LD Capital赛道周报(11.21):ETH质押率下降 POW赛道火热

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Aave协议母公司Aave Companies宣布品牌更名为Avara并战略收购加密钱包Family,其创始人Stani Kulechov表示,Avara计划通过收购加密钱包Family来帮助用户进入Web3生态系统。此次更名属于品牌重塑,对Aave现有业务影响不大。




上周Compound社区发起的提案191因未能达到quorum将不会被执行。该提案提议在4个月时间内拨款7770 COMP(价值约40万美元)用于Compound增长计划。

Compound创始人创立的RWA公司SuperState完成了1400万美元A轮融资,本轮融资由Distributed Global和CoinFund领投,融资金额未披露。






LD Capital加密赛道周报[2023/11/20]:ETH质押率下降,POW赛道火热

来源:LD Capital


LD Capital加密赛道周报[2023/11/20]:ETH质押率下降,POW赛道火热

来源:LD Capital


LD Capital加密赛道周报[2023/11/20]:ETH质押率下降,POW赛道火热

来源:ultrasound,LD Capital

三大LSD协议中,从价格表现来看,LDO一周上涨9%,RPL下跌7.9%,FXS上涨10.8%;从ETH质押量角度来看,Lido一周上涨0.47%,Rocket Pool上涨1.62%,Frax上涨0.80%。上周ETH价格上下跌1.7%,ETH价格的高位震荡使得部分质押者解质押出售,ETH质押率出现了少见的小幅下降。上周Brevan Howard Digital向交易所转入50万枚LDO,Dragonfly Capotal向交易所转入150万枚LDO;Rocket Pool目前存款池余额18000枚ETH,RPL质押率50.94%,有效质押比例93.78%;SSV网络质押ETH达到3.9万枚。



LD Capital加密赛道周报[2023/11/20]:ETH质押率下降,POW赛道火热

来源:NFTGo,LD Capital


LD Capital加密赛道周报[2023/11/20]:ETH质押率下降,POW赛道火热

来源:Dune,LD Capital

NFT借贷市场中,BendDAO目前TVL9965万美元,环比下降3.3%,其中ETH存款1.81万枚,利用率12.72%,存款利率7.09%,借款利率4.06%(支付给借款人),BEND质押利率4.54%;Jpeg’d TVL2477万美元,环比下降4.6%,Curve中pETH/WETH LP收益率24.29%。BEND代币过去一周上涨38%,大幅领先于其协议借贷业务量的增长,使得目前使用协议抵押贷款的Bend代币补贴超过实际借款利率,对于NFT持有者来说存在套利空间。



Layer2 TVL总量为139.5亿美元,近7日整体TVL上涨1.86%。



1、OP Stack第一个故障证明Canyon 硬分叉于11月15日在超级链测试网上顺利激活。

2、Lattice 还作为 OP Stack 的核心开发人员加入超级链,并发布Redstone Holesky 测试网,该测试网主要用于链上游戏和其他应用程序的 L2。


Arbitrum Sepolia测试网现已上线,Arbitrum Goerli将于今天两个月后弃用,此后访问 Arbitrum Goerli 将需要运行个人节点。


LD Capital加密赛道周报[2023/11/20]:ETH质押率下降,POW赛道火热




LD Capital加密赛道周报[2023/11/20]:ETH质押率下降,POW赛道火热



1、OpenAI创始人Sam Altman和Greg Brockman将加入微软。微软表示,Altman和Brockman将领导新的微软人工智能团队,将迅速为Altman团队提供所需资源。此前,OpenAI创始人Sam Altman被免去OpenAI CEO和董事会职务,OpenAI联创Greg Brockman因Sam被罢免也选择离职。

2、Twitch联合创始人Emmett Shear确认已接任OpenAI CEO一职


1、RNP-007 通过了首次社区投票:该提案将推动AI云平台FEDML和 Render之间的协作开展合作,将 AI社区需求引入Render的计算网络;FEDML的研究人员和数据科学家社区获得对Render分布式GPU网络的访问权限。


Dex combined TVL 12.79 billion,较上周减少0.6 billion。Dex 24小时交易量2.51billion, 7天交易量27billion, 较上周增加2billion。


RUNE TVL已攀升至以太坊上前十。由于RUNE本身的套利机制,套利者给BTC-RUNE, ETH-RUNE带去大量交易手续费,APY、TVL双增长,而RUNE使用激励机制确保网络上每1美元非-RUNE资产有3美元的RUNE被锁定,因此TVL的增长杠杆放大RUNE的需求,增加了买压。判断thorchain正向循环能否持续,关注BTC价格以及saver的 total saved vaue是否继续保持增长。

LD Capital加密赛道周报[2023/11/20]:ETH质押率下降,POW赛道火热

ETH L2/sidechain

LD Capital加密赛道周报[2023/11/20]:ETH质押率下降,POW赛道火热

BTC L2/Sidechain

LD Capital加密赛道周报[2023/11/20]:ETH质押率下降,POW赛道火热

Alt L1

LD Capital加密赛道周报[2023/11/20]:ETH质押率下降,POW赛道火热


本周IBC volume净流入排名前十的项目为:Osmosis,Cosmos hub ,Axelar, Kujira, Celestia, Neutron,Terra,Stride和Akash。


这一消息导致加密代币Worldcoin(WLD)飙升至OpenAI董事会出人意料的举动之前的价格水平。链接IBC的AKASH和FET也在本周领涨,领先涨幅榜的是Akash Network(AKT),过去24小时飙升超50%,达到1.66美元。



LD Capital加密赛道周报[2023/11/20]:ETH质押率下降,POW赛道火热



LD Capital加密赛道周报[2023/11/20]:ETH质押率下降,POW赛道火热



LD Capital加密赛道周报[2023/11/20]:ETH质押率下降,POW赛道火热


LD Capital加密赛道周报[2023/11/20]:ETH质押率下降,POW赛道火热



目前的POW代币,除了主张底层是POW、更快的速度之外,一般会叠加其他概念和服务,如智能合约平台、隐私网络和隐私代币、AI算力平台、AI算法平台、物联网等。TAO 属于AI算法平台,DNX、CLORE属于AI算力平台,ATOR属于隐私网络,ZEPH属于隐私稳定币,XNA属于物联网。

LD Capital加密赛道周报[2023/11/20]:ETH质押率下降,POW赛道火热


LD Capital加密赛道周报[2023/11/20]:ETH质押率下降,POW赛道火热


LD Capital加密赛道周报[2023/11/20]:ETH质押率下降,POW赛道火热


LD Capital加密赛道周报[2023/11/20]:ETH质押率下降,POW赛道火热



· 将于11月28日在Epic Games Store上市。


· Stepn 和 Gas Hero 联合宣布,将针对 Stepn 内的 Genesis 、OG 鞋子的持有者发放 Gas Hero 内的 NFT 空投。其中,创世鞋(包括盒子)持有者可获得1枚 BCV+ 1 枚 Hero;OG 鞋(包括盒子)持有者可获得 1 枚 Hero。Gas Hero 预计将于 11 月 24 日至 12 月 8 日期间进行社区测试,并使用GMT作为游戏代币。

the Sandbox

· The Sandbox与Aave生态NFT游戏Aavegotchi合作发布新游戏“Ripples of the Gotchiverse”,并提供5万枚SAND和5000枚GHST作为P2E奖励。

· Gucci入驻The sandbox并推出Gucci Cosmos Land体验。

· the Sandbox母公司Animoca Brands将获得沙特NEOM投资基金5000万美元投资,其中2500万美元将通过发行可转换票据的方式进行。

The parent company of the loan agreement announced that the brand name was changed to strategic acquisitions Encrypted Wallet, and its founder said that it planned to help users enter the ecosystem by purchasing encrypted wallets. This renaming belongs to the community where the rebranding has little impact on the existing business. A community temperature check vote was initiated to identify the security incident on May as a shortage incident to activate the security module. The locked pledge tokens can be auctioned to make up for the deficit. The vote ended on May but was not passed. The community will launch a four-month period. The voting will end today, and the proposal initiated by the community last week will not be implemented because it has not been achieved. It is proposed to allocate about $10,000 for the company founded by the founder of the growth plan within a month, and the company has completed the $10,000 round of financing. The undisclosed amount of financing has been released by the team to the governance forum. The proposal proposes to deploy the loan agreement to the network. Last week, there were 10,000 pieces locked in the beacon chain, and the corresponding pledge rate decreased month-on-month. Among them, the active verification nodes increased by 10,000 month-on-month. The annualized inflation of pledge income this week and the pledge of the top three burned this week decreased month-on-month. The pledge rate of encrypted track weekly decreased. The pledge rate of track weekly decreased. The pledge rate of track weekly decreased. From the price performance of the three major agreements, Look at the week's rise, fall and rise. From the perspective of pledge quantity, the week's rise, rise and rise. Last week's high price shock caused a rare slight decline in the pledge rate of some pledges. Last week, 10,000 pieces were transferred to the exchange, and 10,000 pieces were transferred to the exchange. The current deposit pool balance, the pledge rate and the effective pledge ratio reached 10,000 pieces. The overall market turnover reached 10,000 US dollars, the total market value decreased by 100 million US dollars, and the number of holders increased by 10,000 yuan, while the encryption The pledge rate of the weekly newspaper declined. In the hot source trading platform of the track, the transaction volume of $10,000 decreased last week, and the market share rose to $100 million. The month of the second quarter will be closed. The pledge rate of the weekly newspaper of the track decreased. In the hot source lending market, the current $10,000 decreased, of which the deposit utilization rate, deposit interest rate and loan interest rate were paid to borrowers. The pledge interest rate of $10,000 decreased month-on-month, and the yield token rose significantly ahead of its agreement in the past week. With the increase of loan business, the token subsidy of the current agreement mortgage loan exceeds the actual loan interest rate. For the holders, there is arbitrage space. The total amount of Ethereum has risen by hundreds of millions of dollars recently. The first fault proved that the hard fork was successfully activated on the hyperlink test network on January, and it was also used as the core developer to join the hyperlink and release the test network. The test network, which is mainly used for online games and other applications, is now online and will be abandoned two months later today. After that, the visit will need transportation. Activity on the individual node chain, encryption, pledge rate of track weekly report decreased, token prices of many projects in the track hot source plate increased significantly last week due to related events and plate rotation, and other projects also increased to varying degrees. The pledge rate of encrypted track weekly report decreased, and the founder of the track hot source and Microsoft said that he would join the new Microsoft artificial intelligence team and would quickly provide the necessary resources for the team. The founder was removed from the post of board of directors and co-founder also chose to leave. The co-founder confirmed that he had taken over the post and passed the first community vote. The proposal will promote the cooperation between the cloud platform and the computing network, and the researchers and data scientists who introduce community needs will gain access to the distributed network. Compared with last week, the hourly transaction volume has decreased, and the daily transaction volume has increased, and it has climbed to the top ten in the Ethereum. Because of its own arbitrage mechanism, arbitrageurs have brought a lot of transaction fees to double growth, and they use incentive mechanisms to ensure that every dollar on the network is non-assets. The dollar is locked, so the demand for growth leverage amplification increases the buying pressure. Judge whether the positive cycle can continue to pay attention to the price and whether it will continue to grow. The pledge rate of encrypted track weekly report declines. The pledge rate of encrypted track weekly report declines. The pledge rate of encrypted track weekly report declines. The top ten projects of this week's net inflow are and tokens. The co-founder and current former CEO were made public last Friday. The news that the board of directors of our company dramatically recalled the encrypted tokens caused by this news soared to the price level before the unexpected move of the board of directors, and also led the list of gains this week. The derivatives soared in the past hour and exceeded the US dollar. Last week, the contract positions remained in a wide range of shocks around US$ 100 million, and the weekly pledge rate of encrypted tracks declined. The hot source of the track was that the contracts in the past week still maintained a high trading volume, but it declined compared with the previous week. The trading mood of the big retracement contract has dropped, and the focus has shifted to the activity on the equal chain. The pledge rate of the weekly report of the encrypted track has dropped. From the data of the explosion, we can see that the amount of the explosion has been obviously larger since the end of the month. The main reason is that the pressure level of the breakthrough has formed a new upward trend, which has driven the fluctuation of the trading funds to enter the market, which has brought the information that the pledge rate of the weekly report of the encrypted track has dropped, but the hot derivatives of the track are still at the top of the track in terms of trading volume, but accompanied by the release of a large amount at the beginning of the month. The capital needs to make a profit in advance to avoid risks, which leads to the decline of the currency price, and its front-end has gained the attention of funds. This week, the pledge rate of the encrypted track weekly report has dropped, and the old tokens have not gained the attention of funds. They are in a shock stage, while the new concept coins have entered the field of capital attention with the continuous strong breakthrough, and they have gained excellent gains in the past week. At present, besides advocating that the bottom layer is faster, other concepts and services, such as the privacy of the smart contract platform, are generally superimposed. Network and privacy token computing platform, algorithm platform, Internet of Things, etc. belong to computing platform, privacy platform, privacy stable currency, and Internet of Things encrypted track. The pledge rate of weekly newspaper dropped, and the track was hot. The output income from the fish pond's hourly production has also recovered, ranking seventh in the encrypted track. The pledge rate of weekly newspaper dropped, and the computing power of the track remained the first in terms of computing power. The privacy stable currency, which is second only to and after, gained more attention in overseas communities and promoted the recent growth. The pledge rate of weekly newspaper in encrypted track dropped, and the track was hot and encrypted. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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