搅局者出场?Blur创始人带「赚分拉人」打法再闯Layer 2赛道

币圈资讯 阅读:41 2024-04-22 12:35:50 评论:0



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「以太坊唯一具有以太坊和稳定币 native yield 的 L2」,有人兴奋也有人不买账。

11 月 21 日,基于 Optimistic Rollup 的 Layer 2 网络 Blast 宣布完成 2000 万美元融资,本轮融资由 Paradigm、Standard Crypto、eGirl Capital 以及 Mechanism Capital 联创 Andrew Kang、Lido 战略顾问 Hasu、The Block CEO Larry Cermak 等若干天使投资人参投。在这条消息发出4个小时后,Blast 总锁仓量(TVL)突破 600 万美元。

值得注意的是,Blast 由 Blur 创始人 Pacman 创立,Paradigm 以及 eGirl Capital 这两家资方在亦是 Blur 于 22 年 3 月种子轮时的领投方和参投方。

据团队介绍,Blast 的定位是「以太坊唯一具有以太坊和稳定币 native yield 的 L2」,并认为仅该项优势就能帮助 Blast 吸引超过 200 亿美元的 TVL。(虽然当前以太坊 Layer 2 的总 TVL 也仅有 138.7 亿美元)

Pacman 认为,当前 NFT 领域的两个最大机会是降低交易成本和机构级 NFT 永续权益,人们在 NFT 交易上花费的 Gas 已达到数亿美元,而当前市场永续合约交易量是现货交易量的 6 倍,这些机会需要一个 Layer 2 的出现。


Blast 认为,现有 Layer 2 的基准利率为 0%,在默认情况下,用户的资产价值会随着时间的推移而贬值,而在 Blast 上,用户的余额会自动复利,并额外赚取 Blast 奖励。

具体来说,Blast 原生参与 ETH 质押,质押收益将回馈给 Layer 2 的用户和 dapp。如果用户在 Blast 上的钱包中有 1 ETH,随着时间的推移,它会自动增长到 1.04、1.08、1.12 ETH。

而且赚取收益的不仅仅是 Blast 上的 ETH,稳定币也同样如此。当用户将 USDC、USDT 和 DAI 等稳定币桥接到 Blast 时,它会存入 MakerDAO 等链上国库券协议中,并且收益会通过 Blast 的自动基础稳定币 USDB 传回给 Blast 用户。

目前 Blast 抢先体验活动已经上线,为邀请制,所有加入的人都将获得 Blast 积分奖励。

Blast 的交互界面

目前 Blast 在抢先体验阶段就已支持英语、简体中文、日语和韩语四种语言,对于中文用户来说体验还是比较友好的。

虽然 Blast 已经做好基础设施的建设,但 dapp 的开发仍处于非常早期的阶段,参与生态仅有「桥接资金进入」这一种玩法,7 日内桥接资金将获得双倍积分,但提取资金还需要等到明年 2 月主网上线后开放,而 dapp 上线要等到主网启动之后(也许会提前到测试网时)了。

为此,Blast 也专门推出了面向开发者的空投奖励活动,50% 的空投都将分配给开发者。

所以说,目前用户参与 Blast 将维持在单纯地「拉人头赚积分博空投」阶段。


按照 Pacman 所描述的愿景,Blast 未来将支持所有类型的 Dapp,如 DEX、NFTFi、SocialFi 等应用场景。这种设计构想引起了社区的讨论,火币孵化器研究员 0xLoki 认为,用户在公链上质押资产收益并不是新鲜事,但 Blast 的出现可以避免「中间商赚差价」。

NFT 项目 Weirdo Ghost Gang 创始人 Sleepy 表示,「Blast 和其他 Layer2 项币最特殊的地方就是能够为 ETH 和稳定币提供原生收益,Blast 令我眼前一亮,」。

但也有不同的声音,前链闻总编辑 Liu Feng 表示「Blast 和 Blur 是一样的传销味道」,「积分制+邀请码+明牌空投」的开场似乎是投资方 paradigm 的常规营销手法,

也有人并不买账 Blast 的构想,投资者 brain genius 认为,Paradigm 把社区不需要的功能进行「游戏化」,人们只会为了空投而参与。

此外,Blast 的诞生始于投资者在 Blur 上的收益需求,今日早些时候,Blur 宣布已开放第 2 季空投申领,并开启为期 6 个月的第 3 季空投。创始人 Pacman 在介绍 Blast 时表示,Blast 正在为 Blur 的第 3 季空投提供动力,「自动生息」的策略无疑会为 Blur 带来更多的用户和流动性。

Some people are excited about the fact that the only company in Ethereum has Ethereum and stable currency, and some people don't buy it. The network based on the date of the month announced the completion of this round of financing of 10,000 US dollars, and several angel investors such as Lianchuang Strategic Consultant participated in it. After the news was sent out, the total warehouse lock volume exceeded 10,000 US dollars. It is worth noting that it was founded by the founder and the leading investors and participants of these two employers were also in the seed round of the month of the month. According to the team introduction, it is the only company in Ethereum that has Ethereum and stable currency. Advantages can help attract more than $100 million, although the current total of Ethereum is only $100 million. It is believed that the two biggest opportunities in the current field are to reduce transaction costs and institutional-level perpetual rights and interests. People have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on transactions, and the current market perpetual contract transaction volume is twice that of spot transactions. These opportunities need a unique original income mechanism. It is believed that the existing benchmark interest rate will be used because the value of users' assets will depreciate over time by default. The balance of the household will automatically compound interest and earn extra rewards. Specifically, the pledge income from the original participation in the pledge will be returned to the user and if the user has it in his wallet, it will automatically grow to and earn income not only from the stable currency in the world, but also from the stable currency in the world. When the user bridges with the stable currency, it will be deposited in the Treasury bill agreement on the equal chain and the income will be returned to the user through the automatic basic stable currency. At present, the preemptive experience activity has been launched for all participants in the invitation system. At present, the interactive interface that everyone will get points rewards has supported English, simplified Chinese, Japanese and Korean in the pre-emptive experience stage. For Chinese users, the experience is still relatively friendly. Although the infrastructure has been built, the development is still in a very early stage. Only bridge funds will get double points when they enter this game, but the withdrawal of funds will have to wait until the main network is opened and launched next month. Maybe it will wait until the main network is started. It's time to reach the test network ahead of time, and for this reason, we have specially launched an airdrop reward activity for developers. All airdrops will be distributed to developers. Therefore, at present, users' participation will be maintained in the airdrop stage of simply pulling people to earn points. The community reflects how to support all types of such application scenarios in the future according to the described vision. This design concept has aroused discussions in the community. The researchers of the Firecoin Incubator believe that it is nothing new for users to pledge their assets on the public chain, but the appearance can avoid the middlemen from making poor profits. The founder of the price project said that the most special thing compared with other currencies is that it can provide primary income for the stable currency, which makes my eyes shine, but there are also different voices. The editor-in-chief said that the pyramid scheme tastes the same as the one. The opening ceremony of the winning numbers airdrop seems to be the conventional marketing method of investors, and some people don't buy it. Investors think that people will only participate in the game for the sake of airdrop. In addition, the birth began with the income demand of investors in the world early today. Later, it was announced that the first-season airdrop application had been opened and the first-season airdrop was opened for a month. In the introduction, the founder said that the strategy of automatically generating interest for the first-season airdrop would undoubtedly bring more users and liquidity. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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