加密真正需要的是一个杀手级应用 而不是币安

币圈资讯 阅读:39 2024-04-22 12:27:26 评论:0



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作者:Aaron Brown,彭博社 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网


11月21日,在华盛顿州西雅图联邦法院外,Binance首席执行官赵长鹏(Changpeng Zhao)离开。赵长鹏根据一项全面的和解协议承认了反洗钱和美国制裁违规行为。摄影师:Chloe Collyer/彭博社通过盖蒂图片社摄影师:Chloe Collyer/Bloomberg通过Getty Images

Binance Holdings Ltd.首席执行官赵长鹏似乎选择了后者。我们不知道交易的所有细节——最重要的是赵长鹏必须花费多长时间(如果有的话)在监狱里——但它似乎为Binance继续作为全球最大的加密货币交易所铺平了道路,并使赵长鹏保持了在彭博亿万富翁指数前100名的地位。

我认为交易本身以及它将要求的加强控制措施都存在一个重大风险,这将玷污Binance在其许多客户中的声誉,尤其是在美国以外的地方。那些想要符合美国规定的加密货币交易所已经建立了替代方案,如Coinbase Global Inc.。


但这是一个扭曲的视角,因为它忽略了相对和平稳定的加密协议的发展故事,这些协议不需要与传统金融或法律体系的任何互动。热门领域包括Metaverse、Web 3.0、Layer 2和Layer 3,尽管2022年DeFi发展受挫,但不要排除它。虽然所有这些东西都有技术定义,对于营销和炒作来说更有用,而不是分类和跟踪实际项目。但在所有这些方面都取得了真正的进展,甚至更多。 (声明:我是一名积极的加密投资者,并与加密公司有风险投资和咨询关系。)







Digital currency purists mostly want to reduce the compulsory supervision of the government and large financial institutions, not to cooperate with them, not to cooperate according to their conditions. On April, CEO Zhao Changpeng left outside the federal court in Seattle, Washington, and admitted anti-money laundering and US sanctions violations according to a comprehensive settlement agreement. Photographer Bloomberg, through Getty Images, seems to choose through CEO Zhao Changpeng. Apart from the latter, we don't know all the details of the transaction. The most important thing is how long Zhao Changpeng must spend in prison, if any, but it seems to pave the way for continuing to be the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange and keep Zhao Changpeng in the top position of Bloomberg Billionaires Index. I think there is a major risk in the transaction itself and the enhanced control measures it will require, which will tarnish the reputation of many of its customers, especially those outside the United States who want to comply with American regulations. The fixed cryptocurrency exchange has established alternatives. For example, the bigger problem is the relationship between the traditional and the cryptofinancial system. Almost all the news reports on encryption focus on the frontier, where people exchange cryptocurrency with legal tender or trade cryptoassets to earn legal tender profits or raise legal tender cash for encryption projects or use encryption to buy traditional goods and services. This is undoubtedly caused by excitement, conflicts, crimes, punishment, gains and losses, but this is a distorted perspective because. It ignores the development story of relatively peaceful and stable encryption protocols, which do not need any interaction with the traditional financial or legal system. Hot areas include and, despite the setbacks in development in, don't rule it out. Although all these things have technical definitions, they are more useful for marketing and hype rather than classifying and tracking actual projects, but they have made real progress in all these areas and even declared that I am an active encryption investor and have venture capital and consulting relations with encryption companies. Growing up in frontier areas, navigating in multiple jurisdictions with vague and inconsistent regulations, meeting customers' needs and angering regulators, now it seems to choose to rebuild itself in the civilized and known areas of legal boundaries. American regulators seem to be ready to accept it as a legal immigrant. With other settlements and expected developments this year, such as approving spot bitcoin, this shows that there has been a gap between regulators and those who want to transfer funds between encryption and legal tender. A negotiation settlement has been reached, and the keeper of the financial sector seems willing to allow the transfer. If effective safeguards can be formulated to prevent fraud, money laundering, tax evasion and violation of sanctions, many old-school encryption purists I tend to doubt this direction. We believe that the future of encryption has nothing to do with traditional finance. We believe that the future of cryptocurrency will be separated from traditional finance, and those agreements that will completely change society will not be funded by legal cash and will not be easily converted into legal tender. Many cryptographers hope to reduce the coercive power of the government and big financial institutions, rather than cooperating with them, let alone cooperating according to their conditions. However, there are many other cryptographers who welcome the peace and clear rules in the frontier areas. One reason is that they think it will reduce the occurrence of fraud and crimes ranging from ransomware to terrorism. Another reason is that it will reduce the cost of legal capital to support cryptocurrency projects and increase the legal tender price that can be extracted from successful projects. But perhaps the biggest reason is that it will allow honest people to follow the safe harbor clause and work in the field of encryption without fear of being sued. There are differences in supervision between two factions. One faction wants to incorporate cryptocurrency into the existing legal system, while the other tends to separate cryptocurrency from legal tender as much as possible. The agreement reached between Zhao Changpeng and the US regulatory authorities seems to be the victory of the former faction. If the agreement can meet the needs of both parties, we can expect it. The future of encryption will be decided by technology, not by billionaires and lawyers negotiating on frontier real estate. If encryption can put forward killer applications that can convince hundreds of millions of people to really learn encryption, it will take off on its own without the permission of regulators or the funds of traditional investors. Without killer applications, encryption will still be a useful technical tool for minority projects and true believers, and it will not have enough economic value to attract the interest of most lawyers or investors. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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