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时隔 19 个月,比特币于突破 37000 大关,这背后是金融、市场与技术三大力量共同推动的结果,BlackRock 等主流传统金融机构对 ETF 落地的不断推进,Ordinals、BRC20 的 fairlaunch 引起市场散户的追捧,以及 RGB、闪电网络、BitVM 等比特币二层与智能合约的发展,使得曾经的数字黄金被拓展出了很大的可用性和参与度,BTC 生态也颇有全面开花之势。




ODOS 是行业首个 Ordinals 交易机器人(FirstOrdinalsTradingBot),通过追踪链上索引及 mempool 数据并结合 LLM 驱动的 AI 模型,为用户提供及时、全面、智能的资产管理及链上交互工具,主要功能如下:

1.个性化信息流,通过获取链上索引数据并结合用户持仓情况,智能推送链上行情异动(大额转账 / 涨跌提醒 / 深度变化),帮助用户第一时间捕获交易机会。

2.AI 抢跑铭刻,通过监测 mempool 中实时数据第一时间发掘热点资产,并以对话形式收集用户铭刻需求,协助完成抢跑。

3.AI 辅助交易,持续监测用户持仓及挂单情况,出现持仓资产行情异动时询问并协助用户第一时间批量化、精细化处理订单(挂单 / 改单 / 撤单)。

创始团队为一线互联网资深 toC 产品&AI 研发负责人,自今年 4 月起深耕 Ordinals 赛道,早期作为核心贡献者参与过 RecursiveInscription 项目及铭文协议的构建,同时作为交易者结合自建工具在铭文赛道捕获了多个百倍回报的资产,熟悉 Ordinals 市场、尤其是 BRC20 市场交易用户的需求跟痛点,也具备扎实的链上研发及大模型定制开发能力。



Infinitas是一个图灵完备的比特币应用生态系统,作为一项创新的区块链解决方案,Infinitas 将打造下一代比特币大规模应用场景。旨在实现更高的隐私保护、卓越的吞吐量和出色的低延迟交易处理。结合闪电网络和 RGB 协议的相互支持和补充,Infinitas 充分发挥了比特币的安全性和共识机制,允许在比特币网络上创建更复杂的应用程序和智能合约,可以实现更加高效和可扩展的比特币生态系统。让比特币变得更加强大。Infinitas将优先提供OnlineIDE,数据浏览器,接入主流钱包等方式让开发者和用户参与到生态中,真正支持RWA和全链游戏等大体量商业应用的落地。为矿工、验证者、节点服务商、交易所、用户打造更加公平的去中心化加密世界。未来,数亿经济参与者将活跃在生态系统中创造价值。





4.便捷高效的支付解决方案:网络巧妙地融合了通用发票和 miniscript/PSBTs 的自动地址派生技术,为数字资产的生成和管理提供了便捷高效的解决方案。这使得数字资产的交易变得更加方便和高效。



Infinitas 项目技术核心由比特币底层部分代码建设者,以及最早关注到 RGB 协议且进行翻译相关工作的Top级区块链科学家团队带领,在DeFi2.0相关项目拥有深厚的研发经验。运营管理团队则由多个成功企业创业者们组成,具有极强商业素养和成熟的商业运作能力。



Recursiverse 主要的产品是 Bitmap 浏览器,服务 25000 多个 Bitmap 的用户,已经是全链最多用户地址数的元宇宙平台,Bitmap 的市值 3800 万美元。

同时 Recursiverse 还有 BitmapEditor(编辑器),BitmapCreator(资产创造器),BitmapMarketplace(基于 Bitmap 的私人交易市场)等产品线。

Recursiverse 也发布了 BRC-420 的资产协议,是比特币上唯一的元宇宙协议。协议包括两部分,一是复杂资产变成模块的开放协议,帮助开发者创造更复杂 / 立体 / 有交互的铭文资产,二是链上版税,让开发者可以获得收益。协议上线 2 周后,已经有数百个项目发行资产,交易量超过 40 万美元。

团队均为连续创业者,之前的元宇宙项目在 Web2 拥有 4000 万以上的全球用户,并获得顶尖 VC 连续 4 轮融资,同时有数名区块链的核心开发者,曾担任多条公链的联合创始人。



首个为 BTC 生态所有铭文提供的游戏化应用场景。

1.只需拥有任意一个 BTC 生态的铭文,都可以进入 BattleofInscriptions,与其他用户进行实时社交、PVP、PVE 等互动行为。





UXUY是由BinanceLabs孵化,基于MPC&AA钱包的下一代去中心化多链交易平台。UXUY 推出基于闪电网络的DID,并兼容 EVMDID 生态,秉承「YourCrypto,YouControl」的理念,UXUY积极参与比特币Layer2生态建设。UXUY为交易者提供公链之间数字货币、加密资产的即时跨链交易服务。目前已接入以太坊、BNBChain、Polygon、Tron、Optimism、Arbitrum、Avalanche-C、Fantom、Linea、Base等公链和Layer2。通过建立「以意图为中心」的社交交易功能,打造以「稳定币」为中心的流动性池,通用Gas解决方案GasPool,为用户提供类似CEX的交易体验。UXUY致力于帮助用户「FollowtheSmartMoney」,显着降低链上社会化交易门槛。




1.以 ATTIC 为核心,在 4-6 个月内打造众多子 Gamefi 联合创造一个游戏矩阵,每个产品都能与 ATTIC 产生联动,利用 BTC 生态创造专属于 ATTIC 的 Inscription,赋能权益比如代币空投,道具获取,属性加成等增益。实现拥有一个便可玩转所有,完成游戏生态的流量闭环。目前即将上线第一款 -Lucky77。

2.12 月接入游戏广告,利用传统的广告游戏的属性,让 holder 进行观看广告获取游戏内的代币或者道具,通过广告收益来实现团队的自给自足。

3.11 月主生态上线商城,holders 可以通过在生态里面进行交互获取生态积分,在商城里面进行 USDT,NFT 以及各项权益的兑换从而实现利润。

Holders 可以通过投票、gamefi、socialfi等各种dapp实用程序共同创作小说,创造IP,同时从您的想象力中获得乐趣和收益。

目前将在 brc20 上发布子合集系列,让用户更好的去参与 BTC 生态。

创始团队由原腾讯,37 互娱,中手游等高尖技术人员共同打造。

After a lapse of a few months, Bitcoin broke through the mark, which was the result of the joint promotion of financial market and technology. The continuous promotion of mainstream traditional financial institutions caused the pursuit of retail investors in the market, and the development of bitcoin second-tier and smart contracts such as lightning network made the once digital gold expand its usability and participation, and the ecology also blossomed in an all-round way. As one of the accelerators with the highest density of entrepreneurs in the industry, Everything Creation Camp naturally captured the opportunities at the forefront of the market. You won't miss not only alumni projects, but also projects covering the Bitcoin ecosystem from wallets to protocol applications. Highlights and details of the projects are as follows: What emerging projects are worthy of attention in the Bitcoin eco-entrepreneurial season? It is the first trading robot in the industry to provide users with timely, comprehensive and intelligent asset management and online interaction tools by tracking online indexes and data and combining with the driven model. The main functions are as follows: personalized information flow, intelligently pushing online market changes and large transfers by obtaining online index data and combining user positions. The change of the depth of account ups and downs reminds users to capture the trading opportunity in the first time, explore hot assets in the first time through real-time data in monitoring, and collect the user's engraving needs in the form of dialogue to help complete the auxiliary transaction of rushing, continuously monitor the user's positions and pending orders, and ask and assist users in batch and fine processing of orders, pending orders, changing orders and withdrawing orders. The founding team has been a senior product research and development person in charge of the first-line Internet since this month. As a core contributor, he has participated in the construction of the project and the inscription agreement, and at the same time, as a trader, he has captured a number of assets with a hundred times return on the inscription track with self-built tools. He is familiar with the market, especially the needs and pain points of market trading users, and also has a solid ability of on-line R&D and large-scale model customization development. What emerging projects are worthy of attention in the bitcoin eco-business season is a turing and complete bitcoin application ecosystem. As an innovative blockchain solution, it will build the next generation of bitcoin on a large scale. Scenarios are designed to achieve higher privacy protection, excellent throughput and excellent low-latency transaction processing, combined with the mutual support and supplement of lightning networks and protocols, give full play to the security and consensus mechanism of Bitcoin, allow the creation of more complex applications and smart contracts on Bitcoin networks, realize a more efficient and extensible Bitcoin ecosystem, make Bitcoin more powerful, and give priority to providing data browsers with access to mainstream wallets to allow developers and users to participate in the ecosystem. Real support and the landing of large-scale commercial applications such as full-chain games will create a fairer decentralized encryption world for miners, verifiers, nodes, service providers and exchange users. In the future, hundreds of millions of economic participants will be active in the ecosystem to create value. The network has the following unique characteristics. The operation of the bitcoin blockchain pollution network will hardly have a negative impact on the bitcoin blockchain, which means that it can operate without disturbing the overall ecosystem and maintain the blockchain ecology. The security of clean data storage ensures the security of multi-level data storage by using decentralized incentive mechanism network, thus improving users' trust in data security. This method helps to reduce data leakage and risks. Efficient and privacy-enhanced communication introduces onion message routing technology to realize efficient and highly privacy-protected message transmission, and adopts advanced homomorphic commitment technology and zero-knowledge proof to ensure that users' privacy is highly protected in the process of transaction and data processing, which not only mentions With high communication efficiency, it can also resist various potential attacks. Convenient and efficient payment solution network skillfully combines general invoice and automatic address derivation technology to provide a convenient and efficient solution for the generation and management of digital assets, which makes the transaction of digital assets more convenient, efficient and safe, and ensures the immutability of the model through social consensus mechanism to maintain the stability and compliance of smart contracts, which ensures the reliability and credibility of contract execution. The development environment provides a comprehensive language development environment and excellent intelligent contract development experience for developers, which helps to attract the participation of the developer community and promote the development and innovation of the ecosystem. The technical core of the project is led by the code builder at the bottom of Bitcoin and the team of level blockchain scientists who first paid attention to the agreement and carried out translation-related work. The operation management team has deep research and development experience in related projects, and the operation management team is composed of a number of successful entrepreneurs with strong business literacy and maturity. What new projects are worthy of attention in the bitcoin eco-entrepreneurship season? The main products are browser services, and the market value of the meta-universe platform with the largest number of users' addresses in the whole chain is US$ 10,000. At the same time, the product lines such as the private trading market based on the editor asset creator have also released the asset agreement, which is the only meta-universe agreement on Bitcoin. The agreement includes two parts. One is the open agreement that complex assets become modules to help developers create more complex and interactive memories. The second is the royalties on the chain, so that developers can get benefits. After the agreement was launched, hundreds of projects have issued assets with a transaction volume of more than 10,000 US dollars. Before the team was a serial entrepreneur, the Meta-Universe project had more than 10,000 global users and won the top continuous round of financing. At the same time, several core developers of blockchain were co-founders of several public chains. Which emerging projects are worthy of attention? The first gamification application scenario provided for all inscriptions of ecology only needs to be owned. Any ecological inscription can enter the interactive behavior of real-time social interaction with other users, and will airdrop tokens for each user who participates in the game. It will be the only chip for interactive behavior in the game. What emerging projects are worthy of attention in the bitcoin ecological entrepreneurship season? The next generation decentralized multi-chain trading platform based on incubating wallets will launch the concept of lightning network and compatible ecology, and actively participate in the bitcoin ecological construction to provide traders with digital currency encrypted assets between public chains. At present, the instant cross-chain trading service of has been connected to public chains such as Ethereum, and a general solution to create a liquidity pool centered on stable coins has been established to provide users with similar trading experience. The founding team is committed to helping users significantly lower the threshold of socialized trading on the chain. The founding team has rich experience in the development, operation and management of encrypted wallet trading financial data and trading system terminals. What emerging projects are worthy of attention in the Bitcoin eco-entrepreneurship season? The core will build many sub-alliances within months to create a game matrix. Each product can be linked with the production and use of ecology to create exclusive benefits. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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