3分钟了解ARC-20 和ATOM代币

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通过 Atomicalas 协议,在比特币网络可以生成不可互换的 NFT,也可以生成可互换的 token。这个可互换的 token 就是 ARC20 代币。

Atomicals 协议

要了解 ARC20,首先要了解 Atomicals 协议。

Atomicals 协议是基于比特币网络构建的协议。在比特币网络上,通过 Atomicals 协议,可以创建(mint)、转移以及升级数字物品(nft,如原生数字 nft、游戏 nft、数字身份、域名、社交网络等),也可以创建可互换的代币(token)。也就是通过 Atomicalas 协议,在比特币网络可以生成不可互换的 NFT,也可以生成可互换的 token。这个可互换的 token 就是 ARC20 代币。

Atomicals 协议充分利用了比特币 UTXO 特性,将 satoshi 作为记账单位,也就是说,任何基于 Atomicals 协议创建的数字物品,都可以追溯其交易历史,做到真实可验证。用户、钱包、项目方等任何个体或机构都可以通过简单规则来验证交易历史,检测出是否真实可信。Atomicals 协议的做法,其实是将比特币网络看作为真相源。通过基于比特币网络 +Atomicals 协议,实现数字物品的可信,也就是试图回到当初的数字物品个人所有和掌控的最初想法中。数字原生资产时代需要这一类所有权掌控的底层基础。

Atomicals 协议跟 btc 特性较为契合,且实现方式相对简单,这也使得它受到人们关注且获得技术社区相对青睐。基于 Atomcials 协议构建的 nft,可以在 btc 网络上创建、转移,不受制于索引器或其他中间方,不需要对 btc L1 进行更改,也不需要 L2 或侧链来完成这些工作。总之,在技术路径上相对简单且契合比特币的特性和现状。

此外,Atomicals 协议是开源的,任何人可以免费使用。


虽然 Atomicals 协议中重点提到的是数字物品 nft。不过,ARC20 获得了更大的关注。ARC20 是由 Satoshi(聪)支持的可互换的染色币标准,它使用聪(satoshi)单元来代表每个代币,这意味着 ARC20 代币都是有 1 聪(satoshi)来托底的,也就是每个 ARC20 代币价值不会低于 1 聪。因为 ARC20 使用聪来代表部署的代币的所有权单位。ARC20 代币可以进行拆分和组合。任何人可以 mint 自由生成 ARC20 代币,可以通过比特币网络转移。这意味着,ARC20 代币,依附在比特币网络上,且没有对 L1 做任何修改,可以利用现有的比特币基础设施,比如钱包等等。

此外,ARC20 有内置的命名系统,一旦被命名,则全局统一,不会有第二个。比如命名为 ATOM 之后,不会再有第二个 ATOM 名称的 ARC20 代币,具有唯一性。

ARC20 可以设置名称、mint 奖励、可 mint 的总数、开始区块高度以及元数据。

ATOM 代币是什么

首先,这里的 ATOM 代币不是 Cosmos 链上的 Atom 代币,两个「ATOM」是完全不同的两个代币。这里的 ATOM 是通过 Atomicals 协议 mint 出来的 ARC20 代币。根据原子协议描述,这个 ATOM 代币没有团队、没有融资等,是社区原生的代币,也是一种对没有预挖代币的展示方式,有分布式 CPU 挖矿(用 Bitwork PoW)的支撑。由于 ATOM 是早期原生的 ARC20 代币,因此在 ARC20 代币中成为重要的标志代币。

    Through the protocol, you can generate an irreplaceable or interchangeable token on the bitcoin network. To understand this interchangeable token protocol, you must first understand that the protocol protocol is based on the bitcoin network. On the bitcoin network, you can create a transfer and upgrade of digital items such as native digital games, digital identity domain names, social networks, etc. You can also create an interchangeable token, that is, you can generate an irreplaceable or interchangeable token on the bitcoin network through the protocol. What is interchangeable is that the token agreement makes full use of the characteristics of bitcoin and will be used as the accounting unit, that is to say, any digital item created based on the agreement can trace its transaction history to be true and verifiable, and any individual or institution such as the user's wallet can verify the transaction history through simple rules. The practice of the trusted agreement is actually to regard the bitcoin network as the source of truth and realize the credibility of digital items through the bitcoin network agreement, that is, to try to go back to the original. In the initial idea of personal ownership and control of digital goods, the underlying basic protocol that needs this kind of ownership control in the era of digital native assets is more consistent with its characteristics and relatively simple to realize, which also makes it attract people's attention and gain the relative favor of the technical community. Based on the protocol, it can create transfers on the network without being controlled by indexers or other intermediaries, and it does not need to make changes or side chains to complete these tasks. In short, it is relatively simple and suitable for Bitcoin in technical path. In addition, the protocol is open source and can be used by anyone for free. Although the protocol focuses on digital goods, it has gained more attention. It is an interchangeable colored coin standard supported by Cong. It uses Cong units to represent each token, which means that each token is intelligent, that is, the value of each token will not be lower than Cong's, because Cong is used to represent the ownership unit of deployed tokens. Tokens can be split and combined, and anyone can freely generate tokens through bits. Currency network transfer means that tokens are attached to the bitcoin network without any modification, and the existing bitcoin infrastructure such as wallets can be used. In addition, there is a built-in naming system, once it is named, it will be globally unified, and there will be no second one. For example, tokens named after it will not have a second name later are unique. You can set the total number of name rewards, the starting block height and the metadata tokens. First of all, the tokens here are not tokens on the chain, and they are two completely different ones. Token here is a token that comes out by agreement. According to the atomic agreement, this token has no team, no financing, etc. It is a community-native token, and it is also a support for distributed mining without pre-digging tokens. Because it is an early native token, it has become an important symbol token among tokens. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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