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有理由这么认为。早在2016年,Vitalik Buterin就写道,Crypto经济学和人工智能安全社区都在“努力解决从根本上说是相同的问题”,即如何监管具有“不可预测的突发属性”的复杂智能系统。




Foresight研究所总裁Allison Duettmann在最近举行的SmartCon 2023大会上表示:“在Crypto领域工作的每个人都可以发挥独特的作用,让AGI顺利发展。考虑到人工通用智能(AGI,即机器达到人类水平的智能)可能会很快到来的预测,这一点尤为重要。”

这种潜在的人工智能和区块链技术融合也在最近发布的、Casper Labs委托进行的一项调查中引起了IT决策者的关注。在接受调查的美国、欧洲和中国的608位IT领导人中,近一半(48%)的人都认为,人工智能和区块链技术的融合有可能彻底改变行业,从而提高数据的安全性、透明度和效率。


其基本理念是,区块链不可变、不可篡改的分布式账本与智能合约一起,可以为人工智能的实施提供防护,确保生产的是负责任的人工智能。有人认为,区块链甚至可以作为失控人工智能模型的一种 “紧急关闭”开关。

在Zogby Analytics公司委托Casper Labs进行的调查中,71%的IT领导者表示,他们认为“区块链和人工智能是互补的技术”。此外,当被问及他们的组织目前如何使用区块链时,“与AI有效合作”是整体最受欢迎的回答(51%)。


“这一命令带来了很大的动力”,以企业为重点的Layer 1区块链Casper Labs的首席执行官兼联合创始人Mrinal Manohar在接受Cointelegraph采访时表示。


“我们预计2024年将是大型POC (概念验证)和MVP (最小可行产品)的一年。在那之后,我预计会有实际的案例出现。”Manohar表示。


人工智能治理中心主任Ben Garfinkel在一篇常被引用的2021年论文中写道:“包括以太坊在内的既有无权限区块链效率太低,甚至无法运行相当简单的应用。即使是一个检查谁赢了一盘棋的应用程序,也会受到以太坊目前的限制。”


Casper Labs显然更为乐观。Manohar在报告中写道:“在解决AI的‘黑匣子’难题竞赛中,区块链正在成为我们一直在等待的一体化解决方案,以纳入急需的透明度。”用户基本上看不到人工智能系统的内部运作,因此才有了“黑匣子”的比喻。



“解决扩展问题的方法是通过混合区块链,”Manohar告诉Cointelegraph。今天没有人讨论将庞大的数据集放在以太坊或Casper Labs自己的第一层区块链上。Casper Labs的解决方案涉及同时使用许可(私有)区块链和公共(非许可)区块链。





“因此,如果人工智能模型开始出现幻觉或固有偏差的迹象,你只需将人工智能系统回滚到没有这些问题的最近一次迭代,随后就能诊断出问题数据的来源”,Casper Labs在其网站上指出。

但其他人并不相信区块链能解决人工智能的 “黑匣子 ”问题。

密歇根大学迪尔伯恩分校副教授兼迪尔伯恩人工智能研究中心主任Samir Rawashdeh告诉 Cointelegraph:“将区块链的'透明性'描述为人工智能'黑匣子'问题的解药其实是一种误导。这并不会使机器学习模型的固有内部工作更容易理解,也不会清楚知晓特定输出以何种方式追溯到原始训练数据。”

Rawashdeh认为,Casper Labs真正提出的是一个“版本控制系统”,尽管带有一些不错的功能,可以用来“跟踪AI模型的开发和部署。”









至于这两个社区,“归根结底,他们之间有很多可以相互学习的地方,”她说。在SmartCon 2023的演讲中,她指出,Crypto行业在网络安全方面非常出色,经常采用 “红队”(red teaming),即团队搜索会导致灾难性行为的输入。她提议:“让我们将'红队'扩展到机器学习模型中。”


在中国,人工智能与区块链技术的结合似乎尤其受到青睐。在Casper Lab的调查中,68%的中国IT受访者同意“人工智能和区块链技术的融合有可能彻底改变我们的行业,从而提高数据的安全性、透明度和效率”。相比之下,这一比例在美国为48%,在欧洲仅为34%。






Foreword Some people think that the hybrid blockchain with private and public aspects can solve the black box problem of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence and blockchain are emerging digital technologies, which attract the public's imagination, but also cause serious concern. Therefore, we can't help but ask whether artificial intelligence and blockchain can be integrated in a way that benefits mankind. It is reasonable to think so. As early as 2000, it was written that economics and artificial intelligence security communities are trying to solve fundamentally the same problem, that is, how to supervise the existence of. After all, both complex intelligent systems with unpredictable and unexpected properties rely on inherently clumsy systems to control them. Once the properties of these systems are created, they are inflexible. For example, once smart contracts are implemented, they cannot be changed. He concluded that the two communities should listen to each other's opinions more. Last year, with the emergence of other generative tools, people became more and more worried that artificial intelligence might get out of control. In a terrible situation, human beings may lose control of autonomous weapon systems, so blockchain and smart contracts can be It is becoming more and more popular to act as a protective fence to prevent the artificial intelligence model from deviating from the channel to some extent. At the recent conference, the president of the Institute said that everyone working in the field can play a unique role to make the smooth development. It is particularly important to consider the prediction that artificial general intelligence, that is, the intelligence of machines reaching human level, may come soon. This potential integration of artificial intelligence and blockchain technology has also aroused the decision makers' attention in a survey commissioned recently. Pay attention to the fact that nearly half of the leaders in the United States, Europe and China surveyed believe that the integration of artificial intelligence and blockchain technology may completely change the industry, thus improving the security, transparency and efficiency of data, and enhancing the complementary momentum of technology. Its basic idea is that blockchain can not be changed and tampered with, and distributed account books together with smart contracts can provide protection for the implementation of artificial intelligence and ensure that responsible artificial intelligence is produced. Some people think that blockchain can even be used as out-of-control artificial intelligence. The leaders in the survey commissioned by the company said that they think blockchain and artificial intelligence are complementary technologies. In addition, when asked how their organization uses blockchain at present, effective cooperation is the most popular answer. In addition, US President Biden issued an executive order on March to set new safety standards, which aims to protect the public from all kinds of risks, including fraud and deception aided by dangerous engineering biomaterials. In an interview, the CEO and co-founder of enterprise-focused blockchain said that more and more enterprise personnel have recently begun to consider the issue of artificial intelligence governance, and whether more enterprises will launch actual artificial intelligence blockchain projects. We expect that 2008 will be the year of large-scale proof of concept and minimum feasible products. After that, I expect that there will be actual cases, but there is no doubt that there must be obstacles, including expansion, despite recent achievements. Some progress has been made, but it is still a challenge to verify transactions in a timely manner in a large-capacity decentralized blockchain. The director of the artificial intelligence governance center wrote in a frequently cited annual paper that the existing unauthorized blockchain, including Ethereum, is too inefficient to run quite simple applications. Even an application that checks who won a game of chess will be limited by Ethereum at present. However, it is believed that if smart contracts become reliable enough, they may treat international agreements as verification mechanisms. The management system is obviously more optimistic. In the report, it is written that blockchain is becoming an integrated solution that we have been waiting for to incorporate the much-needed transparency. Users basically can't see the internal operation of artificial intelligence systems, so there is a metaphor for black box hybrid blockchain solution. However, if the blockchain technology can't even be expanded, how can it be regarded as a solution to the problem of artificial intelligence black box? The solution to the expansion problem is through mixing. The combined blockchain tells today that no one is discussing the solution of putting a huge data set on Ethereum or its own first-tier blockchain, which involves using both licensed private blockchain and public unlicensed blockchain. It further explains that people force themselves to fall into the thinking that you must fully obtain the license or you must completely open up the hybrid blockchain, and you have your own private blockchain. You can control it and configure it. You can make it run as fast as possible because you have a limit. For example, you may want to register a new version of artificial intelligence on the public chain. The beauty of this hybrid model is that you can choose when you need the non-tampering of the public chain and when you only need to manage the infrastructure yourself. He also stressed that as long as you fully store references in the public blockchain, you can always ensure that these data have not been tampered with, because if tampered, the hash value will not match anything. Everything to be audited can be put on the public blockchain because it is tamper-proof, so whenever I modify artificial intelligence or use a new data set, I will send it to the public blockchain once. One of the big problems of today's artificial intelligence is that people don't know when it will go wrong, but the blockchain provides a way to rewind it, because the blockchain is highly serialized and time stamped, so if the artificial intelligence model starts to show signs of hallucination or inherent deviation, you just need to roll back the artificial intelligence system. Until the latest iteration without these problems, the source of the problem data can be diagnosed. It is pointed out on its website, but others don't believe that blockchain can solve the black box problem of artificial intelligence. Associate professor at the University of Michigan at dearborn and director of the dearborn Artificial Intelligence Research Center told me that it is misleading to describe the transparency of blockchain as the antidote to the black box problem of artificial intelligence, which will not make the inherent internal work of machine learning model easier to understand and will not clearly know the characteristics. Determine how the output can be traced back to the original training data. It is considered that what is really proposed is a version control system, although it has some good functions to track the development and deployment of the model. Nevertheless, it is added that the blockchain can indirectly deal with the black box challenge by providing an audit trail that helps to ensure the data integrity, source and transparency of the data set used for training the model, but this does not make the actual decision-making process easier to explain. When machines unite against human beings and look forward to the future, people are worried about artificial general intelligence. Can blockchain help avoid the nightmare of those models overthrowing elections or even participating in wars? 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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