没有反转 Sam Altman 确定不会回归 OpenAI

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据海外媒体报道,在 OpenAI 董事会解雇 Sam Altman 两天后,Sam Altman 周日在公司旧金山总部与 OpenAI 董事会谈判,推动董事会恢复他和其他最近离职的高管的职务。据知情人士透露,临时首席执行官 Mira Murati 早些时候告诉员工,她和领导团队邀请了 Altman。

不过最新消息显示,这场谈判还是破裂了。OpenAI联合创始人兼董事会董事Ilya Sutskever 刚刚宣布,经过谈判,Altman并不会重返这家公司。与此同时 Sutskever 还透露,Twitch的联合创始人Emmett Shear将接任 OpenAI 临时首席执行官一职。

据 Sutskever 表示,他和其他三位撤换 Altman 的董事会成员坚持他们的决定,认为这是捍卫公司使命的唯一途径。他们认为, Altman 的行为和董事会的互动破坏了董事会监督公司人工智能发展的能力。

Altman 在X分享用访客证进入OpenAI 总部

过去两天,人们对于 Altman 回归还持乐观态度。包括新任临时 CEO Mira Murati,也曾表示第一时间邀请 Sam Altman 回归。但现在, Altman 确定不会回归 OpenAI 已成为事实。

Altman 的离职影响的不是他一个人,OpenAI 的前董事长兼总裁 Greg Brockman 在董事会解雇 Altman 后辞去了这家人工智能开发商的董事长职务。首席战略官 Jason Kwon 在周六晚告诉员工,公司对恢复 Altman、Brockman 以及周五晚辞职声援的三位高级研究员的职务持乐观态度。

另一位与 Altman 谈判有关的人是 Will Hurd,他曾是 OpenAI 董事会董事,今年早些时候离职竞选总统,但后来结束了竞选活动。周日有人在 OpenAI 公司总部看到了 Hurd 的身影,这增加了他重新加入公司的可能性。

Mira Murati 周日告诉员工,她和她的团队是第一个要求董事会将 OpenAI 恢复到以前状态的人。

Mira Murati

一些 OpenAI 高级员工周六在 Altman 位于旧金山的家中度过,希望帮助他重返岗位。但此事关键涉及董事会,尤其是董事 Ilya Sustkever,他同时也是公司的研究重臣,负责 OpenAI 的许多重大突破。Sustkever 是周五解雇Altman的董事会成员之一,在此之前,关于 OpenAI 领导人是否在安全地开发人工智能的紧张关系已经持续了很长时间。

Altman 还曾与苹果公司前设计总监 Jony Ive 和软银首席执行官孙正义就开发人工智能硬件设备的新企业进行过讨论。Altman 是一位多产的交易者和投资者,他拥有无数重叠的初创公司股权,这让他支持的一些公司感到困惑。

但 Sutskever 赶走 Altman 的举动并没有获得大部分员工的支持。在周五与员工的谈话中,Sutskever 并没有告知他们解雇 Altamn 的详细原因,而董事会发布的博文也只是含糊其辞地指责Altman没有对董事会始终保持坦诚的态度。Sutskever 回答了员工关于他是否参与了"恶意收购"的问题,他表示不同意这种说法。随后,Airbnb 首席执行官 Brian Chesky 等众多硅谷人士纷纷为Altman辩护,公司的主要研究人员也表示要辞职支持 Brockman。

 Ilya Sustkever

近年来重返公司的 OpenAI 联合创始人 Andrej Karpathy 在X上说:"董事会有机会解释他们的激烈行动,但他们没有抓住机会,所以除了看起来的样子,没有什么可说的了。"这些员工的离职以及其他许多员工流失的可能性(谷歌的 DeepMind AI 实验室的应聘人数正在上升)促进了Altman、Murati 和 OpenAI的董事会之间的谈话。

微软向 OpenAI 投入了100多亿美元,包括开发 ChatGPT 和其他人工智能模型的计算资源,这已成为两家公司的一大业务。微软为 OpenAI 采购专门的人工智能服务器和芯片,所以他们的决定可能会严重影响这家初创公司的未来发展。

而包括首席执行官 Satya Nadella 在内的微软高管对 Altman 的突然下台都感到措手不及,Altman 在过去四年中一直负责管理 OpenAI 。微软在 OpenAI 董事会中没有席位,但拥有大量股权,可以永久使用其技术,并有权收取该初创公司未来产生的理论利润。

两位熟悉谈判情况的人士透露,微软正考虑向 OpenAI 董事会施压,让被迫离职的前首席执行官 Sam Altman 回归。

据悉,Satya Nadella一直在和OpenAI临时首席执行官Mira Murati讨论Altman复职事宜。其中一位知情人士说,如果 Altman 无法重返 OpenAI,微软将考虑投资他的新 AI 公司。

Nadella 本人不太可能加入 OpenAI 董事会,他大概率会让他的副手,比如首席技术官 Kevin Scott 担任这一职务。Scott 在微软与 OpenAI 于2019年开始的合作中发挥了关键作用。 这个董事会观察员席位将给予微软参加董事会例会的权利,但没有投票权或参与讨论的权利。

Satya Nadella

OpenAI 董事会周五的突发公告在周末引起了 OpenAI 员工和投资者的强烈不满,投资者在幕后努力争取Altman 和 Brockman 的回归。一些投资者鼓励微软高层为 OpenAI 领导人的回归铺平道路。

Gerg Brockman

而 Murati 和其他 OpenAI 领导人目前正在与现任董事会谈判,以达成一项协议,让Altamn复职,同时让现任董事会辞职,由新的董事会取而代之。

截至周日下午,网上已经流传出了一份新董事会候选人的名单。其中包括最近成立了一家新的人工智能企业的 Salesforce 前联席首席执行官 Bret Taylor、雅虎前首席执行官 Marisa Mayer、Airbnb 联合创始人兼首席执行官 Brian Chesky、红杉管理合伙人 Roelof Botha 以及今年早些时候退出 OpenAI 董事会的 Reid Hoffman。

让微软或红杉担任董事会董事的说法表明,OpenAI 新董事会可能会包括一些他们主要投资者,这与过去相比是一个很大的变化。这些投资者和其他投资者,包括 Thrive Capital 和 Khosla Ventures,在管理这家营利性创业公司的非营利机构董事会中没有席位。这是 Altman 和 OpenAI 的联合创始人设计的非同寻常的结构的一部分,目的是确保 OpenAI 可以将坚持开发人工智能造福人类的使命,而不是创造利润。

周日早些时候,一位著名的微软投资者批评这家科技巨头过去没有董事会代表。Dan Loeb 是激进对冲基金Third Point的负责人,他在X网站上说,他很惊讶公司没有坚持让董事会有代表,OpenAI的治理"差得惊人"。(译/吕可)

According to overseas media reports, two days after the dismissal of the board of directors, he negotiated with the board of directors at the company's San Francisco headquarters on Sunday to promote the board of directors to restore him and other recently resigned executives. According to informed sources, the interim CEO told employees earlier that she and the leadership team had invited him, but the latest news showed that the negotiations broke down. The co-founder and director of the board of directors just announced that they would not return to the company after negotiations, and at the same time revealed that the co-founder would take over as the interim CEO. According to the official position, he and three other board members who were replaced insisted on their decision that this was the only way to defend the company's mission. Their behavior and the interaction with the board of directors undermined the board's ability to supervise the development of the company's artificial intelligence. In the past two days, people were still optimistic about the return, including the new temporary staff, who also said that they would be invited to return as soon as possible, but now they are sure that they will not return to the post that has become a reality. The former chairman and president who was not alone resigned as chairman of the artificial intelligence developer after the dismissal of the board of directors. On Saturday night, the chief strategy officer told employees that the company was optimistic about resuming and resigning on Friday night to support the positions of three senior researchers. Another person involved in the negotiations was that he was a director of the board of directors who left earlier this year to run for president, but later ended his campaign. Someone saw him at the company headquarters on Sunday, which increased his chances of rejoining the company. On Sunday, Neng told employees that she and her team were the first people to ask the board of directors to return to their previous state. Some senior employees spent Saturday at their homes in San Francisco, hoping to help him get back to work, but this matter involved the board of directors, especially the director, who was also the research minister of the company. Many major breakthroughs were one of the board members who were fired on Friday. Before that, the tension about whether the leader was safely developing artificial intelligence had been going on for a long time, and he had also worked with Apple. Sun Zhengyi, the design director of Si Qian and CEO of Softbank, had a discussion on a new enterprise developing artificial intelligence hardware equipment. He is a prolific trader and investor. He owns numerous overlapping shares in start-up companies, which puzzled some companies he supported, but the move to drive away did not win the support of most employees. In a conversation with employees on Friday, he did not tell them the detailed reasons for their dismissal, and the blog post published by the board of directors only vaguely accused him of not being honest with the board of directors all the time. Sincerely answered the employee's question about whether he participated in the hostile takeover. He disagreed with this statement. Later, many Silicon Valley people, such as the CEO, expressed their resignation to support the co-founder who returned to the company in recent years. He said in the article that the board of directors had the opportunity to explain their drastic actions, but they didn't seize the opportunity, so there was nothing to say except what they looked like, such as the resignation of these employees and the possibility of many other employees leaving Google. The number of applicants in the laboratory is rising, which promotes the conversation between the board of directors and Microsoft. Microsoft has invested more than one hundred million dollars in computing resources including development and other artificial intelligence models, which has become a major business of the two companies. In order to purchase specialized artificial intelligence servers and chips, their decision may seriously affect the future development of this startup, and Microsoft executives, including the CEO, are unprepared for the sudden stepping down. They have been responsible for managing Microsoft for the past four years. Soft doesn't have a seat on the board of directors, but it has a lot of equity to use its technology permanently and has the right to collect the theoretical profits generated by the startup company in the future. Two people familiar with the negotiations revealed that Microsoft is considering putting pressure on the board of directors to return the former CEO who was forced to leave. It is reported that he has been discussing the reinstatement with the interim CEO. One of the people familiar with the matter said that if he can't return to Microsoft, he is unlikely to consider investing in his new company, and he will probably let his deputy compare. For example, the position of chief technology officer has played a key role in the cooperation between Microsoft and the company that started in 2000. This observer seat on the board of directors will give Microsoft the right to attend the regular meeting of the board of directors, but it has no right to vote or participate in the discussion. The sudden announcement of the board of directors on Friday caused strong dissatisfaction among employees and investors over the weekend. Some investors encouraged Microsoft executives to pave the way for the return of leaders, and other leaders are currently talking with the current directors. By the end of Sunday afternoon, a list of candidates for the new board of directors had been circulated on the Internet, including the former co-CEO of Yahoo, the former co-founder and CEO of Sequoia, who recently established a new artificial intelligence enterprise, and the statement that Microsoft or Sequoia had resigned from the board of directors earlier this year indicated that the new board of directors might be included. Including some of their major investors, this is a big change compared with the past. These investors and other investors, including the non-profit organization that manages this for-profit startup, have no seats on the board of directors. This is part of the unusual structure designed by the co-founder of Hehe, which aims to ensure that the mission of developing artificial intelligence for the benefit of mankind can be adhered to instead of creating profits. Earlier on Sunday, a famous Microsoft investor criticized the technology giant for not having a representative of the board of directors as the head of an aggressive hedge fund. He said on the website that he was surprised that the company did not insist on the governance of having a representative of the board of directors. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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