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本文将最大限度避免晦涩难懂的专业术语和公式,力求以通俗易懂的方式为大家勾勒比特币Layer2生态全貌,同时,笔者将从生态落地的角度来分析,什么类型的BTC Layer2更容易获得成功。

什么是BTC Layer2?以及能落地的BTC Layer2应该具备哪些成功要素?

BTC Layer2本质上和ETH Layer2并无二致,本质都是去中心化跨链+一个高性能的智能合约网络,核心的意义在于:Layer1无法实现的高性能场景和复杂应用可以切换到Layer2去实现。因此,一个能落地的BTC Layer2本质上是两部分:能把Bitcoin Layer1的BTC以去中心化的方式跨链到Layer2,然后让BTC在Layer2上可以实现一系列复杂的智能合约应用场景(主流的以太坊 Layer2亦遵循这样的原则)

基于以上共识,我们可以进一步得出结论:一个成功的BTC Layer2至少得遵循如下设计原则:


用户使用Layer2的第一步是把资产从Layer1跨到Layer2,这个过程是否去中心化,是否足够安全,决定了Layer2的资产规模,也直接决定了Layer2的生死。在比特币进行Taproot升级之前,比特币无法实现真正的去中心化跨链,大部分在其他链上运行的BTC,均采用了中心化封装或者多签的方案来实现。如RenBTC采用多签来实现(后因团队问题而停止运行),WBTC则是依靠BitGo这家公司来背书。在2021年之前诞生的所谓BTC Layer2均没有实现真正的去中心化跨链,因此,BTC Layer2生态也一直没有成长起来。但是,比特币2021年的Taproot升级,带来了Schnorr签名算法和Musig2聚合签名技术,这为去中心化的BTC跨链奠定了技术基础。

2、BTC Layer2是否能获得Layer1主网用户的共识和支持

Layer2既然是对Layer1的拓展,那么Layer2则是依托于Layer1所存在,同时,Layer2也能反哺和增益Layer1,而Layer2网络的运行是否以Layer1主网代币为Gas,几乎是判断的唯一标准,如果Layer2网络仅是把Layer1作为一个数据备份层,Layer2的经济系统和GAS税收对Layer1没有任何增益,必然无法获得Layer1的支持,这和重建一个新的Layer1没有任何区别,成功难度就可想而知。目前以太坊生态主流的Layer2均是以ETH为GAS,而比特币生态的某些号称是BTC Layer2的项目却并非以BTC为GAS,因此,均没有获得很好的发展。因此,BTC Layer2是否以BTC为GAS,决定了是否能获得比特币社区的共识和支持。

3、BTC Layer2对于开发者和用户是否足够友好‍



基于以上BTC Layer2设计原则,我们来盘点一些目前主流的BTC Layer2,同时对比各方优劣。




依据BTC Layer2设计三原则,Stacks的比特币跨链方案仍是中心化方式;Stacks网络运行不使用BTC,对比特币Layer1几乎没有增益,很难获得比特币社区的支持;其网络开发语言Clarity比较小众,很难引入开发者,生态5年来一直没有获得大规模发展,事实证明,Stacks设计方向并非理想的BTC Layer2方案。

Lightning Network(闪电网络)

Lightning Network是最具“正统性”的比特币Layer2,其目标是实现比特币的“全球支付”,核心是让比特币在Lightning Network这个二层网络实现快速便捷的小额支付,但是,Lightning Network不支持智能合约,因此,无法在Lightning Network上进行和比特币相关的生态应用开发。目前Lightning Network网络质押的BTC数量约4000枚。或许鉴于Ordinals协议的成功,Lightning团队近期提出了Taproot Assets的比特币资产发行协议。但是,即使可以基于Taproot Assets发行资产,然后在闪电网络进行快速流通,但是,这样的组合只是提供了一种比特币资产发行和流通的方案,依然无法支撑复杂的基于BTC的去中心化应用开发。


Lightning Network无疑是最具“正统性”的BTC Layer2,但是其网络不支持智能合约,其诞生的目标是拓展比特币的支付场景,因此,其并非典型的比特币Layer2。目前Lightning Network质押了4000个比特币,约1.4亿美金,虽然已经运行3年,但其生态发展依然处于早期。




依据BTC Layer2设计三原则,RSK的比特币资产跨链方案是中心化的;RSK主网性能较差,生态发展聊胜于无。事实证明,RSK也不是理想的BTC Layer2方案。


Liquid是由Blockstream推出的比特币二层网络,本质上讲,Liquid是一个比特币侧链,Liquid服务的对象主要是机构和资产发行方,面向B端提供基于比特币侧链的资产发行和流通服务,因此,Liquid的比特币跨链方案相对中心化,采用11个被认证的多签节点来托管比特币,Liquid的解决方案类似于联盟许可链。由于是面向机构提供金融资产发行服务,Liquid更多的考虑是安全性和隐私性,因此,Liquid网络是需要许可才能准入的联盟链解决方案。Liquid作为面向B端服务的比特币侧链网络,有其存在的合理性。但是,要想获得比特币社区和加密用户的广大支持和使用,去中心化和无许可的BTC Layer2才是更具发展前景的方向。


Liquid是面向机构服务的比特币侧链,本质是一个许可才能准入的联盟链,其服务对象主要是对安全性和隐私性有高度要求的传统机构和资产发行方,且Liquid的主要功能集中在资产发行和交易,对复杂的智能合约功能并不友好。因此,Liquid的服务范围是相对有限的,和主流的去中心化BTC Layer2有着本质区别。


RGB的目标是构建基于BTC UTXO和闪电网络的BTC Layer2。RGB于2018年被提出至今,因为其多个技术要点实现难度较大,一直处于缓慢的开发阶段。RGB的核心设计分为三点:UTXO状态压缩封装、客户端验证、桥接闪电网络运行非共享智能合约,RGB最被人们推崇为正统性的就是:RGB上运行的数据会被压缩封装到比特币的每一个UTXO中,即RGB上运行的核心数据借助UTXO附身于比特币区块链,用比特币网络来保障资产的安全性,但是,这也是RGB一直未能实现的功能;即使该功能实现也依然面临两个问题,由于客户端验证资产时需要追溯每个资产上游的UTXO,这里涉及大量的数据验证,资产被转移的次数越多 ,验证难度和验证成本就越大;即使资产能被验证,但是,RGB的智能合约并非真正意义地运行在链上,每个基于RGB的智能合约是无法交互的,都是独立的,如果基于RGB发行的两个代币需要构建Swap,是无法像EVM上发行的资产那样直接实现Swap交互,而是需要转移到闪电网络进行交互,其复杂程度可见一斑。


依据BTC Layer2设计三原则,Layer2需要承载高性能、易开发和对用户友好的历史使命,BTC Layer2是直接面向应用和用户的,而不能仅仅停留在所谓很cool的设计构想上。在这一点,RGB的架构无疑是不符合BTC Layer2三原则的,无论是尚未被验证的UTXO状态封装,还是客户端验证,抑或在闪电网络运行非共享的智能合约,这些无疑都给BTC Layer2上的开发者和用户带来巨大的准入门槛,在这样的Layer2上构建比特币应用,其用户体验则可想而知。自2018年提出至今,RGB开发进度一直进展缓慢,在某种层面上也反应出RGB的复杂程度之高,以及其落地难度之大,对于其未来的生态开发者和用户的准入门槛也可想而知。


BEVM是以BTC为GAS且兼容EVM的比特币Layer2。BEVM的核心设计是基于BTC 2021年的Taproot升级,使用Musig2聚合签名算法来实现去中心化的BTC跨链,Musig2聚合签名算法是Taproot升级带来的,可以让1000个比特币轻节点地址组成去中心化的资产网络,通过这个网络来处理BTC资产的转移,从而保障BTC Layer2上的资产安全;同时,BEVM网络采用BTC为GAS,Layer2上的应用都将以BTC为Gas;最重要的是BEVM完全兼容EVM,EVM生态能运行的DeFi、GameFi等应用都可以无缝迁移到比特币Layer2,用户则可以在主流的加密钱包(如Metamask、OK Wallet等)直接使用BEVM生态应用。未来,BEVM还将兼容更多的非EVM的Layer1网络,从而把BTC及BTC链上资产拓展到任意链,最大限度地拓展比特币生态。目前BEVM先行网已经上线,生态上已经有近10款应用,比如,用户可以在BEVM上使用完全去中心化的BTC DEX,用户可以存BTC/Sats等资产做LP,享受DEX收益等。


BEVM以Musig2聚合签名来实现BTC的去中心化跨链,以BTC为GAS来获取比特币社区共识和支持,同时兼容EVM,可以降低智能合约开发者和用户的准入门槛,因此,是比较实际的且符合BTC Layer2设计三原则的。但是,和很多宣扬比特币正统性的BTC Layer2不同,BEVM似乎显得不那么“正统性”。BEVM没有在比特币的容量有限区块空间内或功能有限的UTXO上进行改良设计,而是选择以去中心化的方式把BTC直接引入已经成熟的EVM网络,从而降低拓展比特币生态的难度,这是BEVM的设计亮点,同时,也会被某些比特币原教旨主义者冠以不够“正统”的标签。不过,在BTC Layer2赛道,是“正统性”重要,还是开发者和用户体验感更重要,相信市场会给出最终答案。


BitVM是2023年被提出的BTC Layer2解决方案,目前仍处于理论阶段。BitVM被人们讨论最多的是其比较“硬核”的技术实现方案。其核心逻辑是在BTC脚本上运行类似optimistic rollups的欺诈证明,所谓欺诈证明,即当一笔资产交易出现异议,用户可以发起检举,如果交易真的出现问题,则不诚实的那一方的资产将会被罚没,一般有效的检举时间是7天之内(可以简单理解为7天内无条件退货),但是,如果用户在7天后发起检举是无效的,即使资产交易出现问题,也将被自动保存在区块链上继续运行。BitVM的智能合约层运行在链下,且每个智能合约不共享状态;BTC跨链使用传统的Hash锁来进行资产锚定,没有实现真正去中心化的BTC跨链。


BitVM的设计亮点是把链下的复杂智能合约抽象成一个个欺诈证明,并让这个欺诈证明以比特币操作码的方式运行在比特币区块链上,对于这个方式是否可以实现,比特币社区仍有很多不同声音,但是,对照BTC Layer2设计三原则,BitVM的BTC跨链方案仍是古老的Hash锁,存在中心化问题由于其可测试网络仍没有发布,因此,无法得知其采用何种语言开发;鉴于其最大的设计亮点仍处于理论阶段,因此,对于BitVM我们采取观察状态。


由于比特币区块链是非图灵完备的且不支持智能合约,因此,多年来一直都有创业团队在进行比特币Layer2的探索。BTC Layer2的本质就是以去中心化的方式让BTC跳脱出Layer1的束缚,让BTC可以在高性能、高拓展性的Layer2上实现一切复杂的应用场景。因此,一个优秀的能落地的比特币Layer2应该遵循一些最基本的设计原则,比如,是否以去中心化的方式把BTC跨链到Layer2,这决定了Layer2的市场规模和价值上限;是否以BTC为GAS,这决定了Layer2是否能得到比特币社区的共识和支持;开发语言和基础设施是否对开发者和用户足够友好,这决定了Layer2的生态是否能够快速成长壮大

通过对当前主流BTC Layer2项目的盘点,我们大致可以摸清比特币Layer2的演变路径和发展趋势,BTC Layer2赛道,天然承载着拓展比特币生态的使命,我们有理由相信,能获取比特币社区支持,能取得比特币用户信任以及对开发者和用户足够友好的BTC Layer2必将在本轮比特币生态浪潮中取得优秀的成绩。

This paper will avoid obscure technical terms and formulas to the maximum extent, and strive to outline the ecological panorama of Bitcoin in an easy-to-understand way. At the same time, the author will analyze what types are more likely to succeed from the perspective of ecological landing, what are and what success factors should be possessed. Essentially, they are decentralized and cross-chained. The core significance of a high-performance intelligent contract network lies in the fact that high-performance scenarios and complex applications that cannot be realized can be switched to realization. The essence of this landing is that two parts can cross the chain in a decentralized way, and then the Ethereum, which can realize a series of complex smart contract application scenarios in the world, also follows this principle. Based on the above consensus, we can further draw a conclusion that a successful one must at least follow the following design principles. Whether to cross the chain in a decentralized way to users' use is the first step. Whether the assets are decentralized or not in this process is safe enough determines the asset scale. The life and death that directly determines bitcoin can't be truly decentralized and cross-linked before it is upgraded. Most of the projects that run on other chains adopt centralized packaging or multi-signing. If they stop running due to team problems after adopting multi-signing, they rely on this company to endorse the so-called projects that were born years ago. None of them have truly decentralized and cross-linked, so the ecology has never grown. However, the upgrade of Bitcoin in 2008 brought signature algorithms and aggregate signatures. Technology This lays a technical foundation for decentralized cross-chain. Since it is a right expansion, it depends on its existence and can also feed back and gain. Whether the network operates with the token of the main network is almost the only criterion for judging. If the network only takes the economic system and tax as a data backup layer as support without any gain, it is no different from rebuilding a new one. The difficulty of success can be imagined at present. The mainstream of ecology is thought, but some so-called projects of bitcoin ecology are not thought to have not achieved good development, so whether it is thought to determine whether the consensus and support of bitcoin community can be obtained is friendly enough for developers and users. The core significance of existence is to help expand applications and scenarios, so that functions that were originally impossible can be easily and conveniently realized. Therefore, the development language and access threshold should be as friendly as possible to developers and users. If the design is too complicated or the entry threshold for developers and users is too high, it will be difficult to play its real expansion value. As we all know, the smart contract developers in the whole field are growing and growing in ecology. According to the open data year, the number of global smart contract developers is about 10,000, of which more than 10,000 are eco-developers. Therefore, we can see that most successful developers have adopted compatible ways to start, while most incompatible ones are faced with high migration costs for developers and users. Therefore, whether Bitcoin and Ethereum are compatible is not only a question of the choice of development language, but also a strategic question of whether it can really help realize ecological prosperity. What should be considered is how to get it quickly. Developers and users should pay more attention to reality and landing instead of blindly pursuing the so-called native and dazzling technology. Most successful Ethereum have chosen compatibility, while many Bitcoin have trumpeted the so-called Bitcoin fundamentalism or so-called "bitcoin". Rejecting compatibility due to orthodoxy is one of the important reasons why many bitcoins have not been developed. Based on the above design principles, let's take stock of some current mainstream and compare the advantages and disadvantages of all parties. The positioning of Bitcoin's smart contract layer is that the main network is launched in the year, and its cross-chain is realized by using hooks, which is essentially a centralized mapping method. Its network uses its main network tokens instead of. Miners' participation in network mining will consume pledges to dig up their network tokens. This kind of network design will not only not get the support of bitcoin users, but also produce great resentment. Its ecology uses a relatively small number as programming language, which also greatly limits the influx of developers. Its ecology has been developing for years, but most projects have received mediocre response or are in a stagnant state. Summary: According to the three principles of design, Bitcoin cross-chain scheme is still centralized, and the network operation does not use comparison. Special currency has little gain, and it is difficult to gain the support of the bitcoin community. Its network development language is relatively small, and it is difficult to introduce the developer ecology. It has not achieved large-scale development for years. Facts have proved that the design direction is not ideal. Lightning network is the most orthodox bitcoin, and its goal is to realize the global payment of bitcoin. The core is to make bitcoin realize fast and convenient micropayments on this two-tier network, but it does not support smart contracts, so it is impossible to develop ecological applications related to bitcoin on the Internet. At present, the number of online pledges is about several pieces. Perhaps in view of the successful agreement, the team recently proposed a bitcoin asset issuance agreement, but even though it can be based on the issuance of assets and then quickly circulated in the lightning network, this combination only provides a scheme for the issuance and circulation of bitcoin assets, which still cannot support the complicated decentralized application development summary based on. Undoubtedly, it is the most orthodox, but its network does not support smart contracts, and its birth goal is to expand the payment scenario of bitcoin. It is not a typical bitcoin. Although it has been running for about 100 million dollars, its ecological development is still in the early stage. It is a bitcoin that supports smart contracts. It uses locks to cross the main network to the network, but locks are still centralized, so it is difficult to gain the trust of bitcoin users. Therefore, the number of users who use it to cross the chain is very small. At the same time, the consensus algorithm of the current network is still a two-tier network, but it still adopts a poor performance consensus mechanism. Its ecological development is naturally difficult to obtain. Although this main network was launched in, its ecology has hardly developed as one of the top ten projects in that year, and it has gradually been forgotten. Summary According to the three design principles, the cross-chain scheme of bitcoin assets is centralized, and the performance of the main network is poor. The ecological development is better than that without proof, and it is not an ideal scheme. The launched bitcoin two-tier network is essentially a bitcoin side chain service, mainly for institutions and asset issuance to provide asset issuance and circulation services based on bitcoin side chains. Therefore, the cross-chain scheme of bitcoin is relatively centralized and adopts a certified multi-signing node to manage the ratio. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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