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今年可谓是 Layer2(本文主要指 rollup)的大年,已经有近十条 Layer2 上线主网。

  • 3 月 24 日 ,zkSync era 上线

  • 3 月 27 日 ,Polygon zkevm 上线主网 Beta

  • 7 月 17 日 ,Mantle 宣布主网 Alpha 版本启动

  • 7 月 18 日,Linea 上线

  • 8 月 Base 主网上线

  • 9 月 12 日,Manta 推出其 Layer2 主网 Pacific

  • 10 月 10 日 Scroll 主网上线……

能明显感受到的是,Layer2 正在迅猛发展,不管是 Op rollup 还是我们以为很遥远的 ZK rollup,都以井喷的速度涌现,要知道现在距离 Arb 空投才过去半年多。

Layer2 技术原本的愿景是解决以太坊的扩容需求,提高交易吞吐量,同时依赖以太坊保持去中心化和安全性,对用户来说是更好的用户体验,远低于主网的手续费和更小的延迟拥堵。

本文旨在通过链上数据对比,让读者了解 Layer2 竞赛的一些格局和面貌。

Layer2 概览

(Source: https://defillama.com/chains/Rollup)

根据 DeFiLlama 数据,目前 Layer2 rollup 的总锁仓量大约$3.4B,第一名 Arbitrum 以$2.06B 的 TVL 遥遥领先,占据了 60.62%,其次是 Optimism,占据了 21.41% 的份额。

Arbitrum 和 Optimism 有 Layer2 赛道的先发优势,是最早落地的主网,两家合砍了超过 80% 的市场份额。

TVL 超过$100M 的还有 Base 和 zkSync era,其余公链的 TVL 均不足$100M。

(Source: https://defillama.com/chains/Rollup)

带上时间尺度观察,今年开始 Layer2 市场的多样性明显增加,以今年 1 月份作为基准,Arbitrum 的市场份额一直稳居 60% 左右,并未被后来者影响,而 Optimism 的份额则由 32% 下滑到 21%。

笔者注:DeFiLlama 数据和 L2BeatsTVL 数据差异较大,以 Arbitrum 为例,L2Beats($7.52B)甚至是 Defillama($2.06B)的 3 倍多。

这是由于两个平台的统计方法不同,L2Beats 统计的是跨链价值,即有多少钱通过跨链桥跨到目标链了;而 DeFiLlama 统计的是目标链上各个 dApp 的锁仓总量之和。

简单理解,就是差的$5B 没有在 Arbitrum 上的任何 dApp 中使用(可能是在钱包里屯币),起码没有在 DeFiLlama 统计的 dApp 中。


(Source: https://defillama.com/chain/Arbitrum?users=false&txs=true&tvl=true)

Arbitrum 目前累计有超过 14.29M 独立地址,共进行过 418.45M 笔交易,TPS6.3。

链上活跃度在三月空投时达到最高潮,单日 txn 超 3M 笔,空投之后链上也维持在一个较好的活跃度,并没有受到今年市场低迷的影响。

(Source: https://defillama.com/chain/Arbitrum?users=true)

Arbitrum 生态招牌项目多,如 GMX,占据了 TVL 的 23%,原生的 DEX+LaunchPad 项目神剑 Camelot,链游 TreasureDAO 等。

加上一众从主网迁移过来的项目,DeFi 体系完整,也有创新,整体的生态丰富程度高,因此用户留存情况较好,每日活跃用户接近 3/4 都是回头客。


(Source: https://defillama.com/chain/Optimism?txs=true)

Optimism 有 57.66M 独立地址进行了 177M 笔交易,TPS4.6。在去年六月空投之后,OP 的活跃度依旧保持着良好的增长势头。

原生的招牌项目 Velodrome 目前拥有$145M 的 TVL,其余 TVL 大部分由 Synthetix 以及其生态下的 DeFi 项目,如 Lyra,Thales 支撑。

(Source: https://www.theblockbeats.info/news/44039)

在 OP 进行 bedrock 升级,发布模块化区块链方案 OP Stack,提出超级链的愿景之后,显然走出了自己的道路。

OP Stack 允许开发者根据自己的场景、需求,选择、组装执行层、DA 层等,定制自己的 Layer2 网络,降低了发链的难度。

采用者包括 Coinbase 的 Base,BitDAO 的 Mantle,BN 的 opBNB,专注于 NFT 的 Zora 等等。而使用 OP Stack 的链也会一定程度上反哺 OP,比如 Base 会将一部分收入给到 OP 国库。

OP 以超级链的宏伟愿景,软绑定了使用 OP Stack 发链的项目方,达到一荣俱荣的效果。


(Source: https://defillama.com/chain/Base?txs=true)

如前面介绍,Base 的 Coinbase 基于 OP Stack 发的 Layer2,目前有用户 2.4M,交易数 67M,TPS3.8。

它的聚焦点主要来自于现象级的 dApp,FriendTech。最近 30 天内,FriendTech 的产生协议费用$5.4M,同期 Base 产生收入约为$1.32M。

在 SocialFi 热情最高涨的时候,FriendTech 的协议收入甚至仅次于以太坊和 Lido。

除了 FriendTech 之外,Base 能打的原生项目就是 Aerodrome,是 OP 上 Velodrome 的分叉,目前 TVL$55.53M,排在第一。


(Source: https://explorer.mantle.xyz/)

Mantle 是基于 Optimism OVM 架构设计 Layer 2,采用了模块化设计,利用 EigenDA 作为数据可用性层来大幅度降低 rollup 的成本。

目前 Mantle 上已有 82 万地址,进行过 21M 笔交易。

(Source: https://defillama.com/chain/Mantle)

Mantle TVL 领先的项目中有不少原生 DEX,如 Agni 和 FusionX。Mantle 有极为雄厚的资金支持。

Mantle Treasury 中储备价值超过 20 亿美金,其中有超过 22 万枚的 ETH,拥有存款规模和流动性的优势,为其后续开展 LSD 赛道项目打下坚实基础。

zkSync Era

(Source: https://dune.com/matter_labs/zksync-era-overview)

zkSync 是 zk 系的老牌龙头,由 MatterLabs 团队开发。

1.0 版本 Lite 仅支持代币支付场景,而 2.0 版本 era,则是 evm 兼容的通用型主网,已经有超过 4.67M 的独立地址。

zkSync 原本采用的是 zkSTARK 算法,7 月 17 日宣布推出新证明系统 Boojum,由 zkSNARK 过渡到 zkSTARK 的证明算法。

(Source: https://dune.com/matter_labs/zksync-era-overview)

zkSync Era 的上线紧随着 Arb 空投,因此用户对 zkSync 抱有极大的热情和期待,在短短半年多的时间里就累积了 4.6M 独立地址和 165M 的 txn。zkSync 内置原生的账户抽象,不需要使用 ERC4337 的方案。

zkSync 上龙头项目迁移的情况很少,如 Uniswap,AAVE,给了原生项目和一些新项目更多的机会,如 SyncSwap,Mute,Maverick 等,目前应用集中在 DeFi。

(Source: https://defillama.com/chain/zkSync%20Era)


(Source: https://blockscout.scroll.io/)

被称为华人之光的 zkevm 项目 Scroll 在 10 月 10 日宣布主网上线,短短数周内 TVL 就达到$17M,已经有超过 2M 的地址完成 4.7M 笔交易。

在 Scroll 宣布主网之前,推特上就有铺天盖地的暗示 Scroll 的图,不乏许多项目方和 KOL,整个营销造势的氛围就给人万众瞩目的观感。

一周内,Layer0 宣布支持 Scroll 主网,Orbiter 支持 Scroll 主网 USDT、USDC 跨链,OKX 钱包接入 Scroll,NFTScan 支持 Scroll 主网,一呼百应的势头证明了 Scroll 的影响力。

早在测试网时期,Scroll 上就部署了 100+的项目测试,覆盖了各个赛道。

目前在主网上部署的项目已经有 30 余个,情况和 zkSync 类似,多链部署的项目和原生项目基本五五开。

(Source: https://scroll.io/ecosystem)


(Source: https://defillama.com/chain/Starknet)

Starknet 是采用 zk-Stark 证明方法的通用型公链,运行的是 Cairo-VM,而非大部分 Layer2 追求的 EVM 兼容。

Starknet 上没有 EOA 的概念,全部是原生的 AA 账户,目前已经部署了超过 2.9M 的账户。

在 Starknet 上使用的合约语言是 Cairo,而非更为人熟悉的 solidity,因此给项目迁移带来不小的技术障碍。

Starknet 今年随着 Cairo1.0 的大更新重启了主网,开始正式营业,TVL 稳步升高超过$40M,在巴以冲突发生后 TVL 经历了一段快速下跌(StarWare 总部位于以色列),目前平稳在$30M。

Starknet 上 TVL 靠前的项目都是在 Beta 主网时期就已经部署了的老项目,比如 JediSwap,mySwap 等。

值得一提的项目是 Ekubo,TVL 第五,但是占据了 Starknet 上总交易量的 75%。最近 UniSwap DAO 通过提案,提供价值约 1200 万美金的 300 万 uni 支持 Ekubo 发展,换取 Ekubo20% 的代币份额。

(Source: https://defillama.com/chain/Starknet)

Manta Pacific

(Source: https://defillama.com/chain/Manta)

Manta Pacific 是 Manta 推出的 zk 通用型 Layer2,未来将使用 Celestia 作用数据可用层,以求最大幅降低用户的交互成本。

自今年九月上线以来,TVL 两个月内曾道长$18.59M,独立地址数 166k,完成交易 2.16M 笔。

Manta 最初考虑采用 OP Stack 的方案,后迁移到 Polygon CDK,成为 Polygon 生态的一部分。

Manta 的 NPO 网站上铸造了超过 300,000 个 zkSBT,钱包安装量超过 200,000 个。

(Source: https://defillama.com/chain/Manta)

Aperture Finance 是业内领先的流动性管理平台,是「基于意图」(Intent-based)的架构,让用户可以全方位自动化策略。

旗下项目 ApertureSwap 是 Manta 上的原生 DEX,和 UniV3 一样允许用户提供集中流动性,目前 TVL$4.95M 排名第二。


Linea 是由小狐狸钱包母公司 ConsenSys 推出的 zkevm Layer2 解决方案。

MetaMask 作为区块链最重要的基础设施之一,每月有 3000 万活跃用户,这些用户都可以成为 Linea 的潜在用户,加上创始团队、投资方的强大背景和 70 亿美金的估值,都让 Linea 成为炙手可热的 Layer2。

上线半年不到,累积拥有 1.68M 的独立地址数,产生交易 18.36M 笔。

(Source: https://defillama.com/chain/Linea?volume=true&tvl=true)

Linea 目前 TVL 已经超过$27M,排名第一和第四的 SycnSwap、Velocore 都是 zkSync 上的原生 DEX,迁移到 Linea。

(Source: https://defillama.com/chain/Linea?volume=true&tvl=true)


关于各条 Layer2 的基本数据,总结汇成以下表格:

(TVL 数据取自 DeFiLlama,TPS 取自 L2Beats11 月 17 日平均数据,其余数据取自各个区块链浏览器)

关于从以太坊主网向各条 Layer2 跨链的数据,可以参考 Chaineye 的数据看板,有数据和随时间变化的比例,方便对比查看:

(Source: https://chaineye.tools/)



然而随着基础设施不断地完善,各个 Layer2 公链不断涌现,忽然有些协议冗余,应用不足的感觉。

熊市大环境下的流动性本身就有限,同时,这些流动性还随着 Layer2 的军备竞赛被割裂在各个二层之间。


FriendTech 的出现,给 Base 链引入了大量的关注度、资金和用户,可以看到 TVL 随着 FT 的爆火而一路飙升。

Base 表示过不会发行自己的代币,可以理解为为了 Base 空投而交互的链上用户比例较低,很大程度上用户和资金都是被 FT 这一现象级的应用所吸引来的。一个 killer app 对于公链的贡献、影响可见一斑。

当用户在这类 dApp 上获利时,获利资金也很可能会溢出到生态的其他项目,使得整个公链受益。

同时,FT 的协议收入比 Base 公链收入都要高上许多,峰值甚至相差 5 倍以上,因此 FT 的出现除了带来了一波 SocialFi 的热潮之外,还让我们思考是否由于基础设施的成熟,真正好的消费者应用才成为了稀缺?

未来的应用不需要再围绕着资金充沛的公链展开,就像以太坊上 DeFi 的爆发是因为有大量的资金沉积。

成熟的 Layer2 和配套的跨链基础设施,已经能够满足资金丝滑迁移的需求,能够追逐着好的应用走,未来可能会从「瘦应用」逐渐走向「胖应用」。

(Source: https://defillama.com/protocol/friend.tech?fees=true&tvl=false)

这也是为什么 FT 爆火之后,每条公链都试图扶持自己链的 SocialFi 项目,如 Linea 的 TOMO,Avalanche 的 SA 等等,不管这些项目最后成功与否,从公链的态度我们可以明显看出,对于原生的明星项目,是所有公链渴求的。

(Source: https://defillama.com/chain/Base)

对于 Layer2 来说,捕获用户,留存用户和保持资金活跃的需求不能依赖于空投的 PUA。

以最成熟的两条 Layer2 为例,Optimism 和 Arbitrum,在空投结束后,链上的用户活跃度,交易量并没有衰弱,反而越走越强。他们有各自的原生明星项目,如 Arb 上的 GMX,OP 的 Velo 等。

两条公链也在不断推出激励计划,如 Arb 的短期激励项目 STIP,和 OP 的一轮又一轮的追溯性激励。


站在更高的战略角度来看,真正推动一条 Layer2 脱颖而出的是叙事层面。

比如 OP 所推动的「超级链」的叙事,开源模块化解决方案 OP Stack,企图在以太坊二层组成比 Cosmos 更闪耀的银河,收获了一众支持者;

类似的,Polygon 也推出 zk 模块化区块链解决方案 Chain Development Kit(CDK),采用者包括 Polygon zkEVM、、Manta、 Canto 等;

Arbitrum 宣布了 Layer3 区块链 Arbitrum Orbit 的发链工具,zkSync 紧接着推出了开源工具包 ZK Stack 表示也要支持 Layer3 的构建;

Starknet 全力推崇全链游戏;Zora 专攻 NFT 和返佣经济……

每条链都在从各个角度推动新叙事,因为随着 Layer2 的落地,Layer2 本身已经很难被当作叙事来炒作了。

总之,Layer2 之间的竞争对于用户来说总是好事,在享用以太坊网络安全性的同时,又能享受低廉的手续费,一切基础设施的成熟,才给大规模应用带来可能,让我们一起期待 Layer2 的未来吧!

This year can be described as the big year that this article mainly refers to. There have been nearly ten online main networks, which were launched on the month, day, month, day, and the main network version was announced on the month, day, month and day, and its main network was launched on the month, day and day. What we can clearly feel is that it is developing rapidly, whether it is far away or we think it is a blowout. We must know that it is only more than half a year since the airdrop. The original vision of the technology is to solve the expansion demand of Ethereum and improve the transaction throughput while relying on Ethereum to keep it. Centralization and security is a better user experience for users, which is much lower than the handling fee and less delay congestion of the main network. This paper aims to let readers know some patterns and features of the competition through the comparison of the data on the chain. According to the data, the current total warehouse locking volume is about the first place, which is far ahead, followed by the share and the first-Mover advantage of the track. The two main networks that landed first cut down more than the market share, and the ones that exceeded the rest of the public chains were not observed on a time scale. Since the beginning of this year, the diversity of the market has obviously increased, and the market share based on this month has been stable and unaffected by the latecomers, while the share has declined from the author's note that the data and data are quite different, for example, or even more than twice. This is because the statistical methods of the two platforms are different, that is, how much money has crossed the target chain through the cross-chain bridge, and the statistics are the sum of the total locks on the target chain, which is simply understood to be poor and may be used in any market. At least there are no coins in the wallet in the statistics. At present, there are more than independent addresses that have made a total of transactions. The activity on the chain reached its peak during the air drop in March. After the one-day super-pen air drop, the chain also maintained a good activity and was not affected by this year's market downturn. There are many ecological signboard projects, such as the occupied original project Excalibur chain tour, and a number of projects that have migrated from the main network. The overall ecological richness is high, so the user retention is good. Jumping users are all repeat customers who have an independent address and made a transaction. After the airdrop in June last year, the activity still maintained a good growth momentum. Most of the rest of the original signboard projects currently owned and the projects under its ecology, such as support, have obviously gone out of their own way after upgrading and releasing the modular blockchain scheme and putting forward the vision of super chain, allowing developers to choose to assemble and execute layers according to their own scene needs, thus reducing the difficulty of adopting the hair chain. For example, part of the income will be given to the national treasury, and the project party that uses the hair chain will be soft-bound with the grand vision of super chain to achieve the effect of glory. As mentioned above, the focus is mainly from the phenomenal generation of agreement fees in the last few days, and the income generated in the same period is about the agreement income at the peak of enthusiasm, even second only to Ethereum and the original one that can be played except. The raw project is the bifurcation in the world. At present, it ranks first. It is based on the architecture design, adopting modular design and using it as the data availability layer to greatly reduce the cost. At present, there are 10,000 addresses in the leading projects, many of which are raw and have extremely strong financial support. The reserve value exceeds 100 million US dollars, of which more than 10,000 pieces have the advantages of deposit scale and liquidity to lay a solid foundation for its subsequent track projects. It is an old-fashioned leader of the department, which is only supported by the team development version. Token payment scenarios and versions are compatible. There are already more than independent addresses in the general-purpose main network. Originally, the algorithm was announced on March, and the new proof system was launched. The online proof algorithm followed the airdrop, so users have great enthusiasm and expectation. In just over half a year, independent addresses and built-in native account abstractions have been accumulated, and there are few cases of leading projects migrating, such as giving more opportunities to native projects and some new projects. The application focuses on the project called "Light of the Chinese", which was announced on January, and has reached more than one address in just a few weeks. Before the announcement of the main network, there were overwhelming hints on Twitter, and the atmosphere of many projects and the whole marketing campaign gave people an eye-catching impression. The momentum of announcing support for the main network, cross-chain wallet access and support for the main network within one week proved its influence. The project tests deployed as early as the test network period covered all the projects. At present, there are more than 10 projects deployed on the main network of this track, which are similar to those deployed by multi-chain and original projects. The general public chain is operated by the method of proof, rather than most of the concepts that are not compatible. All of them are original accounts. At present, more than one account has been deployed, and the contract language used on the network is not more familiar, which brings no small technical obstacle to the project migration. This year, with the big update, the main network has been restarted and the official business has increased steadily. More than experienced a rapid decline after the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and the projects headquartered in Israel are now stable in the top, all of which are old projects that have been deployed during the main network period, such as those worth mentioning, which are the fifth, but occupy the fifth place in the total transaction volume in the world. Recently, the share of tokens in exchange for providing support for development worth about 10,000 US dollars through the proposal is a universal type that will be launched. In the future, the available layer of action data will be used to minimize the interaction cost of users. Mr. Zeng completed the scheme initially considered for trading pens with independent addresses, and then moved to a website that became part of the ecology, casting more than 1000 wallets. More than 10000 wallets were installed, which is the leading liquidity management platform in the industry. It is an intention-based architecture that allows users to fully automate the strategy. Its projects are the same as those in the world, allowing users to provide centralized liquidity. At present, it ranks second. As one of the most important infrastructures in the blockchain, the solution launched by Fox Wallet's parent company has 10,000 yuan per month. Active users, the potential users that these users can become, and the strong background of the founding team investors and the valuation of hundreds of millions of dollars all make them hot. In less than half a year, the cumulative number of independent addresses has generated trading pens. At present, they have surpassed the number one and the fourth, and all of them are native migration to comprehensive comparison. The basic data summary of each item is summarized into the following table. The rest data is taken from the monthly average data and the rest data is taken from the blockchain browsers. The data kanban on the data from the main network of Ethereum to various cross-chains can be referenced. It used to be said that the ratio of data and changes over time is convenient to compare and view and 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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