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2021年,Facebook创始人扎克伯格将“脸书”改名为Meta,宣布全面进军元宇宙。元宇宙的热度就此被推向高潮。如今,Meta的投资人Brad Gerstner却说:“公众对元宇宙这一概念的确切含义都感到困惑。”事实上,我们大致能说出元宇宙的起源、理论,甚至对于某些热点事件如数家珍,但它究竟能为我们带来什么?谁也没有答案。


PART 01 元宇宙的野心藏在多元化应用里












PART 02 入局元宇宙,多维技术在背后支撑专利创新




2.1 软件层面









PART 03 元宇宙发展绕不开的知识产权风险


自Facebook更名为Meta布局元宇宙后,专利纠纷就络绎不绝。先有Meta的触觉手套遭到HaptX的抨击,认为其手套 “似乎与自身的专利技术实质上相同”。后有触觉技术开发公司Immersion对Meta提起诉讼,指控Meta通过侵犯其专利的方式打造了业界领先的虚拟现实头戴设备。


2021年,数字藏品艺术家Mason Rothschild创作了100个“MetaBirkins(元铂金包)”NFT作品在迈阿密巴塞尔艺术展上公开并在Twitter等社交平台上售卖。爱马仕集团认为此举造成了对爱马仕商标的侵权以及品牌稀释将其告上法庭,最终判决艺术家向爱马仕集团支付13.3万美元的赔偿。

2022年5月,元宇宙一词正式出现在判决书中,国内所谓的“元宇宙侵权第一案”正式宣判。奇策公司手握备受欢迎的IP“我不是胖虎”,在某科技公司经营的元宇宙平台上发现有用户发售相关NFT,故将某科技公司诉至法院。杭州互联网法院当庭宣判被告立即删除涉案平台上发布的“胖虎打疫苗”NFT作品 ,同时赔偿奇策公司经济损失及合理费用合计4000元。





PART 04 元宇宙时代下的知识产权值得展望



有人认为,虚实交织的元宇宙会带来用户生成内容的知识产权归属与保护问题、 现实世界的街道和建筑的数字孪生侵权风险、现实世界作品使用和改编的侵权风险、可能由现实世界延展到虚拟世界的商标保护、元宇宙内容跨境利用面临的许可和授权,知识产权人难以对元宇宙侵权行为进行维权等一系列问题。




When the author mentions it, some people will think of Neil Stephenson's novel Avalanche. Some people will think of Spielberg's film No.1 Player of the Year, and Zuckerberg, the founder of the film, renamed Facebook to announce the full-scale entry into the meta-universe, and the popularity of the meta-universe was pushed to a climax. Nowadays, investors say that the public is confused about the exact meaning of the concept of the meta-universe. In fact, we can roughly tell the origin theory of the meta-universe and even know a lot about some hot events, but it No one has an answer to what it can bring us. It is undeniable that in the time of the rise of the meta-universe, the industry based on the new infrastructure technology of immersive computing is taking advantage of the situation, and the industry is constantly exporting patents to help the concept of the meta-universe become clearer. Although the intellectual property war that the meta-universe can't avoid is also burning synchronously, we are worthy of believing that the meta-universe must have broad development prospects and potential in the future, and its ambition is hidden in diversified applications. The development of Guanyuan Universe is still in its infancy, but in the innovation tide of rejuvenating the country through science and technology, there are also many positive landing scenes in different industrial fields such as industrial production, medical care, health care, finance, banking, entertainment and education. In fact, many enterprises at home and abroad have actively tried to use Metauniverse technology to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and the group has made full use of simulation system and digital twinning technology to build a virtual digital factory with one-to-one reduction. Simulate the production process in the environment, thus greatly improving the trial production efficiency of new products and shortening the time to market of products. Microsoft has set up a core team of industrial metauniverse to provide power for industrial robots and other applications. This move by Microsoft has injected new scientific and technological vitality into the industrial metauniverse. In addition, BMW has also actively used the virtual collaboration platform to plan the construction of virtual factories, which will bring greater economic benefits to enterprises. Healthy metauniverse has become a topic of chat after dinner. Unlimited possibilities of health care, the UAE national medical service system has opened a new chapter in the health meta-universe, established the world's first meta-universe medical care platform, and penetrating optical devices can project the pictures of patients' spines onto the surgeons' retinas to assist surgery, while the meta-universe mixed reality medical solution for neurosurgery in Huashan Hospital in China is at the forefront of application. In June, the first meta-universe and difficult keyhole skull base surgeon in China was successfully implemented in the National Neurology Medical Center. Shi marks the official launch of meta-universe technology in neurosurgery in Huashan Hospital. In the financial field, meta-universe technology is becoming an important tool to promote innovation and enhance user experience. First, digital assets are traded in a new way, enriching the operation of financial meta-universe. Financial institutions such as Agricultural Bank, Postal Savings Bank, China Everbright Bank, Huaxia Bank, Beijing Bank and Xi 'an Bank have entered the digital collection one after another. Secondly, financial institutions have launched digital virtual human optimization services and exhibition processes to enhance user experience by using meta-universe technology. The United States, South Korea, France and other foreign financial institutions provide services to customers in the virtual space. baixin bank has also launched a virtual digital employee, Ai Ya, to communicate and interact with users in an immersive way. Source: baixin bank, official website, entertainment and education, Meta-Universe. For the vast audience, the number one player is to know the beginning of Meta-Universe, and the application of Meta-Universe in entertainment and education is particularly numerous, including Zhangjiajie Planet, which can enjoy the myriad peaks of Meta-Universe in an immersive way by using fusion and interactive technology, and China, which reproduces the Grand Canal of China. The Grand Canal Immersion Museum has both the online and offline intelligent learning center Metauniverse built by Shanghai Open University and the international Chinese education Metauniverse jointly developed by East China Normal University and Shanghai Sanda University. In addition, some institutions in Japan and the United States can take remote classes on virtual campuses through head-mounted devices, from the concept of Metauniverse to the attempt of scene application. The Metauniverse provides unlimited imagination space for industrial innovation and development. So what is the metauniverse technology supporting? Supporting the landing of the scene? The multi-dimensional technology of the meta-universe supports patent innovation behind it. According to the research report of the meta-universe industry in China in, the total number of patents authorized by the meta-universe enterprises in China as of, includes invention patents, utility model patents, design patents, and meta-universe, as the product of a variety of technologies, also has many branches in the patent types. In the latest patent classification system of key digital technologies issued by China National Intellectual Property Administration, meta-universe technology is divided into three first-level technical branches. Set up a secondary technical branch, a tertiary technical branch, a four-level technical branch and a five-level technical branch. There are many and fine patent technical branches in the meta-universe. In order to understand it more concisely, it can be roughly divided into two levels: the software level, the hardware level, and the software level technologies such as the meta-universe computing algorithm communication can provide technical guarantee for users to access the meta-universe. At present, blockchain technology and cloud computing technology account for the largest proportion of patents in the meta-universe environment, and enterprises will apply in different industrial fields. For example, China Bank Co., Ltd. applied for the patent of mobile payment method and device in the meta-universe environment, and China United Network Communications Group Co., Ltd. applied for the patent of credit inquiry method node system based on the meta-universe network. Huawei also has its own deep layout in the meta-universe, and has many patents in the fields of video playback mode and image processing. In addition, scientific research universities are also one of the important sources of applying for the meta-universe patent. The related patents of the school layout meta-universe, such as the meta-universe-oriented mobile edge computing method based on privacy protection applied by Beijing Jiaotong University, and the application-oriented distributed rendering micro-service tool chain and running middleware applied by Harbin Institute of Technology, are moving from virtual to real, from concept to reality. Only immersive experience can have a personal understanding of the meta-universe, and technology is the cornerstone of experiencing the meta-universe. In the annual global invention patent list released by Harbin Institute of Technology, Internet companies and universities are in charge of. High-tech enterprises in the research institute have formed three camps, among which Samsung, Tencent, Baidu, Sony, etc. rank in the list. After middle age, the popularity of patent application has not diminished. For example, BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. has recently obtained the patent authorization for contact lenses and their manufacturing methods and electronic equipment. Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co., Ltd. has disclosed the patent authorization for mobile payment methods and devices in virtual reality environment, and Taiyuan University of Technology has announced the operation and maintenance planning method for human-machine cloud devices facing the meta-universe. It is worth mentioning that the proposal for the meta-universe patent pool sensor innovation center has also 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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