机构资金10亿美元涌入加密市场 比特币减半如何影响后续投资?

币圈资讯 阅读:39 2024-04-22 12:36:03 评论:0



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越来越多的机构投资者被比特币所吸引,在短短两个月内注入比特币的资金超过 10 亿美元。这可以说是加密货币复苏的风向标,预示着 2023 年及以后市场有望的发展轨迹。比特币正逐渐获得机构投资者的认可,被视为一个正统的资产类别,具有可观的长期增长潜力。此外,比特币的有限供应和即将发生的减半事件的结合增强了其吸引力,尤其是对于寻求稀缺性的投资者来说,还有潜在的比特币 ETF 的推出。

比特币的机构投资额逾 10 亿美元

CoinShares 在 11 月 13 日发布了最新周报*,强调了资金重新流入比特币和山寨币的叙事。随着美国首个 ETF 可能获得批准的兴奋情绪升温,比特币、以太坊和部分主要山寨币正在经历价格上涨。

根据 TradingView 的数据,自 2022 年 11 月以来,整个加密货币市值已增加了6000亿美元。正如 CoinShares 报告里所详述的那样,过去两个月里,用于加密货币投资产品的资金大幅增加。该报告披露:“上周数字资产投资产品的资金流入总额为 2.93 亿美元,推动了为期七周的资金流入突破 10 亿美元大关。 今年迄今的流入总额为 11.4 亿美元,创下有纪录以来第三高的年度流入额。”

一个引人注目的统计数据凸显了加密货币在 2023 年的复兴:加密货币交易所交易产品(ETP)的资产管理规模(AUM),自年初以来几乎翻了一番,仅在上周就增加了近10%。

CoinShares 强调:“总 AUM 现在达到 443 亿美元,创下了自 2022 年 5 月重大加密货币基金倒闭以来的最高水平。”报告还透露,看涨比特币的人主导了交易量。报告指出,“比特币上周的流入总额为 2.4 亿美元,推动了年初至今流入总额达到 10.8 亿美元,而做空比特币则出现了700万美元的流出,表明市场仍然持续看涨。”


伴随着加密市场不断的增长, Ordinals 也异常火爆。之前 veDAO 研究院的文章中提到了 Ordinals 交易激增造成的网络拥堵,随着人们对 BRC-20 代币的兴趣日益浓厚,比特币交易费用也随之攀升。在数周的积累之后,自10月底以来,平均交易费用飙升,于11月9日达到6个月来的高峰,超过16美元。值得庆幸的是,不断发展的比特币侧链和扩容协议生态系统有望简化 Ordinals交易,并将费用恢复到更易于管理的水平。

在比特币诞生的14年中,交易数据的量激增,而Ordinals的出现只是最新的趋势,对区块链有限吞吐量施加了压力。随着研究人员从2010年代中期开始关注比特币的可扩展性挑战,最初的重点是实现更快、更便宜地交易。例如,于2019年推出的闪电网络,作为专用的 Layer2 网络,旨在支持点对点比特币小额支付。

在 Ordinals 的背景下,将 BRC-20 代币连接到更高效的侧链可以大幅降低费用,并创建一个更流畅的交易环境。例如,Bioniq 使用互联网计算机协议(ICP)来封装Ordinals,然后用户可以在不产生交易费用的情况下进行交易。同样的还有 Bitmos,一个建立在 Cosmos 上的专用区块链网络,旨在提高 Ordinals 项目的可扩展性。该平台计划于明年推出,跨链桥将使用户创建可以自由在 Cosmos 链之间移动的 BRC-20 代币。

随着 Ordinals 的发展,桥接和扩容解决方案可能为基于比特币的资产的新、更复杂的用例提供支持。而这也将反应到比特币的供应动态上。


为了应对不断增长的兴趣,链上分析公司 Glassnode 已深入研究重新评估比特币供应动态。 根据 Glassnode 最新的周报“The Week On-Chain**”,距离下一次区块减半的到来仅剩五个月,用于存储的比特币数量现已超过开采量的 2.4 倍。即将到来的第四次减半事件对比特币具有重要的基本面和技术面上的意义。 Glassnode 注意到,考虑到先前周期中显著的回报情况,这对投资者来说是一个极具吸引力的事件。

该周报包括了多个图表,上图显示了长期持有者(LTH)的比特币供应存储,即持有代币 155 天或更长时间的实体 。统计平台 Look Into Bitcoin 的创始人 Philip Swift 强调,无论大小,钱包实体的存在都在不断增加,并在13日发推表示,“这就是采用的样子”。


下一次比特币减半事件将于 2024 年 4月发生,在减半事件期间,奖励给矿工的比特币数量将减半。 预计这一事件将进一步减少比特币的供应,这可能会使该资产对投资者更具吸引力。


在经历了2022年的加密寒冬和2023年的经济低迷之后,比特币2024年的减半时间表至关重要。通过减慢比特币的创造速度,它会随着时间的推移限制比特币的供应,黄金般的稀缺性也适用于此。比特币的减半促进了其原生加密货币的创新和弹性,使其与法定货币区分开来。2024 年的比特币减半将影响新比特币进入市场的速度。该事件将导致奖励从 6.25 BTC 减少至 3.125 BTC,为了保持盈利能力,随着奖励的减少,矿工必须找到优化运营的方法。这可能会促使矿工提高效率。





More and more institutional investors are attracted by Bitcoin. In just two months, more than 100 million dollars have been injected into Bitcoin, which can be said to be a weather vane for the recovery of cryptocurrency, indicating the promising development track of the market in 2008 and beyond. Bitcoin is gradually recognized by institutional investors and regarded as an orthodox asset class with considerable long-term growth potential. In addition, the combination of limited supply of Bitcoin and the upcoming halving event has enhanced its attraction, especially for investors seeking scarcity. Generally speaking, there is also a potential bitcoin. The institutional investment in launching Bitcoin has exceeded US$ 100 million. The latest weekly report was released on January, emphasizing the narrative of capital flowing back into Bitcoin and counterfeit currency. As the excitement of the first possible approval in the United States heats up, Bitcoin Ethereum and some major counterfeit coins are experiencing price increases. According to the data, the market value of the whole cryptocurrency has increased by US$ 100 million since June. As detailed in the report, the funds used for cryptocurrency investment products in the past two months have increased. The report revealed that the total capital inflow of digital asset investment products last week was $100 million, which pushed the seven-week capital inflow to exceed the $100 million mark. So far this year, the total inflow has reached $100 million, the third highest annual inflow on record. A striking statistical data highlights the revival of cryptocurrency in 2008. The asset management scale of products traded on cryptocurrency exchanges has almost doubled since the beginning of the year, and it has been nearly emphasized that it has now reached a record of $100 million. In addition to the highest level report since the collapse of major cryptocurrency funds in June, it also revealed that the bullish bitcoin dominated the trading volume. The report pointed out that the total inflow of bitcoin last week was $ billion, which pushed the total inflow to $ billion since the beginning of the year, while the outflow of short bitcoin was $10,000, indicating that the market is still bullish to meet the growing demand. The expansion of bitcoin with the continuous growth of the encryption market is also extremely hot. In the previous article, the institute mentioned the network caused by the surge in transactions. Network congestion With people's growing interest in tokens, the transaction cost of Bitcoin has also climbed. After several weeks of accumulation, the average transaction cost has soared since the end of the month, reaching the peak in the last month, surpassing the US dollar. Fortunately, the ever-developing bitcoin side chain and expansion protocol ecosystem are expected to simplify transactions and restore the cost to a more manageable level. In the middle of the birth of Bitcoin, the amount of transaction data has surged, and the emergence is only the latest trend that imposes a limited throughput on the blockchain. Pressure As researchers began to pay attention to the scalability challenge of Bitcoin in the mid-1990s, the initial focus was to realize faster and cheaper transactions. For example, Lightning Network, which was launched in 2000, was a special network designed to support peer-to-peer bitcoin micropayments. Connecting tokens to more efficient side chains in the background can greatly reduce costs and create a smoother trading environment, such as using Internet computer protocols to package and then users can conduct transactions without generating transaction costs. There is also a dedicated blockchain network built on the Internet to improve the scalability of the project. The platform is planned to launch a cross-chain bridge next year, which will enable users to create tokens that can move freely between chains. With the development of the bridge and expansion solution, it may provide support for new and more complex use cases of bitcoin-based assets, which will also reflect the reassessment of bitcoin supply dynamics. In order to cope with the growing interest, the analysis company on the chain has conducted in-depth research and reassessment. According to the latest weekly report, there are only five months before the next block halving, and the amount of bitcoin used for storage has now exceeded twice the exploitation amount. The upcoming fourth halving event has important fundamental and technical significance for bitcoin. It is noted that this is a very attractive event for investors considering the remarkable returns in the previous cycle. The weekly report includes several charts, and the above figure shows the bitcoin supply, storage and holding generation of long-term holders. The founder of the entity statistics platform with a currency day or longer stressed that the existence of wallet entities, big or small, is increasing, and tweeted on the day that this is the way it is adopted. How will halving the investment in 2008 affect the next bitcoin halving event? It is expected that this event will further reduce the supply of bitcoin, which may make the asset more attractive to investors. In the past few bitcoin halving events, we can Some meaningful trends have been observed. First, the price of Bitcoin will go up for a period of time after each halving. Whether this trend will last until the next halving is unknown. Historically, the halving of Bitcoin has intensified the market scarcity of cryptocurrency, which has led to the pressure of price increase. This explains the bull market that appears after each halving. After experiencing the encryption winter of 2000 and the economic downturn of 2000, the timetable for halving Bitcoin in 2000 is very important. By slowing down the creation speed of Bitcoin, it will With the passage of time, restricting the supply of bitcoin, the golden scarcity also applies to this bitcoin. The halving of bitcoin promotes the innovation and flexibility of its original cryptocurrency, which distinguishes it from legal tender. The halving of bitcoin in 2008 will affect the speed of new bitcoin entering the market. This event will lead to the reduction of rewards from maintaining profitability. With the reduction of rewards, miners must find ways to optimize their operations, which may prompt miners to improve their efficiency. In addition, we can look at this from a longer timeline. In the early stage of bitcoin, its price was relatively low and fluctuated greatly. However, with the passage of time and the gradual popularization of bitcoin, its price began to rise gradually, which means that although the halving event may have a certain impact on the price of bitcoin, the long-term trend may depend more on other factors such as the macroeconomic environment of market supply and demand and the development of bitcoin ecosystem. Conclusion In general, the increase of bitcoin by institutions is a positive signal for the encryption industry, which shows that institutional investment. Investors are more and more accepting bitcoin and regard it as a legal asset category. The next halving event may also have a positive impact on bitcoin prices, attracting more investors to invest in this asset reference. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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