MIIX Capital:土耳其加密市场的调研报告

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土耳其是世界上加密货币采用率最高的国家之一。根据 HedgewithCrypto 的数据,该国的采用率在过去三年中增加了一倍多,从人口的 16% 增加到 40%。据估计,每五个公民中就有两个持有加密货币。根据 Chainanalysis 的数据,按估计交易量计算,土耳其也是全球第四大加密货币市场,领先于其他主要经济体。


Vitalik Buterin在伊斯坦布尔会展中心发表关于plasma的演讲

MIIX CAPITAL受邀参加TVH和3WW3主办的圆桌讨论,发表资本公司如何在牛熊交替市场中赋能项目发展



1.1 土地及人口规模


1.2 经济及相关指标



截至 2019 年,约 11.7% 的土耳其人面临贫困或社会排斥的风险。2021 年土耳其失业率为 12%。根据世界银行的数据,土耳其中产阶级人口约占总人口的 41%。

1.3 经济高增速与高通胀并行

土耳其银行业发达,约有50多家银行,截至2023年3月,土耳其央行外汇储备为626亿美元(环比增长2.3%),黄金储备为522亿美元(环比增长7.2%)月),官方储备资产为 1224 亿美元(环比增长 4.3%)。

今年第一季度,土耳其的 GDP增长了84.4%,而里拉的贬值则是26%,这导致土耳其第一季度的 GDP增长到了2455亿美元,这是有史以来的最高水平。


1.4 土耳其经济发展预测

在2022 年 2 月 OECD 使用 PPP 汇率对 2030 年至 2060 年最大 16 个经济体的 GDP 进行的长期预测:由于人口增长和城市化,土耳其预计国内生产总值将长期增长,2060年有望进入Top5排名。


从长远来看,土耳其顽固的通货膨胀正在加剧家庭的贫困,根据最新的官方预测,随着消费者价格将达到顶峰,2024年情况更糟。“面对惊人的通货膨胀,许多家庭收入不足,贫困已成为土耳其的一个主要问题。”伊斯坦布尔经济学家Iris Cibre表示,土耳其近60%的劳动力月最低工资为1.14万里拉(405 美元),很大程度上低于贫困线。


2.1 地缘情况在促进加密市场繁荣多样



2.2 民生经济正推动加密经济扎根深化

土耳其在过去 5 年的时间中,正经历着经济上的煎熬与低谷。最近信息显示土耳其的通货膨胀率最近超过了83%,创 24 年来的新高。由于政府采取非正统的降息政策,里拉兑美元汇率也创下历史新低。“面对惊人的通货膨胀,许多家庭收入不足,贫困已成为土耳其的一个主要问题。”伊斯坦布尔经济学家Iris Cibre表示,土耳其近60%的劳动力月最低工资为1.14万里拉(405 美元),很大程度上低于贫困线。



3.1 全球第四大加密货币市场

近期(2023年11月),Binance研究院发布了一份《土耳其加密市场现状》的研究报告,其中显示有 40% 的公民持有加密货币投资敞口,73% 的土耳其受访者认为未来 5 年加密投资者的数量会持续增加。土耳其作为全球第 4 大加密资产交易市场,其加密资产交易量显著高于世界上其他几个大经济体。而币安的内部交易数据也显示,在今年 9 月初,土耳其的里拉(当地法币)一度高居整个交易所法币交易对的榜首,占比达到了惊人的 75%。

另外,土耳其公民对加密的接受程度,丝毫不落后于这些国家。以相同的加密接受度指数标准来进行评分,土耳其也能排在全球第 12 位;考虑到世界地缘经济中的定位,以及与其他经济体相比较小的体量,土耳其的这份加密接受程度非常高。

3.2 加密市场氛围浓厚且普及度高


路边的Teller Machine(类似于中国银行的存款机)可以在进行加密货币交易;


线下存在很多加密货币 OTC 兑换汇的场所;


Cowork Space at ICC

很多年轻一代的朋友都会在卧室挂一些带有 Bitcoin 标志的装饰,很多人也会在电视节目上讲到 Bitcoin;大量的年轻人把Web3事业作为掌握命运和改变命运的钥匙,热衷于交流分享,技术氛围非常浓厚。

在币安委托消费者研究公司 Twentify 进行的调查中,超过五分之一 (21%) 的调查受访者投资了加密货币。在这份投资工具受欢迎程度排名中,加密货币仅次于土耳其的官方货币土耳其里拉。值得注意的是,加密货币的采用率比贵金属、股票和债券等传统资产类别更高


3.3 CEX使用率远高于去中心钱包

土耳其的用户对 CEX 的依赖性非常强,其加密货币用户全网(所有CEX)单日交易人数在 2021 年 12 月达到了 50 万 到 70 万人的水平,随着市场行情下行,在 2023 年 2 月,土耳其全网的加密货币交易用户数量下降到了 27 万 到 41 万人的范围。其中全球化CEX中最受土耳其用户认同和喜欢的是Binance、Bybit、OKX和KuCoin,都支持土耳其语和土耳其里拉(TRY)存款交易;而本土的Paribu和CoinTR或总部位于土耳其,或已获得土耳其监管机构土耳其金融犯罪调研联合会(MASAK)备案许可,并且已经与土耳其两家国有银行 Zirrat Bank 和 Vakif Bank 合作开通了法币交易。

与此相反,土耳其地区对非托管钱包的使用率相对较低。近期(2023年11月),Binanc在土耳其区块链周正式推出Binance Web3钱包,Bitget Wallet也宣布将启动土耳其生态发展计划。基于Web3钱包的便利性和盈利潜力,以及 NFT 和元宇宙等新兴概念的兴趣增长,在一定程度上会催化土耳其用户对去中心钱包的使用提升区域市场的多样化和成熟度。

3.4 土耳其热门赛道和应用

普遍用户集中在CEX上面,所以DeFi类型项目很少;但是Gaming项目在土耳其的热度非常高,GameFi、SocialFi和NFT 项目都很受普通用户欢迎;另外也有少量的基建项目,但因为土耳其的 VC 不多,做Web3 投资的更少,整体募资能力比亚太和欧美地区差很多。

其中,土耳其政府机构“土耳其科学技术理事会”区块链研究所对数字货币应用的看法 。他们更看好 DID、通过智能合约将政府数据上链。

数据显示:Lens Protocol 的网站访问量有将近 16% 来自土耳其,且土耳其用户非常喜欢在 Google 上搜索“free Bitcoin”,他们会去寻找一些做任务免费领那种小额 Bitcoin 的网站,这在一定程度上说明了SocialFi 或追逐空投的行为在土耳其很流行。

来源:3WW3 亚非拉研究院 Space活动中观点


Binance的研究报告显示,受访民众中,有高达 71% 的投资者一天会察看市场行情多次,而有 46% 的受访民众平均一个天内会进行至少一次交易,代表当地民众对于加密资产的投资积极度。有 66% 的民众投资加密资产的原因是为了其预期的获利,其二是简单的投资组合管理与对于科技的乐观 。

4.1 年轻人投资加密货币意愿更高

土耳其的加密货币市场充满活力且不断发展,目前持有加密资产中的 27% 投资者,进入产业的时长不到一年,也就是有超过四分之一的投资者是近一年的熊市进入市场的,而且多为30岁以下年轻人。

在KuCoin对土耳其市场用户的最新调研数据中,年轻一代的投资意愿更高。参与加密货币投资, 31–44岁人群占总人数的48%,18–30岁人群占总人数的37%。土耳其的加密货币市场充满活力且不断发展,30岁以下的加密货币投资者在过去一年内进入市场。

尽管男性投资者仍占所有加密货币投资者的 57%,但年轻女性投资者的占比呈增长趋势。45 岁以上的投资者中女性仅占 37%,但18 至 30 岁的加密货币投资者中几乎一半(47%)是女性这表明随着加密货币采用成为主流,性别差距正在逐渐缩小。

4.2 各年龄层投资加密货币的偏好存在差异

在土耳其,58% 的受访者表示,他们投资加密货币的主要动机是长期积累财富,这在各年龄层是一致的,认为投资加密货币可随着时间的推移实现财富增长。


37% 的人提到投资加密货币的主要原因是为了存储资产价值,并且25% 的人将多元化投资组合视为主要动机,并认识到加密货币在降低风险方面的好处,这些主要是45岁以上的投资者;


17% 的人承认他们的动机是利润投资过程的短期和纯粹的享受,这符合具有加密市场的实验性和探索性。 


比特币作为土耳其成年加密货币投资者的投资选择非常受欢迎, 71%投资者表示对投资比特币感兴趣,其中老年投资者感兴趣的有 79% ;有45% 的投资者表示对投资ETH感兴趣,其中年轻投资者感兴趣的有52% 。

另外,约33%的投资者对稳定币投资感兴趣,约 21% 的投资者对 NFT 感兴趣,约19% 的投资者对元宇宙感兴趣, 18% 的投资者对Meme 币等新兴类别感兴趣。

4.3 口碑效应的推动效果尤其突出

据调查显示,57% 的人是通过朋友或家人介绍开始接触加密货币,35% 的人是通过社区介绍,这凸显了人际关系在激发好奇心和鼓励新人进入数字金融世界方面的关键作用。

无论是通过在线论坛、社交团体还是当地聚会,社区都为个人提供了学习和探索加密货币概念的支持性环境,反映了土耳其加密货币社区的协作性质。有32% 的受访者指出,有其他的交易者在他们接触加密货币的过程中发挥了作用,这说明了交易环境的相互关联性,开始加密货币之旅的个人经常会从在同一未知领域航行的其他交易者那里找到指导和灵感。

最后,社交媒体产生了重大影响,27% 的受访者将他们进入加密世界的原因归功于有影响力的人。YouTube 、Twitter、Telegram和 Instagram被加密货币投资者,尤其是年轻群体信任为可靠的信息来源。



5.1 谨慎中开放,政策相对宽松

在过去很长一段时间,土耳其政府对于 web3 的态度一直不太明确,尽管 2018 年土耳其的数字和技术部在 strategy paper 里面就有提到说要建立一个 National blockchain infrastructure.(国家级别的区块链基础设施),但是并没有看见大的落地。

而在 2021 年,中央银行曾经发布一个政策,禁止土耳其公民购买或者提供基于加密货币的服务。但土耳其总统办公室下的数字转型办公室的主任辟谣说:“当时中央银行颁布的禁止加密交易的政策并不是禁止土耳其公民拥有加密资产。”


5.2 监管政策将有计划的推动落实

今年10 月,土耳其财政部长穆罕默德·西姆塞克 (Mehmet Simsek) 宣布,土耳其将出台新的立法来涵盖加密资产,以遵守 FATF 的建议。此举旨在将土耳其从灰名单中删除,因为列入名单可能会对一个国家的投资评级和声誉产生负面影响。10月27日,据Cointelegraph,土耳其官方公报发布2024年总统年度计划,其目标是在接下来的一年内完成土耳其的加密法规。

区块链技术研发中心 BlockchainIST 中心主任 Bora Erdamar 表示:“引入某些许可标准将是新法规的首要任务之一。”他补充说,这将“法规还可能包括资本充足率要求、改善数字安全的措施、托管服务和储备证明”。


5.3 拟建立加密货币中央托管银行








MIIX CAPITAL的投研分析师Mark在参加活动中的留影

MIIX CAPITAL此行来到伊斯坦布尔收获良多,结交了来自全球各地的从业者朋友,对各个赛道的发展现状有了充分的认知,每每见到一个新朋友都像是开盲盒,加密行业的发展真是遍地开花,蒸蒸日上!期待我们下次土耳其再见吧!

Foreword Turkey is one of the countries with the highest adoption rate of cryptocurrency in the world. According to the data, the adoption rate of cryptocurrency in this country has more than doubled in the past three years, from the increase of population to the estimation that two out of every five citizens hold cryptocurrency. According to the estimated transaction volume, Turkey is also the fourth largest cryptocurrency market in the world, ahead of other major economies. The month of 2008 belongs to Istanbul, Turkey, and the encryption fever is all around the month. Focusing on the Turkish market, practitioners and encryption enthusiasts from America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East gathered here for profound exchanges and delivered speeches at Istanbul Convention and Exhibition Center. They were invited to participate in and host round-table discussions and published how capital companies can empower projects to develop macroeconomic indicators and status quo in the bull-bear alternating market. Turkey is the world's largest GDP economy, a founding member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and a member of the G 20, and Turkey has become the European Union. As a member of the Customs Union, Turkey is also one of the candidates for EU member states. The land and population size of Turkey is a national capital spanning Asia and Europe. Ankara covers an area of square kilometers. The whole country is divided into four provinces. According to the system records, the population of Turkey in 2000 lived in provincial and regional centers, but only in towns and villages. The average population density was per square kilometer. From 2000 to 2000, the population of Turkey increased more than four times, from 10,000 to 10,000. According to the World Bank's economic and related indicators, the population of Turkey in 2000. The average GDP is classified as a middle-high income country, and Turkey is classified as a developed country. However, economists and political scientists often identify Turkey as a newly industrialized country, while Merrill Lynch, the World Bank and The Economist magazine classify it as an emerging market, ranking first in the world in nominal terms and first in the world in purchasing power parity terms. According to the estimation of the International Monetary Fund, Turkey's per capita in purchasing power parity terms was US dollars in, and its nominal per capita was US dollars as of the end of. Its people face the risk of poverty or social exclusion. According to the data of the World Bank, the unemployment rate in Turkey in is about $ billion. According to the data of the World Bank, the high economic growth rate of Turkey's middle class accounts for about the total population, and the high inflation goes hand in hand. Turkey's banking industry is developed. As of June, the foreign exchange reserves of Turkey's central bank increased by $ billion, and the gold reserves increased by $ billion. The monthly official reserve assets increased by $ billion, which led to the depreciation of the lira in Turkey's first quarter. At the same time, according to the data released by Turkish Statistics Bureau on January, local time, Turkey's inflation rate reached $100 million, and Turkey's central bank also raised its inflation forecast from this year to 2000. At present, Turkey is one of the countries with the highest inflation rate in the world, and Turkey's economic development forecast uses the exchange rate to make a long-term forecast of the largest economy from to due to population growth and urbanization. The gross domestic product (GDP) will grow for a long time, and it is expected to enter the ranking in. Although the Turkish government has taken many measures in the face of high inflation since, prices are still rising. The continuous rapid depreciation of the Turkish lira has intensified the domestic economic turmoil, making imported products more expensive and bringing additional obstacles to the country's economic stability. In the long run, Turkey's stubborn inflation is aggravating the poverty of families. According to the latest official forecast, the situation will get worse with the consumer price reaching its peak. Inflation, insufficient income of many families and poverty have become a major problem in Turkey. Istanbul economists say that the monthly minimum wage of Turkey's labor force is Wan Li and US dollars, which is largely lower than the poverty line. The geographical situation is promoting the prosperity and diversity of the encryption market. Turkey is located at the intersection of Eurasia and has the geographical advantage of bridges and hubs. Turkey is also an important energy transit country between the Middle East and Europe, which controls the main road to and from the Black Sea. Turkey has a strategic position in energy supply and geopolitics, and plays an important geopolitical role. The relationship with Iran, Russia and other countries has an important impact on regional stability, and it is also influenced by the mutual relationship and culture of Russia and Ukraine in the Middle East. It is this geographical relationship that Turkey has invisibly become a hub connecting industries in Russia and the Middle East, and the inevitable interaction in culture, economy and finance is a key to the exchange, collision and integration of encryption practitioners in Europe and Asia. Key nodes from user characteristics to technology application, from industry extension to track deep cultivation, under the influence of geographical factors, people are more likely to contact and accept diversified industry trends and promote a prosperous and diverse encryption market. The people's livelihood economy is pushing the encryption economy to take root and deepen. Turkey is experiencing economic suffering and trough in the past year. Recently, information shows that the inflation rate in Turkey has recently exceeded the record high, and the exchange rate of lira against the US dollar has also reached a record high due to the unorthodox interest rate cut policy adopted by the government. Facing the alarming inflation, many families' income is insufficient, and poverty has become a major problem in Turkey. Istanbul economists say that the recent monthly minimum wage of Turkey's labor force is Wan Li, and the US dollar is largely lower than the poverty line. Under the strong contrast between the domestic economic downturn and the subsequent encryption bull market cycle, the funds with a keen sense of smell will inevitably begin to seek safety and pursue higher returns. Converting and buying encrypted assets has become the best choice to contact and understand encryption through encrypted assets. The industry has aroused young people's strong interest in new technologies, and more people have begun to join in and jointly promote the deepening development of the industry in the region. The encryption industry in Turkey has also changed from an emerging industry that meets the needs of the people to a popular industry and a frontier industry. The status quo of the encryption market in the region is the fourth largest in the world. In recent years, the Institute released a research report on the status quo of the encryption market in Turkey, which shows that some citizens have exposure to cryptocurrency investment in Turkey. Respondents believe that the number of crypto investors will continue to increase in the coming year. As the world's largest crypto asset trading market, Turkey's crypto asset trading volume is significantly higher than that of several other big economies in the world, and the internal trading data of Coin Security also show that at the beginning of this year, Turkey's lira once topped the whole exchange's legal currency trading pair, accounting for an astonishing proportion. In addition, Turkish citizens' acceptance of encryption does not lag behind these countries at all, and Turkey can also rank first in the world considering its position in the world geo-economy and other economies. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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