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导语:Blast面对Polygon zkEVM等正统Layer2的潜台词,或许就是“王侯将相,宁有种乎?”既然大家都不够去信任化,本质都是靠社会共识来保证安全的,又何必抨击Blast的Layer2浓度不够高,“相煎何太急”呢?









(图源:wtf academy)

按照L2BEAT的数据,目前Arbitrum、Optimism、Loopring、ZKSync Lite、ZkSync Era、Starknet、Polygon ZKEVM等主流Rollup都采用了多签授权的可升级合约,可以绕开时间锁限制立刻upgrade。

让人感到诧异的是,Optimism过去只是用一个EOA地址管理合约升级,连多签都是今年10月才加上去的。至于曾对Blast展开抨击的Polygon zkEVM,也可以在6/8多签授权下,对Rollup合约进行“紧急接管”,把Layer2从合约治理转为“赤裸裸的人治”。有趣的是,上文中对Blast进行批判的Polygon工程师也提到了这一点,但表现的含糊其辞。















到了这里,我们似乎可以简洁明了的得出结论:除了Fuel、ZKSpace和DeGate之外的Layer2方案,都不是去信任化的。用户要么信任Layer2项目方或其设置的安全委员会不作恶,要么信任链下的DAC节点不串谋,要么信任排序器不会审查你的交易(拒绝你的请求)。真正满足 安全、抗审查、去信任化的Layer2,目前只有上面3个。




传统Layer1公链一旦发生了导致大量用户资产受损的作恶行为,最后往往会通过社会共识的方式,废弃那条有问题的链分叉出一条新的链(参考2016年The DAO事件导致以太坊分叉为ETH和ETC)。如果有人尝试恶意分叉,大家也要通过社会共识的方式选择追随哪条“更靠谱”的分叉。(比如大多数人没有追随ETHW项目方)














如果我们将区块链本身视作改善民主治理中信息透明问题的一种技术手段,而不是单纯追求永远不可及的“单纯靠代码实现的Trustless”,一切似乎都变得乐观而明朗了许多。只有摆脱了技术精英所固存的那种傲慢与偏见,拥抱更为广泛的受众群体,以太坊Layer2体系才能够真正成为一个mass adoption的世界级金融基础设施。

The subtext of the author's geek lead in the face of orthodoxy may be that princes would rather have a seed. Since everyone is not trusting enough, the essence is to ensure safety by social consensus. Why is it so urgent to attack each other because the concentration of criticism is not high enough? It is true that the issue of controlling the recharge address by signing more is widely criticized, but most of them also rely on signing more to manage the contract, and even used only one address to control the contract upgrade authority. In the mainstream, almost all of them have security risks such as signing more. Nowadays, the criticism is not safe enough, which is more like technical skill. British people look down on a gold project, but regardless of which of the above two is better or worse, the significance of blockchain lies in solving the problem of opaque information in social consensus democratic governance. When promoting the supremacy of technology, we must admit that social consensus itself is more important than technology because it is the basis for ensuring the effective operation of all projects. In the final analysis, technology serves social consensus and cannot be recognized by most people. Even if the technology is superior, it is only a gorgeous appendix text in essence. Recently, the new project launched by the founder is very popular all over the network. This banner asset interest-bearing agreement has set up a recharge address in the chain. After the user deposits the funds in the address, these funds will be used for the online protoplasm deposit to earn interest, and the profits will be returned to the users. Thanks to the aura of the founder and attractive gameplay, it has won the financing of $10,000 from the leading investors and attracted the participation of countless retail investors. It is no exaggeration to say that the recharge address attracted more than $100 million in less than a day. It's like a fierce medicine in a long bear market, which instantly aroused people's enthusiasm, but at the same time, it attracted many experts' doubts, such as telling the truth with engineers. At present, only the contract for receiving recharge is deployed in the Ethereum, which can be upgraded under the control of multi-signing, in other words, the code logic of the contract may be rewritten, but it can still claim to realize the structure at the same time, but now it is just an empty shell, and even the withdrawal function will wait until next year. Most of the flaws that went online on a monthly basis are based on a group of multi-signings to manage the contract upgrade authority. Others accuse that multi-signings are just pot calling the kettle black. It is a long-standing problem. In fact, multi-signing of contracts is a long-standing problem. As early as this month, a special investigation was conducted on the contract upgrade. The so-called upgrade is to change the logical contract address pointed by the agency contract to achieve the effect of changing the contract logic. If the new contract after the change contains malicious logic, The official can steal the user's assets. According to the data from the source, at present, the mainstream and other countries have adopted the multi-signature authorized scalable contract, which can bypass the time lock restriction. It is immediately surprising that in the past, only one address was used to manage the contract upgrade, and even the multi-signature was added this month. As for those who attacked it, they can also take over the contract urgently under the multi-signature authorization, and change the contract governance into naked human governance. Interestingly, the engineers who criticized it also mentioned this point above, but the table. Now vague, so what is the significance of this emergency mode? Why do most people leave a panic button or a back door for themselves? According to the previous statement, it is difficult to iterate efficiently without introducing scalable means such as agency contracts. In addition, smart contracts hosting a large number of assets may be imperceptible, and the development team will inevitably be negligent. If some loopholes are exploited by hackers, a large number of assets may be stolen. Whether it is an agreement or an agreement, a panic button will often be set up, and members of the Committee will intervene when necessary to prevent some vicious incidents. Of course, the Committee set up can often bypass the time lock restriction and upgrade the contract code immediately. From a certain point of view, they seem to be more taboo than external factors such as hackers, or in any case, smart contracts hosting huge assets are difficult to avoid a certain degree of trust assumption, that is, it is assumed that the multi-signature controller behind the contract will not do evil unless the contract is It is the mainstream at present that it is designed to be non-upgradeable and there is no actual situation that can threaten the safety of users' assets. Either the Committee established by itself is allowed to update the contract immediately or a relatively short time lock limit is introduced. For example, anyone who wants to upgrade the contract has at least an hour's delay. If people find that the Committee intends to dope malicious logic that steals assets into the new contract code, the user has enough reaction time in theory to withdraw the assets from the time lock urgently, which is only allowed after a period of delay. You do some operations, but the crux of the problem is that many officials don't even have the mandatory withdrawal function that can bypass the sorter. To do evil, the sorter can first reject everyone's withdrawal request and then transfer the user's assets to the account controlled by the official, and then the official can update the contract according to his own needs. After the time lock is over, all the user's assets can be transferred to the chain. Of course, the actual situation may be worse than what I said, because most officials can not be delayed. The upgrade contract with inter-lock restriction means that the real de-trust of hundreds of millions of dollars can be completed almost in an instant. The delay of contract upgrade should be longer than the delay of forced withdrawal. In fact, to solve the security problem of de-trust, the following things need to be done: setting up an anti-censorship withdrawal export on the internet, users can directly withdraw assets from the lifting chain without the permission of the sorter, and the delay of forced withdrawal should not be too long, so as to ensure that users' assets can quickly withdraw from anyone who wants to upgrade the contract. The upgrade of the inter-lock delay restriction contract should take effect later than the mandatory withdrawal. For example, the current contract upgrade has at least an hour delay, so the effective delay of the mandatory withdrawal escape cabin mode should be kept within hours. In this way, users can withdraw their assets from before the contract is updated after discovering that the project party is going to adulterate malicious code in the new contract. Most of the online mandatory withdrawal escape cabin mechanisms do not meet the above conditions, such as the maximum day delay of the mandatory withdrawal escape cabin, but the Committee's contract. The upgrade delay is only small, that is to say, the Committee can complete the deployment of the new contract before the user's mandatory withdrawal takes effect, and steal the assets before the user escapes. From this point of view, there is no guarantee that the user's mandatory withdrawal will be processed before the contract upgrade. Assuming that many schemes are adopted to realize the project outside the Ethereum chain, although there is a long contract upgrade delay, such as days or longer, it often depends on the nodes under the chain to release the latest data and may launch a data detention attack to invalidate the mandatory withdrawal function, so it does not meet the security model discussed above. Here, it seems that we can be concise. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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