
币圈资讯 阅读:39 2024-04-22 12:22:05 评论:0



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作者:Gillian Tett;编译:Block unicorn


周二,美国司法部公布了针对币安的大规模洗钱和欺诈指控,这家全球最大的加密交易平台的领导人赵长鹏(“CZ”)因此辞职并支付了5,000万美元的罚款。币安还达成了一项43亿美元的和解,被梅里克·加兰德(Merrick Garland)总检察长欣然宣布为“美国历史上最大的企业罚款之一”。




然而,另一种观点是,一些大投资者认为这不是终结的开始,而是一个更好续集的结束,他们期待更好的续集。在周二的交易之前,对冲基金领袖迈克·诺沃格拉茨曾在X上表示:“ 币安与美国监管机构和解将是超级利好!!他欢呼着这是一个“行业迈进的机会 ”。





然而,关键问题在于:迄今为止,大多数加密爱好者要么希望推翻“塔”(中央当局),要么对其崩溃进行对冲。人群力量是理想的选择。但现在“塔”在进行反击。由于国会(可耻地)未能通过有效的行业法规,司法部和证券交易委员会实际上正在通过法律制裁制定政策。而币安虽然仍然存在,但其新领导人是前政府监管高管转型为加密高管的Richard Teng,他显然愿意接受深入的监管。





The author's compilation is almost the only topic that science and technology professionals can talk about this week. It is unusual drama, but in a federal court in Seattle, another eye-catching story is being staged, which has had an impact on another group of innovations that have been hot recently. On Tuesday, the US Department of Justice announced the allegations of large-scale money laundering and fraud against Coin Security, the leader of the world's largest encrypted trading platform, Zhao Changpeng resigned and paid a fine of 10,000 US dollars. Coin Security also reached an agreement. The settlement of $100 million was gladly announced by the Attorney General of Garland, merrick as one of the biggest corporate fines in American history. Some observers may think or really hope that this marks the end of cryptocurrency. A year ago, Zhao Changpeng dressed himself as an innocent savior of this industry because his ally and co-founder of the platform who became a fierce rival, Sam Bankmann Fried, was accused of fraud. Now these two men who used to be the heads of the world's two largest cryptocurrency exchanges are considered criminals. Like the moment when the sheriff arrived on horseback after the confrontation between two rival gangs in the western film, there is a strange thing. On Wednesday, the token of Bitcoin rebounded moderately below the peak of the year, but it rose last month. At the same time, Bitcoin doubled this year, making the valuation of the whole encryption field about half that of two years ago, but it increased compared with the end of the year. What explains this resilience may be those who use encryption to conduct unfair transactions? There are many people who think that they can continue even under the supervision of the Ministry of Justice. Another view is that some big investors think that this is not the beginning of the end, but the end of a better sequel. They expect a better sequel. Before Tuesday's transaction, Mike novogratz, the leader of hedge fund, said in the newspaper that it would be super good for Coin Security to reconcile with the US regulators. He cheered that this is an opportunity for the industry to move forward, which may seem absurd, especially considering that novogratz was encrypting tokens last year. And it is not the third way to explain these plots, but it is actually a power struggle. As historian Neil Ferguson said, this is a contest between the central authorities and the networked groups, just like a confrontation between the central authorities of the tower and the internet groups in the square. Encryption originally originated in the square and was full of liberal anti-establishment ideas. However, these ideas later became distorted because of the irony of the power created by platforms such as coin security. The degree of concentration is even higher than that of mainstream companies, because they combine the roles of brokers, exchanges, custodians and, in some cases, proprietary traders. Although encryption is widely regarded as anonymous, to be more precise, it is a pseudonym, but consultants like this are now very skilled in digital investigation. The regulatory authorities told me that it is usually easier to track encrypted criminal transfers than to track cash transactions. This week's court documents proved this point, for example, they described in detail the transactions with Iran if these branches. It would be inconceivable to pay for the details of the ancient person-to-person network system widely used in the Islamic world through the Hawala channel. However, the key problem is that so far most encryption enthusiasts either hope to overthrow the central authorities of the tower or hedge its collapse. Crowd power is an ideal choice, but now the tower is fighting back because Congress has shamefully failed to pass effective industry regulations, and the Ministry of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission are actually formulating policies through legal sanctions. However, it still exists, but its new leader is a former government regulatory executive who has been transformed into an encryption executive. He is obviously willing to accept in-depth supervision. In addition, central banks are trying to replace cryptocurrencies with their own digital currency. At the same time, they have already applied to start Bitcoin, and JPMorgan Chase suspects that large-scale approval is coming. In fact, a reasonable reason for the strong performance of cryptocurrencies this week is that traders believe that reconciliation will enable regulators to approve these products more freely after a quasi-liquidation. This will make liberals scream. Traditionalists may reasonably ask why mainstream finance even wants to dance with digital assets in view of the fact that this technology is still too bulky in scale to make quick payments and the price is too volatile to become a good store of value. However, the answer lies in the fact that there is still an interesting idea at the core of the encryption dream, that is, to transfer value by token and digital ledger, which is not necessarily liberal. After all, China countries are deeply authoritarian. Therefore, I predict that in the future, the idea of encryption will be gradually absorbed by financial institutions, and a small number of products, such as bitcoin, will be partially left in the square, which is mainly used as a hedging tool by investors, similar to digital gold. If so, the power will be vividly displayed. In history, the brothers in Silicon Valley often wavered between the central government of the tower and the people of the Internet in the square should pay attention to this. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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