中,被看作是宇宙微观反映的一种,展示出与宇宙中内在意义相关的世界。尽管这种微观和宏观的模式在原始和古代社会中很典型,但它已经在主要文明中发生了变革5。

古代文明中,Nomos 普遍都具有宗教性质是毫不奇怪的。从埃及到美索不达米亚再到中国,祭司文化占主要地位。即使在现代社会,当宗教本身不再是人类活动的中心时,Nomos 仍然保留着宗教的一面。




在社会意义上创造时间的秘密在于叙事。在著名的《Nomos and Narrative》8中,哈佛法学院的已故学者罗伯特·科弗(Robert Cover)观察到:

将我们的规范体系与我们对现实的社会构建以及我们对世界可能性的愿景联系起来的密码—是叙事(The codes that relate our normative system to our social constructions of reality and to our visions of what the world might be are narrative.)


没有叙事,就没有完整的 Nomos。这就是两者最大的区别,元宇宙是一个永恒的空间,而 Autonomus worlds 是完整地包含了叙事和 Nomos 的世界。

罗伯特·科弗进一步阐述了 Nomos 的教育和维护职能,教育是由社区的基础叙事(或神话)赋予的 ,比如上帝传下的摩西律法。随着社区的增长和变化,Nomas 会受到压力和挑战以圣经为例,以色列人曾经被打败,因为他们看到他们的神殿被外国强权如巴比伦和罗马摧毁。这些事件动摇了 Nomas,需要通过进一步的叙事来维护。



宗教不再主导人类活动。在人类历史的漫长时段中,神祇与人的关系从未如此之少。现代性获得了胜利,但西方世界的 Nomos 遭受了精神危机。











— T.S.艾略特,《空洞的人》

同时这种情感在埃德华·蒙克的著名绘画《尖叫》中有所体现。讽刺之处在于,这声嚎叫永远是沉默的 —— 因为它出现在画布上。

我们本是空洞的人,还是我们变成了空洞的人?当 Nomas 破裂时,我们会讲故事来修复它。当 Nomas 破裂到无法修复时,我们会讲新的故事。

三、Autonomus worlds:重塑叙事

现代社会离不开大众文化。从流行音乐到好莱坞电影,大众文化不断尝试通过一些与宗教相似的舒适性来试探新的 Nomos。1969 年的伍德斯托克音乐节和每年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼等活动呼应了古代和中世纪狂欢的特殊仪式。好莱坞名人和摇滚明星的大道与希腊神话中的众神相似,人们对这些现代「神明」既感到陌生又着迷,而摸透消费者喜好的媒体贪婪地传递给大众各种故事。


宗教文本更是如此明显。圣经和梵文吠陀经几乎可以肯定是多位作者在长时间内创作的。最早的「原创」关于戒指的传说是《尼伯龙根之歌》,一首写于大约公元 1200 年的中古高地德语诗歌。德国作曲家理查德·瓦格纳(Richard Wagner)利用了同一神话的古老挪威变体,将故事重新编排成歌剧巨著《尼伯龙根之戒》,也称为《尼伯龙根之戒》。情节围绕着一只能掌管世界的魔法戒指展开。创作耗时 26 年,从 1848 年到 1874 年。几十年后,一位英国作者重新讲述了另一个戒指传说,但这次他大量借鉴了来自埃克塞特书的古老英语诗歌,创造了一种新的神话。他讲述了英雄的故事,霍比特的故事,精灵的故事以及掌管他们的魔法戒指的故事。他的名字叫 J.R.R.托尔金(J.R.R. Tolkien)。

在线和链上最受欢迎的游戏共享许多相同的主题不是偶然的,而是深深植根于我们的传统之中。去中心化技术的出现打破了这些技术障碍,有效地降低了维护神话的成本。在 Web3 环境中部署时,自主世界诞生了。


Timshel 在一条推文中将 Loot 定义为一种「大规模多人协作的世界构建实验」,一种集体叙事实验形式。集体叙事中的一个关键元素是「叙事装置」。

创建 NFT 在很大程度上涉及制作一个「叙事装置」。有人曾说 Loot 就像是一个「完美的写作启发」,就像它定义的八个类别和五个时代,为叙事提供了极简的起点。它们大多呈现一种陈述,即「世俗但无忧无虑」。相比之下,基于文本的 NFT 甚至没有陈述,为解释留下了更多空间。在创建叙事装置时,丰富的媒体未必更加有效。它可能传递更强烈的信息,但未必更具启发性。就像在荷马史诗研究中的口头「公式」概念的革命性影响一样(Milman Parry),Lootverse 也有可能形成一种独特的叙事「公式」,作为未来叙事的支撑结构。

这本可以是一个迷人的现代(复古)史诗故事,但从一开始,剧本并没有按照原样进行。在解决叙事内部问题之前,现实世界中的 Lootverse 已经完全上市并进入了投机市场。在市场中,故事元素首先成为投机目标,然后成为故事世界中场景的组成部分。这个「核心故事」获得了相应的资产价值。

更多关于 AW 叙事和文化的内容请参考我们上篇报告。

从本质上讲,自治世界承载了一个开放式的内容层,构建了自己的叙事和 Nomos,而内容的自主性即使在失去所有开发者后,自主世界仍然可以正常运作。游戏公司不再控制虚拟物品、角色、进度、玩家的虚拟财产,以及最重要的是游戏的基础叙事。游戏具有复杂的内在逻辑和治理规则,与传统的娱乐形式如电影或流行音乐相比,它们更接近一个完全构建的 Nomos。游戏通常涵盖了一个完整的神话,产生了许多故事,就像《星球大战》宇宙一样。

去中心化技术已经克服了追踪故事、追溯神话、修改规则等方面的障碍。因此,它不仅在叙事中实现了协作创作,还在维护 Nomos 中实现了协作创作。利益相关者可以重新讲故事或创造新故事。他们还可以扩展现有的神话,或者创造一个全新的 Nomos。他们不再需要克服传统的技术、法律、财务和商业壁垒,以构建自己的神话。技术将文化机会推向极限。

互动性越强,玩家的参与感就越强,人们就会更加记得故事,故事就会变得更加重要。在互动性方面,游戏优于 IP 风格的 NFT,而后者又优于纯文本描述。Bibliotheca DAO 最初将完全链上游戏视为「永远进行下去的游戏」,这点从「Eternum」的命名可以看出,没有「清除」可能性的游戏具有深刻的叙事严肃性。整个游戏的开发也开放给社区共建,Web3MQ 作为一家应用链和 L3 的基建商,同时也完成了 Eternum 世界里通信模块的建设。在这样一个具备全新 Nomos 的社区,开发者不仅仅是承担某种工具开发职能,更多的是基于文化和社区的理解去设计产品。

「Moving Castles」对内容生产者与消费者之间的关系以及作者和社区利益的角色进行了深刻探讨。他们正在进行创新实验,以参与式流格式作为主要实验对象,旨在创建「永久开放文本」。与以前的「明确、完结的信息」不同,这个文本对每个人都是开放的,每个人都有权解释它、添加到它、从中删除,并在旧有的基础上构建新的叙事。


Web3 领域的发展造就了文化创作和共享发生了变革。AW 和去中心化技术正在改变我们构建和维护 Nomos 的方式。它为协作创作提供了更大的空间,并降低了维护诺的门槛。然而,这也带来了新的挑战,需要我们思考如何处理威胁和滥用,以及如何确保包容性和公平的文化机会。

在 Web3 时代,我们可能会看到充满生命力的社区和更多的协同创作,在一个脆弱的,充满不确定的物理世界之外,一种新的文化形式,正在滋长。

Author's source: The original Twitter meta-universe is an eternal space, but a world that completely contains narrative and harmony. With the resurgence of ecology, more and more people begin to appear in public view. On the one hand, skeptics may think that this is just a new bottle of old wine in the meta-universe. On the other hand, we feel the very strong driving force and vitality of the original community, and more people choose to wait and see the cultural roots and why this article will be discussed from the development logic of human society. Do we think it is the inevitable evolution direction of the meta-universe? Is the meta-universe still at the forefront? Back in 2000, the meta-universe once attracted the imagination of the whole world. At that time, we were caught in the physical world where the epidemic was rampant. The meta-universe rescued people from it with the enhanced promise of virtual reality technology and hardware. Because a ray of fresh air brought us into a bright and futuristic digital world, McKinsey estimated that its value would reach trillion dollars by 2000, and even repositioned itself as its stock. In the founder's letter dated March, Mark Zuckerberg defined the metauniverse as an experiential Internet, in which you not only watch what we call the metauniverse, but also touch every product we build. As the defining feature of the metauniverse, people will be able to connect with each other through their digital avatars. He envisioned a future in which physical things, television office games and so on will be replaced by holograms, and human beings will no longer be. Limited by the physical space, he proudly announced that from now on, we will put the Metauniverse first instead of thinking that the development of Metauniverse first and then fast-forward for two years seems to be stagnant, and the interest of investors and the pursuit of capital will also stop. With the pandemic, people will gradually retreat and return to the embrace of reality, eating in restaurants, crossing the crowds, returning to the office sports field, sweating profusely, visiting customers on flights, and of course, the traffic congestion after work. The years of blockade will gradually fade away from memory. Although the meeting is still lingering, Wall Street bankers are still more devoted to lunch time than just interacting with virtual idols on the screen, so whether human beings are destined to be bound by physical existence, social media gives a negative answer. Most young people have contributed a lot of time and attention to online registration, online dating, live broadcast and video software, and even social relationships. Although there are only about 10 active daily users, they are full of young people and active communities, so why not Yuan? Cosmos, because only culture can strengthen group behavior, consensus is the foundation of culture, and the formation of consensus, in addition to the space infrastructure provided by the meta-universe, holographic projection and digital avatar, we need more narratives and communities. Sociologists have been studying the complexity of how human beings build communities for many years. Communities are the product of social construction, in contrast to the forces and order in nature, fire, wind, thunderstorm and other amazing forces in nature reveal a natural reality. There are inherent orders and laws, and at the same time, the human community also provides another completely different social reality, which needs to be given meaning to the organization. Social reality must be meaningful, which means that it needs to sort out and explain our experience in order to better organize the relations and interactions within the community. This process is called a way of cognition and organization of social reality, through which people can establish social norms, cultural values and social relations, thus shaping the concept of community structure and behavior. De Berger introduced him to be famous for his pioneering work on religious sociology in the 1990 s. If the world constructed by society is first of all a sort of experience, then this view may be easier to understand now. It imposes a meaningful order on individual discrete experiences and meanings, or it is said that society is a cause of creating the world, which is actually a sort or cultural activity, that is, building a world means creating an infrastructure with only space. Digital avatars and beautiful pictures are not enough to construct the metauniverse, which is just a space. It does not constitute a world problem, not because they don't want to interact, but because there is no potential order and rules, there is no social fulcrum. People in the world without it will not stay in the dawn of human history. In other words, the ancient people built them according to their understanding of nature, that is, the universe. In society, it is regarded as a part of the natural order with legitimacy and the universe. It seems to complement each other. In ancient society, it is regarded as a microscopic reflection of the universe, which shows a world related to the intrinsic meaning of the universe. Although this microscopic and macroscopic model is typical in primitive and ancient societies, it has changed in major civilizations. It is not surprising that ancient civilizations generally have religious nature, from Egypt to Mesopotamia to China, the priest culture is dominant, even in modern society, when religion itself is no longer the center of human activities. Keeping the religious side, they have restored the continuity between the present moment and the social tradition again and again, putting individual experiences and social groups in a historical background that transcends all of them. Whether it is real or fictional, people go to the battlefield for it and put it in the long river of life in a world composed of prayers, blessings and spells. Therefore, to build a world in which people can interact, only space is not enough and time is essential. Time here is not only the time in the natural universe. It also includes the time in the society, that is, the history and tradition of the community, such as our calendar, festivals and customs, etc. Without these time elements, although it exists physically, social life will become meaningless, because mere existence itself cannot give meaning to social life. The secret of creating time in the social sense lies in narration. Robert Coffer, a late scholar at the famous Harvard Law School, observed that our normative system would be combined with our social construction of reality and our vision of the possibility of the world. It is no coincidence that ancient religions are based on narrative, so they are actually stories about connecting myths, fantasies and human behaviors, which have produced a timeline of God and provided basic myths and origin stories for the community. Ancient history always evolved into myths when traced back to the beginning. This is the biggest difference between the two. The metauniverse is an eternal space, but a world that completely contains narrative and maintenance. Robert Coffer further elaborated that education and maintenance functions are endowed by the basic narratives or myths of the community, such as the Moses Law handed down by God. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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