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先了解一下近期我们在关注的Starknet生态,Starknet在推他们的链上可实现复杂的创新、完全链上游戏,那么下面我们来盘点一些部署在Starknet上的链游,说不定明年1月份 $strk 会引起一波热潮。把握住我们认为10X-100X的机会是存在的。

首先starknet力推的Cairo——一种基于 STARK 证明、受 Rust 启发的语言,用于在 Starknet 上编写智能合约,使得链游有一个比较好的搭建环境, 而Dojo 是一个可证明的游戏引擎和工具链,用于使用 Cairo 1.0 构建链上游戏和自治世界。所以就形成了一个全链游戏搭建的天然优势。

官方主要在推的两款链游influenceth是一款开放经济的太空战略 MMO,玩家可以在其中殖民小行星、建设基础设施、发现技术并参与战斗,团队成员十多位,有着丰富的经验,可以体验一下,SWAY是他们的代币,目前还没发行。

2. https://loot-survivor.vercel.app按会话付费的策略游戏,早期测试者可以获得代币。

LootRealms由 BibliothecaDAO在 Starknet 开发的利用 L2 高扩展性开发的经济和军事战略游戏,作为 Loot 衍生的即时战略 MMO 全链游戏,具备实时支撑、无最终状态、可组合性、模式重构等特点。此前公募筹集63万美金。$LORDS 高位$1.09 目前下跌-90.75%.




这个项目是V神参与投资,Kakarot 是一个用 Cairo 编写的 zkEVM。它旨在允许用户利用有效性 rollup 的扩展优势,同时保持与以太坊生态系统的兼容性。因此,Kakarot 可用于在 Starknet 上运行以太坊智能合约。

Clément Walter 是 Kakarot 的联合创始人兼首席技术官。他也是 Starksheet 的创始人。Elias Tazartes 是 Kakarot 的联合创始人。他是一名全栈区块链 Dapp 开发人员。

完成了两轮融资都没有公布金额,投资方:StarkWare、LambdaClass、Vitalik Buterin、Rand Hindi、Edi Sinovcic、Nicolas Bacca等

Ekubo Protocol

Ekubo 是专为 Starknet 打造的自动化做市商,具有集中的流动性、可扩展性和高效的资本效率。完成1200 万美元融资,投资方为UNISWAP。

Moody Salem 是 Ekubo 创始人,此前于 2020 年 4 月作为第五名员工加入 Uniswap 担任工程师主管,贡献了大量Uniswap 的早期代码。此前,他在 Google、Amazon 等从事过开发工作。


AVNU 是一种去中心化交易协议与流动性基础设施,旨在始终寻求为 Starknet (以及更广泛的 L2s)上的交易者和 dApp提供最佳执行策略。该项目通过在多个去中心化交易所 (DEX) 中搜索最佳交易路线来优化交易执行并最大限度地减少滑点。此外,其询价 (RFQ) 系统集成了做市商的流动性、优化价格发现、消除滑点并提供 MEV 保护。

Florian BELLOTTI 是 AVNU 的联合创始人。之前,他曾在 Kleis Technology Sàrl 担任高级软件工程师。



Blast 是一种与 EVM 兼容、具有原生收益的乐观 rollup。在 Blast 上,用户的余额会自动复利,并额外赚取 Blast 奖励

Pacman是Blur创始人。他 17 岁时从高中辍学进入 Y Combinator,后进入麻省理工学院计算机系学习,曾获得泰尔奖学金,离开麻省理工学院后创建Namebase,出售Namebase到Namecheap。

Blast 完成 2000 万美元融资













Nat是 TAP 协议上的新项目。总量81万张,目前3、4位数已经打完,打6位数比较保险,成本大约8U左右,可以打点防身,警惕目前的gas费很高,你也可能会抢先。这意味着其他人已经提交了相同的铭文文本,但需要支付更高的汽油费,才能将自己排在您前面以等待该区块的铭文。


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asc20的aval,总量和pols一样2100万张,AVAX链基础设施齐全,有可能再造就一个pols奇迹,成本:1u 100条 (应该要打几天)





Ordz Games

 Ordz Games 第 4 季测试版,

该游戏赛季终于以全新的 Ordz Heroes PvP + 投注模式回归,

1 游戏亮点:


通过《Candy Rush》积累能量并释放强大的技能

Ordz Heroes持有者可以参加排名赛并争夺每周排行榜奖励


下注$OG $,赢得更多$OG $

2 参与福利:


在我们的 Discord 测试版频道中提供宝贵的反馈,以获得额外的$OG $ 奖励

Beta 版玩家将收到一定数量的初始$OG $

3 资格:

$OG $ 墨盒的拥有者自动有资格参加 Beta 测试

-拥有 10 个或以上 Ordz 英雄的玩家可以申请 Beta 测试


Ordz 英雄市场:https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/ordz-heroes


-Ordz Heroes 第 4 赛季遵循每周比赛形式,每周发放奖励

-第一个每周季节:今晚 8 点 UTC+ 8 -周五早上 8 点 UTC+8


First of all, let's ask you a question: Do you think it will be the highlight of next year? Our answer is that besides ecology, it is worthy of our attention. First, let's know that the ecology we are paying attention to recently can realize complex innovation and complete online games on the chain that pushes them. Then let's take stock of some chain tours deployed on the internet. Maybe next month, it will cause a wave of enthusiasm. Grasping the opportunities we think is a kind of first push-based one. It is proved that the inspired language is used to write smart contracts on the internet, which makes the chain tour have a better construction environment, but a provable game engine and tool chain used to build online games and autonomous worlds, so it forms a natural advantage of the whole chain game construction. The two chain tours mainly promoted by the government are an open economy space strategy in which players can colonize asteroids, build infrastructure, discover technology and participate in combat teams. More than ten members have rich experience to experience. Let's take a look at their tokens. At present, the pay-per-session strategy game has not been released. Early testers can get tokens. The real-time strategy full-chain game, which is derived from the economic and military strategy game that is being developed with high scalability, has the characteristics of real-time support and no final state composability, and the pattern reconstruction. Previously, the public offering raised $10,000, and the project in the picture is currently falling. Our previous article talked about the market of the top ten ecological projects in the second half of the year or will usher in a big explosion. This project is written with God's participation in investment. It aims to allow users to take advantage of the extended advantages of effectiveness while maintaining compatibility with the Ethereum ecosystem. Therefore, it can be used to run the Ethereum smart contract on the Internet. He is also the co-founder and chief technology officer. He is also the co-founder of a full-stack blockchain developer. He has completed two rounds of financing without announcing the amount. Investors and others are automated market makers specially designed to build, with centralized liquidity, scalability and efficiency. The capital efficiency of $10,000 was completed, and the investor Wei was the founder. He joined as the fifth employee as the engineer supervisor in June and contributed a lot of early code. He had been engaged in development work before. It is a decentralized trading agreement and liquidity infrastructure, aiming at always seeking for traders and providing the best execution strategy in a wider range of markets. The project optimizes trading execution and minimizes slippage by searching for the best trading route in multiple decentralized exchanges. Its inquiry system integrates the liquidity of market makers, optimizes price discovery, eliminates slip points and provides protection. Yes, he was a co-founder who worked as a senior software engineer before. The following is our list of popular first-class projects today. It is an optimism with compatibility and original income. The balance of the upper user will automatically compound interest and earn extra rewards. The founder was founded after he dropped out of high school and entered the computer department of Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the age of. The starting point of selling to complete the financing of $10,000 is very high, and the advantage of investing in a brand-new professional development team is that the interest income that can be obtained in the world comes from the pledge and the physical asset agreement, and the income of these decentralized agreements will be automatically returned to the users. On other second-tier solutions, the default interest rate is yes, while the interest rate on the world is stable, and the interest rate on the currency is even greater. The surprise is that the airdrop will stimulate the cross-chain capital interaction in a planned way, so that the above benefits will be superimposed on the relationship between one step and the next. The new metropolis is based on the fact that the revenue from launching a perpetual contract will make the community earn more than it does now. The total number of new projects in the agreement is 10,000, and the current digits have been typed. Compared with the insurance cost, you can guard yourself against the high cost at present, which means that other people have submitted the same inscription text, but they have to pay a higher gasoline fee to wait for the inscription in this block to be replaced, that is, it can be actually, that is, the figures are not over. After passing the current block number, you can then copy the whole text to see if anyone has already entered this number. If you don't copy this text to the inscription, open the official website and paste the code after checking the duplicate. Step 3: Check whether it has been typed successfully. After passing a block, copy the code and check who ranks first. The total amount of this one belongs to whom is the same as that of 10,000 chains. It is possible to recreate it as a miracle. The cost bar should be typed for a few days. See the following index for the end of the season of the game. By accumulating energy and releasing powerful skills, holders can participate in ranking competitions and compete for weekly leaderboards. Non-holders can also join the training ground to get meager rewards. Betting to win more benefits, the early bird can get more rewards. Providing valuable feedback in our beta channel to get additional rewards, players will receive a certain number of initial qualifications, and owners of ink cartridges will be automatically qualified. Players who take part in the test and have two or more heroes can apply for the test here. The first season follows the form of weekly competition, and awards are given every week. The first season is tonight and Friday morning, and the latest inscription ecology is adjusted. It is better for everyone to take the bibcock of various agreements as a reference. After all, the types of projects are mainly based on bibcock. After all, everyone understands that this is why we should participate in the primary market. As long as it is right, it may be the next target for everyone to participate in the primary market. If you want to participate in the primary market, you are welcome to write to us privately. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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